#ifndef __XPROTOCOL_H #define __XPROTOCOL_H /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* X P r o t o c o l . h h */ /* */ /* (c) 2012 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */ /* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */ /* */ /* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */ /* */ /* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */ /* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */ /* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */ /* option) any later version. */ /* */ /* The XRoot protocol definition, documented in this file, is distributed */ /* under a modified BSD license and may be freely used to reimplement it. */ /* Any references to "source" in this license refers to this file or any */ /* other file that specifically contains the following license. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ /* are met: */ /* */ /* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, */ /* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* */ /* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* */ /* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its */ /* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from */ /* this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* 4. Derived software may not use the name XRootD or cmsd (regardless of */ /* capitilization) in association with the derived work if the protocol */ /* documented in this file is changed in any way. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS */ /* "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR */ /* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT */ /* HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, */ /* SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT */ /* LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, */ /* DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY */ /* THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT */ /* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef __CINT__ #define __attribute__(x) #endif #include "XProtocol/XPtypes.hh" /******************************************************************************/ /* P r o t o c o l V e r s i o n D e f i n i t i o n s */ /******************************************************************************/ // The following is the binary representation of the protocol version here. // Protocol version is repesented as three base10 digits x.y.z with x having no // upper limit (i.e. n.9.9 + 1 -> n+1.0.0). The kXR_PROTSIGNVERSION defines the // protocol version where request signing became available. // #define kXR_PROTOCOLVERSION 0x00000511 #define kXR_PROTXATTVERSION 0x00000500 #define kXR_PROTTLSVERSION 0x00000500 #define kXR_PROTPGRWVERSION 0x00000511 #define kXR_PROTSIGNVERSION 0x00000310 #define kXR_PROTOCOLVSTRING "5.1.0" /******************************************************************************/ /* C l i e n t - S e r v e r H a n d s h a k e */ /******************************************************************************/ // The fields to be sent as initial handshake // struct ClientInitHandShake { kXR_int32 first; kXR_int32 second; kXR_int32 third; kXR_int32 fourth; kXR_int32 fifth; }; // The body received after the first handshake's header // struct ServerInitHandShake { kXR_int32 msglen; kXR_int32 protover; kXR_int32 msgval; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* C l i e n t R e q u e s t s */ /******************************************************************************/ // G.Ganis: All the following structures never need padding bytes: // no need of packing options like __attribute__((packed)) // // All binary data is sent in network byte order. // Client request codes // enum XRequestTypes { kXR_1stRequest= 3000, kXR_auth = 3000, kXR_query, // 3001 kXR_chmod, // 3002 kXR_close, // 3003 kXR_dirlist, // 3004 kXR_gpfile, // 3005 was kXR_getfile kXR_protocol,// 3006 kXR_login, // 3007 kXR_mkdir, // 3008 kXR_mv, // 3009 kXR_open, // 3010 kXR_ping, // 3011 kXR_chkpoint,// 3012 was kXR_putfile kXR_read, // 3013 kXR_rm, // 3014 kXR_rmdir, // 3015 kXR_sync, // 3016 kXR_stat, // 3017 kXR_set, // 3018 kXR_write, // 3019 kXR_fattr, // 3020 was kXR_admin kXR_prepare, // 3021 kXR_statx, // 3022 kXR_endsess, // 3023 kXR_bind, // 3024 kXR_readv, // 3025 kXR_pgwrite, // 3026 was kXR_verifyw kXR_locate, // 3027 kXR_truncate,// 3028 kXR_sigver, // 3029 kXR_pgread, // 3030 was kXR_decrypt kXR_writev, // 3031 kXR_REQFENCE // Always last valid request code +1 }; // Virtual client request codes // enum XVirtRequestTypes { kXR_virtReadv = 2000 }; // All client requests use a header with the following format // struct ClientRequestHdr { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char body[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ a u t h R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientAuthRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[12]; kXR_char credtype[4]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ b i n d R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientBindRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char sessid[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ c h m o d R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientChmodRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[14]; kXR_unt16 mode; // See XOpenRequestMode kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ c h k p o i n t R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientChkPointRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; // For Create, Delete, Query, or Restore kXR_char reserved[11]; kXR_char opcode; // One of kXR_ckpxxxx actions kXR_int32 dlen; }; // Actions // static const int kXR_ckpBegin = 0; // Begin checkpoint static const int kXR_ckpCommit = 1; // Commit changes static const int kXR_ckpQuery = 2; // Query checkpoint limits static const int kXR_ckpRollback= 3; // Rollback changes static const int kXR_ckpXeq = 4; // Execute trunc, write, or writev // The minimum size of a checkpoint data limit // static const int kXR_ckpMinMax = 104857604; // 10 MB /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ c l o s e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientCloseRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_char reserved[12]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ d i r l i s t R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XDirlistRequestOption { kXR_online = 1, kXR_dstat = 2, kXR_dcksm = 4 // dcksm implies dstat irrespective of dstat setting }; struct ClientDirlistRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[15]; kXR_char options[1]; // See XDirlistRequestOption enum kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ e n d s e s s R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientEndsessRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char sessid[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ f a t t r R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ // kXR_fattr subcodes // enum xfaSubCode { kXR_fattrDel = 0, kXR_fattrGet = 1, kXR_fattrList = 2, kXR_fattrSet = 3, kXR_fatrrMaxSC = 3 // Highest valid subcode }; // kXR_fattr limits // enum xfaLimits { kXR_faMaxVars = 16, // Maximum variables per request kXR_faMaxNlen = 248, // Maximum length of variable name kXR_faMaxVlen = 65536 // Maximum length of variable value }; struct ClientFattrRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_char subcode; // See xfaSubCode enum kXR_char numattr; kXR_char options; // See valid options below kXR_char reserved[9]; kXR_int32 dlen; // Valid options: // static const int isNew = 0x01; // For set, the variable must not exist static const int aData = 0x10; // For list, return attribute value // Add an attribute name to nvec (the buffer has to be sufficiently big) // static char* NVecInsert( const char *name, char *buffer ); // Add an attribute name to vvec (the buffer has to be sufficiently big) // static char* VVecInsert( const char *value, char *buffer ); // Read error code from nvec // static char* NVecRead( char* buffer, kXR_unt16 &rc ); // Read attribute name from nvec, should be deallocated with free() // static char* NVecRead( char* buffer, char *&name ); // Read value length from vvec // static char* VVecRead( char* buffer, kXR_int32 &len ); // Read attribute value from vvec, should be deallocated with free() // static char* VVecRead( char* buffer, kXR_int32 len, char *&value ); }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ g p f i l e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientGPfileRequest { // ??? This is all wrong; correct when implemented kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; // kXR_gpfile kXR_int32 options; kXR_char reserved[8]; kXR_int32 buffsz; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ l o c a t e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientLocateRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_unt16 options; // See XOpenRequestOption enum tagged for locate kXR_char reserved[14]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ l o g i n R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ // this is a bitmask enum XLoginAbility { kXR_nothing = 0, kXR_fullurl = 1, kXR_multipr = 3, kXR_readrdok = 4, kXR_hasipv64 = 8, kXR_onlyprv4 = 16, kXR_onlyprv6 = 32, kXR_lclfile = 64, kXR_redirflags = 128 }; // this iss a bitmask enum XLoginAbility2 { kXR_empty = 0, kXR_ecredir = 1 }; // this is a bitmask (note that XLoginVersion resides in lower bits) enum XLoginCapVer { kXR_lcvnone = 0, kXR_vermask = 63, kXR_asyncap = 128 }; // this is a single number that is or'd into capver as the version // enum XLoginVersion { kXR_ver000 = 0, // Old clients predating history kXR_ver001 = 1, // Generally implemented 2005 protocol kXR_ver002 = 2, // Same as 1 but adds asyncresp recognition kXR_ver003 = 3, // The 2011-2012 rewritten client kXR_ver004 = 4, // The 2016 sign-capable client kXR_ver005 = 5 // The 2019 TLS-capable client }; struct ClientLoginRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_int32 pid; kXR_char username[8]; kXR_char ability2; // See XLoginAbility2 enum flags kXR_char ability; // See XLoginAbility enum flags kXR_char capver[1]; // See XLoginCapVer enum flags kXR_char reserved2; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ m k d i r R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XMkdirOptions { kXR_mknone = 0, kXR_mkdirpath = 1 }; struct ClientMkdirRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char options[1]; kXR_char reserved[13]; kXR_unt16 mode; // See XOpenRequestMode kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ m v R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientMvRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[14]; kXR_int16 arg1len; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ o p e n R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ // OPEN MODE FOR A REMOTE FILE enum XOpenRequestMode { kXR_ur = 0x100, kXR_uw = 0x080, kXR_ux = 0x040, kXR_gr = 0x020, kXR_gw = 0x010, kXR_gx = 0x008, kXR_or = 0x004, kXR_ow = 0x002, kXR_ox = 0x001 }; enum XOpenRequestOption { kXR_compress = 0x0001, // 1 // also locate (return unique hosts) kXR_delete = 0x0002, // 2 kXR_force = 0x0004, // 4 kXR_new = 0x0008, // 8 kXR_open_read= 0x0010, // 16 kXR_open_updt= 0x0020, // 32 kXR_async = 0x0040, // 64 kXR_refresh = 0x0080, // 128 // also locate kXR_mkpath = 0x0100, // 256 kXR_prefname = 0x0100, // 256 // only locate kXR_open_apnd= 0x0200, // 512 kXR_retstat = 0x0400, // 1024 kXR_4dirlist = 0x0400, // 1024 // for locate intending a dirlist kXR_replica = 0x0800, // 2048 kXR_posc = 0x1000, // 4096 kXR_nowait = 0x2000, // 8192 // also locate kXR_seqio = 0x4000, // 16384 kXR_open_wrto= 0x8000 // 32768 }; enum XOpenRequestOption2 { kXR_dup = 0x0001, // 1 kXR_samefs = 0x0002 // 2 }; struct ClientOpenRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_unt16 mode; kXR_unt16 options; kXR_char reserved[12]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p g r e a d R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ // The page size for pgread and pgwrite and the maximum transmission size // namespace XrdProto // Always use this namespace for new additions { static const int kXR_pgPageSZ = 4096; // Length of a page static const int kXR_pgPageBL = 12; // log2(page length) static const int kXR_pgUnitSZ = kXR_pgPageSZ + sizeof(kXR_unt32); static const int kXR_pgMaxEpr = 128; // Max checksum errs per request static const int kXR_pgMaxEos = 256; // Max checksum errs outstanding // kXR_pgread/write options // static const kXR_char kXR_AnyPath = 0xff; // In pathid static const int kXR_pgRetry = 0x01; // In reqflags } struct ClientPgReadRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int64 offset; kXR_int32 rlen; kXR_int32 dlen; // Request data length must be 0 unless args present }; struct ClientPgReadReqArgs { kXR_char pathid; // Request data length must be 1 kXR_char reqflags; // Request data length must be 2 }; namespace { } /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p r w r i t e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientPgWriteRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int64 offset; kXR_char pathid; kXR_char reqflags; kXR_char reserved[2]; kXR_int32 dlen; // kXR_char data[dlen]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p i n g R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientPingRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p r o t o c o l R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientProtocolRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_int32 clientpv; // 2.9.7 or higher kXR_char flags; // 3.1.0 or higher kXR_char expect; // 4.0.0 or higher kXR_char reserved[10]; kXR_int32 dlen; enum RequestFlags { kXR_secreqs = 0x01, // Options: Return security requirements kXR_ableTLS = 0x02, // Options: Client is TLS capable kXR_wantTLS = 0x04, // Options: Change connection to use TLS kXR_bifreqs = 0x08 // Options: Return bind interface requirements }; enum ExpectFlags { kXR_ExpMask = 0x0f, // Isolate the relevant expect enumeration value kXR_ExpNone = 0x00, kXR_ExpBind = 0x01, kXR_ExpGPF = 0x02, kXR_ExpLogin = 0x03, kXR_ExpTPC = 0x04, kXR_ExpGPFA = 0x08 }; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p r e p a r e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XPrepRequestOption { kXR_cancel = 1, kXR_notify = 2, kXR_noerrs = 4, kXR_stage = 8, kXR_wmode = 16, kXR_coloc = 32, kXR_fresh = 64, kXR_usetcp = 128, kXR_evict = 0x0001 // optionsX: file no longer useful }; struct ClientPrepareRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char options; kXR_char prty; kXR_unt16 port; // 2.9.9 or higher kXR_unt16 optionX; // Extended options kXR_char reserved[10]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ q u e r y R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XQueryType { kXR_QStats = 1, kXR_QPrep = 2, kXR_Qcksum = 3, kXR_Qxattr = 4, kXR_Qspace = 5, kXR_Qckscan= 6, kXR_Qconfig= 7, kXR_Qvisa = 8, kXR_Qopaque=16, kXR_Qopaquf=32, kXR_Qopaqug=64 }; struct ClientQueryRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_unt16 infotype; // See XQueryType enum kXR_char reserved1[2]; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_char reserved2[8]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ r e a d R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientReadRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int64 offset; kXR_int32 rlen; kXR_int32 dlen; // Optionally followed by read_args }; struct read_args { kXR_char pathid; kXR_char reserved[7]; // This struct may be followed by an array of readahead_list }; struct readahead_list { kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int32 rlen; kXR_int64 offset; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ r e a d v R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientReadVRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[15]; kXR_char pathid; kXR_int32 dlen; // This struct followed by the read_list }; namespace XrdProto // Always use this namespace for new additions { struct read_list { kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int32 rlen; kXR_int64 offset; }; static const int rlItemLen = sizeof(read_list); static const int maxRvecln = 16384; // Max read vector length static const int maxRvecsz = maxRvecln/rlItemLen; // Max number of elements static const int minRVbsz = 2097152; // 2MB minimum buffer size static const int maxRVdsz = minRVbsz-rlItemLen; // Max amount of data to xfer } /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ r m R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientRmRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ r m d i r R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientRmdirRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[16]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s e t R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientSetRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char reserved[15]; kXR_char modifier; // For security purposes, should be zero kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s i g v e r R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ // Cryptography used for kXR_sigver SigverRequest::crypto enum XSecCrypto { kXR_SHA256 = 0x01, // Hash used kXR_HashMask = 0x0f, // Mak to extract the hash type kXR_rsaKey = 0x80 // The rsa key was used }; // Flags for kXR_sigver enum XSecFlags { kXR_nodata = 1 // Request payload was not hashed }; // Version number enum XSecVersion { kXR_Ver_00 = 0 }; struct ClientSigverRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_unt16 expectrid; // Request code of subsequent request kXR_char version; // Security version being used (see XSecVersion) kXR_char flags; // One or more flags defined in enum (see XSecFlags) kXR_unt64 seqno; // Monotonically increasing number (part of hash) kXR_char crypto; // Cryptography used (see XSecCrypto) kXR_char rsvd2[3]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s t a t R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XStatRequestOption { kXR_vfs = 1 }; struct ClientStatRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char options; // See XStatRequestOption kXR_char reserved[11]; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s y n c R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientSyncRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_char reserved[12]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ t r u n c a t e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientTruncateRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int64 offset; kXR_char reserved[4]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ w r i t e R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientWriteRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int64 offset; kXR_char pathid; kXR_char reserved[3]; kXR_int32 dlen; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ w r i t e v R e q u e s t */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ClientWriteVRequest { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 requestid; kXR_char options; // See static const ints below kXR_char reserved[15]; kXR_int32 dlen; // This struct followed by the write_list static const kXR_int32 doSync = 0x01; }; namespace XrdProto // Always use this namespace for new additions { struct write_list { kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int32 wlen; kXR_int64 offset; }; static const int wlItemLen = sizeof(write_list); static const int maxWvecln = 16384; static const int maxWvecsz = maxWvecln/wlItemLen; } /******************************************************************************/ /* U n i o n o f a l l C l i e n t R e q u e s t s */ /******************************************************************************/ typedef union { struct ClientRequestHdr header; struct ClientAuthRequest auth; struct ClientBindRequest bind; struct ClientChkPointRequest chkpoint; struct ClientChmodRequest chmod; struct ClientCloseRequest close; struct ClientDirlistRequest dirlist; struct ClientEndsessRequest endsess; struct ClientFattrRequest fattr; struct ClientGPfileRequest gpfile; struct ClientLocateRequest locate; struct ClientLoginRequest login; struct ClientMkdirRequest mkdir; struct ClientMvRequest mv; struct ClientOpenRequest open; struct ClientPgReadRequest pgread; struct ClientPgWriteRequest pgwrite; struct ClientPingRequest ping; struct ClientPrepareRequest prepare; struct ClientProtocolRequest protocol; struct ClientQueryRequest query; struct ClientReadRequest read; struct ClientReadVRequest readv; struct ClientRmRequest rm; struct ClientRmdirRequest rmdir; struct ClientSetRequest set; struct ClientSigverRequest sigver; struct ClientStatRequest stat; struct ClientSyncRequest sync; struct ClientTruncateRequest truncate; struct ClientWriteRequest write; struct ClientWriteVRequest writev; } ClientRequest; typedef union { struct ClientRequestHdr header; struct ClientSigverRequest sigver; } SecurityRequest; /******************************************************************************/ /* S e r v e r R e s p o n s e s */ /******************************************************************************/ // Nice header for the server response. // Note that the protocol specifies these values to be in network // byte order when sent // // G.Ganis: The following structures never need padding bytes: // no need of packing options // Server response codes // enum XResponseType { kXR_ok = 0, kXR_oksofar = 4000, kXR_attn, // 4001 kXR_authmore,// 4002 kXR_error, // 4003 kXR_redirect,// 4004 kXR_wait, // 4005 kXR_waitresp,// 4006 kXR_status, // 4007 kXR_noResponsesYet = 10000 }; // All serer responses start with the same header // struct ServerResponseHeader { kXR_char streamid[2]; kXR_unt16 status; kXR_int32 dlen; }; // This is a bit of wierdness held over from the very old days, sigh. // struct ServerResponseBody_Buffer { char data[4096]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ a t t n R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XActionCode { kXR_asyncab = 5000, // No longer supported kXR_asyncdi, // 5001 No longer supported kXR_asyncms = 5002, kXR_asyncrd, // 5003 No longer supported kXR_asyncwt, // 5004 No longer supported kXR_asyncav, // 5005 No longer supported kXR_asynunav, // 5006 No longer supported kXR_asyncgo, // 5007 No longer supported kXR_asynresp= 5008 }; struct ServerResponseBody_Attn { kXR_int32 actnum; // See XActionCode enum char parms[4096]; // Should be sufficient for every use }; struct ServerResponseBody_Attn_asyncms { kXR_int32 actnum; // XActionCode::kXR_asyncms char reserved[4]; ServerResponseHeader resphdr; char respdata[4096]; }; struct ServerResponseBody_Attn_asynresp { kXR_int32 actnum; // XActionCode::kXR_asynresp char reserved[4]; ServerResponseHeader resphdr; char respdata[4096]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ a u t h m o r e R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Authmore { char data[4096]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ b i n d R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Bind { kXR_char substreamid; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ c h k p o i n t R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_ChkPoint { // Only for kXR_ckpQMax kXR_unt32 maxCkpSize; // Maximum number of bytes including overhead kXR_unt32 useCkpSize; // The number of bytes already being used }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ e r r o r R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ enum XErrorCode { kXR_ArgInvalid = 3000, kXR_ArgMissing, // 3001 kXR_ArgTooLong, // 3002 kXR_FileLocked, // 3003 kXR_FileNotOpen, // 3004 kXR_FSError, // 3005 kXR_InvalidRequest, // 3006 kXR_IOError, // 3007 kXR_NoMemory, // 3008 kXR_NoSpace, // 3009 kXR_NotAuthorized, // 3010 kXR_NotFound, // 3011 kXR_ServerError, // 3012 kXR_Unsupported, // 3013 kXR_noserver, // 3014 kXR_NotFile, // 3015 kXR_isDirectory, // 3016 kXR_Cancelled, // 3017 kXR_ItExists, // 3018 kXR_ChkSumErr, // 3019 kXR_inProgress, // 3020 kXR_overQuota, // 3021 kXR_SigVerErr, // 3022 kXR_DecryptErr, // 3023 kXR_Overloaded, // 3024 kXR_fsReadOnly, // 3025 kXR_BadPayload, // 3026 kXR_AttrNotFound, // 3027 kXR_TLSRequired, // 3028 kXR_noReplicas, // 3029 kXR_AuthFailed, // 3030 kXR_Impossible, // 3031 kXR_Conflict, // 3032 kXR_TooManyErrs, // 3033 kXR_ReqTimedOut, // 3034 kXR_TimerExpired, // 3035 kXR_ERRFENCE, // Always last valid errcode + 1 kXR_noErrorYet = 10000 }; struct ServerResponseBody_Error { kXR_int32 errnum; // See XErrorCode enu char errmsg[4096]; // Should be sufficient for every use }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ l o g i n R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Login { kXR_char sessid[16]; kXR_char sec[4096]; // Should be sufficient for every use }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ o p e n R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Open { kXR_char fhandle[4]; kXR_int32 cpsize; // cpsize & cptype returned if kXR_compress *or* kXR_char cptype[4]; // kXR_retstat is specified }; // info will follow if kXR_retstat is specified /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p g r e a d R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_pgRead { kXR_int64 offset; // info[]: File offset of data that follows // kXR_char data[dlen]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p g w r i t e R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_pgWrite { kXR_int64 offset; // info[]: File offset of data written }; // The following structure is appended to ServerResponseBody_pgWrite if one or // more checksum errors occurred and need to be retransmitted. // struct ServerResponseBody_pgWrCSE { kXR_unt32 cseCRC; // crc32c of all following bits kXR_int16 dlFirst; // Data length at first offset in list kXR_int16 dlLast; // Data length at last offset in list // kXR_int64 bof[(dlen-8)/8]; // List of offsets of pages in error }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ p r o t o c o l R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ // The following information is returned in the response body when kXR_bifreqs // is set in ClientProtocolRequest::flags. Note that the size of bifInfo is // is variable. This response will not be returned if there are no bif's. // Note: This structure is null byte padded to be a multiple of 8 bytes! // struct ServerResponseBifs_Protocol { kXR_char theTag; // Always the character 'B' to identify struct kXR_char rsvd; // Reserved for the future (always 0 for now) kXR_unt16 bifILen; // Length of bifInfo including null bytes. // kXR_char bifInfo[bifILen]; }; // The following information is returned in the response body when kXR_secreqs // is set in ClientProtocolRequest::flags. Note that the size of secvec is // defined by secvsz and will not be present when secvsz == 0. // struct ServerResponseSVec_Protocol { kXR_char reqindx; // Request index kXR_char reqsreq; // Request signing requirement }; struct ServerResponseReqs_Protocol { kXR_char theTag; // Always the character 'S' to identify struct kXR_char rsvd; // Reserved for the future (always 0 for now) kXR_char secver; // Security version kXR_char secopt; // Security options kXR_char seclvl; // Security level when secvsz == 0 kXR_char secvsz; // Number of items in secvec (i.e. its length/2) ServerResponseSVec_Protocol secvec; }; namespace XrdProto { typedef struct ServerResponseBifs_Protocol bifReqs; typedef struct ServerResponseReqs_Protocol secReqs; } // Options reflected in protocol response ServerResponseReqs_Protocol::secopt // #define kXR_secOData 0x01 #define kXR_secOFrce 0x02 // Security level definitions (these are predefined but can be over-ridden) // #define kXR_secNone 0 #define kXR_secCompatible 1 #define kXR_secStandard 2 #define kXR_secIntense 3 #define kXR_secPedantic 4 // Requirements one of which set in each ServerResponseReqs_Protocol::secvec // #define kXR_signIgnore 0 #define kXR_signLikely 1 #define kXR_signNeeded 2 // Version used for kXR_sigver and is set in SigverRequest::version, // ServerResponseReqs_Protocol::secver // #define kXR_secver_0 0 // KINDS of SERVERS (no longer used by new clients) // #define kXR_DataServer 1 #define kXR_LBalServer 0 // The below are defined for protocol version 2.9.7 or higher // These are the flag values in the kXR_protool response // #define kXR_isManager 0x00000002 #define kXR_isServer 0x00000001 #define kXR_attrCache 0x00000080 #define kXR_attrMeta 0x00000100 #define kXR_attrProxy 0x00000200 #define kXR_attrSuper 0x00000400 #define kXR_attrVirtRdr 0x00000800 // Virtual options set on redirect // #define kXR_recoverWrts 0x00001000 #define kXR_collapseRedir 0x00002000 #define kXR_ecRedir 0x00004000 // Things the server supports // #define kXR_anongpf 0x00800000 #define kXR_supgpf 0x00400000 #define kXR_suppgrw 0x00200000 #define kXR_supposc 0x00100000 // TLS requirements // #define kXR_haveTLS 0x80000000 #define kXR_gotoTLS 0x40000000 #define kXR_tlsAny 0x1f000000 #define kXR_tlsData 0x01000000 #define kXR_tlsGPF 0x02000000 #define kXR_tlsLogin 0x04000000 #define kXR_tlsSess 0x08000000 #define kXR_tlsTPC 0x10000000 #define kXR_tlsGPFA 0x20000000 // Body for the kXR_protocol response... useful // struct ServerResponseBody_Protocol { kXR_int32 pval; kXR_int32 flags; ServerResponseReqs_Protocol secreq; // Only for V3.1.0+ && if requested }; // Handy definition of the size of the protocol response when the security // information is not present. // #define kXR_ShortProtRespLen sizeof(ServerResponseBody_Protocol)-\ sizeof(ServerResponseReqs_Protocol) /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ r e d i r e c t R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Redirect { kXR_int32 port; char host[4096]; // Should be sufficient for every use }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s t a t R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ // The following bits are encoded in the "flags" token in the response // enum XStatRespFlags { kXR_file = 0, kXR_xset = 1, kXR_isDir = 2, kXR_other = 4, kXR_offline = 8, kXR_readable=16, kXR_writable=32, kXR_poscpend=64, kXR_bkpexist=128 }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ s t a t u s R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Status { // Always preceeded by ServerResponseHeader kXR_unt32 crc32c; // IETF RFC 7143 standard kXR_char streamID[2]; // Identical to streamid[2] in ServerResponseHeader kXR_char requestid; // requestcode - kXR_1stRequest kXR_char resptype; // See RespType enum below kXR_char reserved[4]; kXR_int32 dlen; // kXR_char info[ServerResponseHeader::dlen-sizeof(ServerResponseBody_Status)]; // kXR_char data[dlen]; }; namespace XrdProto { enum RespType { kXR_FinalResult = 0x00, kXR_PartialResult = 0x01, kXR_ProgressInfo = 0x02 }; // This is the minimum size of ServerResponseHeader::dlen for kXR_status // static const int kXR_statusBodyLen = sizeof(ServerResponseBody_Status); } struct ServerResponseStatus { struct ServerResponseHeader hdr; struct ServerResponseBody_Status bdy; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ w a i t R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Wait { kXR_int32 seconds; char infomsg[4096]; // Should be sufficient for every use }; /******************************************************************************/ /* k X R _ w a i t r e s p R e s p o n s e */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Waitresp { kXR_int32 seconds; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* U n i o n o f a l l S e r v e r R e s p o n s e s */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponse { ServerResponseHeader hdr; union { ServerResponseBody_Attn attn; ServerResponseBody_Authmore authmore; ServerResponseBody_Bind bind; ServerResponseBody_Buffer buffer; ServerResponseBody_Error error; ServerResponseBody_Login login; ServerResponseBody_Protocol protocol; ServerResponseBody_Redirect redirect; ServerResponseBody_Status status; ServerResponseBody_Wait wait; ServerResponseBody_Waitresp waitresp; } body; }; // The pgread and pgwrite do not fit the union above because they are composed // of three structs not two as all the above. So, we define the exceptions here. // struct ServerResponseV2 { ServerResponseStatus status; // status.bdy and status.hdr union { ServerResponseBody_pgRead pgread; ServerResponseBody_pgWrite pgwrite; } info; }; struct ALIGN_CHECK {char chkszreq[25-sizeof(ClientRequest)]; char chkszrsp[ 9-sizeof(ServerResponseHeader)]; }; /******************************************************************************/ /* X P r o t o c o l U t i l i t i e s */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #if defined(WIN32) #if !defined(ENOTBLK) # define ENOTBLK 15 #endif #if !defined(ETXTBSY) #define ETXTBSY 26 #endif #if !defined(ENOBUFS) #define ENOBUFS 105 #endif #if !defined(ENETUNREACH) #define ENETUNREACH 114 #endif #endif #ifndef ENOATTR #define ENOATTR ENODATA #endif #ifndef EBADRQC #define EBADRQC EBADRPC #endif #ifndef EAUTH #define EAUTH EBADE #endif struct stat; class XProtocol { public: // mapError() is the official mapping from errno to xroot protocol error. // static int mapError(int rc) {if (rc < 0) rc = -rc; switch(rc) {case ENOENT: return kXR_NotFound; case EINVAL: return kXR_ArgInvalid; case EPERM: return kXR_NotAuthorized; case EACCES: return kXR_NotAuthorized; case EIO: return kXR_IOError; case ENOMEM: return kXR_NoMemory; case ENOBUFS: return kXR_NoMemory; case ENOSPC: return kXR_NoSpace; case ENAMETOOLONG: return kXR_ArgTooLong; case ENETUNREACH: return kXR_noserver; case ENOTBLK: return kXR_NotFile; case ENOTSUP: return kXR_Unsupported; case EISDIR: return kXR_isDirectory; case ENOTEMPTY: [[fallthrough]]; // In the case one tries to delete a non-empty directory // we have decided that until the next major release // the kXR_ItExists flag will be returned case EEXIST: return kXR_ItExists; case EBADRQC: return kXR_InvalidRequest; case ETXTBSY: return kXR_inProgress; case ENODEV: return kXR_FSError; case EFAULT: return kXR_ServerError; case EDOM: return kXR_ChkSumErr; case EDQUOT: return kXR_overQuota; case EILSEQ: return kXR_SigVerErr; case ERANGE: return kXR_DecryptErr; case EUSERS: return kXR_Overloaded; case EROFS: return kXR_fsReadOnly; case ENOATTR: return kXR_AttrNotFound; case EPROTOTYPE: return kXR_TLSRequired; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return kXR_noReplicas; case EAUTH: return kXR_AuthFailed; case EIDRM: return kXR_Impossible; case ENOTTY: return kXR_Conflict; case ETOOMANYREFS: return kXR_TooManyErrs; case ETIMEDOUT: return kXR_ReqTimedOut; case EBADF: return kXR_FileNotOpen; case ECANCELED: return kXR_Cancelled; case ETIME: return kXR_TimerExpired; default: return kXR_FSError; } } static int toErrno( int xerr ) { switch(xerr) {case kXR_ArgInvalid: return EINVAL; case kXR_ArgMissing: return EINVAL; case kXR_ArgTooLong: return ENAMETOOLONG; case kXR_FileLocked: return EDEADLK; case kXR_FileNotOpen: return EBADF; case kXR_FSError: return ENODEV; case kXR_InvalidRequest:return EBADRQC; case kXR_IOError: return EIO; case kXR_NoMemory: return ENOMEM; case kXR_NoSpace: return ENOSPC; case kXR_NotAuthorized: return EACCES; case kXR_NotFound: return ENOENT; case kXR_ServerError: return EFAULT; case kXR_Unsupported: return ENOTSUP; case kXR_noserver: return EHOSTUNREACH; case kXR_NotFile: return ENOTBLK; case kXR_isDirectory: return EISDIR; case kXR_Cancelled: return ECANCELED; case kXR_ItExists: return EEXIST; case kXR_ChkSumErr: return EDOM; case kXR_inProgress: return EINPROGRESS; case kXR_overQuota: return EDQUOT; case kXR_SigVerErr: return EILSEQ; case kXR_DecryptErr: return ERANGE; case kXR_Overloaded: return EUSERS; case kXR_fsReadOnly: return EROFS; case kXR_BadPayload: return EINVAL; case kXR_AttrNotFound: return ENOATTR; case kXR_TLSRequired: return EPROTOTYPE; case kXR_noReplicas: return EADDRNOTAVAIL; case kXR_AuthFailed: return EAUTH; case kXR_Impossible: return EIDRM; case kXR_Conflict: return ENOTTY; case kXR_TooManyErrs: return ETOOMANYREFS; case kXR_ReqTimedOut: return ETIMEDOUT; case kXR_TimerExpired: return ETIME; // Used for 504 Gateway timeout in proxy default: return ENOMSG; } } static const char *errName(kXR_int32 errCode); static const char *reqName(kXR_unt16 reqCode); /******************************************************************************/ /* O b s o l e t e D e f i n i t i o n s */ /******************************************************************************/ struct ServerResponseBody_Attn_asyncdi { // No longer supported kXR_int32 actnum; kXR_int32 wsec; kXR_int32 msec; }; struct ServerResponseBody_Attn_asyncrd { // No longer supported kXR_int32 actnum; kXR_int32 port; char host[4092]; }; struct ServerResponseBody_Attn_asyncwt { // No longer supported kXR_int32 actnum; kXR_int32 wsec; }; // Kind of error inside a XTNetFile's routine (temporary) // enum XReqErrorType { kGENERICERR = 0, // Generic error kREAD, // Error while reading from stream kWRITE, // Error while writing to stream kREDIRCONNECT, // Error redirecting to a given host kOK, // Everything seems ok kNOMORESTREAMS // No more available stream IDs for // async processing }; typedef kXR_int32 ServerResponseType; #define kXR_maxReqRetry 10 }; // XProtocol #endif