
    Lexer for FreeFem++ language.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

from pygments.token import Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name

from pygments.lexers.c_cpp import CppLexer

__all__ = ['FreeFemLexer']

class FreeFemLexer(CppLexer):
    For FreeFem++ source.

    This is an extension of the CppLexer, as the FreeFem Language is a superset
    of C++.

    name = 'Freefem'
    url = 'https://freefem.org/'
    aliases = ['freefem']
    filenames = ['*.edp']
    mimetypes = ['text/x-freefem']
    version_added = '2.4'

    # Language operators
    operators = {'+', '-', '*', '.*', '/', './', '%', '^', '^-1', ':', '\''}

    # types
    types = {'bool', 'border', 'complex', 'dmatrix', 'fespace', 'func', 'gslspline',
             'ifstream', 'int', 'macro', 'matrix', 'mesh', 'mesh3', 'mpiComm',
             'mpiGroup', 'mpiRequest', 'NewMacro', 'EndMacro', 'ofstream', 'Pmmap',
             'problem', 'Psemaphore', 'real', 'solve', 'string', 'varf'}

    # finite element spaces
    fespaces = {'BDM1', 'BDM1Ortho', 'Edge03d', 'Edge13d', 'Edge23d', 'FEQF', 'HCT',
                'P0', 'P03d', 'P0Edge', 'P1', 'P13d', 'P1b', 'P1b3d', 'P1bl', 'P1bl3d',
                'P1dc', 'P1Edge', 'P1nc', 'P2', 'P23d', 'P2b', 'P2BR', 'P2dc', 'P2Edge',
                'P2h', 'P2Morley', 'P2pnc', 'P3', 'P3dc', 'P3Edge', 'P4', 'P4dc',
                'P4Edge', 'P5Edge', 'RT0', 'RT03d', 'RT0Ortho', 'RT1', 'RT1Ortho',
                'RT2', 'RT2Ortho'}

    # preprocessor
    preprocessor = {'ENDIFMACRO', 'include', 'IFMACRO', 'load'}

    # Language keywords
    keywords = {

    # Language shipped functions and class ( )
    functions = {

    # function parameters
    parameters = {

    # deprecated
    deprecated = {'fixeborder'}

    # do not highlight
    suppress_highlight = {

    def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack=('root',)):
        for index, token, value in CppLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text, stack):
            if value in self.operators:
                yield index, Operator, value
            elif value in self.types:
                yield index, Keyword.Type, value
            elif value in self.fespaces:
                yield index, Name.Class, value
            elif value in self.preprocessor:
                yield index, Comment.Preproc, value
            elif value in self.keywords:
                yield index, Keyword.Reserved, value
            elif value in self.functions:
                yield index, Name.Function, value
            elif value in self.parameters:
                yield index, Keyword.Pseudo, value
            elif value in self.suppress_highlight:
                yield index, Name, value
                yield index, token, value