""" Formatting many files at once via multiprocessing. Contains entrypoint and utilities. NOTE: this module is only imported if we need to format several files at once. """ import asyncio import logging import os import signal import sys import traceback from concurrent.futures import Executor, ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor from multiprocessing import Manager from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional from mypy_extensions import mypyc_attr from black import WriteBack, format_file_in_place from black.cache import Cache from black.mode import Mode from black.output import err from black.report import Changed, Report def maybe_install_uvloop() -> None: """If our environment has uvloop installed we use it. This is called only from command-line entry points to avoid interfering with the parent process if Black is used as a library. """ try: import uvloop uvloop.install() except ImportError: pass def cancel(tasks: Iterable["asyncio.Future[Any]"]) -> None: """asyncio signal handler that cancels all `tasks` and reports to stderr.""" err("Aborted!") for task in tasks: task.cancel() def shutdown(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None: """Cancel all pending tasks on `loop`, wait for them, and close the loop.""" try: # This part is borrowed from asyncio/runners.py in Python 3.7b2. to_cancel = [task for task in asyncio.all_tasks(loop) if not task.done()] if not to_cancel: return for task in to_cancel: task.cancel() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*to_cancel, return_exceptions=True)) finally: # `concurrent.futures.Future` objects cannot be cancelled once they # are already running. There might be some when the `shutdown()` happened. # Silence their logger's spew about the event loop being closed. cf_logger = logging.getLogger("concurrent.futures") cf_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) loop.close() # diff-shades depends on being to monkeypatch this function to operate. I know it's # not ideal, but this shouldn't cause any issues ... hopefully. ~ichard26 @mypyc_attr(patchable=True) def reformat_many( sources: set[Path], fast: bool, write_back: WriteBack, mode: Mode, report: Report, workers: Optional[int], ) -> None: """Reformat multiple files using a ProcessPoolExecutor.""" maybe_install_uvloop() executor: Executor if workers is None: workers = int(os.environ.get("BLACK_NUM_WORKERS", 0)) workers = workers or os.cpu_count() or 1 if sys.platform == "win32": # Work around https://bugs.python.org/issue26903 workers = min(workers, 60) try: executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) except (ImportError, NotImplementedError, OSError): # we arrive here if the underlying system does not support multi-processing # like in AWS Lambda or Termux, in which case we gracefully fallback to # a ThreadPoolExecutor with just a single worker (more workers would not do us # any good due to the Global Interpreter Lock) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: loop.run_until_complete( schedule_formatting( sources=sources, fast=fast, write_back=write_back, mode=mode, report=report, loop=loop, executor=executor, ) ) finally: try: shutdown(loop) finally: asyncio.set_event_loop(None) if executor is not None: executor.shutdown() async def schedule_formatting( sources: set[Path], fast: bool, write_back: WriteBack, mode: Mode, report: "Report", loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, executor: "Executor", ) -> None: """Run formatting of `sources` in parallel using the provided `executor`. (Use ProcessPoolExecutors for actual parallelism.) `write_back`, `fast`, and `mode` options are passed to :func:`format_file_in_place`. """ cache = Cache.read(mode) if write_back not in (WriteBack.DIFF, WriteBack.COLOR_DIFF): sources, cached = cache.filtered_cached(sources) for src in sorted(cached): report.done(src, Changed.CACHED) if not sources: return cancelled = [] sources_to_cache = [] lock = None if write_back in (WriteBack.DIFF, WriteBack.COLOR_DIFF): # For diff output, we need locks to ensure we don't interleave output # from different processes. manager = Manager() lock = manager.Lock() tasks = { asyncio.ensure_future( loop.run_in_executor( executor, format_file_in_place, src, fast, mode, write_back, lock ) ): src for src in sorted(sources) } pending = tasks.keys() try: loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, cancel, pending) loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, cancel, pending) except NotImplementedError: # There are no good alternatives for these on Windows. pass while pending: done, _ = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in done: src = tasks.pop(task) if task.cancelled(): cancelled.append(task) elif exc := task.exception(): if report.verbose: traceback.print_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__) report.failed(src, str(exc)) else: changed = Changed.YES if task.result() else Changed.NO # If the file was written back or was successfully checked as # well-formatted, store this information in the cache. if write_back is WriteBack.YES or ( write_back is WriteBack.CHECK and changed is Changed.NO ): sources_to_cache.append(src) report.done(src, changed) if cancelled: await asyncio.gather(*cancelled, return_exceptions=True) if sources_to_cache: cache.write(sources_to_cache)