import os import sys import threading import time import traceback def get_current_thread_object_dict(): """ Get a dictionary of all 'Thread' objects created via the threading module keyed by thread_id. Note that not all interpreter threads have a thread objects, only the main thread and any created via the 'threading' module. Threads created via the low level 'thread' module will not be in the returned dictionary. HACK: This mucks with the internals of the threading module since that module does not expose any way to match 'Thread' objects with intepreter thread identifiers (though it should). """ rval = {} # Acquire the lock and then union the contents of 'active' and 'limbo' # threads into the return value. threading._active_limbo_lock.acquire() rval.update(threading._active) rval.update(threading._limbo) threading._active_limbo_lock.release() return rval class Heartbeat(threading.Thread): """ Thread that periodically dumps the state of all threads to a file """ def __init__(self, config, name="Heartbeat Thread", period=20, fname="heartbeat.log"): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.config = config self.should_stop = False self.period = period self.fname = fname self.file = None self.fname_nonsleeping = None self.file_nonsleeping = None = None self.nonsleeping_heartbeats = {} # Event to wait on when sleeping, allows us to interrupt for shutdown self.wait_event = threading.Event() def run(self): = os.getpid() self.fname = self.fname.format(server_name=self.config.server_name, fname, ext = os.path.splitext(self.fname) self.fname_nonsleeping = f"{fname}.nonsleeping{ext}" wait = self.period if self.period <= 0: wait = 60 while not self.should_stop: if self.period > 0: self.dump() self.wait_event.wait(wait) def open_logs(self): if self.file is None or self.file.closed: self.file = open(self.fname, "a") self.file_nonsleeping = open(self.fname_nonsleeping, "a") self.file.write("Heartbeat for pid %d thread started at %s\n\n" % (, time.asctime())) self.file_nonsleeping.write( "Non-Sleeping-threads for pid %d thread started at %s\n\n" % (, time.asctime()) ) def close_logs(self): if self.file is not None and not self.file.closed: self.file.write("Heartbeat for pid %d thread stopped at %s\n\n" % (, time.asctime())) self.file_nonsleeping.write( "Non-Sleeping-threads for pid %d thread stopped at %s\n\n" % (, time.asctime()) ) self.file.close() self.file_nonsleeping.close() def dump(self): self.open_logs() try: # Print separator with timestamp self.file.write(f"Traceback dump for all threads at {time.asctime()}:\n\n") # Print the thread states threads = get_current_thread_object_dict() for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items(): if thread_id in threads: object = repr(threads[thread_id]) else: object = "" self.file.write(f"Thread {thread_id}, {object}:\n\n") traceback.print_stack(frame, file=self.file) self.file.write("\n") self.file.write("End dump\n\n") self.file.flush() self.print_nonsleeping(threads) except Exception: self.file.write("Caught exception attempting to dump thread states:") traceback.print_exc(None, self.file) self.file.write("\n") def shutdown(self): self.should_stop = True self.wait_event.set() self.close_logs() self.join() def thread_is_sleeping(self, last_stack_frame): """ Returns True if the given stack-frame represents a known sleeper function (at least in python 2.5) """ _filename = last_stack_frame[0] # _line = last_stack_frame[1] _funcname = last_stack_frame[2] _text = last_stack_frame[3] # Ugly hack to tell if a thread is supposedly sleeping or not # These are the most common sleeping functions I've found. # Is there a better way? (python interpreter internals?) # Tested only with python 2.5 if _funcname == "wait" and _text == "waiter.acquire()": return True if _funcname == "wait" and _text == "_sleep(delay)": return True if _funcname == "accept" and _text[-14:] == "_sock.accept()": return True if ( _funcname in ("monitor", "__monitor", "app_loop", "check") and _text.startswith("time.sleep(") and _text.endswith(")") ): return True if _funcname == "drain_events" and _text == "sleep(polling_interval)": return True # Ugly hack: always skip the heartbeat thread # TODO: get the current thread-id in python # skip heartbeat thread by thread-id, not by filename if _filename.find("/lib/galaxy/util/") != -1: return True # By default, assume the thread is not sleeping return False def get_interesting_stack_frame(self, stack_frames): """ Scans a given backtrace stack frames, returns a single quadraple of [filename, line, function-name, text] of the single, deepest, most interesting frame. Interesting being:: inside the galaxy source code ("/lib/galaxy"), prefreably not an egg. """ for _filename, _line, _funcname, _text in reversed(stack_frames): idx = _filename.find("/lib/galaxy/") if idx != -1: relative_filename = _filename[idx:] return (relative_filename, _line, _funcname, _text) # no "/lib/galaxy" code found, return the innermost frame return stack_frames[-1] def print_nonsleeping(self, threads_object_dict): self.file_nonsleeping.write(f"Non-Sleeping threads at {time.asctime()}:\n\n") all_threads_are_sleeping = True threads = get_current_thread_object_dict() for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().items(): if thread_id in threads: object = repr(threads[thread_id]) else: object = "" tb = traceback.extract_stack(frame) if self.thread_is_sleeping(tb[-1]): if thread_id in self.nonsleeping_heartbeats: del self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id] continue # Count non-sleeping thread heartbeats if thread_id in self.nonsleeping_heartbeats: self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id] += 1 else: self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id] = 1 good_frame = self.get_interesting_stack_frame(tb) self.file_nonsleeping.write( 'Thread %s\t%s\tnon-sleeping for %d heartbeat(s)\n File %s:%d\n Function "%s"\n %s\n' % ( thread_id, object, self.nonsleeping_heartbeats[thread_id], good_frame[0], good_frame[1], good_frame[2], good_frame[3], ) ) all_threads_are_sleeping = False if all_threads_are_sleeping: self.file_nonsleeping.write("All threads are sleeping.\n") self.file_nonsleeping.write("\n") self.file_nonsleeping.flush() def dump_signal_handler(self, signum, frame): self.dump()