# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import math import struct from sys import float_info from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Literal, Optional, SupportsFloat, Union if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import TypeAlias else: TypeAlias = object SignedIntFormat: "TypeAlias" = Literal["!h", "!i", "!q"] UnsignedIntFormat: "TypeAlias" = Literal["!H", "!I", "!Q"] IntFormat: "TypeAlias" = Union[SignedIntFormat, UnsignedIntFormat] FloatFormat: "TypeAlias" = Literal["!e", "!f", "!d"] Width: "TypeAlias" = Literal[16, 32, 64] # Format codes for (int, float) sized types, used for byte-wise casts. # See https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html#format-characters STRUCT_FORMATS: dict[int, tuple[UnsignedIntFormat, FloatFormat]] = { 16: ("!H", "!e"), 32: ("!I", "!f"), 64: ("!Q", "!d"), } TO_SIGNED_FORMAT: dict[UnsignedIntFormat, SignedIntFormat] = { "!H": "!h", "!I": "!i", "!Q": "!q", } def reinterpret_bits(x: float, from_: str, to: str) -> float: x = struct.unpack(to, struct.pack(from_, x))[0] assert isinstance(x, (float, int)) return x def float_of(x: SupportsFloat, width: Width) -> float: assert width in (16, 32, 64) if width == 64: return float(x) elif width == 32: return reinterpret_bits(float(x), "!f", "!f") else: return reinterpret_bits(float(x), "!e", "!e") def is_negative(x: SupportsFloat) -> bool: try: return math.copysign(1.0, x) < 0 except TypeError: raise TypeError( f"Expected float but got {x!r} of type {type(x).__name__}" ) from None def count_between_floats(x: float, y: float, width: int = 64) -> int: assert x <= y if is_negative(x): if is_negative(y): return float_to_int(x, width) - float_to_int(y, width) + 1 else: return count_between_floats(x, -0.0, width) + count_between_floats( 0.0, y, width ) else: assert not is_negative(y) return float_to_int(y, width) - float_to_int(x, width) + 1 def float_to_int(value: float, width: int = 64) -> int: fmt_int, fmt_flt = STRUCT_FORMATS[width] x = reinterpret_bits(value, fmt_flt, fmt_int) assert isinstance(x, int) return x def int_to_float(value: int, width: int = 64) -> float: fmt_int, fmt_flt = STRUCT_FORMATS[width] return reinterpret_bits(value, fmt_int, fmt_flt) def next_up(value: float, width: int = 64) -> float: """Return the first float larger than finite `val` - IEEE 754's `nextUp`. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/10426033, with thanks to Mark Dickinson. """ assert isinstance(value, float), f"{value!r} of type {type(value)}" if math.isnan(value) or (math.isinf(value) and value > 0): return value if value == 0.0 and is_negative(value): return 0.0 fmt_int, fmt_flt = STRUCT_FORMATS[width] # Note: n is signed; float_to_int returns unsigned fmt_int_signed = TO_SIGNED_FORMAT[fmt_int] n = reinterpret_bits(value, fmt_flt, fmt_int_signed) if n >= 0: n += 1 else: n -= 1 return reinterpret_bits(n, fmt_int_signed, fmt_flt) def next_down(value: float, width: int = 64) -> float: return -next_up(-value, width) def next_down_normal(value: float, width: int, *, allow_subnormal: bool) -> float: value = next_down(value, width) if (not allow_subnormal) and 0 < abs(value) < width_smallest_normals[width]: return 0.0 if value > 0 else -width_smallest_normals[width] return value def next_up_normal(value: float, width: int, *, allow_subnormal: bool) -> float: return -next_down_normal(-value, width, allow_subnormal=allow_subnormal) # Smallest positive non-zero numbers that is fully representable by an # IEEE-754 float, calculated with the width's associated minimum exponent. # Values from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754#Basic_and_interchange_formats width_smallest_normals: dict[int, float] = { 16: 2 ** -(2 ** (5 - 1) - 2), 32: 2 ** -(2 ** (8 - 1) - 2), 64: 2 ** -(2 ** (11 - 1) - 2), } assert width_smallest_normals[64] == float_info.min def make_float_clamper( min_float: float = 0.0, max_float: float = math.inf, *, allow_zero: bool = False, # Allows +0.0 (even if minfloat > 0) ) -> Optional[Callable[[float], float]]: """ Return a function that clamps positive floats into the given bounds. Returns None when no values are allowed (min > max and zero is not allowed). """ if max_float < min_float: if allow_zero: min_float = max_float = 0.0 else: return None range_size = min(max_float - min_float, float_info.max) mantissa_mask = (1 << 52) - 1 def float_clamper(float_val: float) -> float: if min_float <= float_val <= max_float: return float_val if float_val == 0.0 and allow_zero: return float_val # Outside bounds; pick a new value, sampled from the allowed range, # using the mantissa bits. mant = float_to_int(float_val) & mantissa_mask float_val = min_float + range_size * (mant / mantissa_mask) # Re-enforce the bounds (just in case of floating point arithmetic error) return max(min_float, min(max_float, float_val)) return float_clamper def sign_aware_lte(x: float, y: float) -> bool: """Less-than-or-equals, but strictly orders -0.0 and 0.0""" if x == 0.0 == y: return math.copysign(1.0, x) <= math.copysign(1.0, y) else: return x <= y SMALLEST_SUBNORMAL = next_up(0.0) SIGNALING_NAN = int_to_float(0x7FF8_0000_0000_0001) # nonzero mantissa assert math.isnan(SIGNALING_NAN) assert math.copysign(1, SIGNALING_NAN) == 1