%% CONTAINER DIRECTIVES % % change this info string if making any custom modification \ProvidesPackage{sphinxlatexcontainers}[2021/05/03 containers] % The purpose of this file is to provide a dummy environment sphinxclass which % will be inserted for each class in each container directive. The class name % will be passed as the argument to the environment. % % For a class foo, the user can define customised handling of that class by % defining the sphinxclassfoo LaTeX environment. \newenvironment{sphinxuseclass}[1]{% \def\sphinxClassFunctionName{sphinxclass#1}% \ltx@ifundefined{\sphinxClassFunctionName}% {}% undefined so do nothing {\expandafter\begin\expandafter{\sphinxClassFunctionName}}% }{% \ltx@ifundefined{\sphinxClassFunctionName}% {}% we did nothing so we keep doing nothing {\expandafter\end\expandafter{\sphinxClassFunctionName}}% }%