%% GRAPHICS % % change this info string if making any custom modification \ProvidesPackage{sphinxlatexgraphics}[2024/08/13 v8.1.0 graphics] % Provides support for this output mark-up from Sphinx latex writer: % % - macros: % % - \sphinxfigcaption % - \sphinxincludegraphics % % - environments: % % - sphinxfigure-in-table % % May change: % % - \sphinxcaption (at begin document) % % Also provides: % % - \sphinxsafeincludegraphics (default of \sphinxincludegraphics since 2.0) % - \spx@image@maxheight dimension (used by sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty) % - \spx@image@box scratch box register (also used by sphinxlatexliterals.sty) % % Requires: % \RequirePackage{graphicx}% done in sphinx.sty \RequirePackage{amstext}% needed for \firstchoice@true(false) % \sphinxincludegraphics resizes images larger than the TeX \linewidth (which % is adjusted in indented environments), or taller than a certain maximal % height (usually \textheight and this is reduced in the environments which use % framed.sty to avoid infinite loop if image too tall). % % In case height or width options are present the rescaling is done % (since 2.0), in a way keeping the width:height ratio either native from % image or from the width and height options if both were present. % \newdimen\spx@image@maxheight \AtBeginDocument{\spx@image@maxheight\textheight} % box scratch register \newbox\spx@image@box \newcommand*{\sphinxsafeincludegraphics}[2][]{% % #1 contains possibly width=, height=, but no scale= since 1.8.4 \setbox\spx@image@box\hbox{\includegraphics[#1,draft]{#2}}% \in@false % use some handy boolean flag \ifdim \wd\spx@image@box>\linewidth \in@true % flag to remember to adjust options and set box dimensions % compute height which results from rescaling width to \linewidth % and keep current aspect ratio. multiply-divide in \numexpr uses % temporarily doubled precision, hence no overflow. (of course we % assume \ht is not a few sp's below \maxdimen...(about 16384pt). \edef\spx@image@rescaledheight % with sp units {\the\numexpr\ht\spx@image@box *\linewidth/\wd\spx@image@box sp}% \ifdim\spx@image@rescaledheight>\spx@image@maxheight % the rescaled height will be too big, so it is height which decides % the rescaling factor \def\spx@image@requiredheight{\spx@image@maxheight}% dimen register \edef\spx@image@requiredwidth % with sp units {\the\numexpr\wd\spx@image@box *\spx@image@maxheight/\ht\spx@image@box sp}% % TODO: decide if this commented-out block could be needed due to % rounding in numexpr operations going up % \ifdim\spx@image@requiredwidth>\linewidth % \def\spx@image@requiredwidth{\linewidth}% dimen register % \fi \else \def\spx@image@requiredwidth{\linewidth}% dimen register \let\spx@image@requiredheight\spx@image@rescaledheight% sp units \fi \else % width is ok, let's check height \ifdim\ht\spx@image@box>\spx@image@maxheight \in@true \edef\spx@image@requiredwidth % with sp units {\the\numexpr\wd\spx@image@box *\spx@image@maxheight/\ht\spx@image@box sp}% \def\spx@image@requiredheight{\spx@image@maxheight}% dimen register \fi \fi % end of check of width and height \ifin@ \setbox\spx@image@box \hbox{\includegraphics [#1,% contains only width and/or height which are overruled next % but in future may contain page=N hence must be kept width=\spx@image@requiredwidth,height=\spx@image@requiredheight]% {#2}}% % \includegraphics does not set box dimensions to the exactly % requested ones, see https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/112 \wd\spx@image@box\spx@image@requiredwidth \ht\spx@image@box\spx@image@requiredheight \leavevmode\box\spx@image@box \else % here we do not modify the options, no need to adjust width and height % on output, they will be computed exactly as with "draft" option \setbox\spx@image@box\box\voidb@x % clear memory \includegraphics[#1]{#2}% \fi }% % Use the "safe" one by default (2.0) \def\sphinxincludegraphics{\sphinxsafeincludegraphics} %% FIGURE IN TABLE % \newenvironment{sphinxfigure-in-table}[1][\linewidth]{% \def\@captype{figure}% \sphinxsetvskipsforfigintablecaption \begin{minipage}{#1}% }{\end{minipage}} % tabulary expands twice contents, we need to prevent double counter stepping \newcommand*\sphinxfigcaption {\ifx\equation$%$% this is trick to identify tabulary first pass \firstchoice@false\else\firstchoice@true\fi \spx@originalcaption } \newcommand*\sphinxsetvskipsforfigintablecaption {\abovecaptionskip\smallskipamount \belowcaptionskip\smallskipamount} \endinput