%% TITLES % % change this info string if making any custom modification \ProvidesPackage{sphinxlatexstyleheadings}[2023/02/11 headings] \RequirePackage[nobottomtitles*]{titlesec} % tests showed that this setting guarantees \section title has % 3 lines of text following it on same page if near bottom. \renewcommand\bottomtitlespace{6\baselineskip} % the default setting of 0.2\textheight is about 11\baselineskip % (for 10pt letterpaper documents) and may create large voids. \@ifpackagelater{titlesec}{2016/03/15}% {\@ifpackagelater{titlesec}{2016/03/21}% {}% {\newif\ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok \IfFileExists{etoolbox.sty}{% \RequirePackage{etoolbox}% \patchcmd{\ttlh@hang}{\parindent\z@}{\parindent\z@\leavevmode}% {\sphinx@ttlpatch@oktrue}{}% \ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok \patchcmd{\ttlh@hang}{\noindent}{}{}{\sphinx@ttlpatch@okfalse}% \fi }{}% \ifsphinx@ttlpatch@ok \typeout{^^J Package Sphinx Info: ^^J **** titlesec 2.10.1 successfully patched for bugfix ****^^J}% \else \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{^^J% ******** titlesec 2.10.1 has a bug, (section numbers disappear) ......|^^J% ******** and Sphinx could not patch it, perhaps because your local ...|^^J% ******** copy is already fixed without a changed release date. .......|^^J% ******** If not, you must update titlesec! ...........................|}}% \sphinxbuildwarning{badtitlesec}% \fi }% }{} % Augment the sectioning commands used to get our own font family in place, % and reset some internal data items (\titleformat from titlesec package) \titleformat{\section}{\Large\py@HeaderFamily}% {\py@TitleColor\thesection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor} \titleformat{\subsection}{\large\py@HeaderFamily}% {\py@TitleColor\thesubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor} % \normalsize added as work-around to a lualatex-ja upstream problem % https://osdn.net/projects/luatex-ja/ticket/47321 \titleformat{\subsubsection}{\normalsize\py@HeaderFamily}% {\py@TitleColor\thesubsubsection}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor} % By default paragraphs (and subsubsections) will not be numbered because % sphinxmanual.cls and sphinxhowto.cls set secnumdepth to 2 \titleformat{\paragraph}{\normalsize\py@HeaderFamily}% {\py@TitleColor\theparagraph}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor} \titleformat{\subparagraph}{\normalsize\py@HeaderFamily}% {\py@TitleColor\thesubparagraph}{0.5em}{\py@TitleColor} % Since Sphinx 1.5, users should use HeaderFamily key to 'sphinxsetup' rather % than defining their own \py@HeaderFamily command (which is still possible). % Memo: \py@HeaderFamily is also used by \maketitle as defined in % sphinxmanual.cls/sphinxhowto.cls \newcommand{\py@HeaderFamily}{\spx@opt@HeaderFamily} % This sets up the fancy chapter headings that make the documents look % at least a little better than the usual LaTeX output. \@ifpackagewith{fncychap}{Bjarne}{ \ChNameVar {\raggedleft\normalsize \py@HeaderFamily} \ChNumVar {\raggedleft\Large \py@HeaderFamily} \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft\Large \py@HeaderFamily} % This creates (numbered) chapter heads without the leading \vspace*{}: \def\@makechapterhead#1{% {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \if@mainmatter \DOCH \fi \fi \interlinepenalty\@M \if@mainmatter \DOTI{#1}% \else% \DOTIS{#1}% \fi }} }{}% <-- "false" clause of \@ifpackagewith % fix fncychap's bug which uses prematurely the \textwidth value \@ifpackagewith{fncychap}{Bjornstrup} {\AtBeginDocument{\mylen\textwidth\advance\mylen-2\myhi}}% {}% <-- "false" clause of \@ifpackagewith \endinput