#! /usr/bin/env python3 """prmon output data plotting script""" import argparse import sys import os try: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if "seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid" in plt.style.available: plt.style.use("seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid") except ImportError: print("ERROR:: This script needs numpy, pandas and matplotlib.") print("ERROR:: Looks like at least one of these modules is missing.") print("ERROR:: Please install them first and then retry.") sys.exit(-1) # Define the labels/units for beautification # First allowed unit is the default ALLOWEDUNITS = { "vmem": ["kb", "b", "mb", "gb"], "pss": ["kb", "b", "mb", "gb"], "rss": ["kb", "b", "mb", "gb"], "swap": ["kb", "b", "mb", "gb"], "utime": ["sec", "min", "hour"], "stime": ["sec", "min", "hour"], "wtime": ["sec", "min", "hour"], "rchar": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "wchar": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "read_bytes": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "write_bytes": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "rx_packets": ["1"], "tx_packets": ["1"], "rx_bytes": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "tx_bytes": ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"], "nprocs": ["1"], "nthreads": ["1"], "gpufbmem": ["kb", "b", "mb", "gb"], "gpumempct": ["%"], "gpusmpct": ["%"], "ngpus": ["1"], } AXISNAME = { "vmem": "Memory", "pss": "Memory", "rss": "Memory", "swap": "Memory", "utime": "CPU-time", "stime": "CPU-time", "wtime": "Wall-time", "rchar": "I/O", "wchar": "I/O", "read_bytes": "I/O", "write_bytes": "I/O", "rx_packets": "Network", "tx_packets": "Network", "rx_bytes": "Network", "tx_bytes": "Network", "nprocs": "Count", "nthreads": "Count", "gpufbmem": "Memory", "gpumempct": "Memory", "gpusmpct": "Streaming Multiprocessors", "ngpus": "Count", } LEGENDNAMES = { "vmem": "Virtual Memory", "pss": "Proportional Set Size", "rss": "Resident Set Size", "swap": "Swap Size", "utime": "User CPU-time", "stime": "System CPU-time", "wtime": "Wall-time", "rchar": "I/O Read (rchar)", "wchar": "I/O Written (wchar)", "read_bytes": "I/O Read (read_bytes)", "write_bytes": "I/O Written (write_bytes)", "rx_packets": "Network Received (packets)", "tx_packets": "Network Transmitted (packets)", "rx_bytes": "Network Received (bytes)", "tx_bytes": "Network Transmitted (bytes)", "nprocs": "Number of Processes", "nthreads": "Number of Threads", "gpufbmem": "GPU Memory", "gpumempct": "GPU Memory", "gpusmpct": "GPU Streaming Multiprocessors", "ngpus": "Number of GPUs", } MULTIPLIERS = { "SEC": 1.0, "MIN": 60.0, "HOUR": 60.0 * 60.0, "B": 1.0, "KB": 1024.0, "MB": 1024.0 * 1024.0, "GB": 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0, "1": 1.0, "%": 1.0, } # A few basic functions for labels and conversions def get_axis_label(nom, denom=None): """Generate axis label from variable and units""" label = AXISNAME[nom] if denom: label = r"$\Delta$" + label + r"/$\Delta$" + AXISNAME[denom] return label def get_multiplier(label, unit): """Get the multiplication constant for a label""" return MULTIPLIERS[ALLOWEDUNITS[label][0].upper()] / MULTIPLIERS[unit] # Function for checking the input file exists def check_input_file(file): if not os.path.exists(file): print(f"ERROR:: Input file {file} does not exist") sys.exit(-1) # Function for loading the data def load_data(file): data = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\t") data["Time"] = pd.to_datetime(data["Time"], unit="s") return data # Function for checking whether the variables are in the data def check_variables(data, var, ylist): if var not in list(data): print(f"ERROR:: Variable {var} is not available in one of the data sets") sys.exit(-1) for carg in ylist: if carg not in list(data): print(f"ERROR:: Variable {carg} is not available in one of the data sets") # This function creates the final data set of y-values def make_list(ylist, data, args, xmult, ymult, xlabel): ydlist = [] for carg in ylist: if args.diff: num = np.array(data[carg].diff()) * ymult denom = np.array(data[xlabel].diff()) * xmult ratio = np.where(denom != 0, num / denom, np.nan) ydlist.append(ratio) else: ydlist.append(np.array(data[carg]) * ymult) return ydlist # Graph plotting functions def draw_stacked_graph(xdata, ydlist, ylist): ydata = np.vstack(ydlist) plt.stackplot( xdata, ydata, lw=2, labels=[LEGENDNAMES[val] for val in ylist], alpha=0.6 ) def draw_line_graph(xdata, ydlist, ylist, sty, inputs, count): # This is a list of the matplotlib default colours colours = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] for cidx, cdata in enumerate(ydlist): if len(inputs) == 1: lbl = LEGENDNAMES[ylist[cidx]] plt.plot(xdata, cdata, lw=2, label=lbl, color=colours[cidx], linestyle=sty) else: lbl = f"{LEGENDNAMES[ylist[cidx]]} ({inputs[count]})" plt.plot(xdata, cdata, lw=2, label=lbl, color=colours[cidx], linestyle=sty) def main(): """prmon plotting main function""" # Default xvar, xunit, yvar, and yunit default_xvar, default_xunit = "wtime", ALLOWEDUNITS["wtime"][0].upper() default_yvar, default_yunit = "pss", ALLOWEDUNITS["pss"][0].upper() # Parse the user input parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Configurable plotting script") parser.add_argument( "--input", type=str, default="prmon.txt", help="PrMon TXT output(s) that will be used as input(s)" " (comma separated list is accepted)", ) parser.add_argument( "--output", type=str, default=None, help="name of the output image without the file extension", ) parser.add_argument( "--xvar", type=str, default=default_xvar, help="name of the variable to be plotted in the x-axis", ) parser.add_argument( "--xunit", nargs="?", default=default_xunit, choices=["SEC", "MIN", "HOUR", "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "1", "%"], help="unit of the variable to be plotted in the x-axis", ) parser.add_argument( "--yvar", type=str, default=default_yvar, help="name(s) of the variable(s) to be plotted in the y-axis" " (comma separated list is accepted)", ) parser.add_argument( "--yunit", nargs="?", default=default_yunit, choices=["SEC", "MIN", "HOUR", "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "1", "%"], help="unit of the variable(s) to be plotted in the y-axis", ) parser.add_argument( "--stacked", dest="stacked", action="store_true", help="stack plots if specified", ) parser.add_argument( "--diff", dest="diff", action="store_true", help="plot the ratio of the discrete differences of " " the elements for yvars and xvars if specified (i.e. dy/dx)", ) parser.add_argument( "--otype", nargs="?", default="png", choices=["png", "pdf", "svg"], help="format of the output image", ) parser.set_defaults(stacked=False) parser.set_defaults(diff=False) args = parser.parse_args() inputs = args.input.split(",") ylist = args.yvar.split(",") data = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): check_input_file(inputs[i]) data.append(load_data(inputs[i])) check_variables(data[i], args.xvar, ylist) # Check the consistency of variables and units # If they don't match, reset the units to defaults first_x_variable = args.xvar.split(",")[0] if args.xunit.lower() not in ALLOWEDUNITS[first_x_variable]: old_xunit = args.xunit args.xunit = ALLOWEDUNITS[first_x_variable][0].upper() print( f"WARNING:: Changing xunit from {old_xunit} to {args.xunit} for consistency" ) first_y_variable = args.yvar.split(",")[0] if args.yunit.lower() not in ALLOWEDUNITS[first_y_variable]: old_yunit = args.yunit args.yunit = ALLOWEDUNITS[first_y_variable][0].upper() print( f"WARNING:: Changing yunit from {old_yunit} to {args.yunit} for consistency" ) # Check if the user is trying to plot variables with inconsistent units # If so simply print a message to warn them if len({ALLOWEDUNITS[i][0] for i in args.xvar.split(",")}) > 1: print("WARNING:: Elements in xvar have inconsistent units, beware!") if len({ALLOWEDUNITS[i][0] for i in args.yvar.split(",")}) > 1: print("WARNING:: Elements in yvar have inconsistent units, beware!") # Labels and output information xlabel = args.xvar ylabel = "" for carg in ylist: if ylabel: ylabel += "_" ylabel += carg.lower() if args.diff: ylabel = "diff_" + ylabel if not args.output: output = "PrMon_{}_vs_{}.{}".format(xlabel, ylabel, args.otype) else: output = "{}.{}".format(args.output, args.otype) # Calculate the multipliers xmultiplier = get_multiplier(xlabel, args.xunit) ymultiplier = get_multiplier(ylist[0], args.yunit) # Here comes the figure and data extraction fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() xdata = [] ydlist = [] for i in range(len(data)): xdata.append(np.array(data[i][xlabel] * xmultiplier)) ydlist.append(make_list(ylist, data[i], args, xmultiplier, ymultiplier, xlabel)) # Plot the graphs line_styles = list(mpl.lines.lineStyles.keys()) if args.stacked: if len(inputs) == 1: for i in range(len(xdata)): draw_stacked_graph(xdata[i], ydlist[i], ylist) else: print("ERROR:: Stacked graphs are not supported for more than one data set") sys.exit(-1) else: for i in range(len(xdata)): draw_line_graph( xdata[i], ydlist[i], ylist, line_styles[i % len(line_styles)], inputs, i ) # Create the key plt.legend(loc=0) if "Time" in xlabel: formatter = mpl.dates.DateFormatter("%H:%M:%S") ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) fxlabel = get_axis_label(xlabel) fxunit = args.xunit if args.diff: fylabel = get_axis_label(ylist[0], xlabel) if args.yunit == args.xunit: fyunit = "1" else: fyunit = args.yunit + "/" + args.xunit else: fylabel = get_axis_label(ylist[0]) fyunit = args.yunit plt.title("Plot of {} vs {}".format(fxlabel, fylabel), y=1.05) plt.xlabel((fxlabel + " / " + fxunit) if fxunit != "1" else fxlabel) plt.ylabel((fylabel + " / " + fyunit) if fyunit != "1" else fylabel) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(output) print(f"INFO:: Saved output into {output}") sys.exit(0) if "__main__" in __name__: main()