dnl dnl dnl Code generation sections for properties dnl dnl dnl $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 dnl _PROPERTY_PROXY(name, name_underscored, cpp_type, proxy_suffix, deprecated, docs) dnl proxy_suffix could be "", "_WriteOnly" or "_ReadOnly" dnl The method will be const if the propertyproxy is _ReadOnly. dnl define(`_PROPERTY_PROXY',`dnl dnl dnl Put spaces around the template parameter if necessary. pushdef(`__PROXY_TYPE__',`dnl Glib::PropertyProxy$4< _QUOTE($3) >'dnl )dnl /** $6 * * @return A PropertyProxy$4 that allows you to dnl ifelse($4,_ReadOnly,get,`ifelse($4,_WriteOnly,set,get or set)') the value of the property, * or receive notification when the value of the property changes. */ __PROXY_TYPE__ property_$2`'() ifelse($4,_ReadOnly, const,); _PUSH(SECTION_CC_PROPERTYPROXIES) ifelse(`$5',,,`_DEPRECATE_IFDEF_START ')dnl __PROXY_TYPE__ __CPPNAME__::property_$2`'() ifelse($4,_ReadOnly, const,) { return __PROXY_TYPE__`'(this, "$1"); } ifelse(`$5',,,`_DEPRECATE_IFDEF_END ')dnl _POP() popdef(`__PROXY_TYPE__')dnl ')dnl