/* * Copyright (c) CERN 2013-2017 * * Copyright (c) Members of the EMI Collaboration. 2010-2013 * See http://www.eu-emi.eu/partners for details on the copyright * holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #ifndef GFAL_TRANSFER_H_ #define GFAL_TRANSFER_H_ #if !defined(__GFAL2_H_INSIDE__) && !defined(__GFAL2_BUILD__) # warning "Direct inclusion of gfal2 headers is deprecated. Please, include only gfal_api.h or gfal_plugins_api.h" #endif #include <common/gfal_common.h> #include <logger/gfal_logger.h> #include <common/gfal_constants.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*! \defgroup transfer_group File Transfer API */ /*! \addtogroup transfer_group @{ */ /** * @brief container for transfer related parameters * */ typedef struct _gfalt_params_t* gfalt_params_t; /** * @brief internal status of a copy file action * */ typedef struct _gfalt_transfer_status* gfalt_transfer_status_t; /** * @brief copy gfalt_monitor_transfer * This function is called callback_mperiod milli-seconds in order to provide informations and a control on the tranfers. * @param src : URL of the source file * @param dst : URL of the dest file * @param user_data : external pointer provided before * */ typedef void (*gfalt_monitor_func)(gfalt_transfer_status_t h, const char* src, const char* dst, gpointer user_data); /** * @brief Predefined stages. */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_PREPARE_ENTER; /**< Triggered before entering preparation */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_PREPARE_EXIT; /**< Triggered after exiting the preparation */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_TRANSFER_ENTER; /**< Triggered before entering the transfer */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_TRANSFER_EXIT; /**< Triggered after exiting the transfer */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CLOSE_ENTER; /**< Triggered before entering the closing (putdone) */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CLOSE_EXIT; /**< Triggered after exiting the closing (putdone) */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CHECKSUM_ENTER; /**< Triggered before entering checksum validation */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CHECKSUM_EXIT; /**< Triggered after exiting checksum validation */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CANCEL_ENTER; /**< Triggered before the cancellation logic */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_CANCEL_EXIT; /**< Triggered after the cancellation logic */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_OVERWRITE_DESTINATION; /**< Triggered before overwriting */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_LIST_ENTER; /**< Triggered before listing the urls to be transferred */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_LIST_ITEM; /**< Triggered once per url pair to be transferred */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_LIST_EXIT; /**< Triggered after listing the urls to be transferred */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_TRANSFER_TYPE; /**< Triggered to register the transfer type being done */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_IPV4; /**< Triggered to register the transfer is done over IPv4 */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_IPV6; /**< Triggered to register the transfer is done over IPv6 */ extern GQuark GFAL_EVENT_EVICT; /**< Triggered after a file eviction operation */ /** * Types for for GFAL_EVENT_TRANSFER_TYPE */ #define GFAL_TRANSFER_TYPE_STREAMED "streamed" #define GFAL_TRANSFER_TYPE_PUSH "3rd push" #define GFAL_TRANSFER_TYPE_PULL "3rd pull" /** Trigger of the event */ typedef enum { GFAL_EVENT_SOURCE = 0, /**< Event triggered by the source */ GFAL_EVENT_DESTINATION, /**< Event triggered by the destination */ GFAL_EVENT_NONE /**< Event triggered by the transfer */ } gfal_event_side_t; /** * @brief Event message. */ struct _gfalt_event { gfal_event_side_t side; /**< Which side triggered the stage change */ gint64 timestamp; /**< Timestamp in milliseconds */ GQuark stage; /**< Stage. You can check the predefined ones. */ GQuark domain; /**< Domain/protocol of this stage. i.e. SRM*/ const char *description; /**< Additional description */ }; /** * Event message */ typedef struct _gfalt_event* gfalt_event_t; /** * This function is called when a transfer changes its stage. * @param e : Event message. * @param user_data : external pointer provided before */ typedef void (*gfalt_event_func)(const gfalt_event_t e, gpointer user_data); /** * Checksum verification mode */ typedef enum { /// Don't verify checksum GFALT_CHECKSUM_NONE = 0x00, /// Compare user provided checksum vs source GFALT_CHECKSUM_SOURCE = 0x01, /// Compare user provided checksum vs destination GFALT_CHECKSUM_TARGET = 0x02, /// Compare user provided checksum vs both, *or* source checksum vs target checksum GFALT_CHECKSUM_BOTH = (GFALT_CHECKSUM_SOURCE | GFALT_CHECKSUM_TARGET) } gfalt_checksum_mode_t; /** * Create a new parameter handle */ gfalt_params_t gfalt_params_handle_new(GError ** err); /** * Delete a created parameters handle */ void gfalt_params_handle_delete(gfalt_params_t params, GError ** err); /** Create a copy of a parameter handle */ gfalt_params_t gfalt_params_handle_copy(gfalt_params_t params, GError ** err); /** * Define the maximum time acceptable for the file tranfer */ gint gfalt_set_timeout(gfalt_params_t, guint64 timeout, GError** err); /** * Get the maximum connexion timeout */ guint64 gfalt_get_timeout(gfalt_params_t handle, GError** err); /** * Define the maximum number of parallels connexion to use for the file tranfer */ gint gfalt_set_nbstreams(gfalt_params_t, guint nbstreams, GError** err); /** * Get the maximum number of parallels streams to use for the transfer */ guint gfalt_get_nbstreams(gfalt_params_t params, GError** err); /** * Define the size of the tcp buffer size for network transfer */ gint gfalt_set_tcp_buffer_size(gfalt_params_t, guint64 tcp_buffer_size, GError** err); /** * get the size of the tcp buffer size for network transfer */ guint64 gfalt_get_tcp_buffer_size(gfalt_params_t params, GError** err); /** * Enable or disable the non-third party transfer execution ( default : true ) */ gint gfalt_set_local_transfer_perm(gfalt_params_t, gboolean local_transfer_status, GError ** err); /** * Get the current authorization for the non-third party transfer execution */ gboolean gfalt_get_local_transfer_perm(gfalt_params_t, GError ** err); /** * Set the source spacetoken for SRM transfers */ gint gfalt_set_src_spacetoken(gfalt_params_t params, const char* srm_spacetoken, GError** err); /** * Get the source spacetoken for SRM transfers */ const gchar* gfalt_get_src_spacetoken(gfalt_params_t params, GError** err); /** * Set the destination spacetoken for SRM transfers */ gint gfalt_set_dst_spacetoken(gfalt_params_t params, const char* srm_spacetoken, GError** err); /** * Get the destination spacetoken for SRM transfers */ const gchar* gfalt_get_dst_spacetoken(gfalt_params_t params, GError** err); /** * set the replace/overwritte option. * default : false * when True, if a destination file already exist, it is deleted before the copy. */ gint gfalt_set_replace_existing_file(gfalt_params_t, gboolean replace, GError** err); /** * Get the policy in case of destination file already existing ( replace or cancel ) * default : cancel */ gboolean gfalt_get_replace_existing_file(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * Set the strict copy mode * default : false * In the strict copy mode, the destination/source checks are skipped. * only the minimum of the operations are done * This option can leads to undefined behavior depending of the underlying protocol */ gint gfalt_set_strict_copy_mode(gfalt_params_t, gboolean strict_mode, GError** err); /** * Get the strict copy mode value */ gboolean gfalt_get_strict_copy_mode(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * @deprecated Equivalent to gfalt_get_checksum_check(params, GFALT_CHECKSUM_BOTH, err) * Force additional checksum verification between source and destination * an Error is return by the copy function is case of checksum failure. * @warning for safety reason, even in case of checksum failure the destination file is not removed. */ GFAL2_DEPRECATED(gfalt_set_checksum) gint gfalt_set_checksum_check(gfalt_params_t, gboolean value, GError** err); /** * @deprecated * Get the checksum verification boolean */ GFAL2_DEPRECATED(gfalt_get_checksum) gboolean gfalt_get_checksum_check(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * @deprecated gfalt_set_checksum * Set an user-defined checksum for file content verification * Setting NULL & NULL clear the current one. * This function requires to enable global checksum verification with \ref gfalt_set_checksum_check * @param param : parameter handle * @param chktype : checksum type string ( MD5, ADLER32, CRC32, etc... ) * @param checksum : value of checksum in string format * @param err : GError error report */ GFAL2_DEPRECATED(gfalt_set_checksum) gint gfalt_set_user_defined_checksum(gfalt_params_t param, const gchar* chktype, const gchar* checksum, GError** err); /** * @deprecated gfalt_get_checksum * Get the current user-defined checksum for file content verification * If current user-defined checksum is NULL, both of the buffer are set to empty string * If the value is set, but not the type, ADLER32 will be assumed */ GFAL2_DEPRECATED(gfalt_get_checksum) gint gfalt_get_user_defined_checksum(gfalt_params_t params, gchar* chktype_buff, size_t chk_type_len, gchar* checksum_buff, size_t checksum_len, GError** err); /** * Set the checksum configuration to use * @param mode For GFALT_CHECKSUM_SOURCE or GFALT_CHECKSUM_TARGET only, the checksum value is mandatory. * For GFALT_CHECKSUM_BOTH, the checksum value can be NULL, as the verification can be done end to end. * @param type Checksum algorithm to use. Support depends on protocol and storage, but ADLER32 and MD5 * are normally safe bets. If NULL, previous type is kept. * @param checksum Expected checksum value. Can be NULL for GFALT_CHECKSUM_BOTH mode. If NULL, clears value. * @param err GError error report * @return 0 on success, < 0 on failure * @version 2.13.0 */ gint gfalt_set_checksum(gfalt_params_t params, gfalt_checksum_mode_t mode, const gchar* type, const gchar *checksum, GError **err); /** * Get the checksum configuration * @param type_buff Put in this buffer the configured algorithm (or "\0" if none). * @param type_buff_len algorithm_buffer capacity. * @param checksum_buff Put in this buffer the configured checksum value ("\0" if none). * @param checksum_buff_len checksum_buff capacity. * @param err GError error report * @return The configured checksum mode * @version 2.13.0 */ gfalt_checksum_mode_t gfalt_get_checksum(gfalt_params_t params, gchar* type_buff, size_t type_buff_len, gchar* checksum_buff, size_t checksum_buff_len, GError **err); /** * Get only the checksum mode configured * @return The configured checksum mode */ gfalt_checksum_mode_t gfalt_get_checksum_mode(gfalt_params_t params, GError **err); /** * Enable or disable the destination parent directory creation */ gint gfalt_set_create_parent_dir(gfalt_params_t, gboolean create_parent, GError** err); /** * Get the parent directory creation value */ gboolean gfalt_get_create_parent_dir(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * Enable or disable usage of TPC proxy delegation */ gint gfalt_set_use_proxy_delegation(gfalt_params_t, gboolean proxy_delegation, GError** err); /** * Get the usage of TPC proxy delegation value */ gboolean gfalt_get_use_proxy_delegation(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * Enable or disable usage of file eviction */ gint gfalt_set_use_evict(gfalt_params_t, gboolean evict, GError** err); /** * Get the usage of file eviction */ gboolean gfalt_get_use_evict(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * Set the request id used in the staging operation */ gint gfalt_set_stage_request_id(gfalt_params_t, const char* request_id, GError** err); /** * Get the request id used in the staging operation */ const gchar* gfalt_get_stage_request_id(gfalt_params_t, GError** err); /** * @brief Add a new callback for monitoring the current transfer * Adding the same callback with a different udata will just change the udata and the free method, but the callback will not be called twice. * In this case, udata_free will be called with the old data. * udata_free can be left to NULL */ gint gfalt_add_monitor_callback(gfalt_params_t params, gfalt_monitor_func callback, gpointer udata, GDestroyNotify udata_free, GError** err); /** * @brief Remove an installed monitor callback * It will call the method registered to free the user data */ gint gfalt_remove_monitor_callback(gfalt_params_t params, gfalt_monitor_func callback, GError** err); /** * @brief Add a new callback for event monitoring * Adding the same callback with a different udata will just change the udata, but the callback will not be called twice. * In this case, udata_free will be called with the old data. * udata_free can be left to NULL */ gint gfalt_add_event_callback(gfalt_params_t params, gfalt_event_func callback, gpointer udata, GDestroyNotify udata_free, GError** err); /** * @brief Remove an installed callback * It will call the method registered to free the user data */ gint gfalt_remove_event_callback(gfalt_params_t params, gfalt_event_func callback, GError** err); /** * @brief copy function * start a synchronous copy of the file * @param context : gfal2 context * @param params parameter handle ( \ref gfalt_parameters_new ) * @param src source URL supported by GFAL * @param dst destination URL supported by GFAL * @param err the error is put here */ int gfalt_copy_file(gfal2_context_t context, gfalt_params_t params, const char* src, const char* dst, GError** err); /** * @brief bulk copy operation * If not provided by the plugin, it will fallback to a serialized implementation * Note that file_erros will point to an array of nbfiles pointers to GError, where each one * corresponds to the source and destination pair in the same position * op_error will contain an error if something happened _before_ file transfering could be attempted */ int gfalt_copy_bulk(gfal2_context_t context, gfalt_params_t params, size_t nbfiles, const char* const * srcs, const char* const * dsts, const char* const* checksums, GError** op_error, GError*** file_erros); /** * Get a transfer status indicator */ gint gfalt_copy_get_status(gfalt_transfer_status_t, GError ** err); /** * Get an estimation of the average baudrate in bytes/s */ size_t gfalt_copy_get_average_baudrate(gfalt_transfer_status_t, GError ** err); /** * Get an estimation of the instant baudrate in bytes/s */ size_t gfalt_copy_get_instant_baudrate(gfalt_transfer_status_t, GError ** err); /** * Get the current number of bytes transfered */ size_t gfalt_copy_get_bytes_transfered(gfalt_transfer_status_t, GError ** err); /** * Get the elapsed tiem since the call to \ref gfalt_copy_file */ time_t gfalt_copy_get_elapsed_time(gfalt_transfer_status_t, GError ** err); /** @} End of the File Transfer API */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* GFAL_TRANSFER_H_ */