""" Miscellaneous functions/objects used by Cheetah but also useful standalone. """ import os # Used in mkdirsWithPyInitFile. import sys # Used in die. ################################################## # MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS def die(reason): sys.stderr.write(reason + '\n') sys.exit(1) def useOrRaise(thing, errmsg=''): """Raise 'thing' if it's a subclass of Exception. Otherwise return it. Called by: Cheetah.Servlet.cgiImport() """ if isinstance(thing, type) and issubclass(thing, Exception): raise thing(errmsg) return thing def checkKeywords(dic, legalKeywords, what='argument'): """Verify no illegal keyword arguments were passed to a function. in : dic, dictionary (**kw in the calling routine). legalKeywords, list of strings, the keywords that are allowed. what, string, suffix for error message (see function source). out: None. exc: TypeError if 'dic' contains a key not in 'legalKeywords'. called by: Cheetah.Template.__init__() """ # XXX legalKeywords could be a set when sets get added to Python. for k in dic: if k not in legalKeywords: raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid %s" % (k, what)) def removeFromList(list_, *elements): """Save as list_.remove(each element) but don't raise an error if element is missing. Modifies 'list_' in place! Returns None. """ for elm in elements: try: list_.remove(elm) except ValueError: pass def mkdirsWithPyInitFiles(path): """Same as os.makedirs (mkdir 'path' and all missing parent directories) but also puts a Python '__init__.py' file in every directory it creates. Does nothing (without creating an '__init__.py' file) if the directory already exists. """ dir, fil = os.path.split(path) if dir and not os.path.exists(dir): mkdirsWithPyInitFiles(dir) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) init = os.path.join(path, "__init__.py") f = open(init, 'w') # Open and close to produce empty file. f.close() # vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab