
    Lexers for the SMV languages.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, words
from pygments.token import Comment, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, \
    Punctuation, Text

__all__ = ['NuSMVLexer']

class NuSMVLexer(RegexLexer):
    Lexer for the NuSMV language.

    .. versionadded:: 2.2

    name = 'NuSMV'
    aliases = ['nusmv']
    filenames = ['*.smv']
    mimetypes = []

    tokens = {
        'root': [
            # Comments
            (r'(?s)\/\-\-.*?\-\-/', Comment),
            (r'--.*\n', Comment),

            # Reserved
            (words(('MODULE', 'DEFINE', 'MDEFINE', 'CONSTANTS', 'VAR', 'IVAR',
                    'FROZENVAR', 'INIT', 'TRANS', 'INVAR', 'SPEC', 'CTLSPEC',
                    'LTLSPEC', 'PSLSPEC', 'COMPUTE', 'NAME', 'INVARSPEC',
                    'FAIRNESS', 'JUSTICE', 'COMPASSION', 'ISA', 'ASSIGN',
                    'CONSTRAINT', 'SIMPWFF', 'CTLWFF', 'LTLWFF', 'PSLWFF',
                    'COMPWFF', 'IN', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'MIRROR', 'PRED',
                    'PREDICATES'), suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'),
            (r'process(?![\w$#-])', Keyword),
            (words(('array', 'of', 'boolean', 'integer', 'real', 'word'),
                   suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'), Keyword.Type),
            (words(('case', 'esac'), suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'), Keyword),
            (words(('word1', 'bool', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'extend', 'resize',
                    'sizeof', 'uwconst', 'swconst', 'init', 'self', 'count',
                    'abs', 'max', 'min'), suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'),
            (words(('EX', 'AX', 'EF', 'AF', 'EG', 'AG', 'E', 'F', 'O', 'G',
                    'H', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'A', 'U', 'S', 'V', 'T', 'BU', 'EBF',
                    'ABF', 'EBG', 'ABG', 'next', 'mod', 'union', 'in', 'xor',
                    'xnor'), suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'),
            (words(('TRUE', 'FALSE'), suffix=r'(?![\w$#-])'), Keyword.Constant),

            # Names
            (r'[a-zA-Z_][\w$#-]*', Name.Variable),

            # Operators
            (r':=', Operator),
            (r'[-&|+*/<>!=]', Operator),

            # Literals
            (r'\-?\d+\b', Number.Integer),
            (r'0[su][bB]\d*_[01_]+', Number.Bin),
            (r'0[su][oO]\d*_[0-7_]+', Number.Oct),
            (r'0[su][dD]\d*_[\d_]+', Number.Decimal),
            (r'0[su][hH]\d*_[\da-fA-F_]+', Number.Hex),

            # Whitespace, punctuation and the rest
            (r'\s+', Text.Whitespace),
            (r'[()\[\]{};?:.,]', Punctuation),