#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2012 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import errno import fcntl import getopt import os import re import signal import subprocess import sys import time from socket import gethostname from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen # The pCache Version pcacheversion = "4.2.3" # Log message levels DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR = "DEBUG", "INFO ", "WARN ", "ERROR" # filename for locking LOCK_NAME = ".LOCK" # Session ID sessid = "%s.%s" % (int(time.time()), os.getpid()) # Run a command with a timeout def run_cmd(args, timeout=0): class Alarm(Exception): pass def alarm_handler(signum, frame): raise Alarm # Execute the command as a subprocess try: p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except: return (-2, None) # Set the timer if a timeout value was given if (timeout > 0): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler) signal.alarm(timeout) # Wait for the command to complete try: # Collect the output when the command completes stdout = p.communicate()[0][:-1] # Commmand completed in time, cancel the alarm if (timeout > 0): signal.alarm(0) # Command timed out except Alarm: # The pid of our spawn pids = [p.pid] # The pids of the spawn of our spawn pids.extend(get_process_children(p.pid)) # Terminate all of the evil spawn for pid in pids: try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError: pass # Return a timeout error return (-1, None) return (p.returncode, stdout) def get_process_children(pid): # Get a list of all pids assocaited with a given pid p = subprocess.Popen(args='ps --no-headers -o pid --ppid %d' % pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Wait and fetch the stdout stdout, stderr = p.communicate() # Return a list of pids as tuples return [int(pr) for pr in stdout.split()] def unitize(x): suff = 'BKMGTPEZY' while ((x >= 1024) and suff): x /= 1024.0 suff = suff[1:] return "%.4g%s" % (x, suff[0]) class Pcache: def Usage(self): msg = """Usage: %s [flags] copy_prog [copy_flags] input output""" % self.progname sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) # py3, py2 # print>>sys.stderr, " flags are: " # "s:r:m:Cy:A:R:t:r:g:fFl:VvqpH:S:", # "scratch-dir=", # "storage-root=", # "max-space=", # "clean", # "hysterisis=", # "accept=", # "reject=", # "timeout=", # "retry=", # "force", # "flush-cache", # "guid=", # "log=", # "version", # "verbose", # "debug", # "quiet", # "panda", # "hostname", # "sitename" def __init__(self): os.umask(0) self.storage_root = "/pnfs" self.scratch_dir = "/scratch/" self.pcache_dir = self.scratch_dir + "pcache/" self.log_file = self.pcache_dir + "pcache.log" self.max_space = "80%" self.percent_max = None self.bytes_max = None # self.max_space = "10T" self.hysterisis = 0.75 # self.hysterisis = 0.9 self.clean = False self.transfer_timeout = "600" self.max_retries = 3 self.guid = None self.accept_patterns = [] self.reject_patterns = [] self.force = False self.flush = False self.verbose = False self.quiet = False self.debug = False self.hostname = None self.sitename = None # XXX can we get this from somewhere? self.update_panda = False self.panda_url = "https://pandaserver.cern.ch:25443/server/panda/" self.local_src = None self.skip_download = False # internal variables self.sleep_interval = 15 self.force = False self.locks = {} self.deleted_guids = [] self.version = pcacheversion def parse_args(self, args): # handle pcache flags and leave the rest in self.args try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "s:x:m:Cy:A:R:t:r:g:fFl:VvdqpPH:S:L:X:", ["scratch-dir=", "storage-root=", "max-space=", "clean", "hysterisis=", "accept=", "reject=", "timeout=", "retry=", "force", "flush-cache", "guid=", "log=", "version", "verbose", "debug", "quiet", "print-stats", "panda", "hostname", "sitename", "local-src"]) # XXXX cache, stats, reset, clean, delete, inventory # TODO: move checksum/size validation from lsm to pcache except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(err)) self.Usage() self.fail(100) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-s", "--scratch-dir"): self.scratch_dir = arg # Make sure scratch_dir endswith / if not self.scratch_dir.endswith("/"): self.scratch_dir += "/" self.pcache_dir = self.scratch_dir + "pcache/" self.log_file = self.pcache_dir + "pcache.log" elif opt in ("-x", "--storage-root"): self.storage_root = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--max-space"): self.max_space = arg elif opt in ("-y", "--hysterisis"): if arg.endswith('%'): self.hysterisis = float(arg[:-1]) / 100 else: self.hysterisis = float(arg) elif opt in ("-A", "--accept"): self.accept_patterns.append(arg) elif opt in ("-R", "--reject"): self.reject_patterns.append(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--timeout"): self.transfer_timeout = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--force"): self.force = True elif opt in ("-F", "--flush-cache"): self.flush = True elif opt in ("-C", "--clean"): self.clean = True elif opt in ("-g", "--guid"): if arg == 'None': self.guid = None else: self.guid = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--retry"): self.max_retries = int(arg) elif opt in ("-V", "--version"): print(str(self.version)) sys.exit(0) elif opt in ("-l", "--log"): self.log_file = arg elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"): self.verbose = True elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): self.debug = True elif opt in ("-q", "--quiet"): self.quiet = True elif opt in ("-p", "--print-stats"): self.print_stats() sys.exit(0) elif opt in ("-P", "--panda"): self.update_panda = True elif opt in ("-H", "--hostname"): self.hostname = arg elif opt in ("-S", "--sitename"): self.sitename = arg elif opt in ("-L", "--local-src"): self.local_src = str(arg) elif opt in ("-X", "--skip-download"): if str(arg) in ('True', 'true') or arg: self.skip_download = True # Treatment of limits on pcache size self._convert_max_space() # Convert timeout to seconds t = self.transfer_timeout mult = 1 suff = t[-1] if suff in ('H', 'h'): mult = 3600 t = t[:-1] elif suff in ('M', 'm'): mult = 60 t = t[:1] elif suff in ('S', 's'): mult = 1 t = t[:-1] self.transfer_timeout = mult * int(t) # Pre-compile regexes self.accept_patterns = list(map(re.compile, self.accept_patterns)) self.reject_patterns = list(map(re.compile, self.reject_patterns)) # Set host and name if self.hostname is None: self.hostname = gethostname() if self.sitename is None: self.sitename = os.environ.get("SITE", "") # XXXX # All done self.args = args def _convert_max_space(self): ''' Added by Rucio team. Converts max allowed space usage of pcache into units used by this tool. :input self.max_space: limit set by user :output self.percent_max: max percentage of pcache space used :output self.bytes_max: max size in bytes of pcache space used ''' # Convert max_space arg to percent_max or bytes_max if self.max_space.endswith('%'): self.percent_max = float(self.max_space[:-1]) self.bytes_max = None else: # handle suffix self.percent_max = None m = self.max_space.upper() index = "BKMGTPEZY".find(m[-1]) if index >= 0: self.bytes_max = float(m[:-1]) * (1024**index) else: # Numeric value w/o units (exception if invalid) self.bytes_max = float(self.max_space) def clean_pcache(self, max_space=None): ''' Added by Rucio team. Cleans pcache in case it is over limit. Used for tests of the pcache functionality. Can be called without other init. ''' self.t0 = time.time() self.progname = "pcache" # set max. occupancy of pcache: if max_space: self.max_space = max_space self._convert_max_space() # Fail on extra args if not self.scratch_dir: self.Usage() self.fail(100) # hardcoded pcache dir self.pcache_dir = self.scratch_dir + '/pcache/' # clean pcache self.maybe_start_cleaner_thread() def check_and_link(self, src='', dst='', dst_prefix='', scratch_dir='/scratch/', storage_root=None, force=False, guid=None, log_file=None, version='', hostname=None, sitename=None, local_src=None): ''' Added by Rucio team. Replacement for the main method. Checks whether a file is in pcache: - if yes: creates a hardlink to the file in pcahce - if not: - returns 500 and leaves it to Rucio - Rucio downloads a file Makes hardlink in pcache to downloaded file: - needs :param local_src: path to downloaded file ''' self.t0 = time.time() self.progname = "pcache" self.pcache_dir = scratch_dir + '/pcache/' self.src = src self.dst = dst self.dst_prefix = dst_prefix self.sitename = sitename self.hostname = hostname self.guid = guid if log_file: self.log_file = log_file self.local_src = local_src self.version = version self.storage_root = storage_root # Cache dir may have been wiped if ((not os.path.exists(self.pcache_dir)) and self.update_panda): self.panda_flush_cache() # Create the pCache directory if (self.mkdir_p(self.pcache_dir)): self.fail(101) self.log(INFO, "%s %s invoked as: API", self.progname, self.version) # Fail on extra args if not scratch_dir: self.Usage() self.fail(100) # If the source is lfn:, execute original command, no further action if (self.src.startswith('lfn:')): # status = os.execvp(self.copy_util, self.args) os._exit(1) # If the destination is a local file, do some rewrites if (self.dst.startswith('file:')): self.dst_prefix = 'file:' self.dst = self.dst[5:] # Leave one '/' on dst while ((len(self.dst) > 1) and (self.dst[1] == '/')): self.dst_prefix += '/' self.dst = self.dst[1:] # load file into pcache self.create_pcache_dst_dir() # XXXX TODO _ dst_dir can get deleted before lock! waited = False # If another transfer is active, lock_dir will block if (self.lock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir, blocking=False)): waited = True self.log(INFO, "%s locked, waiting", self.pcache_dst_dir) self.lock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir, blocking=True) if (waited): self.log(INFO, "waited %.2f secs", time.time() - self.t0) if force: self.empty_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir) # The name of the cached version of this file cache_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "data" # Check if the file is in cache or we need to transfer it down if (os.path.exists(cache_file)): exit_status = 0 copy_status = None self.log(INFO, "check_and_link: file found in cache") self.log(INFO, "cache hit %s", self.src) self.update_stats("cache_hits") self.finish() if (os.path.exists(self.dst)): copy_status = 1 elif self.local_src: exit_status = 1 copy_status = None self.log(INFO, "check_and_link: local replica found, linking to pcache") self.finish() else: self.log(INFO, "check_and_link: %s file not found in pcache and was not downloaded yet", self.src) return (500, None) self.unlock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir) self.log(INFO, "total time %.2f secs", time.time() - self.t0) # in case that the pcache is over limit self.maybe_start_cleaner_thread() # Return if the file was cached, copied or an error (and its code) return (exit_status, copy_status) def main(self, args): # args self.cmdline = ' '.join(args) self.t0 = time.time() self.progname = args[0] or "pcache" # Must have a list of arguments if (self.parse_args(args[1:])): self.Usage() self.fail(100) # Cache dir may have been wiped if ((not os.path.exists(self.pcache_dir)) and self.update_panda): self.panda_flush_cache() # Create the pCache directory if (self.mkdir_p(self.pcache_dir)): self.fail(101) self.log(INFO, "%s %s invoked as: %s", self.progname, self.version, self.cmdline) # Are we flushing the cache if (self.flush): if (self.args): sys.stderr.write("--flush not compatible with other options") self.fail(100) else: self.flush_cache() sys.exit(0) # Are we cleaning the cache if (self.clean): # size = self.do_cache_inventory() self.maybe_start_cleaner_thread() if (len(self.args) < 1): sys.exit(0) # Fail on extra args if (len(self.args) < 3): self.Usage() self.fail(100) self.copy_util = self.args[0] self.copy_args = self.args[1:-2] self.src = self.args[-2] self.dst = self.args[-1] self.dst_prefix = '' # If the source is lfn:, execute original command, no further action if (self.src.startswith('lfn:')): # status = os.execvp(self.copy_util, self.args) os._exit(1) # If the destination is a local file, do some rewrites if (self.dst.startswith('file:')): self.dst_prefix = 'file:' self.dst = self.dst[5:] # Leave one '/' on dst while ((len(self.dst) > 1) and (self.dst[1] == '/')): self.dst_prefix += '/' self.dst = self.dst[1:] # Execute original command, no further action if (not (self.dst.startswith(self.scratch_dir) and self.accept(self.src) and (not self.reject(self.src)))): os.execvp(self.copy_util, self.args) os._exit(1) # XXXX todo: fast-path - try to acquire lock # first, if that succeeds, don't call # create_pcache_dst_dir # load file into pcache self.create_pcache_dst_dir() # XXXX TODO _ dst_dir can get deleted before lock! waited = False # If another transfer is active, lock_dir will block if (self.lock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir, blocking=False)): waited = True self.log(INFO, "%s locked, waiting", self.pcache_dst_dir) self.lock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir, blocking=True) if (waited): self.log(INFO, "waited %.2f secs", time.time() - self.t0) if (self.force): self.empty_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir) # The name of the cached version of this file cache_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "data" # Check if the file is in cache or we need to transfer it down if (os.path.exists(cache_file)): exit_status = 1 copy_status = None self.log(INFO, "cache hit %s", self.src) self.update_stats("cache_hits") self.finish() else: if self.skip_download: return (500, None) self.update_stats("cache_misses") exit_status, copy_status = self.pcache_copy_in() if ((exit_status == 0) or (exit_status == 2)): self.finish() self.unlock_dir(self.pcache_dst_dir) self.log(INFO, "total time %.2f secs", time.time() - self.t0) self.maybe_start_cleaner_thread() # Return if the file was cached, copied or an error (and its code) return (exit_status, copy_status) def finish(self, local_src=None): cache_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "data" self.update_mru() if self.local_src: if (self.make_hard_link(self.local_src, cache_file)): self.fail(102) else: if (self.make_hard_link(cache_file, self.dst)): self.fail(102) def pcache_copy_in(self): cache_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "data" # Record source URL try: fname = self.pcache_dst_dir + "src" f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(self.src + '\n') f.close() self.chmod(fname, 0o666) except: pass # Record GUID if given if (self.guid): try: fname = self.pcache_dst_dir + "guid" f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(self.guid + '\n') f.close() self.chmod(fname, 0o666) except: pass # Try to transfer the file up the the number of retries allowed retry = 0 while (retry <= self.max_retries): # Is this is a retry attempt, log it as such if (retry > 0): self.log(INFO, "do_transfer: retry %s", retry) # Do the transfer. exit_status will be either # 0 - success # 3 - Transfer command failed. copy_status has the return code # 4 - Transfer command timed out # 5 - Transfer command was not found exit_status, copy_status = self.do_transfer() # If success, stop trying, otherwise increment the retry count if (exit_status == 0): break retry += 1 # Did the transfer succeed if (exit_status == 0): # If we succeeded on a retry, return status 2 and the retries if (retry == 0): copy_status = None else: exit_status = 2 copy_status = retry # Update the cache information if self.local_src: self.update_cache_size(os.stat(self.local_src).st_size) else: self.update_cache_size(os.stat(cache_file).st_size) # Update the panda cache if (self.guid and self.update_panda): self.panda_add_cache_files((self.guid,)) return (exit_status, copy_status) def create_pcache_dst_dir(self): d = self.src index = d.find(self.storage_root) if (index >= 0): d = d[index:] else: index = d.find("SFN=") if (index >= 0): d = d[index + 4:] # self.log(INFO, '%s', self.storage_root) # self.log(INFO, '%s', d) # XXXX any more patterns to look for? d = os.path.normpath(self.pcache_dir + "CACHE/" + d) if (not d.endswith('/')): d += '/' self.pcache_dst_dir = d status = self.mkdir_p(d) if (status): self.log(ERROR, "mkdir %s %s", d, status) self.fail(103) def get_disk_usage(self): p = os.popen("df -P %s | tail -1" % self.pcache_dir, 'r') data = p.read() status = p.close() if status: self.log(ERROR, "get_disk_usage: df command failed, status=%s", status) sys.exit(1) tok = data.split() percent = tok[-2] if not percent.endswith('%'): self.log(ERROR, "get_disk_usage: cannot parse df output: %s", data) sys.exit(1) percent = int(percent[:-1]) return percent def over_limit(self, factor=1.0): if self.percent_max: return self.get_disk_usage() > factor * self.percent_max if self.bytes_max: return self.get_cache_size() > factor * self.bytes_max return False def clean_cache(self): t0 = time.time() self.log(INFO, "starting cleanup, cache size=%s, usage=%s%%", unitize(self.get_cache_size()), self.get_disk_usage()) for link in self.list_by_mru(): try: d = os.readlink(link) except OSError as e: self.log(ERROR, "readlink: %s", e) continue self.log(DEBUG, "deleting %s", d) if os.path.exists(d): self.empty_dir(d) else: self.log(WARN, "Attempt to delete missing file %s", d) self.flush_cache() break # empty_dir should also delete MRU symlink, but # mop up here in there is some problem with the # backlink try: os.unlink(link) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "unlink: %s", e) if not self.over_limit(self.hysterisis): break self.log(INFO, "cleanup complete, cache size=%s, usage=%s%%, time=%.2f secs", self.get_cache_size(), self.get_disk_usage(), time.time() - t0) def list_by_mru(self): mru_dir = self.pcache_dir + "MRU/" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mru_dir): dirs.sort() for d in dirs: path = os.path.join(root, d) if os.path.islink(path): dirs.remove(d) yield path if files: files.sort() for file in files: path = os.path.join(root, file) yield path def flush_cache(self): # Delete everything in CACHE, MRU, and reset stats self.log(INFO, "flushing cache") if self.update_panda: self.panda_flush_cache() self.reset_stats() ts = '.' + str(time.time()) for d in "CACHE", "MRU": d = self.pcache_dir + d try: os.rename(d, d + ts) os.system("rm -rf %s &" % (d + ts)) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "%s: %s", d, e) def do_transfer(self): # Cache file and transfer file locations cache_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "data" xfer_file = self.pcache_dst_dir + "xfer" # Remove any transfer file with the same name try: os.unlink(xfer_file) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "unlink: %s", e) # Build the copy command with the destination into the xfer location args = self.args[:] args[-1] = self.dst_prefix + xfer_file # Save the current time for timing output t0 = time.time() # Do the copy with a timeout if self.local_src: return (0, None) else: copy_status, copy_output = run_cmd(args, self.transfer_timeout) # Did the command timeout if (copy_status == -1): self.log(ERROR, "copy command timed out, elapsed time = %.2f sec", time.time() - t0) self.cleanup_failed_transfer() return (4, None) elif (copy_status == -2): self.log(ERROR, "copy command was not found") self.cleanup_failed_transfer() return (5, None) # Display any output from the copy if (copy_output): print('%s' % copy_output) # Did the copy succeed (good status and an existing file) if ((copy_status > 0) or (not os.path.exists(xfer_file))): self.log(ERROR, "copy command failed, elapsed time = %.2f sec", time.time() - t0) self.cleanup_failed_transfer() return (3, copy_status) self.log(INFO, "copy command succeeded, elapsed time = %.2f sec", time.time() - t0) try: os.rename(xfer_file, cache_file) # self.log(INFO, "rename %s %s", xfer_file, cache_file) except OSError: # Fatal error if we can't do this self.log(ERROR, "rename %s %s", xfer_file, cache_file) try: os.unlink(xfer_file) except: pass self.fail(104) # Make the file readable to all self.chmod(cache_file, 0o666) # Transfer completed, return the transfer command status return (0, None) def maybe_start_cleaner_thread(self): if not self.over_limit(): return # exit immediately if another cleaner is active cleaner_lock = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, ".clean") if self.lock_file(cleaner_lock, blocking=False): self.log(INFO, "cleanup not starting: %s locked", cleaner_lock) return # see http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/faq/part3/section-13.html # for explanation of double-fork pid = os.fork() if pid: # parent os.waitpid(pid, 0) return else: # child self.daemonize() pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) # grandchild self.clean_cache() self.unlock_file(cleaner_lock) os._exit(0) def make_hard_link(self, src, dst): self.log(INFO, "linking %s to %s", src, dst) try: if os.path.exists(dst): os.unlink(dst) os.link(src, dst) except OSError as e: self.log(ERROR, "make_hard_link: %s", e) ret = e.errno if ret == errno.ENOENT: try: stat_info = os.stat(src) self.log(INFO, "stat(%s) = %s", src, stat_info) except: self.log(INFO, "cannot stat %s", src) try: stat_info = os.stat(dst) self.log(INFO, "stat(%s) = %s", dst, stat_info) except: self.log(INFO, "cannot stat %s", dst) return ret def reject(self, name): for pat in self.reject_patterns: if pat.search(name): return True return False def accept(self, name): if not self.accept_patterns: return True for pat in self.accept_patterns: if pat.search(name): return True return False def get_stat(self, stats_dir, stat_name): filename = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, stats_dir, stat_name) try: f = open(filename, 'r') data = int(f.read().strip()) f.close() except: data = 0 return data def print_stats(self): print(("Cache size: %s", unitize(self.get_stat("CACHE", "size")))) print(("Cache hits: %s", self.get_stat("stats", "cache_hits"))) print(("Cache misses: %s", self.get_stat("stats", "cache_misses"))) def reset_stats(self): stats_dir = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, "stats") try: for f in os.listdir(stats_dir): try: os.unlink(os.path.join(stats_dir, f)) except: pass except: pass # XXXX error handling pass def update_stat_file(self, stats_dir, name, delta): # internal stats_dir = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, stats_dir) self.mkdir_p(stats_dir) self.lock_dir(stats_dir) stats_file = os.path.join(stats_dir, name) try: f = open(stats_file, 'r') data = f.read() f.close() value = int(data) except: # XXXX value = 0 value += delta try: f = open(stats_file, 'w') f.write("%s\n" % value) f.close() self.chmod(stats_file, 0o666) except: pass # XXX self.unlock_dir(stats_dir) def update_stats(self, name, delta=1): return self.update_stat_file("stats", name, delta) def update_cache_size(self, bytes_): return self.update_stat_file("CACHE", "size", bytes_) def get_cache_size(self): filename = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, "CACHE", "size") size = 0 try: f = open(filename) data = f.read() size = int(data) except: pass # If we could not fetch the size, do a reinventory if size == 0: size = self.do_cache_inventory() # The size should never be negative, so lets cleanup and start over if size < 0: self.log(WARN, "CACHE corruption found. Negative CACHE size: %d", size) self.flush_cache() size = 0 return size def do_cache_inventory(self): inventory_lock = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, ".inventory") if self.lock_file(inventory_lock, blocking=False): return size = 0 self.log(INFO, "starting inventory") for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.pcache_dir): for f in files: if f == "data": fullname = os.path.join(root, f) try: size += os.stat(fullname).st_size except OSError as e: self.log(ERROR, "stat(%s): %s", fullname, e) filename = os.path.join(self.pcache_dir, "CACHE", "size") try: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write("%s\n" % size) f.close() self.chmod(filename, 0o666) except: pass # XXXX self.unlock_file(inventory_lock) self.log(INFO, "inventory complete, cache size %s", size) return size def daemonize(self): if self.debug: return try: os.setsid() except OSError: pass try: os.chdir("/") except OSError: pass try: os.umask(0) except OSError: pass n = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) i, o, e = sys.stdin.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno() os.dup2(n, i) os.dup2(n, o) os.dup2(n, e) MAXFD = 1024 try: import resource # Resource usage information. maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if (maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY): maxfd = MAXFD except: try: maxfd = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX") except: maxfd = MAXFD # use default value for fd in range(0, maxfd + 1): try: os.close(fd) except: pass # Panda server callback functions def do_http_post(self, url, data): # see http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/faq/part3/section-13.html # for explanation of double-fork (is it overkill here?) pid = os.fork() if pid: # parent os.waitpid(pid, 0) return else: # child self.daemonize() pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) # grandchild retry = 0 # This will retry for up to 1 hour, at 2 minute intervals while retry < 30: try: u = urlopen(url, data=urlencode(data)) ret = u.read() u.close() self.log(INFO, "http post to %s, retry %s, data='%s', return='%s'", url, retry, data, ret) if ret == "True": break except: exc, msg, tb = sys.exc_info() self.log(ERROR, "post to %s, data=%s, error=%s", url, data, msg) retry += 1 time.sleep(120) # finished, don't keep the child thread around! os._exit(0) def panda_flush_cache(self): self.do_http_post(self.panda_url + "flushCacheDB", data={"site": self.sitename, "node": self.hostname}) def panda_add_cache_files(self, guids): self.do_http_post(self.panda_url + "addFilesToCacheDB", data={"site": self.sitename, "node": self.hostname, "guids": ','.join(guids)}) def panda_del_cache_files(self, guids): self.do_http_post(self.panda_url + "deleteFilesFromCacheDB", data={"site": self.sitename, "node": self.hostname, "guids": ','.join(guids)}) # Locking functions def lock_dir(self, d, create=True, blocking=True): lock_name = os.path.join(d, LOCK_NAME) lock_status = self.lock_file(lock_name, blocking) if (not lock_status): # succeeded return if ((lock_status == errno.ENOENT) and create): mkdir_status = self.mkdir_p(d) if (mkdir_status): self.log(ERROR, "mkdir %s %s", d, mkdir_status) self.fail(105) lock_status = self.lock_file(lock_name, blocking) return lock_status def unlock_dir(self, d): return self.unlock_file(os.path.join(d, LOCK_NAME)) def lock_file(self, name, blocking=True): if name in self.locks: self.log(DEBUG, "lock_file: %s already locked", name) return try: f = open(name, 'w') except OSError as e: self.log(ERROR, "open: %s", e) return e.errno self.locks[name] = f flag = fcntl.LOCK_EX if not blocking: flag |= fcntl.LOCK_NB while True: try: status = fcntl.lockf(f, flag) break except OSError as e: if e.errno in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EACCES) and not blocking: f.close() del self.locks[name] return e.errno if e.errno != errno.EINTR: status = e.errno self.log(ERROR, "lockf: %s", e) self.fail(106) return status def unlock_file(self, name): f = self.locks.get(name) if not f: self.log(DEBUG, "unlock_file: %s not locked", name) return # XXXX does this create a possible race condition? if 0: try: os.unlink(name) except: pass status = fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN) f.close() del self.locks[name] return status def unlock_all(self): for filename, f in list(self.locks.items()): try: f.close() os.unlink(filename) except: pass # Cleanup functions def delete_file_and_parents(self, name): try: os.unlink(name) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "unlink: %s", e) self.fail(107) self.delete_parents_recursive(name) def delete_parents_recursive(self, name): # internal try: dirname = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.listdir(dirname): os.rmdir(dirname) self.delete_parents_recursive(dirname) except OSError as e: self.log(DEBUG, "delete_parents_recursive: %s", e) def update_mru(self): now = time.time() link_to_mru = self.pcache_dst_dir + "mru" if os.path.exists(link_to_mru): link = os.readlink(link_to_mru) self.delete_file_and_parents(link) try: os.unlink(link_to_mru) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "unlink: %s", e) self.fail(108) mru_dir = self.pcache_dir + "MRU/" + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/", time.localtime(now)) self.mkdir_p(mru_dir) # getting symlink name = "%.3f" % (now % 60) ext = 0 while True: if ext: link_from_mru = "%s%s-%s" % (mru_dir, name, ext) else: link_from_mru = "%s%s" % (mru_dir, name) try: os.symlink(self.pcache_dst_dir, link_from_mru) break except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: ext += 1 # add an extension & retry if file exists continue else: self.log(ERROR, "symlink: %s %s", e, link_from_mru) self.fail(109) while True: try: os.symlink(link_from_mru, link_to_mru) break except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: try: os.unlink(link_to_mru) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(ERROR, "unlink: %s %s", e, link_to_mru) self.fail(109) else: self.log(ERROR, "symlink: %s %s", e, link_from_mru) self.fail(109) def cleanup_failed_transfer(self): try: os.unlink(self.pcache_dir + 'xfer') except: pass def empty_dir(self, d): status = None bytes_deleted = 0 for name in os.listdir(d): size = 0 fullname = os.path.join(d, name) if name == "data": try: size = os.stat(fullname).st_size except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(WARN, "stat: %s", e) elif name == "guid": try: guid = open(fullname).read().strip() self.deleted_guids.append(guid) except: pass # XXXX elif name == "mru" and os.path.islink(fullname): try: mru_file = os.readlink(fullname) os.unlink(fullname) self.delete_file_and_parents(mru_file) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(WARN, "empty_dir: %s", e) try: if self.debug: print(("UNLINK %s", fullname)) os.unlink(fullname) bytes_deleted += size except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: self.log(WARN, "empty_dir2: %s", e) # self.fail() self.update_cache_size(-bytes_deleted) self.delete_parents_recursive(d) return status def chmod(self, path, mode): try: os.chmod(path, mode) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPERM: # Cannot chmod files we don't own! self.log(ERROR, "chmod %s %s", path, e) def mkdir_p(self, d, mode=0o777): # Thread-safe try: os.makedirs(d, mode) return 0 except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: # Don't use log here, log dir may not exist sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(e)) return e.errno def log(self, level, msg, *args): # Disable all logging if (self.quiet): return if ((level == DEBUG) and (not self.debug)): return msg = "%s %s %s %s %s\n" % (time.strftime("%F %H:%M:%S"), sessid, self.hostname, level, str(msg) % args) try: f = open(self.log_file, "a+", 0o666) f.write(msg) f.close() except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(e)) sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() if (self.debug or self.verbose or (level == ERROR)): sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() def fail(self, errcode=1): self.unlock_all() sys.exit(errcode) ################################################################################## # pCache exit_status will be # # 0 - File was transferred into cache and is ready # 1 - File is cached and ready to use # 2 - File was transferred but with a retry (copy_status has the retry count) # 3 - Transfer command failed (copy_status has the transfer return code) # 4 - Transfer command timed out # # 100 - Usage error # 101 - Cache directory does not exist # 102 - Cache hard link error # 103 - Cache destination mkdir error # 104 - Cache rename error # 105 - Cache locking error # 106 - Cache file locking error # 107 - Cache cleanup error # 108 - Cache MRU update error # 109 - Cache MRU link error # 500 - Is file in pcache? No other action if (__name__ == "__main__"): # Load pCache p = Pcache() # Save the passed arguments args = sys.argv # Find the file exit_status, copy_status = p.main(args) # Take us home percy... sys.exit(exit_status)