// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

#ifndef __ARC_DATAHANDLE_H__
#define __ARC_DATAHANDLE_H__

#include <arc/data/DataPoint.h>

namespace Arc {

  class URL;
  class UserConfig;

  /// This class is a wrapper around the DataPoint class.
   * It simplifies the construction, use and destruction of
   * DataPoint objects and should be used instead of DataPoint
   * classes directly. The appropriate DataPoint subclass is
   * created automatically and stored internally in DataHandle.
   * A DataHandle instance can be thought of as a pointer to
   * the DataPoint instance and the DataPoint can be accessed
   * through the usual dereference operators. A DataHandle
   * cannot be copied.
   * This class is the main way to access remote data items and
   * obtain information about them. To simply copy a whole file
   * DataMover::Transfer() can be used. For partial file copy see
   * the examples in \ref data.
   * \ingroup data
   * \headerfile DataHandle.h arc/data/DataHandle.h

  class DataHandle {
    /// Construct a new DataHandle
    DataHandle(const URL& url, const UserConfig& usercfg)
      : p(getLoader().load(url, usercfg)) {}
    /// Destructor
    ~DataHandle() {
      if (p)
        delete p;
    /// Returns a pointer to a DataPoint object
    DataPoint* operator->() {
      return p;
    /// Returns a const pointer to a DataPoint object
    const DataPoint* operator->() const {
      return p;
    /// Returns a reference to a DataPoint object
    DataPoint& operator*() {
      return *p;
    /// Returns a const reference to a DataPoint object
    const DataPoint& operator*() const {
      return *p;
    /// Returns true if the DataHandle is not valid
    bool operator!() const {
      return !p;
    /// Returns true if the DataHandle is valid
    operator bool() const {
      return !!p;
    /// Returns a pointer to new DataPoint object corresponding to URL.
     * This static method is mostly for bindings to other languages
     * and if available scope of obtained DataPoint is undefined.
    static DataPoint* GetPoint(const URL& url, const UserConfig& usercfg) {
      return getLoader().load(url, usercfg);
    /// Pointer to specific DataPoint instance
    DataPoint *p;
    /// Returns DataPointLoader object to be used for creating DataPoint objects.
    static DataPointLoader& getLoader();
    /// Private default constructor
    /// Private copy constructor and assignment operator because DataHandle
    /// should not be copied.
    DataHandle(const DataHandle&);
    DataHandle& operator=(const DataHandle&);

} // namespace Arc

#endif // __ARC_DATAHANDLE_H__