#!/cvmfs/dirac.egi.eu/dirac/v9.0.0a25/Linux-aarch64/bin/python # Copyright European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2012 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import errno import itertools import logging import math import os import signal import subprocess import sys import time import traceback import unittest import uuid from configparser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from functools import wraps from tabulate import tabulate # rucio module has the same name as this executable module, so this rule fails. pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from rucio import version from rucio.client import Client from rucio.common.config import config_get, config_get_float from rucio.common.constants import ReplicaState from rucio.common.exception import ( AccessDenied, CannotAuthenticate, DataIdentifierAlreadyExists, DataIdentifierNotFound, DIDFilterSyntaxError, DuplicateContent, DuplicateCriteriaInDIDFilter, DuplicateRule, InputValidationError, InvalidObject, InvalidRSEExpression, InvalidType, MissingDependency, RSENotFound, RucioException, RuleNotFound, UnsupportedOperation, ) from rucio.common.extra import import_extras from rucio.common.test_rucio_server import TestRucioServer from rucio.common.utils import Color, StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, chunks, detect_client_location, extract_scope, parse_did_filter_from_string, parse_did_filter_from_string_fe, setup_logger, sizefmt EXTRA_MODULES = import_extras(['argcomplete']) if EXTRA_MODULES['argcomplete']: import argcomplete # pylint: disable=E0401 SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT = 443 DEFAULT_PORT = 80 logger = logging.log gfal2_logger = logging.getLogger("gfal2") tablefmt = 'psql' def setup_gfal2_logger(logger): logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) setup_gfal2_logger(gfal2_logger) def signal_handler(sig, frame): logger.warning('You pressed Ctrl+C! Exiting gracefully') child_processes = subprocess.Popen('ps -o pid --ppid %s --noheaders' % os.getpid(), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) child_processes = child_processes.stdout.read() for pid in child_processes.split("\n")[:-1]: try: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM) except Exception: print('Cannot kill child process') sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) def get_scope(did, client): try: scope, name = extract_scope(did) return scope, name except TypeError: scopes = client.list_scopes() scope, name = extract_scope(did, scopes) return scope, name return None, did def exception_handler(function): @wraps(function) def new_funct(*args, **kwargs): try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except InvalidObject as error: logger.error(error) return error.error_code except DataIdentifierNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the Data IDentifier you provided is not known by Rucio.') return error.error_code except AccessDenied as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This error is a permission issue. You cannot run this command with your account.') return error.error_code except DataIdentifierAlreadyExists as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the Data IDentifier you try to add is already registered in Rucio.') return error.error_code except RSENotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the Rucio Storage Element you provided is not known by Rucio.') return error.error_code except InvalidRSEExpression as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the RSE expression you provided is not syntactically correct.') return error.error_code except DuplicateContent as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the DID you want to attach is already in the target DID.') return error.error_code except TypeError as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the parameter you passed has a wrong type.') return FAILURE except RuleNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the rule you specified does not exist.') return error.error_code except UnsupportedOperation as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means you cannot change the status of the DID.') return error.error_code except MissingDependency as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means one dependency is missing.') return error.error_code except KeyError as error: if 'x-rucio-auth-token' in str(error): used_account = None try: # get the configured account from the configuration file used_account = '%s (from rucio.cfg)' % config_get('client', 'account') except: pass try: # are we overriden by the environment? used_account = '%s (from RUCIO_ACCOUNT)' % os.environ['RUCIO_ACCOUNT'] except: pass logger.error('Specified account %s does not have an associated identity.' % used_account) else: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) contact = config_get('policy', 'support', raise_exception=False) support = ('Please follow up with all relevant information at: ' + contact) if contact else '' logger.error('\nThe object is missing this property: %s\n' 'This should never happen. Please rerun the last command with the "-v" option to gather more information.\n' '%s' % (str(error), support)) return FAILURE except RucioException as error: logger.error(error) return error.error_code except Exception as error: if isinstance(error, IOError) and getattr(error, 'errno', None) == errno.EPIPE: # Ignore Broken Pipe # While in python3 we can directly catch 'BrokenPipeError', in python2 it doesn't exist. # Python flushes standard streams on exit; redirect remaining output # to devnull to avoid another BrokenPipeError at shutdown devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) os.dup2(devnull, sys.stdout.fileno()) return SUCCESS logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error(error) contact = config_get('policy', 'support', raise_exception=False) support = ("If it's a problem concerning your experiment or if you're unsure what to do, please follow up at: %s\n" % contact) if contact else '' contact = config_get('policy', 'support_rucio', default='https://github.com/rucio/rucio/issues') support += "If you're sure there is a problem with Rucio itself, please follow up at: " + contact logger.error('\nRucio exited with an unexpected/unknown error.\n' 'Please rerun the last command with the "-v" option to gather more information.\n' '%s' % support) return FAILURE return new_funct def get_client(args): """ Returns a new client object. """ if not args.auth_strategy: if 'RUCIO_AUTH_TYPE' in os.environ: auth_type = os.environ['RUCIO_AUTH_TYPE'].lower() else: try: auth_type = config_get('client', 'auth_type').lower() except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): logger.error('Cannot get AUTH_TYPE') sys.exit(FAILURE) else: auth_type = args.auth_strategy.lower() if auth_type in ['userpass', 'saml'] and args.username is not None and args.password is not None: creds = {'username': args.username, 'password': args.password} elif auth_type == 'oidc': if args.oidc_issuer: args.oidc_issuer = args.oidc_issuer.lower() creds = {'oidc_auto': args.oidc_auto, 'oidc_scope': args.oidc_scope, 'oidc_audience': args.oidc_audience, 'oidc_polling': args.oidc_polling, 'oidc_refresh_lifetime': args.oidc_refresh_lifetime, 'oidc_issuer': args.oidc_issuer, 'oidc_username': args.oidc_username, 'oidc_password': args.oidc_password} else: creds = None try: client = Client(rucio_host=args.host, auth_host=args.auth_host, account=args.account, auth_type=auth_type, creds=creds, ca_cert=args.ca_certificate, timeout=args.timeout, user_agent=args.user_agent, vo=args.vo, logger=logger) except CannotAuthenticate as error: logger.error(error) if 'alert certificate expired' in str(error): logger.error('The server certificate expired.') elif auth_type.lower() == 'x509_proxy': logger.error('Please verify that your proxy is still valid and renew it if needed.') sys.exit(FAILURE) return client def __resolve_containers_to_datasets(scope, name, client): """ Helper function to resolve a container into its dataset content. """ datasets = [] for did in client.list_content(scope, name): if did['type'] == 'DATASET': datasets.append({'scope': did['scope'], 'name': did['name']}) elif did['type'] == 'CONTAINER': datasets.extend(__resolve_containers_to_datasets(did['scope'], did['name'], client)) return datasets @exception_handler def ping(args): """ Pings a Rucio server. """ client = get_client(args) server_info = client.ping() if server_info: print(server_info['version']) return SUCCESS logger.error('Ping failed') return FAILURE @exception_handler def whoami_account(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Show extended information of a given account """ client = get_client(args) info = client.whoami() for k in info: print(k.ljust(10) + ' : ' + str(info[k])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_dataset_replicas(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List dataset replicas """ client = get_client(args) result = {} datasets = [] def _append_to_datasets(scope, name): filedid = {'scope': scope, 'name': name} if filedid not in datasets: datasets.append(filedid) def _fetch_datasets_for_meta(meta): """Internal function to fetch datasets and recurse into files.""" if meta['did_type'] != 'DATASET': dids = client.scope_list(scope=meta['scope'], name=meta['name'], recursive=True) for did in dids: if did['type'] == 'FILE': _append_to_datasets(did['parent']['scope'], did['parent']['name']) else: _append_to_datasets(meta['scope'], meta['name']) def _append_result(dsn, replica): if dsn not in result: result[dsn] = {} result[dsn][replica['rse']] = [replica['rse'], replica['available_length'], replica['length']] if len(args.dids) == 1: scope, name = get_scope(args.dids[0], client) dmeta = client.get_metadata(scope, name) _fetch_datasets_for_meta(meta=dmeta) else: extractdids = (get_scope(did, client) for did in args.dids) splitdids = [{'scope': scope, 'name': name} for scope, name in extractdids] for dmeta in client.get_metadata_bulk(dids=splitdids): _fetch_datasets_for_meta(meta=dmeta) if args.deep or len(datasets) < 2: for did in datasets: dsn = "%s:%s" % (did['scope'], did['name']) for rep in client.list_dataset_replicas(scope=did['scope'], name=did['name'], deep=args.deep): _append_result(dsn=dsn, replica=rep) else: for rep in client.list_dataset_replicas_bulk(dids=datasets): dsn = "%s:%s" % (rep['scope'], rep['name']) _append_result(dsn=dsn, replica=rep) if args.csv: for dsn in result: for rse in list(result[dsn].values()): print(rse[0], rse[1], rse[2], sep=',') else: for dsn in result: print('\nDATASET: %s' % (dsn)) print(tabulate(list(result[dsn].values()), tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['RSE', 'FOUND', 'TOTAL'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_file_replicas(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List file replicas """ if args.missing: args.all_states = True client = get_client(args) protocols = None if args.protocols: protocols = args.protocols.split(',') table = [] dids = [] if args.missing and not args.rses: print('Cannot use --missing without specifying a RSE') return FAILURE if args.link and ':' not in args.link: print('The substitution parameter must equal --link="/pfn/dir:/dst/dir"') return FAILURE for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) client.get_metadata(scope=scope, name=name) # break with Exception before streaming replicas if DID does not exist dids.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) replicas = client.list_replicas(dids, schemes=protocols, ignore_availability=True, all_states=args.all_states, rse_expression=args.rses, metalink=args.metalink, client_location=detect_client_location(), sort=args.sort, domain=args.domain, resolve_archives=not args.no_resolve_archives) rses = [rse["rse"] for rse in client.list_rses(rse_expression=args.rses)] if args.metalink: print(replicas[:-1]) # last character is newline, no need to print that return SUCCESS if args.missing: for replica, rse in itertools.product(replicas, rses): if 'states' in replica and rse in replica['states'] and replica['states'].get(rse) != 'AVAILABLE': table.append([replica['scope'], replica['name'], "({0}) {1}".format(ReplicaState[replica['states'].get(rse)].value, rse)]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE', 'NAME', '(STATE) RSE'])) elif args.link: pfn_dir, dst_dir = args.link.split(':') if args.rses: for replica, rse in itertools.product(replicas, rses): if rse in list(replica['rses'].keys()) and replica['rses'][rse]: for pfn in replica['rses'][rse]: os.symlink(dst_dir + pfn.rsplit(pfn_dir)[-1], replica['name']) else: for replica in replicas: for rse in replica['rses']: if replica['rses'][rse]: for pfn in replica['rses'][rse]: os.symlink(dst_dir + pfn.rsplit(pfn_dir)[-1], replica['name']) elif args.pfns: if args.rses: for replica, rse in itertools.product(replicas, rses): if rse in list(replica['rses'].keys()) and replica['rses'][rse]: for pfn in replica['rses'][rse]: print(pfn) else: for replica in replicas: for rse in replica['rses']: if replica['rses'][rse]: for pfn in replica['rses'][rse]: print(pfn) else: if args.all_states: header = ['SCOPE', 'NAME', 'FILESIZE', 'ADLER32', '(STATE) RSE: REPLICA'] else: header = ['SCOPE', 'NAME', 'FILESIZE', 'ADLER32', 'RSE: REPLICA'] for replica in replicas: if 'bytes' in replica: for rse in replica['rses']: for pfn in replica['rses'][rse]: if args.all_states: rse_string = '({2}) {0}: {1}'.format(rse, pfn, ReplicaState[replica['states'][rse]].value) else: rse_string = '{0}: {1}'.format(rse, pfn) if args.rses: for selected_rse in rses: if rse == selected_rse: table.append([replica['scope'], replica['name'], sizefmt(replica['bytes'], args.human), replica['adler32'], rse_string]) else: table.append([replica['scope'], replica['name'], sizefmt(replica['bytes'], args.human), replica['adler32'], rse_string]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=header, disable_numparse=True)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_dataset(args): """ %(prog)s add-dataset [options] Add a dataset identifier. """ client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) client.add_dataset(scope=scope, name=name, statuses={'monotonic': args.monotonic}, lifetime=args.lifetime) print('Added %s:%s' % (scope, name)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_container(args): """ %(prog)s add-container [options] Add a container identifier. """ client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) client.add_container(scope=scope, name=name, statuses={'monotonic': args.monotonic}, lifetime=args.lifetime) print('Added %s:%s' % (scope, name)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def attach(args): """ %(prog)s attach [options] Attach a data identifier. """ client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.todid, client) dids = args.dids limit = 499 if args.fromfile: if len(dids) > 1: logger.error("If --fromfile option is active, only one file is supported. The file should contain a list of dids, one per line.") return FAILURE try: f = open(dids[0], 'r') dids = [did.rstrip() for did in f.readlines()] except OSError: logger.error("Can't open file '" + dids[0] + "'.") return FAILURE dids = [{'scope': get_scope(did, client)[0], 'name': get_scope(did, client)[1]} for did in dids] if len(dids) <= limit: client.attach_dids(scope=scope, name=name, dids=dids) else: logger.warning("You are trying to attach too much DIDs. Therefore they will be chunked and attached in multiple commands.") missing_dids = [] for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(dids, limit)): logger.info("Try to attach chunk {0}/{1}".format(i, int(math.ceil(float(len(dids)) / float(limit))))) try: client.attach_dids(scope=scope, name=name, dids=chunk) except Exception: content = [{'scope': did['scope'], 'name': did['name']} for did in client.list_content(scope=scope, name=name)] missing_dids += [did for did in chunk if did not in content] if missing_dids: for chunk in chunks(missing_dids, limit): client.attach_dids(scope=scope, name=name, dids=chunk) print('DIDs successfully attached to %s:%s' % (scope, name)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def detach(args): """ %(prog)s detach [options] Detach data identifier. """ client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.fromdid, client) dids = [] for did in args.dids: cscope, cname = get_scope(did, client) dids.append({'scope': cscope, 'name': cname}) client.detach_dids(scope=scope, name=name, dids=dids) print('DIDs successfully detached from %s:%s' % (scope, name)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_dids(args): """ %(prog)s list-dids scope[:*|:name] [--filter 'value' | --recursive] List the data identifiers for a given scope. """ client = get_client(args) filters = {} type_ = 'collection' table = [] try: scope, name = get_scope(args.did[0], client) if name == '': name = '*' except InvalidObject: scope = args.did[0] name = '*' if scope not in client.list_scopes(): logger.error('Scope not found') return FAILURE if args.recursive and '*' in name: logger.error('Option recursive cannot be used with wildcards') return FAILURE else: if filters: if ('name' in filters) and (name != '*'): logger.error('Must have a wildcard in did name if filtering by name') return FAILURE try: filters, type_ = parse_did_filter_from_string_fe(args.filter, name) except InvalidType as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except DuplicateCriteriaInDIDFilter as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except DIDFilterSyntaxError as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except ValueError as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return FAILURE for did in client.list_dids(scope, filters=filters, did_type=type_, long=True, recursive=args.recursive): table.append(['%s:%s' % (did['scope'], did['name']), did['did_type']]) if args.short: for did, _ in table: print(did) else: print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE:NAME', '[DID TYPE]'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_dids_extended(args): """ %(prog)s list-dids-extended scope[:*|:name] [--filter 'key=value' | --recursive] List the data identifiers for a given scope (DEPRECATED). """ logger.error("This command has been deprecated. Please use list_dids instead.") return FAILURE @exception_handler def list_scopes(args): """ %(prog)s list-scopes List scopes. """ # For the moment.. client = get_client(args) scopes = client.list_scopes() for scope in scopes: print(scope) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_files(args): """ %(prog)s list-files [options] List data identifier contents. """ client = get_client(args) if args.csv: for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) for f in client.list_files(scope=scope, name=name): guid = f['guid'] if guid: guid = '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (guid[0:8], guid[8:12], guid[12:16], guid[16:20], guid[20:32]) else: guid = '(None)' print('{}:{}'.format(f['scope'], f['name']), guid, f['adler32'], sizefmt(f['bytes'], args.human), f['events'], sep=',') return SUCCESS elif args.LOCALPATH: print(''' ''') file_str = ''' ''' for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) for f in client.list_files(scope=scope, name=name): guid = f['guid'] if guid: guid = '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (guid[0:8], guid[8:12], guid[12:16], guid[16:20], guid[20:32]) else: guid = '(None)' print(file_str % (guid, args.LOCALPATH, f['name'], f['name'])) print('') return SUCCESS else: table = [] for did in args.dids: totfiles = 0 totsize = 0 totevents = 0 scope, name = get_scope(did, client) for file in client.list_files(scope=scope, name=name): totfiles += 1 totsize += int(file['bytes']) if file['events']: totevents += int(file.get('events', 0)) guid = file['guid'] if guid: guid = '%s-%s-%s-%s-%s' % (guid[0:8], guid[8:12], guid[12:16], guid[16:20], guid[20:32]) else: guid = '(None)' table.append(['%s:%s' % (file['scope'], file['name']), guid, 'ad:%s' % file['adler32'], sizefmt(file['bytes'], args.human), file['events']]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE:NAME', 'GUID', 'ADLER32', 'FILESIZE', 'EVENTS'], disable_numparse=True)) print('Total files : %s' % totfiles) print('Total size : %s' % sizefmt(totsize, args.human)) if totevents: print('Total events : %s' % totevents) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_content(args): """ %(prog)s list-content [options] List data identifier contents. """ client = get_client(args) table = [] for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) for content in client.list_content(scope=scope, name=name): table.append(['%s:%s' % (content['scope'], content['name']), content['type'].upper()]) if args.short: for did, dummy in table: print(did) else: print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE:NAME', '[DID TYPE]'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_content_history(args): """ %(prog)s list-content-history [options] List data identifier contents. """ client = get_client(args) table = [] for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) for content in client.list_content_history(scope=scope, name=name): table.append(['%s:%s' % (content['scope'], content['name']), content['type'].upper()]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE:NAME', '[DID TYPE]'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_parent_dids(args): """ %(prog)s list-parent-dids List parent data identifier. """ client = get_client(args) if args.pfns: dict_datasets = {} for res in client.get_did_from_pfns(args.pfns): for key in res: if key not in dict_datasets: dict_datasets[key] = [] for rule in client.list_associated_rules_for_file(res[key]['scope'], res[key]['name']): if '%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name']) not in dict_datasets[key]: dict_datasets[key].append('%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name'])) for pfn in dict_datasets: print('PFN: ', pfn) print('Parents: ', ','.join(dict_datasets[pfn])) elif args.guids: guids = [] for input_ in args.guids: try: uuid.UUID(input_) except ValueError: continue dict_datasets = {} for guid in guids: for did in client.get_dataset_by_guid(guid): if guid not in dict_datasets: dict_datasets[guid] = [] for rule in client.list_associated_rules_for_file(did['scope'], did['name']): if '%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name']) not in dict_datasets[guid]: dict_datasets[guid].append('%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name'])) for guid in dict_datasets: print('GUID: ', guid) print('Parents : ', ','.join(dict_datasets[guid])) elif args.did: table = [] scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) for dataset in client.list_parent_dids(scope=scope, name=name): table.append(['%s:%s' % (dataset['scope'], dataset['name']), dataset['type']]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['SCOPE:NAME', '[DID TYPE]'])) else: print('At least one option has to be given. Use -h to list the options.') return FAILURE return SUCCESS @exception_handler def close(args): """ %(prog)s close [options] Close a dataset or container. """ client = get_client(args) for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) client.set_status(scope=scope, name=name, open=False) print(f'{scope}:{name} has been closed.') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def reopen(args): """ %(prog)s reopen [options] Reopen a dataset or container (only for privileged users). """ client = get_client(args) for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) client.set_status(scope=scope, name=name, open=True) print(f'{scope}:{name} has been reopened.') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def stat(args): """ %(prog)s stat [options] List attributes and statuses about data identifiers.. """ client = get_client(args) for i, did in enumerate(args.dids): if i > 0: print('------') scope, name = get_scope(did, client) info = client.get_did(scope=scope, name=name, dynamic_depth='DATASET') table = [(k + ':', str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(info.items())] print(tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain', disable_numparse=True)) return SUCCESS def erase(args): """ %(prog)s erase [options] Delete data identifier. """ client = get_client(args) for did in args.dids: if '*' in did: logger.warning("This command doesn't support wildcards! Skipping DID: %s" % did) continue try: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) except RucioException as error: logger.warning('DID is in wrong format: %s' % did) logger.debug('Error: %s' % error) continue if args.undo: try: client.set_metadata(scope=scope, name=name, key='lifetime', value=None) logger.info('Erase undo for DID: {0}:{1}'.format(scope, name)) except Exception: logger.warning('Cannot undo erase operation on DID. DID not existent or grace period of 24 hours already expired.') logger.warning(' DID: {0}:{1}'.format(scope, name)) else: try: # set lifetime to expire in 24 hours (value is in seconds). client.set_metadata(scope=scope, name=name, key='lifetime', value=86400) logger.info('CAUTION! erase operation is irreversible after 24 hours. To cancel this operation you can run the following command:') print("rucio erase --undo {0}:{1}".format(scope, name)) except RucioException as error: logger.warning('Failed to erase DID: %s' % did) logger.debug('Error: %s' % error) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def upload(args): """ rucio upload [scope:datasetname] [folder/] [files1 file2 file3] %(prog)s upload [options] Upload files into Rucio """ if args.lifetime and args.expiration_date: logger.error("--lifetime and --expiration-date cannot be specified at the same time.") return FAILURE elif args.expiration_date: expiration_date = datetime.strptime(args.expiration_date, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S") if expiration_date < datetime.utcnow(): logger.error("The specified expiration date should be in the future!") return FAILURE args.lifetime = (expiration_date - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds() dsscope = None dsname = None for arg in args.args: did = arg.split(':') if not dsscope and len(did) == 2: dsscope = did[0] dsname = did[1] elif len(did) == 2: logger.warning('Ignoring input {} because dataset DID is already set {}:{}'.format(arg, dsscope, dsname)) items = [] for arg in args.args: if arg.count(':') > 0: continue if args.pfn: if args.impl: logger.warning('Ignoring --impl option because --pfn option given') args.impl = None items.append({'path': arg, 'rse': args.rse, 'did_scope': args.scope, 'did_name': args.name, 'impl': args.impl, 'dataset_scope': dsscope, 'dataset_name': dsname, 'force_scheme': args.protocol, 'pfn': args.pfn, 'no_register': args.no_register, 'lifetime': args.lifetime, 'register_after_upload': args.register_after_upload, 'transfer_timeout': args.transfer_timeout, 'guid': args.guid, 'recursive': args.recursive}) if len(items) < 1: raise InputValidationError('No files could be extracted from the given arguments') if len(items) > 1 and args.guid: logger.error("A single GUID was specified on the command line, but there are multiple files to upload.") logger.error("If GUID auto-detection is not used, only one file may be uploaded at a time") raise InputValidationError('Invalid input argument composition') if len(items) > 1 and args.name: logger.error("A single LFN was specified on the command line, but there are multiple files to upload.") logger.error("If LFN auto-detection is not used, only one file may be uploaded at a time") raise InputValidationError('Invalid input argument composition') if args.recursive and args.pfn: logger.error("It is not possible to create the folder structure into collections with a non-deterministic way.") logger.error("If PFN is specified, you cannot use --recursive") raise InputValidationError('Invalid input argument composition') client = get_client(args) from rucio.client.uploadclient import UploadClient upload_client = UploadClient(client, logger=logger) summary_file_path = 'rucio_upload.json' if args.summary else None upload_client.upload(items, summary_file_path) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def download(args): """ %(prog)s download [options] Download files from Rucio using new threaded model and RSE expression support """ # Input validation if not args.dids and not args.filter and not args.metalink_file: logger.error('At least one did is mandatory') return FAILURE elif not args.dids and args.filter and not args.scope: logger.error('The argument scope is mandatory') return FAILURE if args.filter and args.metalink_file: logger.error('Arguments filter and metalink cannot be used together.') return FAILURE if args.dids and args.metalink_file: logger.error('Arguments dids and metalink cannot be used together.') return FAILURE if args.ignore_checksum and args.check_local_with_filesize_only: logger.error('Arguments ignore-checksum and check-local-with-filesize-only cannot be used together.') return FAILURE trace_pattern = {} if args.trace_appid: trace_pattern['appid'] = args.trace_appid if args.trace_dataset: trace_pattern['dataset'] = args.trace_dataset if args.trace_datasetscope: trace_pattern['datasetScope'] = args.trace_datasetscope if args.trace_eventtype: trace_pattern['eventType'] = args.trace_eventtype if args.trace_pq: trace_pattern['pq'] = args.trace_pq if args.trace_taskid: trace_pattern['taskid'] = args.trace_taskid if args.trace_usrdn: trace_pattern['usrdn'] = args.trace_usrdn deactivate_file_download_exceptions = args.deactivate_file_download_exceptions if args.deactivate_file_download_exceptions is not None else False client = get_client(args) from rucio.client.downloadclient import DownloadClient download_client = DownloadClient(client=client, logger=logger, check_admin=args.allow_tape) result = None item_defaults = {} item_defaults['rse'] = args.rses item_defaults['base_dir'] = args.dir item_defaults['no_subdir'] = args.no_subdir item_defaults['transfer_timeout'] = args.transfer_timeout item_defaults['no_resolve_archives'] = args.no_resolve_archives item_defaults['ignore_checksum'] = args.ignore_checksum item_defaults['check_local_with_filesize_only'] = args.check_local_with_filesize_only archive_did = args.archive_did if archive_did: logger.warning("Archives are treated transparently. --archive-did option is being obsoleted.") # TODO # Get filters filters = {} type_ = 'all' if args.filter: try: filters, type_ = parse_did_filter_from_string(args.filter) if args.scope: filters['scope'] = args.scope except InvalidType as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except ValueError as error: logger.error(error) return FAILURE except Exception as error: logger.error(error) logger.error("Invalid Filter. Filter must be 'key=value', 'key>=value', 'key>value', 'key<=value', 'key 1: logger.warning('Download with --pfn option only supports one DID but {} DIDs were given. Considering only first DID: {}'.format(num_dids, did_str)) logger.debug(args.dids) item_defaults['pfn'] = args.pfn item_defaults['did'] = did_str result = download_client.download_pfns([item_defaults], 1, trace_pattern, deactivate_file_download_exceptions=deactivate_file_download_exceptions) if not result: raise RucioException('Download API failed') summary = {} for item in result: for did, did_stats in item.get('input_dids', {}).items(): did_summary = summary.setdefault(did, {'length': did_stats.get('length'), 'DONE': 0, 'ALREADY_DONE': 0, '_total': 0}) did_summary['_total'] += 1 state = item['clientState'].upper() if state in did_summary: did_summary[state] += 1 print('----------------------------------') print('Download summary') if not len(summary): print('-' * 40) print('No DID matching the pattern') for summary_key, did_summary in summary.items(): print('-' * 40) print('DID %s' % summary_key) length = did_summary['length'] ds_total = did_summary['_total'] downloaded_files = did_summary['DONE'] local_files = did_summary['ALREADY_DONE'] not_downloaded_files = ds_total - downloaded_files - local_files if length: print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Total files (DID): ', length)) print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Total files (filtered): ', ds_total)) else: print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Total files: ', ds_total)) print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Downloaded files: ', downloaded_files)) print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Files already found locally: ', local_files)) print('{0:40} {1:6d}'.format('Files that cannot be downloaded: ', not_downloaded_files)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def get_metadata(args): """ %(prog)s get_metadata [options] Get data identifier metadata """ client = get_client(args) if args.plugin: plugin = args.plugin else: plugin = config_get('client', 'metadata_default_plugin', default='DID_COLUMN') for i, did in enumerate(args.dids): if i > 0: print('------') scope, name = get_scope(did, client) meta = client.get_metadata(scope=scope, name=name, plugin=plugin) table = [(k + ':', str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(meta.items())] print(tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain', disable_numparse=True)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def set_metadata(args): """ %(prog)s set_metadata [options] Set data identifier metadata """ client = get_client(args) value = args.value if args.key == 'lifetime': value = None if args.value.lower() == 'none' else float(args.value) scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) client.set_metadata(scope=scope, name=name, key=args.key, value=value) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_metadata(args): """ %(prog)s set_metadata [options] Delete data identifier metadata """ client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) client.delete_metadata(scope=scope, name=name, key=args.key) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_rule(args): """ %(prog)s add-rule [options] Add a rule to a did. """ client = get_client(args) dids = [] rule_ids = [] for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) dids.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) try: rule_ids = client.add_replication_rule(dids=dids, copies=args.copies, rse_expression=args.rse_expression, weight=args.weight, lifetime=args.lifetime, grouping=args.grouping, account=args.rule_account, locked=args.locked, source_replica_expression=args.source_replica_expression, notify=args.notify, activity=args.activity, comment=args.comment, ask_approval=args.ask_approval, asynchronous=args.asynchronous, delay_injection=args.delay_injection) except DuplicateRule as error: if args.ignore_duplicate: for did in dids: try: rule_id = client.add_replication_rule(dids=[did], copies=args.copies, rse_expression=args.rse_expression, weight=args.weight, lifetime=args.lifetime, grouping=args.grouping, account=args.rule_account, locked=args.locked, source_replica_expression=args.source_replica_expression, notify=args.notify, activity=args.activity, comment=args.comment, ask_approval=args.ask_approval, asynchronous=args.asynchronous, delay_injection=args.delay_injection) rule_ids.extend(rule_id) except DuplicateRule: print('Duplicate rule for %s:%s found; Skipping.' % (did['scope'], did['name'])) else: raise error for rule in rule_ids: print(rule) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_rule(args): """ %(prog)s delete-rule [options] Delete a rule. """ client = get_client(args) try: # Test if the rule_id is a real rule_id uuid.UUID(args.rule_id) client.delete_replication_rule(rule_id=args.rule_id, purge_replicas=args.purge_replicas) except ValueError: # Otherwise, trying to extract the scope, name from args.rule_id if not args.rses: logger.error('A RSE expression must be specified if you do not provide a rule_id but a DID') return FAILURE scope, name = get_scope(args.rule_id, client) rules = client.list_did_rules(scope=scope, name=name) if args.rule_account is None: account = client.account else: account = args.rule_account deletion_success = False for rule in rules: if args.delete_all: account_checked = True else: account_checked = rule['account'] == account if rule['rse_expression'] == args.rses and account_checked: client.delete_replication_rule(rule_id=rule['id'], purge_replicas=args.purge_replicas) deletion_success = True if not deletion_success: logger.error('No replication rule was deleted from the DID') return FAILURE return SUCCESS @exception_handler def update_rule(args): """ %(prog)s update-rule [options] Update a rule. """ client = get_client(args) options = {} if args.lifetime: options['lifetime'] = None if args.lifetime.lower() == "none" else int(args.lifetime) if args.locked: if args.locked.title() == "True": options['locked'] = True elif args.locked.title() == "False": options['locked'] = False else: logger.error('Locked must be True or False') return FAILURE if args.comment: options['comment'] = args.comment if args.rule_account: options['account'] = args.rule_account if args.state_stuck: options['state'] = 'STUCK' if args.state_suspended: options['state'] = 'SUSPENDED' if args.rule_activity: options['activity'] = args.rule_activity if args.source_replica_expression: options['source_replica_expression'] = None if args.source_replica_expression.lower() == 'none' else args.source_replica_expression if args.cancel_requests: if 'state' not in options: logger.error('--stuck or --suspend must be specified when running --cancel-requests') return FAILURE options['cancel_requests'] = True if args.priority: options['priority'] = int(args.priority) if args.child_rule_id: if args.child_rule_id.lower() == 'none': options['child_rule_id'] = None else: options['child_rule_id'] = args.child_rule_id if args.boost_rule: options['boost_rule'] = args.boost_rule client.update_replication_rule(rule_id=args.rule_id, options=options) print('Updated Rule') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def move_rule(args): """ %(prog)s move-rule [options] Update a rule. """ client = get_client(args) override = {} if args.activity: override['activity'] = args.activity if args.source_replica_expression: override['source_replica_expression'] = None if args.source_replica_expression.lower() == "none" else args.source_replica_expression print(client.move_replication_rule(rule_id=args.rule_id, rse_expression=args.rse_expression, override=override)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def info_rule(args): """ %(prog)s rule-info [options] Retrieve information about a rule. """ client = get_client(args) if args.examine: analysis = client.examine_replication_rule(rule_id=args.rule_id) print('Status of the replication rule: %s' % analysis['rule_error']) if analysis['transfers']: print('STUCK Requests:') for transfer in analysis['transfers']: print(' %s:%s' % (transfer['scope'], transfer['name'])) print(' RSE: %s' % str(transfer['rse'])) print(' Attempts: %s' % str(transfer['attempts'])) print(' Last Retry: %s' % str(transfer['last_time'])) print(' Last error: %s' % str(transfer['last_error'])) print(' Last source: %s' % str(transfer['last_source'])) print(' Available sources: %s' % ', '.join([source[0] for source in transfer['sources'] if source[1]])) print(' Blocklisted sources: %s' % ', '.join([source[0] for source in transfer['sources'] if not source[1]])) else: rule = client.get_replication_rule(rule_id=args.rule_id) print("Id: %s" % rule['id']) print("Account: %s" % rule['account']) print("Scope: %s" % rule['scope']) print("Name: %s" % rule['name']) print("RSE Expression: %s" % rule['rse_expression']) print("Copies: %s" % rule['copies']) print("State: %s" % rule['state']) print("Locks OK/REPLICATING/STUCK: %s/%s/%s" % (rule['locks_ok_cnt'], rule['locks_replicating_cnt'], rule['locks_stuck_cnt'])) print("Grouping: %s" % rule['grouping']) print("Expires at: %s" % rule['expires_at']) print("Locked: %s" % rule['locked']) print("Weight: %s" % rule['weight']) print("Created at: %s" % rule['created_at']) print("Updated at: %s" % rule['updated_at']) print("Error: %s" % rule['error']) print("Subscription Id: %s" % rule['subscription_id']) print("Source replica expression: %s" % rule['source_replica_expression']) print("Activity: %s" % rule['activity']) print("Comment: %s" % rule['comments']) print("Ignore Quota: %s" % rule['ignore_account_limit']) print("Ignore Availability: %s" % rule['ignore_availability']) print("Purge replicas: %s" % rule['purge_replicas']) print("Notification: %s" % rule['notification']) print("End of life: %s" % rule['eol_at']) print("Child Rule Id: %s" % rule['child_rule_id']) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rules(args): """ %(prog)s list-rules ... List rules. """ client = get_client(args) if args.rule_id: rules = [client.get_replication_rule(args.rule_id)] elif args.file: scope, name = get_scope(args.file, client) rules = client.list_associated_rules_for_file(scope=scope, name=name) elif args.traverse: scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) locks = client.get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=name) rules = [] for rule_id in list(set([lock['rule_id'] for lock in locks])): rules.append(client.get_replication_rule(rule_id)) elif args.did: scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) meta = client.get_metadata(scope=scope, name=name) rules = client.list_did_rules(scope=scope, name=name) try: next(rules) rules = client.list_did_rules(scope=scope, name=name) except StopIteration: rules = [] # looking for other rules if meta['did_type'] == 'CONTAINER': for dsn in client.list_content(scope, name): rules.extend(client.list_did_rules(scope=dsn['scope'], name=dsn['name'])) if rules: print('No rules found, listing rules for content') if meta['did_type'] == 'DATASET': for container in client.list_parent_dids(scope, name): rules.extend(client.list_did_rules(scope=container['scope'], name=container['name'])) if rules: print('No rules found, listing rules for parents') elif args.rule_account: rules = client.list_account_rules(account=args.rule_account) elif args.subscription: account = args.subscription[0] name = args.subscription[1] rules = client.list_subscription_rules(account=account, name=name) else: print('At least one option has to be given. Use -h to list the options.') return FAILURE if args.csv: for rule in rules: print(rule['id'], rule['account'], '%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name']), '%s[%d/%d/%d]' % (rule['state'], rule['locks_ok_cnt'], rule['locks_replicating_cnt'], rule['locks_stuck_cnt']), rule['rse_expression'], rule['copies'], sizefmt(rule['bytes'], args.human) if rule['bytes'] is not None else 'N/A', rule['expires_at'], rule['created_at'], sep=',') else: table = [] for rule in rules: table.append([rule['id'], rule['account'], '%s:%s' % (rule['scope'], rule['name']), '%s[%d/%d/%d]' % (rule['state'], rule['locks_ok_cnt'], rule['locks_replicating_cnt'], rule['locks_stuck_cnt']), rule['rse_expression'], rule['copies'], sizefmt(rule['bytes'], args.human) if rule['bytes'] is not None else 'N/A', rule['expires_at'], rule['created_at']]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt='simple', headers=['ID', 'ACCOUNT', 'SCOPE:NAME', 'STATE[OK/REPL/STUCK]', 'RSE_EXPRESSION', 'COPIES', 'SIZE', 'EXPIRES (UTC)', 'CREATED (UTC)'], disable_numparse=True)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rules_history(args): """ %(prog)s list-rules_history ... List replication rules history for a DID. """ rule_dict = [] client = get_client(args) scope, name = get_scope(args.did, client) for rule in client.list_replication_rule_full_history(scope, name): if rule['rule_id'] not in rule_dict: rule_dict.append(rule['rule_id']) print('-' * 40) print('Rule insertion') print('Account : %s' % rule['account']) print('RSE expression : %s' % (rule['rse_expression'])) print('Time : %s' % (rule['created_at'])) else: rule_dict.remove(rule['rule_id']) print('-' * 40) print('Rule deletion') print('Account : %s' % rule['account']) print('RSE expression : %s' % (rule['rse_expression'])) print('Time : %s' % (rule['updated_at'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rses(args): """ %(prog)s list-rses [options] List rses. """ client = get_client(args) rses = client.list_rses(args.rses) for rse in rses: print('%(rse)s' % rse) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_suspicious_replicas(args): """ %(prog)s list-suspicious-replicas [options] List replicas marked as suspicious. """ client = get_client(args) rse_expression = None younger_than = None nattempts = None if args.rse_expression: rse_expression = args.rse_expression if args.younger_than: younger_than = args.younger_than if args.nattempts: nattempts = args.nattempts # Generator is a list with one entry, which itself is a list of lists. replicas_gen = client.list_suspicious_replicas(rse_expression, younger_than, nattempts) for i in replicas_gen: replicas = i table = [] for rep in replicas: table.append([rep['rse'], rep['scope'], rep['created_at'], rep['cnt'], rep['name']]) print(tabulate(table, headers=(['RSE Expression:', 'Scope:', 'Created at:', 'Nattempts:', 'File Name:']))) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rse_attributes(args): """ %(prog)s list-rse-attributes [options] List rses. """ client = get_client(args) attributes = client.list_rse_attributes(rse=args.rse) table = [(k + ':', str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(attributes.items())] # columns hav mixed datatypes print(tabulate(table, tablefmt='plain', disable_numparse=True)) # disabling number parsing return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rse_usage(args): """ %(prog)s list-rse-usage [options] Show the space usage of a given rse """ client = get_client(args) all_usages = client.get_rse_usage(rse=args.rse, filters={'per_account': args.show_accounts}) select_usages = [u for u in all_usages if u['source'] not in ('srm', 'gsiftp', 'webdav')] print('USAGE:') for usage in select_usages: print('------') for elem in usage: if (elem in ['free', 'total'] and usage['source'] != 'storage' or elem == 'files' and usage['source'] != 'rucio'): continue elif elem in ['used', 'free', 'total']: print(' {0}: {1}'.format(elem, sizefmt(usage[elem], args.human))) elif elem == 'account_usages': account_usages_title = ' per account:' if not usage[elem]: account_usages_title += ' no usage' else: print(account_usages_title) print(' ------') col_width = max(len(str(entry[1])) for account in usage[elem] for entry in list(account.items())) + 16 for account in usage[elem]: base_string = ' ' used_string = 'used: {0}'.format(sizefmt(account['used'], args.human)) account_string = 'account: {0}'.format(account['account']) percentage_string = 'percentage: {0}'.format(account['percentage']) print(base_string + account_string.ljust(col_width) + used_string.ljust(col_width) + percentage_string.ljust(col_width)) print(' ------') else: print(' {0}: {1}'.format(elem, usage[elem])) print('------') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_account_limits(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List account limits. """ client = get_client(args) table = [] if args.rse: limits = client.get_local_account_limit(account=args.limit_account, rse=args.rse) else: limits = client.get_local_account_limits(account=args.limit_account) for limit in list(limits.items()): table.append([limit[0], sizefmt(limit[1], args.human)]) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['RSE', 'LIMIT'])) table = [] limits = client.get_global_account_limits(account=args.limit_account) for limit in list(limits.items()): if (args.rse and args.rse in limit[1]['resolved_rses']) or not args.rse: table.append([limit[0], sizefmt(limit[1]['limit'], args.human)]) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['RSE EXPRESSION', 'LIMIT'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_account_usage(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List account usage. """ client = get_client(args) table = [] if args.rse: usage = client.get_local_account_usage(account=args.usage_account, rse=args.rse) else: usage = client.get_local_account_usage(account=args.usage_account) for item in usage: remaining = 0 if float(item['bytes_remaining']) < 0 else float(item['bytes_remaining']) table.append([item['rse'], sizefmt(item['bytes'], args.human), sizefmt(item['bytes_limit'], args.human), sizefmt(remaining, args.human)]) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['RSE', 'USAGE', 'LIMIT', 'QUOTA LEFT'])) table = [] usage = client.get_global_account_usage(account=args.usage_account) for item in usage: if (args.rse and args.rse in item['rse_expression']) or not args.rse: remaining = 0 if float(item['bytes_remaining']) < 0 else float(item['bytes_remaining']) table.append([item['rse_expression'], sizefmt(item['bytes'], args.human), sizefmt(item['bytes_limit'], args.human), sizefmt(remaining, args.human)]) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['RSE EXPRESSION', 'USAGE', 'LIMIT', 'QUOTA LEFT'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_datasets_rse(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List the datasets in a site. """ client = get_client(args) if args.long: table = [] for dsn in client.list_datasets_per_rse(args.rse): table.append(['%s:%s' % (dsn['scope'], dsn['name']), '%s/%s' % (str(dsn['available_length']), str(dsn['length'])), '%s/%s' % (str(dsn['available_bytes']), str(dsn['bytes']))]) table.sort() print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['DID', 'LOCAL FILES/TOTAL FILES', 'LOCAL BYTES/TOTAL BYTES'])) else: dsns = list(set(['%s:%s' % (dsn['scope'], dsn['name']) for dsn in client.list_datasets_per_rse(args.rse)])) dsns.sort() print("SCOPE:NAME") print('----------') for dsn in dsns: print(dsn) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_lifetime_exception(args): """ %(prog)s add_lifetime_exception [options] Declare a lifetime model exception. """ client = get_client(args) if not args.reason: logger.error('reason for the extension is mandatory') return FAILURE reason = args.reason if not args.expiration: logger.error('expiration is mandatory') return FAILURE try: expiration = datetime.strptime(args.expiration, "%Y-%m-%d") except Exception as err: logger.error(err) return FAILURE if not args.inputfile: logger.error('inputfile is mandatory') return FAILURE with open(args.inputfile) as infile: dids = list(set(line.strip() for line in infile)) dids_list = [] containers = [] datasets = [] error_types = ['Total DIDs', 'DID not submitted because it is a file', 'DID that are containers and were resolved', 'DID not submitted because it is not part of the lifetime campaign', 'DID successfully submitted including the one from containers resolved'] for did in dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) dids_list.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) summary = {0: len(dids_list), 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0} chunk_limit = 500 # Server should be able to accept 1000 dids_list_copy = deepcopy(dids_list) for chunk in chunks(dids_list_copy, chunk_limit): for meta in client.get_metadata_bulk(chunk): scope, name = meta['scope'], meta['name'] dids_list.remove({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) if meta['did_type'] == 'FILE': logger.warning('%s:%s is a file. Will be ignored' % (scope, name)) summary[1] += 1 elif meta['did_type'] == 'CONTAINER': logger.warning('%s:%s is a container. It needs to be resolved' % (scope, name)) containers.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) summary[2] += 1 elif not meta['eol_at']: logger.warning('%s:%s is not affected by the lifetime model' % (scope, name)) summary[3] += 1 else: logger.info('%s:%s will be declared' % (scope, name)) datasets.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) summary[4] += 1 for did in dids_list: scope = did['scope'] name = did['name'] logger.warning('%s:%s does not exist' % (scope, name)) if containers: logger.warning('One or more DIDs are containers. They will be resolved into a list of datasets to request exception. Full list below') for container in containers: logger.info('Resolving %s:%s into datasets :' % (container['scope'], container['name'])) list_datasets = __resolve_containers_to_datasets(container['scope'], container['name'], client) for chunk in chunks(list_datasets, chunk_limit): for meta in client.get_metadata_bulk(chunk): scope, name = meta['scope'], meta['name'] logger.debug('%s:%s' % (scope, name)) if not meta['eol_at']: logger.warning('%s:%s is not affected by the lifetime model' % (scope, name)) summary[3] += 1 else: logger.info('%s:%s will be declared' % (scope, name)) datasets.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name}) if not datasets: logger.error('Nothing to submit') return SUCCESS try: client.add_exception(dids=datasets, account=client.account, pattern='', comments=reason, expires_at=expiration) except UnsupportedOperation as err: logger.error(err) return FAILURE except Exception: logger.error('Failure to submit exception. Please retry') logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return FAILURE logger.info('Exception successfully submitted. Summary below') for cnt, error in enumerate(error_types): print('{0:100} {1:6d}'.format(error, summary[cnt])) return SUCCESS def test_server(args): """" %(prog)s test-server [options] Test the client against a server. """ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestRucioServer) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) return SUCCESS def touch(args): """ %(prog)s touch [options] """ client = get_client(args) for did in args.dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) client.touch(scope, name, args.rse) def rse_completer(prefix, parsed_args, **kwargs): """ Completes the argument with a list of RSEs """ client = get_client(parsed_args) return ["%(rse)s" % rse for rse in client.list_rses()] def get_parser(): """ Returns the argparse parser. """ oparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), add_help=True) subparsers = oparser.add_subparsers() # Main arguments oparser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + version.version_string()) oparser.add_argument('--config', dest="config", help="The Rucio configuration file to use.") oparser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true', help="Print more verbose output.") oparser.add_argument('-H', '--host', dest="host", metavar="ADDRESS", help="The Rucio API host.") oparser.add_argument('--auth-host', dest="auth_host", metavar="ADDRESS", help="The Rucio Authentication host.") oparser.add_argument('-a', '--account', dest="account", metavar="ACCOUNT", help="Rucio account to use.") oparser.add_argument('-S', '--auth-strategy', dest="auth_strategy", default=None, help="Authentication strategy (userpass, x509...)") oparser.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', dest="timeout", type=float, default=None, help="Set all timeout values to seconds.") oparser.add_argument('--robot', '-R', dest="human", default=True, action='store_false', help="All output in bytes and without the units. This output format is preferred by parsers and scripts.") oparser.add_argument('--user-agent', '-U', dest="user_agent", default='rucio-clients', action='store', help="Rucio User Agent") oparser.add_argument('--vo', dest="vo", metavar="VO", default=None, help="VO to authenticate at. Only used in multi-VO mode.") # Options for the userpass or OIDC auth_strategy oparser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='username', default=None, help='username') oparser.add_argument('-pwd', '--password', dest='password', default=None, help='password') # Options for defining remaining OIDC parameters oparser.add_argument('--oidc-user', dest='oidc_username', default=None, help='OIDC username') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-password', dest='oidc_password', default=None, help='OIDC password') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-scope', dest='oidc_scope', default='openid profile', help='Defines which (OIDC) information user will share with Rucio. ' + 'Rucio requires at least -sc="openid profile". To request refresh token for Rucio, scope must include "openid offline_access" and ' # NOQA: W503 + 'there must be no active access token saved on the side of the currently used Rucio Client.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-audience', dest='oidc_audience', default=None, help='Defines which audience are tokens requested for.') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-auto', dest='oidc_auto', default=False, action='store_true', help='If not specified, username and password credentials are not required and users will be given a URL ' + 'to use in their browser. If specified, the users explicitly trust Rucio with their IdP credentials.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-polling', dest='oidc_polling', default=False, action='store_true', help='If not specified, user will be asked to enter a code returned by the browser to the command line. ' + 'If --polling is set, Rucio Client should get the token without any further interaction of the user. This option is active only if --auto is *not* specified.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-refresh-lifetime', dest='oidc_refresh_lifetime', default=None, help='Max lifetime in hours for this an access token will be refreshed by asynchronous Rucio daemon. ' + 'If not specified, refresh will be stopped after 4 days. This option is effective only if --oidc-scope includes offline_access scope for a refresh token to be granted to Rucio.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-issuer', dest='oidc_issuer', default=None, help='Defines which Identity Provider is going to be used. The issuer string must correspond ' + 'to the keys configured in the /etc/idpsecrets.json auth server configuration file.') # NOQA: W503 # Options for the x509 auth_strategy oparser.add_argument('--certificate', dest='certificate', default=None, help='Client certificate file.') oparser.add_argument('--ca-certificate', dest='ca_certificate', default=None, help='CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL).') # Ping command ping_parser = subparsers.add_parser('ping', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help='Ping Rucio server.', epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' 'To ping the server::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio ping\n' ' 1.14.8\n' '\n' 'The returned value is the version of Rucio installed on the server.' '\n') ping_parser.set_defaults(function=ping) # The whoami command whoami_parser = subparsers.add_parser('whoami', help='Get information about account whose token is used.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio whoami jdoe The returned value is the account currently used. ''') whoami_parser.set_defaults(function=whoami_account) # The list-file-replicas command list_file_replicas_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-file-replicas', help='List the replicas of a DID and its PFNs.', description='This method allows to list all the replicas of a given Data IDentifier (DID). \ The only mandatory parameter is the DID which can be a container/dataset/files. By default all the files replicas in state available are returned.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To list the file replicas for a given dataset:: $ rucio list-file-replicas user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SCOPE | NAME | FILESIZE | ADLER32 | RSE: REPLICA | |-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | user.jdoe | user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | 94.835 MB | 5d000974 | SITE1_DISK: srm://blahblih/path/to/file/user.jdoe/user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | | user.jdoe | user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | 94.835 MB | 5d000974 | SITE2_DISK: file://another/path/to/file/user.jdoe/user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | | user.jdoe | user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.2 | 82.173 MB | 01e56f23 | SITE2_DISK: file://another/path/to/file/user.jdoe/user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.2 | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ To list the missing replica of a dataset of a given RSE-expression:: $ rucio list-file-replicas --rses SITE1_DISK user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SCOPE | NAME | FILESIZE | ADLER32 | RSE: REPLICA | |-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | user.jdoe | user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | 94.835 MB | 5d000974 | SITE1_DISK: srm://blahblih/path/to/file/user.jdoe/user.jdoe.test.data.1234.file.1 | +-----------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ''') list_file_replicas_parser.set_defaults(function=list_file_replicas) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--protocols', dest='protocols', action='store', help='List of comma separated protocols. (i.e. https, root, srm).', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--all-states', dest='all_states', action='store_true', default=False, help='To select all replicas (including unavailable ones).\ Also gets information about the current state of a DID in each RSE.\ Legend: ' + ', '.join(["{0} = {1}".format(state.value, state.name) for state in ReplicaState]), required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--pfns', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show only the PFNs.', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--domain', default=None, action='store', help='Force the networking domain. Available options: wan, lan, all.', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--link', dest='link', default=None, action='store', help='Symlink PFNs with directory substitution.\ For example: rucio list-file-replicas --rse RSE_TEST --link /eos/:/eos/ scope:datasetname', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--missing', dest='missing', default=False, action='store_true', help='To list missing replicas at a RSE-Expression. Must be used with --rses option', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--metalink', dest='metalink', default=False, action='store_true', help='Output available replicas as metalink.', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--no-resolve-archives', dest='no_resolve_archives', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not resolve archives which may contain the files.', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--sort', dest='sort', default=None, action='store', help='Replica sort algorithm. Available options: geoip (default), random', required=False) list_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--rses', dest='rses', default=None, action='store', help='The RSE filter expression. A comprehensive help about RSE expressions\ can be found in ' + Color.BOLD + 'http://rucio.cern.ch/documentation/rse_expressions/' + Color.END) # The list-dataset-replicas command list_dataset_replicas_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-dataset-replicas', help='List the dataset replicas.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio list-dataset-replicas user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 DATASET: user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 +------------+---------+---------+ | RSE | FOUND | TOTAL | |------------+---------+---------| | SITE1_DISK | 1 | 2 | | SITE2_DISK | 2 | 2 | +------------+---------+---------+ ''') list_dataset_replicas_parser.set_defaults(function=list_dataset_replicas) list_dataset_replicas_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', action='store', nargs='+', help='The name of the DID to search.') list_dataset_replicas_parser.add_argument('--deep', action='store_true', help='Make a deep check.') list_dataset_replicas_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='Comma Separated Value output.',) # The add-dataset command add_dataset_parser = subparsers.add_parser('add-dataset', help='Add a dataset to Rucio Catalog.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio add-dataset user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 Added user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 ''') add_dataset_parser.set_defaults(function=add_dataset) add_dataset_parser.add_argument('--monotonic', action='store_true', help='Monotonic status to True.') add_dataset_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', help='The name of the dataset to add.') add_dataset_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', type=int, help='Lifetime in seconds.') # The add-container command add_container_parser = subparsers.add_parser('add-container', help='Add a container to Rucio Catalog.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio add-container user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 Added user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 ''') add_container_parser.set_defaults(function=add_container) add_container_parser.add_argument('--monotonic', action='store_true', help='Monotonic status to True.') add_container_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', help='The name of the container to add.') add_container_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', type=int, help='Lifetime in seconds.') # The attach command attach_parser = subparsers.add_parser('attach', help='Attach a list of DIDs to a parent DID.', description='Attach a list of Data IDentifiers (file, dataset or container) to an other Data IDentifier (dataset or container).', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio attach user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 DIDs successfully attached to user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 ''') attach_parser.set_defaults(function=attach) attach_parser.add_argument(dest='todid', action='store', help='Destination Data IDentifier (either dataset or container).') attach_parser.add_argument('-f', '--from-file', dest='fromfile', action='store_true', default=False, help='Attach the DIDs contained in a file. The file should contain one did per line.') attach_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers (or a file containing one did per line, if -f is present).') # The detach command detach_parser = subparsers.add_parser('detach', help='Detach a list of DIDs from a parent DID.', description='Detach a list of Data Identifiers (file, dataset or container) from an other Data Identifier (dataset or container).', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio detach user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 DIDs successfully detached from user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.1 ''') detach_parser.set_defaults(function=detach) detach_parser.add_argument(dest='fromdid', action='store', help='Target Data IDentifier (must be a dataset or container).') detach_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The list command ls_parser = subparsers.add_parser('ls', help='List the data identifiers matching some metadata (synonym for list-dids).', description='List the Data IDentifiers matching certain pattern. \ Only the collections (i.e. dataset or container) are returned by default. With the filter option, you can specify a list of metadata that the Data IDentifier should match.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" You can query the DIDs matching a certain pattern. It always requires to specify the scope in which you want to search:: $ rucio ls user.jdoe:* +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.2 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:test.file.1 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.2 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.3 | FILE | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ You can filter by key/value, e.g.:: $ rucio ls --filter type=CONTAINER +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ ''') ls_parser.set_defaults(function=list_dids) ls_parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='List data identifiers recursively.') ls_parser.add_argument('--filter', dest='filter', action='store', help='Filter arguments in form `key=value,another_key=next_value`. Valid keys are name, type.') ls_parser.add_argument('--short', dest='short', action='store_true', help='Just dump the list of DIDs.') ls_parser.add_argument(dest='did', nargs=1, action='store', default=None, help='Data IDentifier pattern.') list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-dids', help='List the data identifiers matching some metadata (synonym for ls).', description='''List the Data IDentifiers matching certain pattern. Only the collections (i.e. dataset or container) are returned by default. With the filter option, you can specify a list of metadata that the Data IDentifier should match. Please use the filter option `--filter type=all` to find all types of Data IDentifiers.''', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" You can query the DIDs matching a certain pattern. It always requires to specify the scope in which you want to search:: $ rucio list-dids --filter 'type=all' user.jdoe:* +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.2 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:test.file.1 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.2 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.3 | FILE | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ You can filter by key/value, e.g.:: $ rucio list-dids --filter 'type=CONTAINER' +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+''') list_parser.set_defaults(function=list_dids) list_parser.add_argument('--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='List data identifiers recursively.') list_parser.add_argument('--filter', dest='filter', action='store', help='Single or logically combined filtering expression(s) either in the form or (compound inequality). Keys are equivalent to columns in the DID table. Operators must belong to the set of (<=, >=, ==, !=, >, <). The following conventions for combining expressions are used: ";" represents the logical OR operator; "," represents the logical AND operator.') # noqa: E501 list_parser.add_argument('--short', dest='short', action='store_true', help='Just dump the list of DIDs.') list_parser.add_argument(dest='did', nargs=1, action='store', default=None, help='Data IDentifier pattern') # The extended version of list_dids that goes through the plugin mechanism list_extended_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-dids-extended', help='List the data identifiers matching some metadata (extended version to include metadata from various resources).', description='''List the Data IDentifiers matching certain pattern. Only the collections (i.e. dataset or container) are returned by default. With the filter option, you can specify a list of metadata that the Data IDentifier should match. Please use the filter option `--filter type=all` to find all types of Data IDentifiers.''', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" You can query the DIDs matching a certain pattern. It always requires to specify the scope in which you want to search:: $ rucio list-dids --filter 'type=all' user.jdoe:* +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.dataset.2 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 | DATASET | | user.jdoe:test.file.1 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.2 | FILE | | user.jdoe:test.file.3 | FILE | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ You can filter by key/value, e.g.:: $ rucio list-dids --filter 'type=CONTAINER' +-------------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |-------------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.2 | CONTAINER | | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | +-------------------------------------------+--------------+''') list_extended_parser.set_defaults(function=list_dids_extended) # The list parent-dids command list_parent_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-parent-dids', help='List parent DIDs for a given DID', description='List all parents Data IDentifier that contains the target Data IDentifier.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio list-parent-dids user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 +--------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |--------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | +--------------------------------------+--------------+ ''') list_parent_parser.set_defaults(function=list_parent_dids) list_parent_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', nargs='?', default=None, help='Data identifier.') list_parent_parser.add_argument('--pfn', dest='pfns', action='store', nargs='+', help='List parent dids for these pfns.') list_parent_parser.add_argument('--guid', dest='guids', action='store', nargs='+', help='List parent dids for these guids.') # argparse 2.7 does not allow aliases for commands, thus the list-parent-datasets is a copy&paste from list-parent-dids list_parent_datasets_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-parent-datasets', help='List parent DIDs for a given DID', description='List all parents Data IDentifier that contains the target Data IDentifier.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio list-parent-datasets user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 +--------------------------------------+--------------+ | SCOPE:NAME | [DID TYPE] | |--------------------------------------+--------------| | user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.cont.1234.2 | CONTAINER | +--------------------------------------+--------------+ ''') list_parent_datasets_parser.set_defaults(function=list_parent_dids) list_parent_datasets_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', nargs='?', default=None, help='Data identifier.') list_parent_datasets_parser.add_argument('--pfn', dest='pfns', action='store', nargs='+', help='List parent dids for these pfns.') list_parent_datasets_parser.add_argument('--guid', dest='guids', action='store', nargs='+', help='List parent dids for these guids.') # The list-scopes command scope_list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-scopes', help='List all available scopes.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio list-scopes mc data user.jdoe user.janedoe ''') scope_list_parser.set_defaults(function=list_scopes) # The close command close_parser = subparsers.add_parser('close', help='Close a dataset or container.') close_parser.set_defaults(function=close) close_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The reopen command reopen_parser = subparsers.add_parser('reopen', help='Reopen a dataset or container (only for privileged users).') reopen_parser.set_defaults(function=reopen) reopen_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The stat command stat_parser = subparsers.add_parser('stat', help='List attributes and statuses about data identifiers.') stat_parser.set_defaults(function=stat) stat_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The erase command erase_parser = subparsers.add_parser('erase', help='Delete a data identifier.', description='This command sets the lifetime of the DID in order to expire in the next 24 hours.\ After this time, the dataset is eligible for deletion. The deletion is not reversible after 24 hours grace time period expired.') erase_parser.set_defaults(function=erase) erase_parser.add_argument('--undo', dest='undo', action='store_true', default=False, help='Undo erase DIDs. Only works if has been less than 24 hours since erase operation.') erase_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The list_files command list_files_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-files', help='List DID contents', description='List all the files in a Data IDentifier. The DID can be a container, dataset or a file.\ What is returned is a list of files in the DID with : :\t\t\t') list_files_parser.set_defaults(function=list_files) list_files_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='Comma Separated Value output. This output format is preferred for easy parsing and scripting.') list_files_parser.add_argument('--pfc', dest='LOCALPATH', action='store', default=False, help='Outputs the list of files in the dataset with the LOCALPATH prepended as a PoolFileCatalog') list_files_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The list_content command list_content_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-content', help='List the content of a collection.') list_content_parser.set_defaults(function=list_content) list_content_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') list_content_parser.add_argument('--short', dest='short', action='store_true', help='Just dump the list of DIDs.') # The list_content_history command list_content_history_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-content-history', help='List the content history of a collection.') list_content_history_parser.set_defaults(function=list_content_history) list_content_history_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') # The upload subparser upload_parser = subparsers.add_parser('upload', help='Upload method.') upload_parser.set_defaults(function=upload) upload_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help='Rucio Storage Element (RSE) name.', required=True).completer = rse_completer upload_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', type=int, action='store', help='Lifetime of the rule in seconds.') upload_parser.add_argument('--expiration-date', action='store', help='The date when the rule expires in UTC, format: ---::. E.g. 2022-10-20-20:00:00') upload_parser.add_argument('--scope', dest='scope', action='store', help='Scope name.') upload_parser.add_argument('--impl', dest='impl', action='store', help='Transfer protocol implementation to use (e.g: xrootd, gfal.NoRename, webdav, ssh.Rsync, rclone).') # The --no-register option is hidden. This is pilot ONLY. Users should not use this. Will lead to unregistered data on storage! upload_parser.add_argument('--no-register', dest='no_register', action='store_true', default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) upload_parser.add_argument('--register-after-upload', dest='register_after_upload', action='store_true', default=False, help='Register the file only after successful upload.') upload_parser.add_argument('--summary', dest='summary', action='store_true', default=False, help='Create rucio_upload.json summary file') upload_parser.add_argument('--guid', dest='guid', action='store', help='Manually specify the GUID for the file.') upload_parser.add_argument('--protocol', action='store', help='Force the protocol to use') upload_parser.add_argument('--pfn', dest='pfn', action='store', help='Specify the exact PFN for the upload.') upload_parser.add_argument('--name', dest='name', action='store', help='Specify the exact LFN for the upload.') upload_parser.add_argument('--transfer-timeout', dest='transfer_timeout', type=float, action='store', default=config_get_float('upload', 'transfer_timeout', False, 360), help='Transfer timeout (in seconds).') upload_parser.add_argument(dest='args', action='store', nargs='+', help='files and datasets.') upload_parser.add_argument('--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help='Convert recursively the folder structure into collections') # The download and get subparser get_parser = subparsers.add_parser('get', help='Download method (synonym for download)') download_parser = subparsers.add_parser('download', help='Download method (synonym for get)') for selected_parser in [get_parser, download_parser]: selected_parser.set_defaults(function=download) selected_parser.add_argument('--dir', dest='dir', default='.', action='store', help='The directory to store the downloaded file.') selected_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='*', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') selected_parser.add_argument('--allow-tape', action='store_true', default=False, help="Also consider tape endpoints as source of the download.") selected_parser.add_argument('--rses', action='store', help='RSE Expression to specify allowed sources') selected_parser.add_argument('--impl', dest='impl', action='store', help='Transfer protocol implementation to use (e.g: xrootd, gfal.NoRename, webdav, ssh.Rsync, rclone).') selected_parser.add_argument('--protocol', action='store', help='Force the protocol to use.') selected_parser.add_argument('--nrandom', type=int, action='store', help='Download N random files from the DID.') selected_parser.add_argument('--ndownloader', type=int, default=3, action='store', help='Choose the number of parallel processes for download.') selected_parser.add_argument('--no-subdir', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't create a subdirectory for the scope of the files.") selected_parser.add_argument('--pfn', dest='pfn', action='store', help="Specify the exact PFN for the download.") selected_parser.add_argument('--archive-did', action='store', dest='archive_did', help="Download from archive is transparent. This option is obsolete.") selected_parser.add_argument('--no-resolve-archives', action='store_true', default=False, help="If set archives will not be considered for download.") selected_parser.add_argument('--ignore-checksum', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't validate checksum for downloaded files.") selected_parser.add_argument('--check-local-with-filesize-only', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't use checksum verification for already downloaded files, use filesize instead.") selected_parser.add_argument('--transfer-timeout', dest='transfer_timeout', type=float, action='store', default=config_get_float('download', 'transfer_timeout', False, None), help='Transfer timeout (in seconds). Default: computed dynamically from --transfer-speed-timeout. If set to any value >= 0, --transfer-speed-timeout is ignored.') # NOQA: E501 selected_parser.add_argument('--transfer-speed-timeout', dest='transfer_speed_timeout', type=float, action='store', default=None, help='Minimum allowed average transfer speed (in KBps). Default: 500. Used to dynamically compute the timeout if --transfer-timeout not set. Is not supported for --pfn.') # NOQA: E501 selected_parser.add_argument('--aria', action='store_true', default=False, help="Use aria2c utility if possible. (EXPERIMENTAL)") selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_appid', '--trace-appid', new_option_string='--trace-appid', dest='trace_appid', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_APPID', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_dataset', '--trace-dataset', new_option_string='--trace-dataset', dest='trace_dataset', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_DATASET', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_datasetscope', '--trace-datasetscope', new_option_string='--trace-datasetscope', dest='trace_datasetscope', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_DATASETSCOPE', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # NOQA: E501 selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_eventtype', '--trace-eventtype', new_option_string='--trace-eventtype', dest='trace_eventtype', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_EVENTTYPE', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # NOQA: E501 selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_pq', '--trace-pq', new_option_string='--trace-pq', dest='trace_pq', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_PQ', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_taskid', '--trace-taskid', new_option_string='--trace-taskid', dest='trace_taskid', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_TASKID', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) selected_parser.add_argument('--trace_usrdn', '--trace-usrdn', new_option_string='--trace-usrdn', dest='trace_usrdn', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, default=os.environ.get('RUCIO_TRACE_USRDN', None), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) selected_parser.add_argument('--filter', dest='filter', action='store', help='Filter files by key-value pairs like guid=2e2232aafac8324db452070304f8d745.') selected_parser.add_argument('--scope', dest='scope', action='store', help='Scope if you are using the filter option and no full DID.') selected_parser.add_argument('--metalink', dest='metalink_file', action='store', help='Path to a metalink file.') selected_parser.add_argument('--deactivate-file-download-exceptions', dest='deactivate_file_download_exceptions', action='store_true', help='Does not raise NoFilesDownloaded, NotAllFilesDownloaded or incorrect number of output queue files Exception.') # NOQA: E501 selected_parser.add_argument('--replica-selection', dest='sort', action='store', help='Select the best replica using a replica sorting algorithm provided by replica sorter (e.g., random, geoip).') # The get-metadata subparser get_metadata_parser = subparsers.add_parser('get-metadata', help='Get metadata for DIDs.') get_metadata_parser.set_defaults(function=get_metadata) get_metadata_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') get_metadata_parser.add_argument('--plugin', dest='plugin', action='store', help='Filter down to metadata from specific metadata plugin', required=False) # The set-metadata subparser set_metadata_parser = subparsers.add_parser('set-metadata', help='set-metadata method') set_metadata_parser.set_defaults(function=set_metadata) set_metadata_parser.add_argument('--did', dest='did', action='store', help='Data identifier whose metadata will be set', required=True) set_metadata_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) set_metadata_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Attribute value', required=True) # delete-did-meta subparser delete_metadata_parser = subparsers.add_parser('delete-metadata', help='delete metadata') delete_metadata_parser.set_defaults(function=delete_metadata) delete_metadata_parser.add_argument('--did', dest='did', action='store', help='Data identifier to delete', required=True) delete_metadata_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) # The list-rse-usage subparser list_rse_usage_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-rse-usage', help='Shows the total/free/used space for a given RSE. This values can differ for different RSE source.') list_rse_usage_parser.set_defaults(function=list_rse_usage) list_rse_usage_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='Rucio Storage Element (RSE) name.').completer = rse_completer list_rse_usage_parser.add_argument('--history', dest='history', default=False, action='store', help='List RSE usage history. [Unimplemented]') list_rse_usage_parser.add_argument('--show-accounts', dest='show_accounts', action='store_true', default=False, help='List accounts usages of RSE') # The list-account-usage subparser list_account_usage_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-account-usage', help='Shows the space used, the quota limit and the quota left for an account for every RSE where the user have quota.') list_account_usage_parser.set_defaults(function=list_account_usage) list_account_usage_parser.add_argument(dest='usage_account', action='store', help='Account name.') list_account_usage_parser.add_argument('--rse', action='store', help='Show usage for only for this RSE.') # The list-account-limits subparser list_account_limits_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-account-limits', help='List quota limits for an account in every RSEs.') list_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(function=list_account_limits) list_account_limits_parser.add_argument('limit_account', action='store', help='The account name.') list_account_limits_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help='If this option is given, the results are restricted to only this RSE.').completer = rse_completer # Add replication rule subparser add_rule_parser = subparsers.add_parser('add-rule', help='Add replication rule.') add_rule_parser.set_defaults(function=add_rule) add_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', action='store', nargs='+', help='DID(s) to apply the rule to') add_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='copies', action='store', type=int, help='Number of copies') add_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rse_expression', action='store', help='RSE Expression') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--weight', dest='weight', action='store', help='RSE Weight') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', type=int, help='Rule lifetime (in seconds)') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--grouping', dest='grouping', action='store', choices=['DATASET', 'ALL', 'NONE'], help='Rule grouping') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--locked', dest='locked', action='store_true', help='Rule locking') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--source-replica-expression', dest='source_replica_expression', action='store', help='RSE Expression for RSEs to be considered for source replicas') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--notify', dest='notify', action='store', help='Notification strategy : Y (Yes), N (No), C (Close)') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--activity', dest='activity', action='store', help='Activity to be used (e.g. User, Data Consolidation)') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--comment', dest='comment', action='store', help='Comment about the replication rule') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--ask-approval', dest='ask_approval', action='store_true', help='Ask for rule approval') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--asynchronous', dest='asynchronous', action='store_true', help='Create rule asynchronously') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--delay-injection', dest='delay_injection', action='store', type=int, help='Delay (in seconds) to wait before starting applying the rule. This option implies --asynchronous.') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='rule_account', action='store', help='The account owning the rule') add_rule_parser.add_argument('--skip-duplicates', dest='ignore_duplicate', action='store_true', help='Skip duplicate rules') # Delete replication rule subparser delete_rule_parser = subparsers.add_parser('delete-rule', help='Delete replication rule.') delete_rule_parser.set_defaults(function=delete_rule) delete_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rule_id', action='store', help='Rule id or DID. If DID, the RSE expression is mandatory.') delete_rule_parser.add_argument('--purge-replicas', dest='purge_replicas', action='store_true', help='Purge rule replicas') delete_rule_parser.add_argument('--all', dest='delete_all', action='store_true', default=False, help='Delete all the rules, even the ones that are not owned by the account') delete_rule_parser.add_argument('--rses', dest='rses', action='store', help='The RSE expression. Must be specified if a DID is provided.') delete_rule_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='rule_account', action='store', help='The account of the rule that must be deleted') # Info replication rule subparser info_rule_parser = subparsers.add_parser('rule-info', help='Retrieve information about a rule.') info_rule_parser.set_defaults(function=info_rule) info_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rule_id', action='store', help='The rule ID') info_rule_parser.add_argument('--examine', dest='examine', action='store_true', help='Detailed analysis of transfer errors') # The list_rules command list_rules_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-rules', help='List replication rules.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" You can list the rules for a particular DID:: $ rucio list-rules user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 ID ACCOUNT SCOPE:NAME STATE[OK/REPL/STUCK] RSE_EXPRESSION COPIES EXPIRES (UTC) -------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ -------- ------------------- a12e5664555a4f12b3cc6991db5accf9 jdoe user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 OK[3/0/0] tier=1&disk=1 1 2018-02-09 03:57:46 b0fcde2acbdb489b874c3c4537595adc janedoe user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 REPLICATING[4/1/1] tier=1&tape=1 2 4a6bd85c13384bd6836fbc06e8b316d7 mc user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 OK[3/0/0] tier=1&tape=1 2 You can filter by account:: $ rucio list-rules --account jdoe ID ACCOUNT SCOPE:NAME STATE[OK/REPL/STUCK] RSE_EXPRESSION COPIES EXPIRES (UTC) -------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------ -------- ------------------- a12e5664555a4f12b3cc6991db5accf9 jdoe user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.container.1234.1 OK[3/0/0] tier=1&disk=1 1 2018-02-09 03:57:46 08537b2176843d92e05317938a89d148 jdoe user.jdoe:user.jdoe.test.data.1234.1 OK[2/0/0] SITE2_DISK 1 ''') list_rules_parser.set_defaults(function=list_rules) list_rules_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', nargs='?', default=None, help='List by did') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--id', dest='rule_id', action='store', help='List by rule id') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--traverse', dest='traverse', action='store_true', help='Traverse the did tree and search for rules affecting this did') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='Comma Separated Value output') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--file', dest='file', action='store', help='List associated rules of an affected file') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='rule_account', action='store', help='List by account') list_rules_parser.add_argument('--subscription', dest='subscription', action='store', help='List by account and subscription name', metavar=('ACCOUNT', 'SUBSCRIPTION'), nargs=2) # The list_rules_history command list_rules_history_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-rules-history', help='List replication rules history for a DID.') list_rules_history_parser.set_defaults(function=list_rules_history) list_rules_history_parser.add_argument(dest='did', action='store', help='The Data IDentifier.') # The update_rule command update_rule_parser = subparsers.add_parser('update-rule', help='Update replication rule.') update_rule_parser.set_defaults(function=update_rule) update_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rule_id', action='store', help='Rule id') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', help='Lifetime in seconds.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--locked', dest='locked', action='store', help='Locked (True/False).') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='rule_account', action='store', help='Account to change.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--stuck', dest='state_stuck', action='store_true', help='Set state to STUCK.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--suspend', dest='state_suspended', action='store_true', help='Set state to SUSPENDED.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--activity', dest='rule_activity', action='store', help='Activity of the rule.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--source-replica-expression', dest='source_replica_expression', action='store', help='Source replica expression of the rule.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--comment', dest='comment', action='store', help="Update comment for the rule") update_rule_parser.add_argument('--cancel-requests', dest='cancel_requests', action='store_true', help='Cancel requests when setting rules to stuck.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--priority', dest='priority', action='store', help='Priority of the requests of the rule.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--child-rule-id', dest='child_rule_id', action='store', help='Child rule id of the rule. Use "None" to remove an existing parent/child relationship.') update_rule_parser.add_argument('--boost-rule', dest='boost_rule', action='store_true', help='Quickens the transition of a rule from STUCK to REPLICATING.') # The move_rule command move_rule_parser = subparsers.add_parser('move-rule', help='Move a replication rule to another RSE.') move_rule_parser.set_defaults(function=move_rule) move_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rule_id', action='store', help='Rule id') move_rule_parser.add_argument(dest='rse_expression', action='store', help='RSE expression of new rule') move_rule_parser.add_argument('--activity', dest='activity', action='store', help='Update activity for moved rule.') move_rule_parser.add_argument('--source-replica-expression', dest='source_replica_expression', action='store', help='Update source-replica-expression for moved rule. Use "None" to remove the old value.') # The list-rses command list_rses_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-rses', help='Show the list of all the registered Rucio Storage Elements (RSEs).') list_rses_parser.set_defaults(function=list_rses) list_rses_parser.add_argument('--rses', dest='rses', action='store', help='The RSE filter expression. A comprehensive help about RSE expressions \ can be found in ' + Color.BOLD + 'http://rucio.cern.ch/documentation/rse_expressions/' + Color.END) # The list-suspicious-replicas command list_suspicious_replicas_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-suspicious-replicas', help='Show the list of all replicas marked "suspicious".') list_suspicious_replicas_parser.set_defaults(function=list_suspicious_replicas) list_suspicious_replicas_parser.add_argument('--expression', dest='rse_expression', action='store', help='The RSE filter expression. A comprehensive help about RSE expressions \ can be found in ' + Color.BOLD + 'http://rucio.cern.ch/documentation/rse_expressions/' + Color.END) list_suspicious_replicas_parser.add_argument('--younger_than', '--younger-than', new_option_string='--younger-than', dest='younger_than', action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, help='List files that have been marked suspicious since the date "younger_than", e.g. 2021-11-29T00:00:00.') # NOQA: E501 list_suspicious_replicas_parser.add_argument('--nattempts', dest='nattempts', action='store', help='Minimum number of failed attempts to access a suspicious file.') # The list-rses-attributes command list_rse_attributes_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-rse-attributes', help='List the attributes of an RSE.', description='This command is useful to create RSE filter expressions.') list_rse_attributes_parser.set_defaults(function=list_rse_attributes) list_rse_attributes_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='The RSE name').completer = rse_completer # The list-datasets-rse command list_datasets_rse_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-datasets-rse', help='List all the datasets at a RSE', description='This method allows to list all the datasets on a given Rucio Storage Element.\ ' + Color.BOLD + 'Warning: ' + Color.END + 'This command can take a long time depending on the number of datasets in the RSE.') list_datasets_rse_parser.set_defaults(function=list_datasets_rse) list_datasets_rse_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', default=None, help='The RSE name').completer = rse_completer list_datasets_rse_parser.add_argument('--long', dest='long', action='store_true', default=False, help='The long option') # The test-server command test_server_parser = subparsers.add_parser('test-server', help='Test Server', description='Run a bunch of tests against the Rucio Servers.') test_server_parser.set_defaults(function=test_server) # The get-metadata subparser touch_parser = subparsers.add_parser('touch', help='Touch one or more DIDs and set the last accessed date to the current date') touch_parser.set_defaults(function=touch) touch_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', nargs='+', action='store', help='List of space separated data identifiers.') touch_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help="The RSE of the DIDs that are touched.").completer = rse_completer # The add-lifetime-exception command add_lifetime_exception_parser = subparsers.add_parser('add-lifetime-exception', help='Add an exception to the lifetime model.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''Usage example """"""""""""" :: $ rucio add-lifetime-exception --inputfile myfile.txt --reason "Needed for my analysis" --expiration 2015-10-30 ''') add_lifetime_exception_parser.set_defaults(function=add_lifetime_exception) add_lifetime_exception_parser.add_argument('--inputfile', action='store', help='File where the list of datasets requested to be extended are located.', required=True) add_lifetime_exception_parser.add_argument('--reason', action='store', help='The reason for the extension.', required=True) add_lifetime_exception_parser.add_argument('--expiration', action='store', help='The expiration date format YYYY-MM-DD', required=True) return oparser if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = sys.argv[1:] # set the configuration before anything else, if the config parameter is present for argi in range(len(arguments)): if arguments[argi] == '--config' and (argi + 1) < len(arguments): os.environ['RUCIO_CONFIG'] = arguments[argi + 1] oparser = get_parser() if EXTRA_MODULES['argcomplete']: argcomplete.autocomplete(oparser) if len(sys.argv) == 1: oparser.print_help() sys.exit(FAILURE) args = oparser.parse_args(arguments) logger = setup_logger(module_name=__name__, logger_name='user', verbose=args.verbose) start_time = time.time() result = args.function(args) end_time = time.time() if args.verbose: print("Completed in %-0.4f sec." % (end_time - start_time)) sys.exit(result)