# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under the # 3-Clause BSD License: https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause/ from abc import abstractmethod import contextlib from functools import wraps import getpass import logging import os import os.path as osp import pathlib import platform import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import time from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit import warnings # typing --------------------------------------------------------- from typing import ( Any, AnyStr, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, Generator, IO, Iterator, List, Optional, Pattern, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, cast, overload, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from git.remote import Remote from git.repo.base import Repo from git.config import GitConfigParser, SectionConstraint from git import Git from .types import ( Literal, SupportsIndex, Protocol, runtime_checkable, # because behind py version guards PathLike, HSH_TD, Total_TD, Files_TD, # aliases Has_id_attribute, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- from gitdb.util import ( # noqa: F401 # @IgnorePep8 make_sha, LockedFD, # @UnusedImport file_contents_ro, # @UnusedImport file_contents_ro_filepath, # @UnusedImport LazyMixin, # @UnusedImport to_hex_sha, # @UnusedImport to_bin_sha, # @UnusedImport bin_to_hex, # @UnusedImport hex_to_bin, # @UnusedImport ) T_IterableObj = TypeVar("T_IterableObj", bound=Union["IterableObj", "Has_id_attribute"], covariant=True) # So IterableList[Head] is subtype of IterableList[IterableObj]. # NOTE: Some of the unused imports might be used/imported by others. # Handle once test-cases are back up and running. # Most of these are unused here, but are for use by git-python modules so these # don't see gitdb all the time. Flake of course doesn't like it. __all__ = [ "stream_copy", "join_path", "to_native_path_linux", "join_path_native", "Stats", "IndexFileSHA1Writer", "IterableObj", "IterableList", "BlockingLockFile", "LockFile", "Actor", "get_user_id", "assure_directory_exists", "RemoteProgress", "CallableRemoteProgress", "rmtree", "unbare_repo", "HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS", ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _read_win_env_flag(name: str, default: bool) -> bool: """Read a boolean flag from an environment variable on Windows. :return: On Windows, the flag, or the ``default`` value if absent or ambiguous. On all other operating systems, ``False``. :note: This only accesses the environment on Windows. """ if os.name != "nt": return False try: value = os.environ[name] except KeyError: return default log.warning( "The %s environment variable is deprecated. Its effect has never been documented and changes without warning.", name, ) adjusted_value = value.strip().lower() if adjusted_value in {"", "0", "false", "no"}: return False if adjusted_value in {"1", "true", "yes"}: return True log.warning("%s has unrecognized value %r, treating as %r.", name, value, default) return default #: We need an easy way to see if Appveyor TCs start failing, #: so the errors marked with this var are considered "acknowledged" ones, awaiting remedy, #: till then, we wish to hide them. HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS = _read_win_env_flag("HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS", True) HIDE_WINDOWS_FREEZE_ERRORS = _read_win_env_flag("HIDE_WINDOWS_FREEZE_ERRORS", True) # { Utility Methods T = TypeVar("T") def unbare_repo(func: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: """Methods with this decorator raise :class:`.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError` if they encounter a bare repository.""" from .exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError @wraps(func) def wrapper(self: "Remote", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> T: if self.repo.bare: raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("Method '%s' cannot operate on bare repositories" % func.__name__) # END bare method return func(self, *args, **kwargs) # END wrapper return wrapper @contextlib.contextmanager def cwd(new_dir: PathLike) -> Generator[PathLike, None, None]: """Context manager to temporarily change directory. This is similar to :func:`contextlib.chdir` introduced in Python 3.11, but the context manager object returned by a single call to this function is not reentrant. """ old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(new_dir) try: yield new_dir finally: os.chdir(old_dir) @contextlib.contextmanager def patch_env(name: str, value: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Context manager to temporarily patch an environment variable.""" old_value = os.getenv(name) os.environ[name] = value try: yield finally: if old_value is None: del os.environ[name] else: os.environ[name] = old_value def rmtree(path: PathLike) -> None: """Remove the given directory tree recursively. :note: We use :func:`shutil.rmtree` but adjust its behaviour to see whether files that couldn't be deleted are read-only. Windows will not remove them in that case. """ def handler(function: Callable, path: PathLike, _excinfo: Any) -> None: """Callback for :func:`shutil.rmtree`. Works either as ``onexc`` or ``onerror``.""" # Is the error an access error? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) try: function(path) except PermissionError as ex: if HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS: from unittest import SkipTest raise SkipTest(f"FIXME: fails with: PermissionError\n {ex}") from ex raise if os.name != "nt": shutil.rmtree(path) elif sys.version_info >= (3, 12): shutil.rmtree(path, onexc=handler) else: shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=handler) def rmfile(path: PathLike) -> None: """Ensure file deleted also on *Windows* where read-only files need special treatment.""" if osp.isfile(path): if os.name == "nt": os.chmod(path, 0o777) os.remove(path) def stream_copy(source: BinaryIO, destination: BinaryIO, chunk_size: int = 512 * 1024) -> int: """Copy all data from the source stream into the destination stream in chunks of size chunk_size. :return: Number of bytes written """ br = 0 while True: chunk = source.read(chunk_size) destination.write(chunk) br += len(chunk) if len(chunk) < chunk_size: break # END reading output stream return br def join_path(a: PathLike, *p: PathLike) -> PathLike: R"""Join path tokens together similar to osp.join, but always use '/' instead of possibly '\' on Windows.""" path = str(a) for b in p: b = str(b) if not b: continue if b.startswith("/"): path += b[1:] elif path == "" or path.endswith("/"): path += b else: path += "/" + b # END for each path token to add return path if os.name == "nt": def to_native_path_windows(path: PathLike) -> PathLike: path = str(path) return path.replace("/", "\\") def to_native_path_linux(path: PathLike) -> str: path = str(path) return path.replace("\\", "/") __all__.append("to_native_path_windows") to_native_path = to_native_path_windows else: # No need for any work on Linux. def to_native_path_linux(path: PathLike) -> str: return str(path) to_native_path = to_native_path_linux def join_path_native(a: PathLike, *p: PathLike) -> PathLike: R"""Like join_path, but makes sure an OS native path is returned. This is only needed to play it safe on Windows and to ensure nice paths that only use '\'. """ return to_native_path(join_path(a, *p)) def assure_directory_exists(path: PathLike, is_file: bool = False) -> bool: """Make sure that the directory pointed to by path exists. :param is_file: If True, ``path`` is assumed to be a file and handled correctly. Otherwise it must be a directory. :return: True if the directory was created, False if it already existed. """ if is_file: path = osp.dirname(path) # END handle file if not osp.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) return True return False def _get_exe_extensions() -> Sequence[str]: PATHEXT = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", None) if PATHEXT: return tuple(p.upper() for p in PATHEXT.split(os.pathsep)) elif os.name == "nt": return (".BAT", "COM", ".EXE") else: return () def py_where(program: str, path: Optional[PathLike] = None) -> List[str]: """Perform a path search to assist :func:`is_cygwin_git`. This is not robust for general use. It is an implementation detail of :func:`is_cygwin_git`. When a search following all shell rules is needed, :func:`shutil.which` can be used instead. :note: Neither this function nor :func:`shutil.which` will predict the effect of an executable search on a native Windows system due to a :class:`subprocess.Popen` call without ``shell=True``, because shell and non-shell executable search on Windows differ considerably. """ # From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/377028/548792 winprog_exts = _get_exe_extensions() def is_exec(fpath: str) -> bool: return ( osp.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) and (os.name != "nt" or not winprog_exts or any(fpath.upper().endswith(ext) for ext in winprog_exts)) ) progs = [] if not path: path = os.environ["PATH"] for folder in str(path).split(os.pathsep): folder = folder.strip('"') if folder: exe_path = osp.join(folder, program) for f in [exe_path] + ["%s%s" % (exe_path, e) for e in winprog_exts]: if is_exec(f): progs.append(f) return progs def _cygexpath(drive: Optional[str], path: str) -> str: if osp.isabs(path) and not drive: # Invoked from `cygpath()` directly with `D:Apps\123`? # It's an error, leave it alone just slashes) p = path # convert to str if AnyPath given else: p = path and osp.normpath(osp.expandvars(osp.expanduser(path))) if osp.isabs(p): if drive: # Confusing, maybe a remote system should expand vars. p = path else: p = cygpath(p) elif drive: p = "/proc/cygdrive/%s/%s" % (drive.lower(), p) p_str = str(p) # ensure it is a str and not AnyPath return p_str.replace("\\", "/") _cygpath_parsers: Tuple[Tuple[Pattern[str], Callable, bool], ...] = ( # See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx # and: https://www.cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#unc-paths ( re.compile(r"\\\\\?\\UNC\\([^\\]+)\\([^\\]+)(?:\\(.*))?"), (lambda server, share, rest_path: "//%s/%s/%s" % (server, share, rest_path.replace("\\", "/"))), False, ), (re.compile(r"\\\\\?\\(\w):[/\\](.*)"), (_cygexpath), False), (re.compile(r"(\w):[/\\](.*)"), (_cygexpath), False), (re.compile(r"file:(.*)", re.I), (lambda rest_path: rest_path), True), (re.compile(r"(\w{2,}:.*)"), (lambda url: url), False), # remote URL, do nothing ) def cygpath(path: str) -> str: """Use :meth:`git.cmd.Git.polish_url` instead, that works on any environment.""" path = str(path) # Ensure is str and not AnyPath. # Fix to use Paths when 3.5 dropped. Or to be just str if only for URLs? if not path.startswith(("/cygdrive", "//", "/proc/cygdrive")): for regex, parser, recurse in _cygpath_parsers: match = regex.match(path) if match: path = parser(*match.groups()) if recurse: path = cygpath(path) break else: path = _cygexpath(None, path) return path _decygpath_regex = re.compile(r"(?:/proc)?/cygdrive/(\w)(/.*)?") def decygpath(path: PathLike) -> str: path = str(path) m = _decygpath_regex.match(path) if m: drive, rest_path = m.groups() path = "%s:%s" % (drive.upper(), rest_path or "") return path.replace("/", "\\") #: Store boolean flags denoting if a specific Git executable #: is from a Cygwin installation (since `cache_lru()` unsupported on PY2). _is_cygwin_cache: Dict[str, Optional[bool]] = {} @overload def is_cygwin_git(git_executable: None) -> Literal[False]: ... @overload def is_cygwin_git(git_executable: PathLike) -> bool: ... def is_cygwin_git(git_executable: Union[None, PathLike]) -> bool: if os.name == "nt": # This is Windows-native Python, since Cygwin has os.name == "posix". return False if git_executable is None: return False git_executable = str(git_executable) is_cygwin = _is_cygwin_cache.get(git_executable) # type: Optional[bool] if is_cygwin is None: is_cygwin = False try: git_dir = osp.dirname(git_executable) if not git_dir: res = py_where(git_executable) git_dir = osp.dirname(res[0]) if res else "" # Just a name given, not a real path. uname_cmd = osp.join(git_dir, "uname") process = subprocess.Popen([uname_cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) uname_out, _ = process.communicate() # retcode = process.poll() is_cygwin = "CYGWIN" in uname_out except Exception as ex: log.debug("Failed checking if running in CYGWIN due to: %r", ex) _is_cygwin_cache[git_executable] = is_cygwin return is_cygwin def get_user_id() -> str: """:return: string identifying the currently active system user as name@node""" return "%s@%s" % (getpass.getuser(), platform.node()) def finalize_process(proc: Union[subprocess.Popen, "Git.AutoInterrupt"], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Wait for the process (clone, fetch, pull or push) and handle its errors accordingly""" # TODO: No close proc-streams?? proc.wait(**kwargs) @overload def expand_path(p: None, expand_vars: bool = ...) -> None: ... @overload def expand_path(p: PathLike, expand_vars: bool = ...) -> str: # improve these overloads when 3.5 dropped ... def expand_path(p: Union[None, PathLike], expand_vars: bool = True) -> Optional[PathLike]: if isinstance(p, pathlib.Path): return p.resolve() try: p = osp.expanduser(p) # type: ignore if expand_vars: p = osp.expandvars(p) # type: ignore return osp.normpath(osp.abspath(p)) # type: ignore except Exception: return None def remove_password_if_present(cmdline: Sequence[str]) -> List[str]: """Parse any command line argument and if one of the elements is an URL with a username and/or password, replace them by stars (in-place). If nothing is found, this just returns the command line as-is. This should be used for every log line that print a command line, as well as exception messages. """ new_cmdline = [] for index, to_parse in enumerate(cmdline): new_cmdline.append(to_parse) try: url = urlsplit(to_parse) # Remove password from the URL if present. if url.password is None and url.username is None: continue if url.password is not None: url = url._replace(netloc=url.netloc.replace(url.password, "*****")) if url.username is not None: url = url._replace(netloc=url.netloc.replace(url.username, "*****")) new_cmdline[index] = urlunsplit(url) except ValueError: # This is not a valid URL. continue return new_cmdline # } END utilities # { Classes class RemoteProgress: """ Handler providing an interface to parse progress information emitted by git-push and git-fetch and to dispatch callbacks allowing subclasses to react to the progress. """ _num_op_codes: int = 9 ( BEGIN, END, COUNTING, COMPRESSING, WRITING, RECEIVING, RESOLVING, FINDING_SOURCES, CHECKING_OUT, ) = [1 << x for x in range(_num_op_codes)] STAGE_MASK = BEGIN | END OP_MASK = ~STAGE_MASK DONE_TOKEN = "done." TOKEN_SEPARATOR = ", " __slots__ = ( "_cur_line", "_seen_ops", "error_lines", # Lines that started with 'error:' or 'fatal:'. "other_lines", # Lines not denoting progress (i.e.g. push-infos). ) re_op_absolute = re.compile(r"(remote: )?([\w\s]+):\s+()(\d+)()(.*)") re_op_relative = re.compile(r"(remote: )?([\w\s]+):\s+(\d+)% \((\d+)/(\d+)\)(.*)") def __init__(self) -> None: self._seen_ops: List[int] = [] self._cur_line: Optional[str] = None self.error_lines: List[str] = [] self.other_lines: List[str] = [] def _parse_progress_line(self, line: AnyStr) -> None: """Parse progress information from the given line as retrieved by git-push or git-fetch. - Lines that do not contain progress info are stored in :attr:`other_lines`. - Lines that seem to contain an error (i.e. start with ``error:`` or ``fatal:``) are stored in :attr:`error_lines`. """ # handle # Counting objects: 4, done. # Compressing objects: 50% (1/2) # Compressing objects: 100% (2/2) # Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. if isinstance(line, bytes): # mypy argues about ternary assignment. line_str = line.decode("utf-8") else: line_str = line self._cur_line = line_str if self._cur_line.startswith(("error:", "fatal:")): self.error_lines.append(self._cur_line) return # Find escape characters and cut them away - regex will not work with # them as they are non-ASCII. As git might expect a tty, it will send them. last_valid_index = None for i, c in enumerate(reversed(line_str)): if ord(c) < 32: # its a slice index last_valid_index = -i - 1 # END character was non-ASCII # END for each character in line if last_valid_index is not None: line_str = line_str[:last_valid_index] # END cut away invalid part line_str = line_str.rstrip() cur_count, max_count = None, None match = self.re_op_relative.match(line_str) if match is None: match = self.re_op_absolute.match(line_str) if not match: self.line_dropped(line_str) self.other_lines.append(line_str) return # END could not get match op_code = 0 _remote, op_name, _percent, cur_count, max_count, message = match.groups() # Get operation ID. if op_name == "Counting objects": op_code |= self.COUNTING elif op_name == "Compressing objects": op_code |= self.COMPRESSING elif op_name == "Writing objects": op_code |= self.WRITING elif op_name == "Receiving objects": op_code |= self.RECEIVING elif op_name == "Resolving deltas": op_code |= self.RESOLVING elif op_name == "Finding sources": op_code |= self.FINDING_SOURCES elif op_name == "Checking out files": op_code |= self.CHECKING_OUT else: # Note: On Windows it can happen that partial lines are sent. # Hence we get something like "CompreReceiving objects", which is # a blend of "Compressing objects" and "Receiving objects". # This can't really be prevented, so we drop the line verbosely # to make sure we get informed in case the process spits out new # commands at some point. self.line_dropped(line_str) # Note: Don't add this line to the other lines, as we have to silently # drop it. return # END handle op code # Figure out stage. if op_code not in self._seen_ops: self._seen_ops.append(op_code) op_code |= self.BEGIN # END begin opcode if message is None: message = "" # END message handling message = message.strip() if message.endswith(self.DONE_TOKEN): op_code |= self.END message = message[: -len(self.DONE_TOKEN)] # END end message handling message = message.strip(self.TOKEN_SEPARATOR) self.update( op_code, cur_count and float(cur_count), max_count and float(max_count), message, ) def new_message_handler(self) -> Callable[[str], None]: """ :return: A progress handler suitable for handle_process_output(), passing lines on to this Progress handler in a suitable format """ def handler(line: AnyStr) -> None: return self._parse_progress_line(line.rstrip()) # END handler return handler def line_dropped(self, line: str) -> None: """Called whenever a line could not be understood and was therefore dropped.""" pass def update( self, op_code: int, cur_count: Union[str, float], max_count: Union[str, float, None] = None, message: str = "", ) -> None: """Called whenever the progress changes. :param op_code: Integer allowing to be compared against Operation IDs and stage IDs. Stage IDs are BEGIN and END. BEGIN will only be set once for each Operation ID as well as END. It may be that BEGIN and END are set at once in case only one progress message was emitted due to the speed of the operation. Between BEGIN and END, none of these flags will be set. Operation IDs are all held within the OP_MASK. Only one Operation ID will be active per call. :param cur_count: Current absolute count of items. :param max_count: The maximum count of items we expect. It may be None in case there is no maximum number of items or if it is (yet) unknown. :param message: In case of the 'WRITING' operation, it contains the amount of bytes transferred. It may possibly be used for other purposes as well. You may read the contents of the current line in ``self._cur_line``. """ pass class CallableRemoteProgress(RemoteProgress): """An implementation forwarding updates to any callable.""" __slots__ = ("_callable",) def __init__(self, fn: Callable) -> None: self._callable = fn super().__init__() def update(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._callable(*args, **kwargs) class Actor: """Actors hold information about a person acting on the repository. They can be committers and authors or anything with a name and an email as mentioned in the git log entries.""" # PRECOMPILED REGEX name_only_regex = re.compile(r"<(.*)>") name_email_regex = re.compile(r"(.*) <(.*?)>") # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # These are read when creating new commits. env_author_name = "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" env_author_email = "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" env_committer_name = "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" env_committer_email = "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" # CONFIGURATION KEYS conf_name = "name" conf_email = "email" __slots__ = ("name", "email") def __init__(self, name: Optional[str], email: Optional[str]) -> None: self.name = name self.email = email def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return self.name == other.name and self.email == other.email def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not (self == other) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.name, self.email)) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.name if self.name else "" def __repr__(self) -> str: return '">' % (self.name, self.email) @classmethod def _from_string(cls, string: str) -> "Actor": """Create an Actor from a string. :param string: The string, which is expected to be in regular git format:: John Doe :return: Actor """ m = cls.name_email_regex.search(string) if m: name, email = m.groups() return Actor(name, email) else: m = cls.name_only_regex.search(string) if m: return Actor(m.group(1), None) # Assume the best and use the whole string as name. return Actor(string, None) # END special case name # END handle name/email matching @classmethod def _main_actor( cls, env_name: str, env_email: str, config_reader: Union[None, "GitConfigParser", "SectionConstraint"] = None, ) -> "Actor": actor = Actor("", "") user_id = None # We use this to avoid multiple calls to getpass.getuser(). def default_email() -> str: nonlocal user_id if not user_id: user_id = get_user_id() return user_id def default_name() -> str: return default_email().split("@")[0] for attr, evar, cvar, default in ( ("name", env_name, cls.conf_name, default_name), ("email", env_email, cls.conf_email, default_email), ): try: val = os.environ[evar] setattr(actor, attr, val) except KeyError: if config_reader is not None: try: val = config_reader.get("user", cvar) except Exception: val = default() setattr(actor, attr, val) # END config-reader handling if not getattr(actor, attr): setattr(actor, attr, default()) # END handle name # END for each item to retrieve return actor @classmethod def committer(cls, config_reader: Union[None, "GitConfigParser", "SectionConstraint"] = None) -> "Actor": """ :return: Actor instance corresponding to the configured committer. It behaves similar to the git implementation, such that the environment will override configuration values of config_reader. If no value is set at all, it will be generated. :param config_reader: ConfigReader to use to retrieve the values from in case they are not set in the environment. """ return cls._main_actor(cls.env_committer_name, cls.env_committer_email, config_reader) @classmethod def author(cls, config_reader: Union[None, "GitConfigParser", "SectionConstraint"] = None) -> "Actor": """Same as committer(), but defines the main author. It may be specified in the environment, but defaults to the committer.""" return cls._main_actor(cls.env_author_name, cls.env_author_email, config_reader) class Stats: """ Represents stat information as presented by git at the end of a merge. It is created from the output of a diff operation. ``Example``:: c = Commit( sha1 ) s = c.stats s.total # full-stat-dict s.files # dict( filepath : stat-dict ) ``stat-dict`` A dictionary with the following keys and values:: deletions = number of deleted lines as int insertions = number of inserted lines as int lines = total number of lines changed as int, or deletions + insertions ``full-stat-dict`` In addition to the items in the stat-dict, it features additional information:: files = number of changed files as int """ __slots__ = ("total", "files") def __init__(self, total: Total_TD, files: Dict[PathLike, Files_TD]): self.total = total self.files = files @classmethod def _list_from_string(cls, repo: "Repo", text: str) -> "Stats": """Create a Stat object from output retrieved by git-diff. :return: git.Stat """ hsh: HSH_TD = { "total": {"insertions": 0, "deletions": 0, "lines": 0, "files": 0}, "files": {}, } for line in text.splitlines(): (raw_insertions, raw_deletions, filename) = line.split("\t") insertions = raw_insertions != "-" and int(raw_insertions) or 0 deletions = raw_deletions != "-" and int(raw_deletions) or 0 hsh["total"]["insertions"] += insertions hsh["total"]["deletions"] += deletions hsh["total"]["lines"] += insertions + deletions hsh["total"]["files"] += 1 files_dict: Files_TD = { "insertions": insertions, "deletions": deletions, "lines": insertions + deletions, } hsh["files"][filename.strip()] = files_dict return Stats(hsh["total"], hsh["files"]) class IndexFileSHA1Writer: """Wrapper around a file-like object that remembers the SHA1 of the data written to it. It will write a sha when the stream is closed or if the asked for explicitly using write_sha. Only useful to the index file. :note: Based on the dulwich project. """ __slots__ = ("f", "sha1") def __init__(self, f: IO) -> None: self.f = f self.sha1 = make_sha(b"") def write(self, data: AnyStr) -> int: self.sha1.update(data) return self.f.write(data) def write_sha(self) -> bytes: sha = self.sha1.digest() self.f.write(sha) return sha def close(self) -> bytes: sha = self.write_sha() self.f.close() return sha def tell(self) -> int: return self.f.tell() class LockFile: """Provides methods to obtain, check for, and release a file based lock which should be used to handle concurrent access to the same file. As we are a utility class to be derived from, we only use protected methods. Locks will automatically be released on destruction. """ __slots__ = ("_file_path", "_owns_lock") def __init__(self, file_path: PathLike) -> None: self._file_path = file_path self._owns_lock = False def __del__(self) -> None: self._release_lock() def _lock_file_path(self) -> str: """:return: Path to lockfile""" return "%s.lock" % (self._file_path) def _has_lock(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if we have a lock and if the lockfile still exists :raise AssertionError: If our lock-file does not exist """ return self._owns_lock def _obtain_lock_or_raise(self) -> None: """Create a lock file as flag for other instances, mark our instance as lock-holder. :raise IOError: If a lock was already present or a lock file could not be written """ if self._has_lock(): return lock_file = self._lock_file_path() if osp.isfile(lock_file): raise IOError( "Lock for file %r did already exist, delete %r in case the lock is illegal" % (self._file_path, lock_file) ) try: with open(lock_file, mode="w"): pass except OSError as e: raise IOError(str(e)) from e self._owns_lock = True def _obtain_lock(self) -> None: """The default implementation will raise if a lock cannot be obtained. Subclasses may override this method to provide a different implementation.""" return self._obtain_lock_or_raise() def _release_lock(self) -> None: """Release our lock if we have one.""" if not self._has_lock(): return # If someone removed our file beforehand, lets just flag this issue # instead of failing, to make it more usable. lfp = self._lock_file_path() try: rmfile(lfp) except OSError: pass self._owns_lock = False class BlockingLockFile(LockFile): """The lock file will block until a lock could be obtained, or fail after a specified timeout. :note: If the directory containing the lock was removed, an exception will be raised during the blocking period, preventing hangs as the lock can never be obtained. """ __slots__ = ("_check_interval", "_max_block_time") def __init__( self, file_path: PathLike, check_interval_s: float = 0.3, max_block_time_s: int = sys.maxsize, ) -> None: """Configure the instance. :param check_interval_s: Period of time to sleep until the lock is checked the next time. By default, it waits a nearly unlimited time. :param max_block_time_s: Maximum amount of seconds we may lock. """ super().__init__(file_path) self._check_interval = check_interval_s self._max_block_time = max_block_time_s def _obtain_lock(self) -> None: """This method blocks until it obtained the lock, or raises IOError if it ran out of time or if the parent directory was not available anymore. If this method returns, you are guaranteed to own the lock. """ starttime = time.time() maxtime = starttime + float(self._max_block_time) while True: try: super()._obtain_lock() except IOError as e: # synity check: if the directory leading to the lockfile is not # readable anymore, raise an exception curtime = time.time() if not osp.isdir(osp.dirname(self._lock_file_path())): msg = "Directory containing the lockfile %r was not readable anymore after waiting %g seconds" % ( self._lock_file_path(), curtime - starttime, ) raise IOError(msg) from e # END handle missing directory if curtime >= maxtime: msg = "Waited %g seconds for lock at %r" % ( maxtime - starttime, self._lock_file_path(), ) raise IOError(msg) from e # END abort if we wait too long time.sleep(self._check_interval) else: break # END endless loop class IterableList(List[T_IterableObj]): """ List of iterable objects allowing to query an object by id or by named index:: heads = repo.heads heads.master heads['master'] heads[0] Iterable parent objects = [Commit, SubModule, Reference, FetchInfo, PushInfo] Iterable via inheritance = [Head, TagReference, RemoteReference] It requires an id_attribute name to be set which will be queried from its contained items to have a means for comparison. A prefix can be specified which is to be used in case the id returned by the items always contains a prefix that does not matter to the user, so it can be left out. """ __slots__ = ("_id_attr", "_prefix") def __new__(cls, id_attr: str, prefix: str = "") -> "IterableList[T_IterableObj]": return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, id_attr: str, prefix: str = "") -> None: self._id_attr = id_attr self._prefix = prefix def __contains__(self, attr: object) -> bool: # First try identity match for performance. try: rval = list.__contains__(self, attr) if rval: return rval except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # END handle match # Otherwise make a full name search. try: getattr(self, cast(str, attr)) # Use cast to silence mypy. return True except (AttributeError, TypeError): return False # END handle membership def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> T_IterableObj: attr = self._prefix + attr for item in self: if getattr(item, self._id_attr) == attr: return item # END for each item return list.__getattribute__(self, attr) def __getitem__(self, index: Union[SupportsIndex, int, slice, str]) -> T_IterableObj: # type: ignore assert isinstance(index, (int, str, slice)), "Index of IterableList should be an int or str" if isinstance(index, int): return list.__getitem__(self, index) elif isinstance(index, slice): raise ValueError("Index should be an int or str") else: try: return getattr(self, index) except AttributeError as e: raise IndexError("No item found with id %r" % (self._prefix + index)) from e # END handle getattr def __delitem__(self, index: Union[SupportsIndex, int, slice, str]) -> None: assert isinstance(index, (int, str)), "Index of IterableList should be an int or str" delindex = cast(int, index) if not isinstance(index, int): delindex = -1 name = self._prefix + index for i, item in enumerate(self): if getattr(item, self._id_attr) == name: delindex = i break # END search index # END for each item if delindex == -1: raise IndexError("Item with name %s not found" % name) # END handle error # END get index to delete list.__delitem__(self, delindex) @runtime_checkable class IterableObj(Protocol): """Defines an interface for iterable items, so there is a uniform way to retrieve and iterate items within the git repository. Subclasses = [Submodule, Commit, Reference, PushInfo, FetchInfo, Remote] """ __slots__ = () _id_attribute_: str @classmethod @abstractmethod def iter_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[T_IterableObj]: # Return-typed to be compatible with subtypes e.g. Remote. """Find (all) items of this type. Subclasses can specify ``args`` and ``kwargs`` differently, and may use them for filtering. However, when the method is called with no additional positional or keyword arguments, subclasses are obliged to to yield all items. :return: Iterator yielding Items """ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented by Subclass") @classmethod def list_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IterableList[T_IterableObj]: """Find (all) items of this type and collect them into a list. For more information about the arguments, see :meth:`iter_items`. :note: Favor the :meth:`iter_items` method as it will avoid eagerly collecting all items. When there are many items, that can slow performance and increase memory usage. :return: list(Item,...) list of item instances """ out_list: IterableList = IterableList(cls._id_attribute_) out_list.extend(cls.iter_items(repo, *args, **kwargs)) return out_list class IterableClassWatcher(type): """Metaclass that issues :class:`DeprecationWarning` when :class:`git.util.Iterable` is subclassed.""" def __init__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple, clsdict: Dict) -> None: for base in bases: if type(base) is IterableClassWatcher: warnings.warn( f"GitPython Iterable subclassed by {name}." " Iterable is deprecated due to naming clash since v3.1.18" " and will be removed in 4.0.0." " Use IterableObj instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) class Iterable(metaclass=IterableClassWatcher): """Deprecated, use :class:`IterableObj` instead. Defines an interface for iterable items, so there is a uniform way to retrieve and iterate items within the git repository. """ __slots__ = () _id_attribute_ = "attribute that most suitably identifies your instance" @classmethod def iter_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Deprecated, use :class:`IterableObj` instead. Find (all) items of this type. See :meth:`IterableObj.iter_items` for details on usage. :return: Iterator yielding Items """ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented by Subclass") @classmethod def list_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Deprecated, use :class:`IterableObj` instead. Find (all) items of this type and collect them into a list. See :meth:`IterableObj.list_items` for details on usage. :return: list(Item,...) list of item instances """ out_list: Any = IterableList(cls._id_attribute_) out_list.extend(cls.iter_items(repo, *args, **kwargs)) return out_list # } END classes class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record: object) -> None: pass