package IniParser; use strict; use warnings; # Configuration parser classes for arc.conf ###### IniParser # # Synopsis: # # use IniParser; # # my $parser = IniParser->new("/etc/arc.conf") # or die 'Cannot parse config file'; # # my %common = $parser->get_section('common'); # get hash with all options in a section # my %queue = $parser->get_section('queue/atlas'); # # print $parser->list_subsections('gridftpd'); # list all subsections of 'gridftpd', but not # # the 'gridftpd' section itself # # my %gmopts = $parser->get_section('grid-manager'); # gm options which are not user-specific # my %useropts = $parser->get_section('grid-manager/.'); # gm options for the default user (this # # section is instantiated automatically # # if the controldir command was used) # # The [grid-manager] section is treated specially. Options that are # user-specific are put in separate pseudo-sections [grid-manager/<username>]. # <username> reffers to the user that is initiated by a 'control' command. The # 'controldir' command initiates user '.'. Each pseudo-section has it's own # 'controldir' option. Other user-specific options are: 'sessiondir', 'cachedir', # 'cachesize', 'cachelifetime', 'norootpower', 'maxrerun', # 'maxtransferfiles' and 'defaultttl'. No substituions are made and user names # '.' and '*' are not handled specially. # ###### SubstitutingIniParser # # Synopsis: # # use IniParser; # # my $parser = SubstitutingIniParser->new("/etc/arc.conf") # or die 'Cannot parse config file'; # # This class is just like IniParser, but substitutions are made and sections # for user names like @filename are expanded into separate sections for each # individual user. # sub new($$) { my ($this,$arcconf) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; open(my $fh, "< $arcconf") || return undef; my $self = { config => {} }; bless $self, $class; $self->{config} = _parse($fh); close($fh); return $self; } # Expects the filename of the arc.conf file. # Returns false if it cannot open the file. sub _parse($) { my ($fh) = @_; my $config = {}; # current section my $section = Section->new('common'); while (my $line =<$fh>) { # handle runaway LF in CRLF and LFCR $line =~ s/^\r//; $line =~ s/\r$//; # skip comments and empty lines next if $line =~/^\s*;/; next if $line =~/^\s*#/; next if $line =~/^\s*$/; # new section starts here if ($line =~ /^\s*\[([\w\-\.\/]+)\]\s*$/) { my $sname = $1; $section->register($config); if ($sname =~ m/^vo/) { $section = SelfNamingSection->new($sname,'id'); } elsif ($sname =~ m/^group/) { $section = SelfNamingSection->new($sname,'name'); } elsif ($sname =~ m/^queue/) { $section = SelfNamingSection->new($sname,'name'); } elsif ($sname eq 'grid-manager') { $section = GMSection->new($sname); } else { $section = Section->new($sname); } # single or double quotes can be used. Quotes are removed from the values } elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(["']?)(.*)(\2)\s*$/) { my ($opt,$val) = ($1,$3); $section->add($opt,$val); # bad line, ignore it for now } else { } } $section->register($config); delete $config->{common} unless %{$config->{common}}; return $config; } # Returns a hash with all options defined in a section. If the section does not # exist, it returns an empty hash sub get_section($$) { my ($self,$sname) = @_; return $self->{config}{$sname} ? %{$self->{config}{$sname}} : (); } # Returns the list of all sections sub list_sections($) { my ($self) = @_; return keys %{$self->{config}}; } sub has_section($$) { my ($self,$sname) = @_; return defined $self->{config}{$sname}; } # list all subsections of a section, but not the section section itself sub list_subsections($$) { my ($self,$sname) = @_; my %ssnames = (); for (keys %{$self->{config}}) { $ssnames{$1}='' if m|^$sname/(.+)|; } return keys %ssnames; } 1; ######################################################## package SubstitutingIniParser; our @ISA = ('IniParser'); sub new($$$) { my ($this,$arcconf,$arc_location) = @_; my $self = $this->SUPER::new($arcconf); return undef unless $self; _substitute($self, $arc_location); return $self; } sub _substitute { my ($self, $arc_location) = @_; my $config = $self->{config}; my $lrmsstring = $config->{'grid-manager'}{lrms} || $config->{common}{lrms}; my ($lrms, $defqueue) = split " ", $lrmsstring || ''; die 'Gridmap user list feature is not supported anymore. Please use @filename to specify user list.' if $config->{'grid-manager/*'}; # expand user sections whose user name is like @filename my @users = $self->list_subsections('grid-manager'); for my $user (@users) { my $section = "grid-manager/$user"; next unless $user =~ m/^\@(.*)$/; my $path = $1; my $fh; # read in user names from file if (open ($fh, "< $path")) { while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp (my $newsection = "grid-manager/$line"); next if exists $config->{$newsection}; # Duplicate user!!!! $config->{$newsection} = { %{$config->{$section}} }; # shallow copy } close $fh; delete $config->{$section}; } else { die "Failed opening file to read user list from: $path: $!"; } } # substitute per-user options @users = $self->list_subsections('grid-manager'); for my $user (@users) { my @pw; my $home; if ($user ne '.') { @pw = getpwnam($user); die "getpwnam failed for user: $user: $!" unless @pw; $home = $pw[7]; } else { $home = "/tmp"; } my $opts = $config->{"grid-manager/$user"}; # Default for controldir, sessiondir if ($opts->{controldir} eq '*') { $opts->{controldir} = $pw[7]."/.jobstatus" if @pw; } if (not $opts->{sessiondir} or $opts->{sessiondir} eq '*') { $opts->{sessiondir} = "$home/.jobs"; } my $controldir = $opts->{controldir}; my @sessiondirs = split /\[separator\]/, $opts->{sessiondir}; my $substitute_opt = sub { my ($key) = @_; my $val = $opts->{$key}; return unless defined $val; # %R - session root $val =~ s/%R/$sessiondirs[0]/g if $val =~ m/%R/; # %C - control dir $val =~ s/%C/$controldir/g if $val =~ m/%C/; if (@pw) { # %U - username $val =~ s/%U/$user/g if $val =~ m/%U/; # %u - userid # %g - groupid # %H - home dir $val =~ s/%u/$pw[2]/g if $val =~ m/%u/; $val =~ s/%g/$pw[3]/g if $val =~ m/%g/; $val =~ s/%H/$home/g if $val =~ m/%H/; } # %L - default lrms # %Q - default queue $val =~ s/%L/$lrms/g if $val =~ m/%L/; $val =~ s/%Q/$defqueue/g if $val =~ m/%Q/; # %W - installation path $val =~ s/%W/$arc_location/g if $val =~ m/%W/; # %G - globus path my $G = $ENV{GLOBUS_LOCATION} || '/usr'; $val =~ s/%G/$G/g if $val =~ m/%G/; $opts->{$key} = $val; }; &$substitute_opt('controldir'); &$substitute_opt('sessiondir'); &$substitute_opt('cachedir'); } # authplugin, localcred, helper: not substituted } 1; ######################################################## package Section; sub new($$) { my ($this,$name) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = { name => $name, data => {} }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub add($$$) { my ($self,$opt,$val) = @_; my $data = $self->{data}; my $old = $data->{$opt}; $data->{$opt} = $old ? $old."[separator]".$val : $val; } sub register($$) { my ($self,$config) = @_; my $name = $self->{name}; my $orig = $config->{$name} || {}; my $new = $self->{data}; $config->{$name} = { %$orig, %$new }; } 1; ######################################################## package SelfNamingSection; use base "Section"; sub new($$$) { my ($this,$name,$nameopt) = @_; my $self = $this->SUPER::new($name); $self->{nameopt} = $nameopt; return $self; } sub add($$$) { my ($self,$opt,$val) = @_; if ($opt eq $self->{nameopt}) { $self->{name} =~ s|(/[^/]+)?$|/$val|; } else { $self->SUPER::add($opt,$val); } } 1; ######################################################## package GMSection; use base "Section"; sub new($) { my ($this) = @_; my $self = $this->SUPER::new('grid-manager'); # OBS sessiondir is not treated $self->{muopts} = [qw(sessiondir cachedir)]; $self->{suopts} = [qw(cachesize cachelifetime norootpower maxrerun maxtransferfiles defaultttl)]; $self->{thisuser} = {}; $self->{allusers} = {}; $self->{controldir} = undef; return $self; } sub add($$$) { my ($self,$opt,$val) = @_; my $thisuser = $self->{thisuser}; if ($opt eq 'controldir') { $self->{controldir} = $val; } elsif ($opt eq 'control') { my ($dir, @usernames) = split /\s+/, $val; $thisuser->{controldir} = $dir; $self->{allusers}{$_} = $thisuser for @usernames; $thisuser = $self->{thisuser} = {%$thisuser}; # make copy delete $thisuser->{$_} for @{$self->{muopts}}; } elsif (grep {$opt eq $_} @{$self->{muopts}}) { my $old = $thisuser->{$opt}; $thisuser->{$opt} = $old ? $old."[separator]".$val : $val; } elsif (grep {$opt eq $_} @{$self->{suopts}}) { $thisuser->{$opt} = $val; } else { $self->SUPER::add($opt,$val); } } sub register($$) { my ($self,$config) = @_; my $dir = $self->{controldir}; if ($dir) { my $thisuser = $self->{thisuser}; $thisuser->{controldir} = $dir; $self->{allusers}{'.'} = $thisuser; } my $allusers = $self->{allusers}; $config->{"grid-manager/$_"} = $allusers->{$_} for keys %$allusers; $self->SUPER::register($config); } sub test { require Data::Dumper; import Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); my $parser = SubstitutingIniParser->new('/tmp/arc.conf','/usr') or die; print Dumper($parser); print "@{[$parser->list_subsections('gridftpd')]}\n"; print "@{[$parser->list_subsections('group')]}\n"; } #test(); 1;