// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #ifndef __ARC_REGEX_H__ #define __ARC_REGEX_H__ #include <list> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <regex.h> namespace Arc { /// A regular expression class. /** This class is a wrapper around the functions provided in regex.h. \ingroup common \headerfile ArcRegex.h arc/ArcRegex.h */ class RegularExpression { public: /// Default constructor RegularExpression(); /// Creates a regex from a pattern string. /** * \since Changed in 4.1.0. ignoreCase argument was added. **/ RegularExpression(std::string pattern, bool ignoreCase = false); /// Copy constructor. RegularExpression(const RegularExpression& regex); /// Destructor ~RegularExpression(); /// Assignment operator. RegularExpression& operator=(const RegularExpression& regex); /// Returns true if the pattern of this regex is ok. bool isOk(); /// Returns true if this regex has the pattern provided. bool hasPattern(std::string str); /// Returns true if this regex matches whole string provided. bool match(const std::string& str) const; /// Returns true if this regex matches the string provided. /** Unmatched parts of the string are stored in 'unmatched'. * Matched parts of the string are stored in 'matched'. The * first entry in matched is the string that matched the regex, * and the following entries are parenthesised elements * of the regex. */ bool match(const std::string& str, std::list<std::string>& unmatched, std::list<std::string>& matched) const; /// Try to match string /** * The passed string is matched against this regular expression. If string * matches, any matched subexpression will be appended to the passed vector, * for any conditional subexpression failing to match a empty is appended. * * \param str string to match against this regular expression. * \param matched vector which to append matched subexpressions to. * \return true is returned is string matches, otherwise false. * \since Added in 4.1.0. **/ bool match(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& matched) const; /// Returns pattern std::string getPattern() const; private: std::string pattern; regex_t preg; int status; }; } #endif