Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: fts3 Version: 3.12.4 Summary: FTS Python3 CLI and libraries Home-page: Author: CERN -- FTS team Author-email: License: Apache License 2.0 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Environment :: Console Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Requires-Python: >=3.6 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE Requires-Dist: M2Crypto Requires-Dist: requests Requires-Dist: setuptools >=39 FTS3-REST-Flask =============== FTS3-REST-Flask is the RESTful API for the FTS3 Service. This is the front-facing component to communicate with the FTS3 Service, allowing submission of transfers, querying transfer updates, as well as configuration management. The project consists of an Apache module running Python3 + Flask. It is also a direct continuation of the former [fts-rest][1], where the migration decision and evaluation can be seen [here][2]. ## Installation The project should be installed via RPMs, provided via the FTS repository. ### Installing the client Make sure to have the FTS repositories enabled: - [production][3] repository: official RPMs deemed ready for production - [development][4] repository: RPMs built on the latest `develop` branch commit #### Installing the client: ```shell $ yum install -y fts-rest-client ``` #### Installing the server The project needs `mod_wsgi` built for Python 3.6, which on Centos 7 is provided by the `rh-python36-mod_wsgi` package. All other requirements are specified in the spec files. ```shell $ yum-config-manager --enable centos-sclo-rh $ yum install -y rh-python36-mod_wsgi $ yum install -y fts-rest-server ``` Configuring the server is done via the following two configuration files: - `/etc/fts3/fts3restconfig` - `/etc/htpd/conf.d/fts3rest.conf` ## Development The project is tracked using JIRA, under the [FTS Project][5] (requires CERN log-in). Soon the project will be mirrored on GitHub, where issues and pull requests are also accepted (and encouraged!). For development purposes, using a virtual environment is encouraged. ### Git Workflow This project follows a simplified [GitFlow][6] model. The main branch is the `develop` branch, with `master` being reserved only for tagged released. Feature branches are developed separately and merged into the `develop` branch. When preparing a release, either `develop` is merged directly into `master` or a release branch is created. Production hotfixes are allowed only in case of necessity. Both release and hotfix branch changes must be merged back into `develop`. ### Development workflow When taking on a task, the following workflow model should be followed: 1. Create a JIRA ticket for the identified problem 2. Estimate the magnitude of the task: - Small changes can go directly on the `develop` branch - Larger changes must go into a separate feature branch 3. Implement and test your changes 4. Merge them into the `develop` branch: - Merge large changes via merge requests and request code review - Changes affecting the database must also be code reviewed! 5. Close the JIRA ticket and mark the appropriate `fixVersion` ### Continuous Integration The project uses Gitlab-CI for CI/CD. The [pipeline][7] runs for every push, in every branch: - black: checks code must be formatted with `black` - pylint: checks for syntax errors (runs for every supported Python3 version) - If you are sure that pylint is mistaken, add `# pylint: skip-file` at the beginning of the relevant file - functional tests: run for every supported Python3 version - bandit: detects potential security issues in the code - Allowed to fail as it flags many false positives. - To ignore a false positive, append `# nosec` to the offending line - build: RPM for the client and server, plus `sdist` and `wheel` for the client - deploy: upload client and server RPM to the FTS testing repository Merge requests will proceed only if the pipeline succeeds. In case of emergency the pipeline can be [skipped][8]. The pipeline runs in a container from the image tagged as `ci`. The dockerfile is in the `.gitlab-ci` directory and the image is hosted in the container registry of this project. The image contains the pre-installed Python environment in order to speed up CI execution. When new environment is desired (such as new or upgraded dependencies), a new image must be created via the `.gitlab-ci/docker/` script. #### During development Developers may add the `.gitlab-ci/pre-commit` hook to their local repository, enabling the following checks before every commit: - Run `black` to format the changed files - Run `pylint` only on the changed files - Note: As pylint works better when it is run on the full project, some rules have been disabled - Run `radon` and `bandit` only on the changed files - In case of false positives, the hook can be skipped with the commit option `--no-verify` A convenience script is provided to install the `pre-commit` hook: ```shell $ cd .gitlab-ci/ $ ./ ``` ### Python dependencies The project uses [pip-tools][9] to manage dependencies: - ``: list of dependencies for the production app - ``: extra list of packages used for development (e.g. static code analysis) ### Setting up the development environment The `` script is provided to help set up a development environment: ```shell $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate (venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip (venv) $ pip install pip-tools (venv) $ ./ --sync ``` Running `` will generate `requirements.txt`. Running the command with `--sync` will also synchronize the virtual environment with the requirements. Additionally, you will need to configure the HTTPd config file. A template version for development is offered at `src/fts3rest/`. To fill it with the right paths and install it, run the `` script: ```shell $ cd src/fts3rest/ $ ./ ``` ### Functional tests The functional tests reside under `src/fts3rest/fts3rest/tests/functional`. In oder to run the tests, a fully functional MySQL-compatible database is required. The database must have the appropriate FTS schema and the connection details configured in the FTS3 REST config file. Example on Centos 7 with locally installed `mariadb`: ```shell $ wget $ mysql -u root --execute "CREATE DATABASE ftsflask;" $ mysql -u root --execute "CREATE USER 'fts3'@'%';" $ mysql -u root --execute "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ftsflask.* TO 'fts3'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftsflaskpass';" $ mysql -u fts3 --password=ftsflaskpass ftsflask MariaDB [ftsflask]> source fts-schema-7.0.0.sql ``` Before running the tests, make sure to include the `fts3rest` project in the `PYTHONPATH`. Additionally, the `FTS3TESTCONFIG` environment variable can also be set to use a different config file during testing: ```shell $ export PYTHONPATH="${PROJECT_DIR}/src:${PROJECT_DIR}/src/fts3rest" $ export FTS3TESTCONFIG="${PROJECT_DIR}/src/fts3rest/fts3rest/tests/fts3testconfig" ``` For ease-of-use, the `` script is provided: ```shell $ cd src/fts3rest $ ./ ``` **Note**: OIDC tests are not run in the CI as the container would need a client registered and this has not yet been set up. To run OIDC tests in a development environment, the environment variables `xdc_ClientId` and `xdc_ClientSecret` must be set. ### Building packages In order to build RPM packages, two utility scripts are provided for the client and server: `` and ``. The following example shows how to build server packages: ```shell $ ./packaging/server/ $ tree "build/server/RPMS" ``` ## Useful links - Documentation: - FTS Repository: - Apache License, version 2.0: - Support channels: - Development team contact: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: