# Copyright Members of the EMI Collaboration, 2013. # Copyright 2020 CERN # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from datetime import timedelta import json import sys import time from .base import Base from fts3.rest.client import Submitter, Delegator, Inquirer DEFAULT_PARAMS = { "checksum": "ADLER32", "overwrite": False, "overwrite_on_retry": False, "overwrite_hop": False, "reuse": False, "job_metadata": None, "file_metadata": None, "staging_metadata": None, "archive_metadata": None, "filesize": None, "gridftp": None, "spacetoken": None, "source_spacetoken": None, "verify_checksum": "n", "copy_pin_lifetime": -1, "bring_online": -1, "dst_file_report": False, "archive_timeout": -1, "timeout": None, "fail_nearline": False, "retry": 0, "multihop": False, "credential": None, "nostreams": None, "s3alternate": False, "target_qos": None, "ipv4": False, "ipv6": False, "buffer_size": None, "strict_copy": False, "activity": None, "scitag": None, } def _metadata(data): if data is None: return None if isinstance(data, dict): return data try: return json.loads(data) except Exception: return str(data) class JobSubmitter(Base): def __init__(self): super(JobSubmitter, self).__init__( extra_args="SOURCE DESTINATION [CHECKSUM]", description=""" This command can be used to submit new jobs to FTS3. It supports simple and bulk submissions. The bulk format is as follows: ```json { "files": [ { "sources": [ "gsiftp://source.host/file" ], "destinations": [ "gsiftp://destination.host/file" ], "metadata": "file-metadata", "checksum": "ADLER32:1234", "filesize": 1024 }, { "sources": [ "gsiftp://source.host/file2" ], "destinations": [ "gsiftp://destination.host/file2" ], "metadata": "file2-metadata", "checksum": "ADLER32:4321", "filesize": 2048, "activity": "default" } ] } ``` """, example=""" $ %(prog)s -s https://fts3-devel.cern.ch:8446 gsiftp://source.host/file gsiftp://destination.host/file Job successfully submitted. Job id: 9fee8c1e-c46d-11e3-8299-02163e00a17a $ %(prog)s -s https://fts3-devel.cern.ch:8446 -f bulk.json Job successfully submitted. Job id: 9fee8c1e-c46d-11e3-8299-02163e00a17a """, ) # Specific options self.opt_parser.add_option( "-b", "--blocking", dest="blocking", default=False, action="store_true", help="blocking mode. Wait until the operation completes.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-i", "--interval", dest="poll_interval", type="int", default=30, help="interval between two poll operations in blocking mode.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-e", "--expire", dest="proxy_lifetime", type="int", default=420, help="expiration time of the delegation in minutes.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--delegate-when-lifetime-lt", type=int, default=120, help="delegate the proxy when the remote lifetime is less than this value (in minutes)", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-o", "--overwrite", dest="overwrite", action="store_true", help="overwrite files.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--overwrite-on-retry", dest="overwrite_on_retry", action="store_true", help="overwrite files on retries.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--overwrite-hop", dest="overwrite_hop", action="store_true", help="overwrite all files except the destination in a multihop submission.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-r", "--reuse", dest="reuse", action="store_true", help="enable session reuse for the transfer job.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--job-metadata", dest="job_metadata", help="transfer job metadata." ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--file-metadata", dest="file_metadata", help="file metadata." ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--staging-metadata", dest="staging_metadata", help="staging metadata." ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--archive-metadata", dest="archive_metadata", help="archive metadata." ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--file-size", dest="file_size", type="long", help="file size (in Bytes)" ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-g", "--gparam", dest="gridftp_params", help="GridFTP parameters." ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-t", "--dest-token", dest="destination_token", help="the destination space token or its description.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-S", "--source-token", dest="source_token", help="the source space token or its description.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-K", "--compare-checksum", dest="compare_checksum", default=False, action="store_true", help="deprecated: compare checksums between source and destination.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-C", "--checksum-mode", dest="checksum_mode", type="string", help="compare checksums in source, target, both or none.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--copy-pin-lifetime", dest="pin_lifetime", type="long", help="pin lifetime of the copy in seconds. This will trigger a bring online operation.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--bring-online", dest="bring_online", type="long", help="bring online timeout in seconds. This will trigger a bring online operation.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--dst-file-report", dest="dst_file_report", action="store_true", help="report on the destination tape file if it already exists and overwrite is off.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--archive-timeout", dest="archive_timeout", type="long", help="archive timeout in seconds.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--timeout", dest="timeout", type="long", help="transfer timeout in seconds.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--fail-nearline", dest="fail_nearline", action="store_true", help="fail the transfer is the file is nearline.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", default=False, action="store_true", help="do not send anything, just print the JSON message.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-f", "--file", dest="bulk_file", type="string", help="Name of configuration file", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--retry", dest="retry", type="int", help="Number of retries. If 0, the server default will be used." "If negative, there will be no retries.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "-m", "--multi-hop", dest="multihop", action="store_true", help="submit a multihop transfer.", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--cloud-credentials", dest="cloud_cred", help="use cloud credentials for the job (i.e. dropbox).", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--nostreams", dest="nostreams", help="number of streams" ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--ipv4", dest="ipv4", action="store_true", help="force ipv4" ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--ipv6", dest="ipv6", action="store_true", help="force ipv6" ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--s3alternate", dest="s3alternate", action="store_true", help="use S3 alternate URL", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--target-qos", dest="target_qos", type="string", help="define the target QoS for this transfer for CDMI endpoints", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--buffer-size", "--buff-size", dest="buffer_size", type=int, help="TCP buffer size (expressed in bytes) that will be used for the given transfer job", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--strict-copy", dest="strict_copy", action="store_true", help="disable all checks, just copy the file", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--activity", dest="activity", type="string", help="transfer activity label", ) self.opt_parser.add_option( "--scitag", dest="scitag", type=int, help="SciTag flow label (value must be in the [65, 65535] range)", ) def validate(self): self.checksum = None if not self.options.bulk_file: if len(self.args) < 2: self.logger.critical("Need a source and a destination") sys.exit(1) elif len(self.args) == 2: (self.source, self.destination) = self.args elif len(self.args) == 3: (self.source, self.destination, self.checksum) = self.args else: self.logger.critical("Too many parameters") sys.exit(1) self._prepare_options() if self.params["ipv4"] and self.params["ipv6"]: self.opt_parser.error("ipv4 and ipv6 can not be used at the same time") if ( sum( [ self.params["overwrite"], self.params["overwrite_on_retry"], self.params["overwrite_hop"], ] ) > 1 ): self.opt_parser.error( "Multiple overwrite flags can not be used at the same time" ) if self.params.get("scitag") is not None and not ( 65 <= self.params["scitag"] <= 65535 ): self.opt_parser.error( "Invalid SciTag value: {} (not in [65, 65535] range)".format( self.params["scitag"] ) ) def _build_transfers(self): if self.options.bulk_file: with open(self.options.bulk_file, "r") as file: filecontent = file.read() bulk = json.loads(filecontent) if "files" in bulk: return bulk["files"] elif "Files" in bulk: return bulk["Files"] else: self.logger.critical("Could not find any transfers") sys.exit(1) else: return [{"sources": [self.source], "destinations": [self.destination]}] def _build_params(self, **kwargs): params = dict() params.update(DEFAULT_PARAMS) if self.options.bulk_file: with open(self.options.bulk_file, "r") as file: filecontent = file.read() bulk = json.loads(filecontent) if "params" in bulk: params.update(bulk["params"]) # Apply command-line parameters for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is not None: params[k] = v # JSONify metadata params["job_metadata"] = _metadata(params["job_metadata"]) params["file_metadata"] = _metadata(params["file_metadata"]) params["staging_metadata"] = _metadata(params["staging_metadata"]) params["archive_metadata"] = _metadata(params["archive_metadata"]) return params def _prepare_options(self): # Backwards compatibility: compare_checksum parameter # Note: compare_checksum has higher priority than checksum_mode if self.options.compare_checksum: checksum_mode = "both" elif self.options.checksum_mode: checksum_mode = self.options.checksum_mode else: checksum_mode = "none" self.transfers = self._build_transfers() self.params = self._build_params( checksum=self.checksum, bring_online=self.options.bring_online, dst_file_report=self.options.dst_file_report, archive_timeout=self.options.archive_timeout, timeout=self.options.timeout, verify_checksum=checksum_mode[0], spacetoken=self.options.destination_token, source_spacetoken=self.options.source_token, fail_nearline=self.options.fail_nearline, file_metadata=self.options.file_metadata, staging_metadata=self.options.staging_metadata, archive_metadata=self.options.archive_metadata, filesize=self.options.file_size, gridftp=self.options.gridftp_params, job_metadata=self.options.job_metadata, overwrite=self.options.overwrite, overwrite_on_retry=self.options.overwrite_on_retry, overwrite_hop=self.options.overwrite_hop, copy_pin_lifetime=self.options.pin_lifetime, reuse=self.options.reuse, retry=self.options.retry, multihop=self.options.multihop, credential=self.options.cloud_cred, nostreams=self.options.nostreams, ipv4=self.options.ipv4, ipv6=self.options.ipv6, s3alternate=self.options.s3alternate, target_qos=self.options.target_qos, buffer_size=self.options.buffer_size, strict_copy=self.options.strict_copy, activity=self.options.activity, scitag=self.options.scitag, ) def _do_submit(self, context): if not self.options.access_token and context.has_certificate(): delegator = Delegator(context) delegator.delegate( timedelta(minutes=self.options.proxy_lifetime), delegate_when_lifetime_lt=timedelta( minutes=self.options.delegate_when_lifetime_lt ), ) self.logger.debug( "Delegation termination time: %s" % delegator.get_info()["termination_time"] ) submitter = Submitter(context) supports_overwrite_hop = True try: core = context.endpoint_info.get("core") if core is not None: major = core["major"] minor = core["minor"] supports_overwrite_hop = int(major) > 3 or ( int(major) == 3 and int(minor) >= 12 ) except Exception: pass # Print compatibility warning only when fully confident if self.params["overwrite_hop"] and not supports_overwrite_hop: self.logger.warning( "overwrite-hop is only available for FTS Server >= 3.12.0" ) job_id = submitter.submit(transfers=self.transfers, params=self.params) if self.options.json: self.logger.info(json.dumps(job_id)) else: self.logger.info("Job successfully submitted.") self.logger.info("Job id: %s" % job_id) if job_id and self.options.blocking: inquirer = Inquirer(context) job = inquirer.get_job_status(job_id) while job["job_state"] in [ "SUBMITTED", "READY", "STAGING", "ACTIVE", "ARCHIVING", "QOS_TRANSITION", "QOS_REQUEST_SUBMITTED", ]: self.logger.info("Job in state %s" % job["job_state"]) time.sleep(self.options.poll_interval) job = inquirer.get_job_status(job_id) self.logger.info("Job finished with state %s" % job["job_state"]) if job["reason"]: self.logger.info("Reason: %s" % job["reason"]) return job_id def _do_dry_run(self, context): submitter = Submitter(context) print(submitter.build_submission(transfers=self.transfers, params=self.params)) return None def run(self): context = self._create_context() if not self.options.dry_run: return self._do_submit(context) else: return self._do_dry_run(context)