# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ .. _hypothesis-cli: ---------------- hypothesis[cli] ---------------- :: $ hypothesis --help Usage: hypothesis [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: codemod `hypothesis codemod` refactors deprecated or inefficient code. fuzz [hypofuzz] runs tests with an adaptive coverage-guided fuzzer. write `hypothesis write` writes property-based tests for you! This module requires the :pypi:`click` package, and provides Hypothesis' command-line interface, for e.g. :doc:`'ghostwriting' tests <ghostwriter>` via the terminal. It's also where `HypoFuzz <https://hypofuzz.com/>`__ adds the :command:`hypothesis fuzz` command (`learn more about that here <https://hypofuzz.com/docs/quickstart.html>`__). """ import builtins import importlib import inspect import sys import types from difflib import get_close_matches from functools import partial from multiprocessing import Pool from pathlib import Path try: import pytest except ImportError: pytest = None # type: ignore MESSAGE = """ The Hypothesis command-line interface requires the `{}` package, which you do not have installed. Run: python -m pip install --upgrade 'hypothesis[cli]' and try again. """ try: import click except ImportError: def main(): """If `click` is not installed, tell the user to install it then exit.""" sys.stderr.write(MESSAGE.format("click")) sys.exit(1) else: # Ensure that Python scripts in the current working directory are importable, # on the principle that Ghostwriter should 'just work' for novice users. Note # that we append rather than prepend to the module search path, so this will # never shadow the stdlib or installed packages. sys.path.append(".") @click.group(context_settings={"help_option_names": ("-h", "--help")}) @click.version_option() def main(): pass def obj_name(s: str) -> object: """This "type" imports whatever object is named by a dotted string.""" s = s.strip() if "/" in s or "\\" in s: raise click.UsageError( "Remember that the ghostwriter should be passed the name of a module, not a path." ) from None try: return importlib.import_module(s) except ImportError: pass classname = None if "." not in s: modulename, module, funcname = "builtins", builtins, s else: modulename, funcname = s.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = importlib.import_module(modulename) except ImportError as err: try: modulename, classname = modulename.rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(modulename) except (ImportError, ValueError): if s.endswith(".py"): raise click.UsageError( "Remember that the ghostwriter should be passed the name of a module, not a file." ) from None raise click.UsageError( f"Failed to import the {modulename} module for introspection. " "Check spelling and your Python import path, or use the Python API?" ) from err def describe_close_matches( module_or_class: types.ModuleType, objname: str ) -> str: public_names = [ name for name in vars(module_or_class) if not name.startswith("_") ] matches = get_close_matches(objname, public_names) if matches: return f" Closest matches: {matches!r}" else: return "" if classname is None: try: return getattr(module, funcname) except AttributeError as err: if funcname == "py": # Likely attempted to pass a local file (Eg., "myscript.py") instead of a module name raise click.UsageError( "Remember that the ghostwriter should be passed the name of a module, not a file." f"\n\tTry: hypothesis write {s[:-3]}" ) from None raise click.UsageError( f"Found the {modulename!r} module, but it doesn't have a " f"{funcname!r} attribute." + describe_close_matches(module, funcname) ) from err else: try: func_class = getattr(module, classname) except AttributeError as err: raise click.UsageError( f"Found the {modulename!r} module, but it doesn't have a " f"{classname!r} class." + describe_close_matches(module, classname) ) from err try: return getattr(func_class, funcname) except AttributeError as err: if inspect.isclass(func_class): func_class_is = "class" else: func_class_is = "attribute" raise click.UsageError( f"Found the {modulename!r} module and {classname!r} {func_class_is}, " f"but it doesn't have a {funcname!r} attribute." + describe_close_matches(func_class, funcname) ) from err def _refactor(func, fname): try: oldcode = Path(fname).read_text(encoding="utf-8") except (OSError, UnicodeError) as err: # Permissions or encoding issue, or file deleted, etc. return f"skipping {fname!r} due to {err}" if "hypothesis" not in oldcode: return # This is a fast way to avoid running slow no-op codemods try: newcode = func(oldcode) except Exception as err: from libcst import ParserSyntaxError if isinstance(err, ParserSyntaxError): from hypothesis.extra._patching import indent msg = indent(str(err).replace("\n\n", "\n"), " ").strip() return f"skipping {fname!r} due to {msg}" raise if newcode != oldcode: Path(fname).write_text(newcode, encoding="utf-8") @main.command() # type: ignore # Click adds the .command attribute @click.argument("path", type=str, required=True, nargs=-1) def codemod(path): """`hypothesis codemod` refactors deprecated or inefficient code. It adapts `python -m libcst.tool`, removing many features and config options which are rarely relevant for this purpose. If you need more control, we encourage you to use the libcst CLI directly; if not this one is easier. PATH is the file(s) or directories of files to format in place, or "-" to read from stdin and write to stdout. """ try: from libcst.codemod import gather_files from hypothesis.extra import codemods except ImportError: sys.stderr.write( "You are missing required dependencies for this option. Run:\n\n" " python -m pip install --upgrade hypothesis[codemods]\n\n" "and try again." ) sys.exit(1) # Special case for stdin/stdout usage if "-" in path: if len(path) > 1: raise Exception( "Cannot specify multiple paths when reading from stdin!" ) print("Codemodding from stdin", file=sys.stderr) print(codemods.refactor(sys.stdin.read())) return 0 # Find all the files to refactor, and then codemod them files = gather_files(path) errors = set() if len(files) <= 1: errors.add(_refactor(codemods.refactor, *files)) else: with Pool() as pool: for msg in pool.imap_unordered( partial(_refactor, codemods.refactor), files ): errors.add(msg) errors.discard(None) for msg in errors: print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return 1 if errors else 0 @main.command() # type: ignore # Click adds the .command attribute @click.argument("func", type=obj_name, required=True, nargs=-1) @click.option( "--roundtrip", "writer", flag_value="roundtrip", help="start by testing write/read or encode/decode!", ) @click.option( "--equivalent", "writer", flag_value="equivalent", help="very useful when optimising or refactoring code", ) @click.option( "--errors-equivalent", "writer", flag_value="errors-equivalent", help="--equivalent, but also allows consistent errors", ) @click.option( "--idempotent", "writer", flag_value="idempotent", help="check that f(x) == f(f(x))", ) @click.option( "--binary-op", "writer", flag_value="binary_operation", help="associativity, commutativity, identity element", ) # Note: we deliberately omit a --ufunc flag, because the magic() # detection of ufuncs is both precise and complete. @click.option( "--style", type=click.Choice(["pytest", "unittest"]), default="pytest" if pytest else "unittest", help="pytest-style function, or unittest-style method?", ) @click.option( "-e", "--except", "except_", type=obj_name, multiple=True, help="dotted name of exception(s) to ignore", ) @click.option( "--annotate/--no-annotate", default=None, help="force ghostwritten tests to be type-annotated (or not). " "By default, match the code to test.", ) def write(func, writer, except_, style, annotate): # \b disables autowrap """`hypothesis write` writes property-based tests for you! Type annotations are helpful but not required for our advanced introspection and templating logic. Try running the examples below to see how it works: \b hypothesis write gzip hypothesis write numpy.matmul hypothesis write pandas.from_dummies hypothesis write re.compile --except re.error hypothesis write --equivalent ast.literal_eval eval hypothesis write --roundtrip json.dumps json.loads hypothesis write --style=unittest --idempotent sorted hypothesis write --binary-op operator.add """ # NOTE: if you want to call this function from Python, look instead at the # ``hypothesis.extra.ghostwriter`` module. Click-decorated functions have # a different calling convention, and raise SystemExit instead of returning. kwargs = {"except_": except_ or (), "style": style, "annotate": annotate} if writer is None: writer = "magic" elif writer == "idempotent" and len(func) > 1: raise click.UsageError("Test functions for idempotence one at a time.") elif writer == "roundtrip" and len(func) == 1: writer = "idempotent" elif "equivalent" in writer and len(func) == 1: writer = "fuzz" if writer == "errors-equivalent": writer = "equivalent" kwargs["allow_same_errors"] = True try: from hypothesis.extra import ghostwriter except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(MESSAGE.format("black")) sys.exit(1) code = getattr(ghostwriter, writer)(*func, **kwargs) try: from rich.console import Console from rich.syntax import Syntax from hypothesis.utils.terminal import guess_background_color except ImportError: print(code) else: try: theme = "default" if guess_background_color() == "light" else "monokai" code = Syntax(code, "python", background_color="default", theme=theme) Console().print(code, soft_wrap=True) except Exception: print("# Error while syntax-highlighting code", file=sys.stderr) print(code)