# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License # for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ (WS) SOAP binding classes. """ from suds import * from suds.sax import Namespace from suds.sax.document import Document from suds.sax.element import Element from suds.sudsobject import Factory from suds.mx import Content from suds.mx.literal import Literal as MxLiteral from suds.umx.typed import Typed as UmxTyped from suds.bindings.multiref import MultiRef from suds.xsd.query import TypeQuery, ElementQuery from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Element as SchemaElement from suds.options import Options from suds.plugin import PluginContainer from copy import deepcopy envns = ("SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/") class Binding(object): """ The SOAP binding class used to process outgoing and incoming SOAP messages per the WSDL port binding. @ivar wsdl: The WSDL. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} @ivar schema: The collective schema contained within the WSDL. @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema} @ivar options: A dictionary options. @type options: L{Options} """ def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A WSDL. @type wsdl: L{wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.multiref = MultiRef() def schema(self): return self.wsdl.schema def options(self): return self.wsdl.options def unmarshaller(self): """ Get the appropriate schema based XML decoder. @return: Typed unmarshaller. @rtype: L{UmxTyped} """ return UmxTyped(self.schema()) def marshaller(self): """ Get the appropriate XML encoder. @return: An L{MxLiteral} marshaller. @rtype: L{MxLiteral} """ return MxLiteral(self.schema(), self.options().xstq) def param_defs(self, method): """ Get parameter definitions. Each I{pdef} is a (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) tuple. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: A collection of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},...] """ raise Exception("not implemented") def get_message(self, method, args, kwargs): """ Get a SOAP message for the specified method, args and SOAP headers. This is the entry point for creating an outbound SOAP message. @param method: The method being invoked. @type method: I{service.Method} @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The SOAP envelope. @rtype: L{Document} """ content = self.headercontent(method) header = self.header(content) content = self.bodycontent(method, args, kwargs) body = self.body(content) env = self.envelope(header, body) if self.options().prefixes: body.normalizePrefixes() env.promotePrefixes() else: env.refitPrefixes() return Document(env) def get_reply(self, method, replyroot): """ Process the I{reply} for the specified I{method} by unmarshalling it into into Python object(s). @param method: The name of the invoked method. @type method: str @param replyroot: The reply XML root node received after invoking the specified method. @type replyroot: L{Element} @return: The unmarshalled reply. The returned value is an L{Object} or a I{list} depending on whether the service returns a single object or a collection. @rtype: L{Object} or I{list} """ soapenv = replyroot.getChild("Envelope", envns) soapenv.promotePrefixes() soapbody = soapenv.getChild("Body", envns) soapbody = self.multiref.process(soapbody) nodes = self.replycontent(method, soapbody) rtypes = self.returned_types(method) if len(rtypes) > 1: return self.replycomposite(rtypes, nodes) if len(rtypes) == 0: return if rtypes[0].multi_occurrence(): return self.replylist(rtypes[0], nodes) if len(nodes): resolved = rtypes[0].resolve(nobuiltin=True) return self.unmarshaller().process(nodes[0], resolved) def replylist(self, rt, nodes): """ Construct a I{list} reply. Called for replies with possible multiple occurrences. @param rt: The return I{type}. @type rt: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} @param nodes: A collection of XML nodes. @type nodes: [L{Element},...] @return: A list of I{unmarshalled} objects. @rtype: [L{Object},...] """ resolved = rt.resolve(nobuiltin=True) unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller() return [unmarshaller.process(node, resolved) for node in nodes] def replycomposite(self, rtypes, nodes): """ Construct a I{composite} reply. Called for replies with multiple output nodes. @param rtypes: A list of known return I{types}. @type rtypes: [L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject},...] @param nodes: A collection of XML nodes. @type nodes: [L{Element},...] @return: The I{unmarshalled} composite object. @rtype: L{Object},... """ dictionary = {} for rt in rtypes: dictionary[rt.name] = rt unmarshaller = self.unmarshaller() composite = Factory.object("reply") for node in nodes: tag = node.name rt = dictionary.get(tag) if rt is None: if node.get("id") is None and not self.options().allowUnknownMessageParts: message = "<%s/> not mapped to message part" % (tag,) raise Exception(message) continue resolved = rt.resolve(nobuiltin=True) sobject = unmarshaller.process(node, resolved) value = getattr(composite, tag, None) if value is None: if rt.multi_occurrence(): value = [] setattr(composite, tag, value) value.append(sobject) else: setattr(composite, tag, sobject) else: if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value,] setattr(composite, tag, value) value.append(sobject) return composite def mkparam(self, method, pdef, object): """ Builds a parameter for the specified I{method} using the parameter definition (pdef) and the specified value (object). @param method: A method name. @type method: str @param pdef: A parameter definition. @type pdef: tuple: (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param object: The parameter value. @type object: any @return: The parameter fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ marshaller = self.marshaller() content = Content(tag=pdef[0], value=object, type=pdef[1], real=pdef[1].resolve()) return marshaller.process(content) def mkheader(self, method, hdef, object): """ Builds a soapheader for the specified I{method} using the header definition (hdef) and the specified value (object). @param method: A method name. @type method: str @param hdef: A header definition. @type hdef: tuple: (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) @param object: The header value. @type object: any @return: The parameter fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ marshaller = self.marshaller() if isinstance(object, (list, tuple)): return [self.mkheader(method, hdef, item) for item in object] content = Content(tag=hdef[0], value=object, type=hdef[1]) return marshaller.process(content) def envelope(self, header, body): """ Build the B{<Envelope/>} for a SOAP outbound message. @param header: The SOAP message B{header}. @type header: L{Element} @param body: The SOAP message B{body}. @type body: L{Element} @return: The SOAP envelope containing the body and header. @rtype: L{Element} """ env = Element("Envelope", ns=envns) env.addPrefix(Namespace.xsins[0], Namespace.xsins[1]) env.append(header) env.append(body) return env def header(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for a SOAP outbound message. @param content: The header content. @type content: L{Element} @return: The SOAP body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ header = Element("Header", ns=envns) header.append(content) return header def bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs): """ Get the content for the SOAP I{body} node. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param args: method parameter values. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The XML content for the <body/>. @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ raise Exception("not implemented") def headercontent(self, method): """ Get the content for the SOAP I{Header} node. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: The XML content for the <body/>. @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ content = [] wsse = self.options().wsse if wsse is not None: content.append(wsse.xml()) headers = self.options().soapheaders if not isinstance(headers, (tuple, list, dict)): headers = (headers,) elif not headers: return content pts = self.headpart_types(method) if isinstance(headers, (tuple, list)): n = 0 for header in headers: if isinstance(header, Element): content.append(deepcopy(header)) continue if len(pts) == n: break h = self.mkheader(method, pts[n], header) ns = pts[n][1].namespace("ns0") h.setPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) content.append(h) n += 1 else: for pt in pts: header = headers.get(pt[0]) if header is None: continue h = self.mkheader(method, pt, header) ns = pt[1].namespace("ns0") h.setPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) content.append(h) return content def replycontent(self, method, body): """ Get the reply body content. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param body: The SOAP body. @type body: L{Element} @return: The body content. @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ raise Exception("not implemented") def body(self, content): """ Build the B{<Body/>} for a SOAP outbound message. @param content: The body content. @type content: L{Element} @return: The SOAP body fragment. @rtype: L{Element} """ body = Element("Body", ns=envns) body.append(content) return body def bodypart_types(self, method, input=True): """ Get a list of I{parameter definitions} (pdefs) defined for the specified method. An input I{pdef} is a (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) tuple, while an output I{pdef} is a L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param input: Defines input/output message. @type input: boolean @return: A list of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},...] """ if input: parts = method.soap.input.body.parts else: parts = method.soap.output.body.parts return [self.__part_type(p, input) for p in parts] def headpart_types(self, method, input=True): """ Get a list of header I{parameter definitions} (pdefs) defined for the specified method. An input I{pdef} is a (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) tuple, while an output I{pdef} is a L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}. @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @param input: Defines input/output message. @type input: boolean @return: A list of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},...] """ if input: headers = method.soap.input.headers else: headers = method.soap.output.headers return [self.__part_type(h.part, input) for h in headers] def returned_types(self, method): """ Get the I{method} return value type(s). @param method: A service method. @type method: I{service.Method} @return: Method return value type. @rtype: [L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject},...] """ return self.bodypart_types(method, input=False) def __part_type(self, part, input): """ Get a I{parameter definition} (pdef) defined for a given body or header message part. An input I{pdef} is a (I{name}, L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}) tuple, while an output I{pdef} is a L{xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject}. @param part: A service method input or output part. @type part: I{suds.wsdl.Part} @param input: Defines input/output message. @type input: boolean @return: A list of parameter definitions @rtype: [I{pdef},...] """ if part.element is None: query = TypeQuery(part.type) else: query = ElementQuery(part.element) part_type = query.execute(self.schema()) if part_type is None: raise TypeNotFound(query.ref) if part.type is not None: part_type = PartElement(part.name, part_type) if not input: return part_type if part_type.name is None: return part.name, part_type return part_type.name, part_type class PartElement(SchemaElement): """ Message part referencing an XSD type and thus acting like an XSD element. @ivar resolved: The part type. @type resolved: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} """ def __init__(self, name, resolved): """ @param name: The part name. @type name: str @param resolved: The part type. @type resolved: L{suds.xsd.sxbase.SchemaObject} """ root = Element("element", ns=Namespace.xsdns) SchemaElement.__init__(self, resolved.schema, root) self.__resolved = resolved self.name = name self.form_qualified = False def implany(self): pass def optional(self): return True def namespace(self, prefix=None): return Namespace.default def resolve(self, nobuiltin=False): if nobuiltin and self.__resolved.builtin(): return self return self.__resolved