{% set version = "1.2.5" %} package: name: apptainer version: {{ version }} source: - folder: src/github.com/apptainer/apptainer url: https://github.com/apptainer/apptainer/releases/download/v{{ version }}/apptainer-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 606b67ef97683e1420401718687d258b1034fdf2edae72eeacd0828dffbfc2c2 patches: - patches/0003-Use-external-CNI.patch - patches/0001-Allow-debug-of-Go-runtime-issues-in-starter.patch - patches/0002-Disable-GC-for-the-starter.patch build: number: 734000 skip: true # [not linux] # The binary is made runtime relocatable using the included patch detect_binary_files_with_prefix: false requirements: build: - {{ compiler('c') }} - {{ compiler('cxx') }} - {{ compiler('cgo') }} - sysroot_linux-64 2.17 # [linux64] - make - pkg-config - go-dep - sed host: - libuuid # [linux] - libarchive - libseccomp # [linux] - openssl run: # CNI version from singularity/Gopkg.lock - cni-plugins >=0.7.4 # [linux] - squashfs-tools # [linux] run_constrained: - singularity ==9999999999 test: commands: - apptainer --help - singularity --help # disable these tests to ensure verbosity problem isn't from here (ngam) - apptainer --version # Ensure the version is set correctly - apptainer --version | grep {{ version }} - singularity --version | grep {{ version }} # Ensure we are using conda's CNI - test ! -d $PREFIX/libexec/apptainer/cni - test -d $PREFIX/lib/cni - test ! -d $PREFIX/etc/apptainer/network - test -f $PREFIX/etc/cni/net.d/00_bridge.conflist about: home: https://apptainer.org/ license: BSD-3-Clause license_file: src/github.com/apptainer/apptainer/LICENSE.md summary: 'Apptainer: Application containers for Linux' description: | Apptainer/Singularity is the most widely used container system for HPC. It is designed to execute applications at bare-metal performance while being secure, portable, and 100% reproducible. Apptainer is an open-source project with a friendly community of developers and users. The user base continues to expand, with Apptainer/Singularity now used across industry and academia in many areas of work. dev_url: https://github.com/apptainer/apptainer/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md doc_url: https://apptainer.org/docs/ extra: recipe-maintainers: - mbargull - chrisburr - multimeric