{% set name = "celery" %} {% set version = "5.4.0" %} package: name: {{ name|lower }} version: {{ version }} source: url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/celery-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 504a19140e8d3029d5acad88330c541d4c3f64c789d85f94756762d8bca7e706 build: noarch: python entry_points: - celery = celery.__main__:main script: {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . -vv --no-deps --no-build-isolation number: 1 requirements: host: - python >=3.8 - pip - pytest run: - python >=3.8 - billiard >=4.2.0,<5.0 - kombu >=5.3.4,<6.0 - vine >=5.1.0,<6.0 - click >=8.1.2,<9.0 - click-didyoumean >=0.3.0 - click-repl >=0.2.0 - click-plugins >=1.1.1 - importlib-metadata >=3.6 - backports.zoneinfo >=0.2.1 # Source uses tzdata>=2022.7, python-tzdata and tzdata are available on conda-forge, python-tzdata is the correct conda package to use - python-tzdata >=2022.7 - python-dateutil >=2.8.2 test: requires: - dnspython - pymongo - pytest - pytest-celery - pytest-subtests - pytest-timeout - pytest-click - boto3>=1.9.178 - moto>=2.2.6 - google-cloud-storage >=2.10.0 - pip source_files: - t imports: - celery - celery.app - celery.app.task - celery.apps - celery.backends # Requires sqlalchemy but it's an optional dependency # - celery.backends.database - celery.bin - celery.concurrency - celery.contrib - celery.events - celery.fixups - celery.loaders - celery.security - celery.utils - celery.utils.dispatch - celery.worker commands: - pip check - celery --version - celery --help - celery worker --help - celery beat --help - celery multi help - celery shell --help - pytest t/unit about: home: http://celeryproject.org license_file: LICENSE license: BSD-3-Clause summary: Distributed Task Queue dev_url: https://github.com/celery/celery doc_url: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/index.html extra: recipe-maintainers: - moritzwilksch - chrisburr - efiop - kwilcox - sodre