{% set version = "8.7.20240905150001" %} package: name: schema-salad version: {{ version }} source: url: https://pypi.io/packages/source/s/schema-salad/schema_salad-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 1753891704aa5b6664cef45ef194ebdf984a84b1f71c7d1d68af61e67d3b0950 build: number: 0 skip: true # [py2k or win] entry_points: - schema-salad-tool=schema_salad.main:main - schema-salad-doc=schema_salad.makedoc:main script: SCHEMA_SALAD_USE_MYPYC=1 MYPYPATH=mypy-stubs {{ PYTHON }} -m pip install . --no-deps -vv requirements: build: - python # [build_platform != target_platform] - cross-python_{{ target_platform }} # [build_platform != target_platform] - {{ compiler('c') }} # for mypyc - {{ stdlib("c") }} host: - python - pip - mypy ==1.11.2 # setup.py needs this when SCHEMA_SALAD_USE_MYPYC=1 - types-requests - types-dataclasses - types-setuptools - ruamel.yaml >=0.17.6,<0.19 # ruamel.yaml is needed for the type hints # the newer version: 0.15.99 has py.typed, which mypyc needs - black >=24 # also needed for type hints - rdflib >=4.2.2,<8.0.0 # more type hints - setuptools_scm >=8.0.4,<9 - importlib_resources >=1.4 # [py<39] - filelock # needed for type hints - setuptools >=50 # build backend run: - python - setuptools - requests >=1.0 - ruamel.yaml >=0.17.6,<0.19 - rdflib >=4.2.2,<8.0.0 - mistune >=3,<3.1 - cachecontrol-with-filecache >=0.13.1,<0.15 - filelock - black - importlib_resources >=1.4 # [py<39] test: requires: - pytest <9 - pytest-xdist - setuptools imports: - schema_salad - schema_salad.tests commands: - schema-salad-tool --help - schema-salad-doc --help - python -m pytest --pyargs schema_salad -vv # [ not aarch64 ] about: home: https://schema-salad.readthedocs.io/ license: Apache-2.0 license_family: APACHE license_file: LICENSE.txt summary: Schema Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD) dev_url: https://github.com/common-workflow-language/schema_salad extra: recipe-maintainers: - croth1 - chapmanb - pvanheus - mr-c