#!/bin/sh progname=$(basename "$0") LRMS=Condor # for use in log messages # ARC1 passes first the config file. if [ "$1" = "--config" ]; then shift; ARC_CONFIG=$1; shift; fi joboption_lrms="condor" lrms_options="condor_requirements condor_rank condor_bin_path condor_config" queue_options="condor_requirements" # define paths and config parser basedir=`dirname $0` basedir=`cd $basedir > /dev/null && pwd` || exit $? . "${basedir}/lrms_common.sh" # include common scan functions . "${pkgdatadir}/scan_common.sh" || exit $? # run common init # * parse config # * load LRMS-specific env # * set common variables common_init # Log system performance if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then perflog_common "$perflogdir" "$CONFIG_controldir" fi ############################################################################# ########################## LRMS specific functions ########################## ############################################################################# # # Should print the id's of all jobs in the LRMS, one per line. If left # unimplemented then lrms_job_finished must be implemented. If it's # implemented then implementing lrms_job_finished is optional. # lrms_list_jobs() { LIST_IMPLEMENTED= } # # Should return 0 only if the job is not in the LRMS. The job's LRMS id is # stored in the lrmsid variable. It's called for all grid jobs that are in # INLRMS and CANCELING states and whose LRMS id was not listed by # lrms_list_jobs. STDOUT and STDERR are redirected to job.$gridid.error. # lrms_job_finished() { return 0 } # # Should attempt to collect accounting info from LRMS for a job. The job's # LRMS id is stored in the lrmsid variable. This function will be called after # the job has left the LRMS. Diagnostics might not be available right after # the job has finished and therefore a retry mechanism is implemented. If more # time is needed, the function should signal this by returning without setting # the LRMSExitcode variable. In this case it will be called again on the next # run on scan-*-jobs, but not more than $maxwait times for any given job. If # it sets LRMSExitcode, or $maxwait retries have already been done, then # lrms_last_call will be called shortly afterwards and the job declared done. # STDOUT and STDERR are redirected to job.$gridid.errors. The interval between # successive runs of scan-*-jobs is controlled by $wakeupperiod. # Input variables: # * gridid # * lrmsid # * sessiondir # * uid -- numerical unix ID of the user owning the job # The following variables are initialized with values read from # $sessiondir.diag. All except exitcode are expected to be updated by this # function: # * exitcode -- It's the exitcode of the user's executable, as reported by # the job wrapper. Do not change. # * nodename -- may contain multiple lines, one execution node per line # * WallTime -- in seconds # * UserTime -- in seconds # * KernelTime -- in seconds # * TotalMemory -- in kB # * ResidentMemory -- in kB # * LRMSStartTime -- in Mds time format, UTC time zone (20091201140049Z) # * LRMSEndTime -- in Mds time format, UTC time zone (20091201140049Z) # Output variables: # * LRMSExitcode -- as reported by the LRMS. It will be saved to the .diag file # * LRMSMessage -- any clues obtained from the LRMS about job failure. It # content will be addedd to .lrms_done in case LRMSExitcode is not 0. # lrms_get_accounting() { ACCT_IMPLEMENTED= LRMSExitcode=${exitcode:--1} } # # Called just before uptading .diag and writing the .lrms_done file. STDOUT and # STDERR are redirected to job.$gridid.error. Can be left as is. # Input/Output variables: # * the same as for lrms_get_accounting # * any variables set in lrms_get_accounting are visible here # lrms_last_call() { [ -n "$LRMSExitcode" ] \ || log "LRMS exit status not available for job $gridid ($LRMS id: $lrmsid)" [ -n "$ACCT_IMPLEMENTED" ] || LRMSExitcode= # Suspect killing due to resource limit exceeded only if exitcode is # missing or is > 128 (as in the case of a shell killed by a signal) if [ -z "$exitcode" ] || [ "$exitcode" -gt 128 ]; then read_grami; autodetect_overlimit fi } ############################################################################# # # scan-*-jobs has STDOUT redirected to /dev/null and STDERR redirected to # job.helper..errors # log () { echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] $progname: $*" 1>&2; } # # Reads a line from STDIN and prints integer part on STDOUT. # If not a valid number, prints nothing and returns 1 # to_integer() { /usr/bin/perl -we 'chomp(my $line = <>); exit 0 if $line eq ""; if ( $line =~ m/^(\d*)(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) { print $1 || 0; } else { exit 1; }' } # Input variables # * gridid # Output variables: # * ReqWallTime # * ReqCPUTime # * ReqTotalMemory read_grami() { gramifile="job.$gridid.grami" [ -f "$gramifile" ] || { log "grami file not found: $PWD/$gramifile"; return 1; } ReqWallTime=$(sed -n "s/^joboption_walltime=//p" "$gramifile" | tail -n 1) ReqCPUTime=$(sed -n "s/^joboption_cputime=//p" "$gramifile" | tail -n 1) ReqTotalMemory=$(sed -n "s/^joboption_memory=//p" "$gramifile" | tail -n 1) ReqWallTime=$(echo $ReqWallTime | to_integer) || log "joboption_walltime not a number" ReqCPUTime=$(echo $ReqCPUTime | to_integer) || log "joboption_cputime not a number" ReqTotalMemory=$(echo $ReqTotalMemory | to_integer) || log "joboption_memory not a number" # convert MB to KB [ -n "$ReqTotalMemory" ] && ReqTotalMemory=$(( $ReqTotalMemory * 1024 )) log "---- Requested resources specified in grami file ----" [ -n "$ReqWallTime" ] && log "Requested walltime: $ReqWallTime seconds" [ -n "$ReqCPUTime" ] && log "Requested cputime: $ReqCPUTime seconds" [ -n "$ReqTotalMemory" ] && log "Requested memory: $(( $ReqTotalMemory / 1024 )) MB" log "-----------------------------------------------------" } # # Can be used from lrms_get_accounting() to guess whether the job was killed due to # an exceeded resource limit and set LRMSMessage accordingly. # Input variables # * gridid # * uid # * ReqWallTime # * ReqCPUTime # * ReqTotalMemory # * WallTime # * UserTime # * KernelTime # * TotalMemory # * ResidentMemory # * exitcode # * LRMSExitcode # * LRMSMessage # Output variables: # * overlimit (if set, then one of memory cputime walltime ) # autodetect_overlimit() { # round to integers wallt=$(echo $WallTime | to_integer) || log "WallTime not a number" usert=$(echo $UserTime | to_integer) || log "UserTime not a number" kernelt=$(echo $KernelTime | to_integer) || log "KernelTime not a number" totalmem=$(echo $TotalMemory | to_integer) || log "TotalMemory not a number" residentmem=$(echo $ResidentMemory | to_integer) || log "ResidentMemory not a number" cput=$(( ${usert:-0} + ${kernelt:-0} )) if [ -n "$cput" ] && [ "$cput" -gt 0 ] \ && [ -n "$ReqCPUTime" ] && [ "$ReqCPUTime" -gt 0 ] \ && [ $(( 100 * $cput / $ReqCPUTime )) -gt 95 ]; then overlimit="cputime" fi if [ -n "$wallt" ] && [ "$wallt" -gt 0 ] \ && [ -n "$ReqWallTime" ] && [ "$ReqWallTime" -gt 0 ] \ && [ $(( 100 * $wallt / $ReqWallTime )) -gt 95 ]; then overlimit="walltime" fi if [ -n "$totalmem" ] && [ "$totalmem" -gt 0 ] \ && [ -n "$ReqTotalMemory" ] && [ "$ReqTotalMemory" -gt 0 ] \ && [ $(( 100 * $totalmem / $ReqTotalMemory )) -gt 95 ]; then overlimit="memory" fi if [ -n "$residentmem" ] && [ "$residentmem" -gt 0 ] \ && [ -n "$ReqTotalMemory" ] && [ "$ReqTotalMemory" -gt 0 ] \ && [ $(( 100 * $residentmem / $ReqTotalMemory )) -gt 95 ]; then overlimit="memory" fi [ -n "$overlimit" ] && log "Job have likely hit $overlimit limit" } # # Returns 0 at most maxwait calls for any given gridid. Returns 1 on # further calls or if an error has occured. # job_canwait() { [ -n "$gridid" ] && [ -n "$maxwait" ] \ || { log "job_canwait requires the following to be set: gridid, maxwait"; return 1; } countfile=job.$gridid.lrms_job if [ ! -f "$countfile" ]; then echo "1" > "$countfile" || { log "cannot write count file: $PWD/$countfile"; return 1; } else count=$(head -n 1 "$countfile") || { log "cannot read count file: $PWD/$countfile"; return 1; } [ -z "$count" ] && { log "empty count file: $PWD/$countfile"; return 1; } dummy=$(echo "$count" | grep -v '[0-9]') && { log "not an integer in count file: $PWD/$countfile"; return 1; } [ "$count" -lt "$maxwait" ] || { rm -f "$countfile"; return 1; } echo "$(( $count + 1 ))" > "$countfile" || { log "cannot write count file: $PWD/$countfile"; return 1; } fi return 0 } # # Append .comment (containing STDOUT & STDERR of the job wrapper) to .errors # Input variables: # * uid # * sessiondir job_print_comment() { [ -n "$uid" ] && [ -n "$sessiondir" ] \ || { log "job_print_comment requires the following to be set: uid, sessiondir"; return 1; } commentfile=$sessiondir.comment [ -f "$commentfile" ] && do_as_uid "$uid" " echo '--------- Contents of output stream forwarded by $LRMS ------------' cat '$commentfile' echo '------------------------- End of output -------------------------' " || log "failed reading: $commentfile" } # In case overlimit is set, tweak what will go into .lrms_done set_overlimit_message() { [ -n "$overlimit" ] || return if [ $overlimit = "cputime" ]; then LRMSMessage="job killed: cput" elif [ $overlimit = "walltime" ]; then LRMSMessage="job killed: wall" elif [ $overlimit = "memory" ]; then LRMSMessage="job killed: vmem" else log "invalid value overlimit=$overlimit"; return 1 fi LRMSExitcode=271 } # # Input variables: # * gridid # * basedir # * exitcode # * LRMSExitcode # * LRMSMessage # * overlimit # job_write_donefile() { [ -n "$gridid" ] && [ -n "$basedir" ] && [ -n "$LRMS" ] \ || { log "job_write_donefile requires the following to be set: gridid, basedir, LRMS"; return 1; } set_overlimit_message if [ -n "$LRMSMessage" ] && [ "$LRMSExitcode" != 0 ]; then msg="$LRMSMessage" else if [ "$exitcode" = 0 ]; then if [ -z "$LRMSExitcode" ] || [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ]; then msg= else msg="Job finished properly but $LRMS reported failure" fi elif [ -z "$exitcode" ]; then if [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ]; then LRMSExitcode=-1; fi msg="Job was killed by $LRMS" else if [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ]; then LRMSExitcode=-1; fi msg="Job failed with exit code $exitcode" fi fi log "${msg:-$LRMS job $lrmsid finished normally}" donefile=job.$gridid.lrms_done echo "${LRMSExitcode:--1} $msg" > $donefile || log "failed writing file: $PWD/$donefile" # wake up GM "${pkglibexecdir}/gm-kick" -j "$gridid" "job.$gridid.local" } # # Should check that the job has exited lrms, and then do whatever post-processing is necesarry. # Called with STDOUT and STDERR redirected to the job.*.errors file. # Input variables: # * gridid # * lrmsid # * uid # process_job() { [ -n "$gridid" ] && [ -n "$lrmsid" ] && [ -n "$uid" ] && [ -n "$LRMS" ] \ || { log "process_job requires the following to be set: gridid, lrmsid, uid, LRMS"; return 1; } lrms_job_finished || return log "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T)] $LRMS job $lrmsid has exited" localfile=job.$gridid.local sessiondir=$(sed -n 's/^sessiondir=//p' "$localfile" | tail -n 1) [ -n "$sessiondir" ] || { log "failed reading sessiondir from: $PWD/$localfile"; return 1; } # move diag file that end-up in session directory after condor transfer_output (shared_filesystem = no) [ -f "${sessiondir}/${sessiondir##*/}.diag" ] && mv "${sessiondir}/${sessiondir##*/}.diag" "${sessiondir}.diag" job_read_diag lrms_get_accounting if [ -z "$LRMSExitcode" ] && job_canwait; then : # Come back again next time else rm -f "$countfile" job_print_comment lrms_last_call job_write_diag job_write_donefile fi } scan_init () { [ -n "$basedir" ] || { log "basedir must be set"; exit 1; } [ -n "$LRMS" ] || { log "LRMS must be set"; exit 1; } LIST_IMPLEMENTED=yes ACCT_IMPLEMENTED=yes maxwait=5 wakeupperiod=60 trap 'sleep $wakeupperiod' EXIT TERM TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} export TMPDIR # default is shared sessiondirs if [ -z "$CONFIG_shared_filesystem" ]; then CONFIG_shared_filesystem=yes elif [ "$CONFIG_shared_filesystem" = 'no' ]; then CONFIG_shared_filesystem= fi } scan_main() { # Initial working directory myworkdir=$(pwd) || { log "pwd failed"; exit 1; } # Validate control directories supplied on command-line test -n "$1" || { log "control_dir not specified"; exit 1; } for ctr_dir in "$@"; do cd "$myworkdir" || { log "cannot cd to $myworkdir"; exit 1; } cd "$ctr_dir" || { log "erroneous control dir: $ctr_dir"; exit 1; } done for ctr_dir in "$@"; do cd "$myworkdir" || { log "cannot cd to $myworkdir"; exit 1; } cd "$ctr_dir" || { log "erroneous control dir: $ctr_dir"; exit 1; } # This perl script scans the 'processing' sub-directory for grid jobs # in INLRMS and CANCELING states. If not running as the superuser, also # filter out any jobs not belonging to the current user. Finally, # prints to STDOUT onle line for each job containing: # * grid ID, only the digits # * local ID, as in LRMS # * uid of owner of the job.*.local file listscript='use English; exit 1 unless opendir(DIR,"processing"); while (my $fname = readdir DIR) { my ($gridid, $lrmsid, $status); ($gridid) = ($fname =~ m/^job\.(\w+)\.status$/); next unless defined $gridid; next unless open(STATUS,"< processing/$fname"); $status = <STATUS>; close STATUS; next unless $status and $status =~ m/^INLRMS|CANCELING$/; next unless open(LOCAL,"< job.$gridid.local"); my @stat = stat(LOCAL); { local $/=undef; ($lrmsid) = (<LOCAL> =~ m/^localid=(\d+)/m) }; close LOCAL; next unless $lrmsid; next unless @stat; next unless $EUID == 0 or $EUID == $stat[4]; print "$gridid $lrmsid $stat[4]\n"; } closedir DIR; ' # This perl script filters out from the output of the previous script # jobs whose lrms id is among the arguments passed to the script. filterscript='my $lrmsids = " @ARGV "; while(my $line = <STDIN>) { chomp $line; my ($gridid,$lrmsid,$uid) = split / /, $line; next if $lrmsids =~ m/\s$lrmsid\s/; print "$gridid $lrmsid $uid\n"; } ' if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then start_ts=`date +%s.%N` fi lrmsids=$(lrms_list_jobs) || { log "lrms_list_jobs failed"; continue; } if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then stop_ts=`date +%s.%N` t=`awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.3f\", ${stop_ts}-${start_ts} }"` echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] scan-condor-job, condor_q: $t" >> $perflogfile fi if [ -n "$LIST_IMPLEMENTED" ]; then filter_jobs() { /usr/bin/perl -we "$filterscript" $lrmsids; } else filter_jobs() { cat; } # no filtering fi if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then start_ts=`date +%s.%N` fi /usr/bin/perl -we "$listscript" | filter_jobs | while read gridid lrmsid uid; do log () { echo "$progname: $*" 1>&2; } donefile=job.$gridid.lrms_done [ -f "$donefile" ] && continue errorsfile=job.$gridid.errors [ -w "$errorsfile" ] || { log "cannot write to errors file at: $PWD/$errorsfile"; continue; } # run in separate process to make sure shell vars of one job # are not influencing other jobs ( process_job; ) >> "$errorsfile" 2>&1 done if [ ! -z "$perflogdir" ]; then stop_ts=`date +%s.%N` t=`awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.3f\", ${stop_ts}-${start_ts} }"` echo "[`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %T`] scan-condor-job, ControlDirTraversalAndProcessing: $t" >> $perflogfile fi done } ################################### Condor #################################### lrms_list_jobs() { script='my $cmd="$ENV{CONDOR_BIN_PATH}/condor_q"; open Q, "$cmd|" or die "Failed running $cmd : $!\n"; my $out; { local $/; $out = <Q>; }; close Q; exit 0 if $out =~ m/All queues are empty/; die "Non-zero exit status returned by $cmd\n" if $?; my @ids = ($out =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.\d+\s+/mg); print "$_\n" for @ids; ' /usr/bin/perl -we "$script" } condor_read_history() { # This Perl script reads and prints a per-job condor history file. We need to use a # hash rather than printing the file directly because some attributes appear multiple # times and we need to use the last occurrence. condorscript='use strict; my %data; if (-e $ARGV[0]) { open(FILE, "<$ARGV[0]"); foreach my $line (<FILE>) { if ($line =~ /([\w\+]+)\s=\s(.*)/) { $data{$1} = $2; } } foreach my $key (keys %data) { print $key." = ".$data{$key}."\n"; } } ' # First try per-job history files (best performance) perjobhistorydir=`$CONDOR_BIN_PATH/condor_config_val PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR` perjobhistory_exists=$? histstring="" if [ $perjobhistory_exists -eq 0 ]; then # per-job history files are being used, so we can immediately find the right file historyfile="$perjobhistorydir/history.$lrmsid.0" [ -f "$historyfile" ] && histstring=$( /usr/bin/perl -we "$condorscript" "$historyfile" ) fi # If per-job history is not in place - use common history files (including rotated) historydir=`$CONDOR_BIN_PATH/condor_config_val HISTORY` if [ -z "$histstring" -a -n "$historydir" ]; then # find the appropriate history file historyfile=`grep "$(hostname -s).*#$lrmsid.0" -l $historydir*` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # try to get the full job classad { histstring=$( $CONDOR_BIN_PATH/condor_history -l -file $historyfile -match 1 "$lrmsid" ); } 2>&1 fi fi # the awk expression checks that the input is more than 1 line long echo "$histstring" | awk 'END{if(NR<2){exit 1}}' || return 1 # Extract information from condor_history output __RemoteHost=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^LastRemoteHost *= *"\(.*\)"[^"]*$/\1/p') __WallTime=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^RemoteWallClockTime *= *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') __KernelTime=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^RemoteSysCpu *= *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') __UserTime=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^RemoteUserCpu *= *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') __ImageSize=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^ImageSize *= *//p') __ExitCode=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^ExitCode *= *//p') ExitStatus=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^ExitStatus *= *//p') JobStatus=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^JobStatus *= *//p') ExitSignal=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^ExitSignal *= *//p') RemoveReason=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^RemoveReason *= *"\(.*\)"[^"]*$/\1/p') ExitReason=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^ExitReason *= *"\(.*\)"[^"]*$/\1/p') JobCurrentStartDate=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^JobCurrentStartDate *= *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') EnteredCurrentStatus=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^EnteredCurrentStatus *= *\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/p') RequestCpus=$(echo "$histstring" | sed -n 's/^RequestCpus *= *//p') echo "$RemoveReason" | grep -q 'PeriodicRemove .*evaluated to \(TRUE\)' [ $? = 0 ] && PeriodicRemove=TRUE return 0 } seconds() { /usr/bin/perl -e 'my $str = "'"$1"'"; exit unless $str =~ /(\d+) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/; printf "%.0f", ( $1 * 24 + $2 ) * 3600 + $3 * 60 + $4; ' } find_in_file() { file=$1; regex=$2; grep "$regex" "$file" | tail -n 1 | sed -n "s/\(.*\)$regex\(.*\)/\2/ip"; } condor_read_log() { # Find the Condor log. gramifile=job.$gridid.grami [ -f "$gramifile" ] || { log "grami file not found: $PWD/$gramifile"; return 1; } condor_log=$(sed -n 's/^condor_log=//p' "$gramifile" | tail -n 1) [ -n "$condor_log" ] || { log "condor_log not set in grami file: $PWD/$gramifile"; return 1; } log "condor log is at: $condor_log" [ -r "$condor_log" ] || { log "Condor log file not readable: $condor_log"; return 1; } # Parse condor log. Look for lines like: # (return value 0) # Image size of job updated: 692632 # Usr 0 00:37:09, Sys 0 00:00:04 - Total Remote Usage # Job executing on host: <> _RemoteHost=$( find_in_file "$condor_log" 'Job executing on host: *<\([^:>]*\)' ) _UserTime=$( find_in_file "$condor_log" 'Usr \([0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\).*Total Remote Usage' ) _KernelTime=$( find_in_file "$condor_log" 'Sys \([0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\).*Total Remote Usage' ) _ImageSize=$(find_in_file "$condor_log" 'Image size of job updated: \([0-9][0-9]*\)' ) _ExitCode=$( find_in_file "$condor_log" '(return value \([0-9][0-9]*\))' ) _UserTime=$(seconds "$_UserTime") _KernelTime=$(seconds "$_KernelTime") } lrms_get_accounting() { condor_read_history || { log "Job has exited but is not yet listed by condor_history"; return 1; } # set LRMSExitcode to signal that no more tries are necessary LRMSExitcode=-1 } lrms_last_call() { condor_read_log && { # override values read from .diag with those from condor log nodename=${_RemoteHost:-$nodename} UserTime=${_UserTime:-$UserTime} KernelTime=${_KernelTime:-$KernelTime} TotalMemory=${_ImageSize:-$TotalMemory} echo "$progname: ----- begin condor log ($condor_log) -----" cat "$condor_log" echo "$progname: ----- end condor log ($condor_log) -----" echo "$progname: ----- Information extracted from Condor log -----" [ -n "$_RemoteHost" ] && echo "$progname: RemoteHost=$_RemoteHost" [ -n "$_UserTime" ] && echo "$progname: UserTime=$_UserTime" [ -n "$_KernelTime" ] && echo "$progname: KernelTime=$_KernelTime" [ -n "$_ImageSize" ] && echo "$progname: ImageSize=$_ImageSize" [ -n "$_ExitCode" ] && echo "$progname: ExitCode=$_ExitCode" echo "$progname: -------------------------------------------------" } if [ -z "$LRMSExitcode" ]; then log "$progname: No condor_history for Condor ID $lrmsid" else # override with values from condor_history nodename=${__RemoteHost:-$nodename} WallTime=${__WallTime:-$WallTime} UserTime=${__UserTime:-$UserTime} KernelTime=${__KernelTime:-$KernelTime} TotalMemory=${__ImageSize:-$TotalMemory} echo "$progname: ----- begin condor history message -----" echo "$histstring" echo "$progname: ----- end condor history message -----" echo "$progname: ----- Information extracted from condor_history -----" [ -n "$__RemoteHost" ] && echo "$progname: LastRemoteHost=$__RemoteHost" [ -n "$__WallTime" ] && echo "$progname: RemoteWallClockTime=$__WallTime" [ -n "$__UserTime" ] && echo "$progname: RemoteUserCpu=$__UserTime" [ -n "$__KernelTime" ] && echo "$progname: RemoteSysCpu=$__KernelTime" [ -n "$__ImageSize" ] && echo "$progname: ImageSize=$__ImageSize" [ -n "$__ExitCode" ] && echo "$progname: ExitCode=$__ExitCode" [ -n "$ExitStatus" ] && echo "$progname: ExitStatus=$ExitStatus" [ -n "$JobStatus" ] && echo "$progname: JobStatus=$JobStatus" [ -n "$ExitSignal" ] && echo "$progname: ExitSignal=$ExitSignal" [ -n "$RemoveReason" ] && echo "$progname: RemoveReason=$RemoveReason" [ -n "$JobCurrentStartDate" ] && echo "$progname: JobCurrentStartDate=$JobCurrentStartDate" [ -n "$EnteredCurrentStatus" ] && echo "$progname: EnteredCurrentStatus=$EnteredCurrentStatus" [ -n "$ExitReason" ] && echo "$progname: ExitReason=$ExitReason" [ -n "$RequestCpus" ] && echo "$progname: RequestCpus=$RequestCpus" echo "$progname: -----------------------------------------------------" if [ -n "$JobCurrentStartDate" ]; then date_seconds_to_utc "$JobCurrentStartDate" seconds_to_mds_date "$return_date_seconds" LRMSStartTime=$return_mds_date echo "$progname: LRMSStartTime=$LRMSStartTime" fi if [ -n "$EnteredCurrentStatus" ]; then date_seconds_to_utc "$EnteredCurrentStatus" seconds_to_mds_date "$return_date_seconds" LRMSEndTime=$return_mds_date echo "$progname: LRMSEndTime=$LRMSEndTime" fi fi LRMSExitcode=${__ExitCode:-$_ExitCode} # set LRMSExitcode to signal that no more tries are necessary [ -n "$LRMSExitcode" ] || log "ExitCode not found in condor log and condor_history" # set message in case condor killed the job. LRMSExitcode should not be 0. if [ -n "$PeriodicRemove" ]; then [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ] && LRMSExitcode= LRMSMessage="PeriodicRemove evaluated to TRUE" elif [ -n "$RemoveReason" ] && [ "$RemoveReason" != "None" ]; then [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ] && LRMSExitcode= LRMSMessage="RemoveReason: $RemoveReason" elif [ -n "$ExitReason" ] && [ "$ExitReason" != "None" ]; then [ "$LRMSExitcode" = 0 ] && LRMSExitcode= LRMSMessage="ExitReason: $ExitReason" fi # Check whether the job was killed by Condor. If yes, check for exceeded resources limits if ( [ -n "$RemoveReason" ] && [ "$RemoveReason" != "None" ] ) || [ -n "$PeriodicRemove" ]; then read_grami; autodetect_overlimit fi # Condor does not write a .diag file. exitcode=$LRMSExitcode } scan_init scan_main "$@" exit 0