# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import inspect import math import random from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, NoReturn, Union from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary from hypothesis import Verbosity, settings from hypothesis._settings import note_deprecation from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument, UnsatisfiedAssumption from hypothesis.internal.compat import BaseExceptionGroup from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.data import ConjectureData from hypothesis.internal.observability import TESTCASE_CALLBACKS from hypothesis.internal.reflection import get_pretty_function_description from hypothesis.internal.validation import check_type from hypothesis.reporting import report, verbose_report from hypothesis.utils.dynamicvariables import DynamicVariable from hypothesis.vendor.pretty import IDKey, pretty def _calling_function_location(what: str, frame: Any) -> str: where = frame.f_back return f"{what}() in {where.f_code.co_name} (line {where.f_lineno})" def reject() -> NoReturn: if _current_build_context.value is None: note_deprecation( "Using `reject` outside a property-based test is deprecated", since="2023-09-25", has_codemod=False, ) where = _calling_function_location("reject", inspect.currentframe()) if currently_in_test_context(): count = current_build_context().data._observability_predicates[where] count["unsatisfied"] += 1 raise UnsatisfiedAssumption(where) def assume(condition: object) -> bool: """Calling ``assume`` is like an :ref:`assert ` that marks the example as bad, rather than failing the test. This allows you to specify properties that you *assume* will be true, and let Hypothesis try to avoid similar examples in future. """ if _current_build_context.value is None: note_deprecation( "Using `assume` outside a property-based test is deprecated", since="2023-09-25", has_codemod=False, ) if TESTCASE_CALLBACKS or not condition: where = _calling_function_location("assume", inspect.currentframe()) if TESTCASE_CALLBACKS and currently_in_test_context(): predicates = current_build_context().data._observability_predicates predicates[where]["satisfied" if condition else "unsatisfied"] += 1 if not condition: raise UnsatisfiedAssumption(f"failed to satisfy {where}") return True _current_build_context = DynamicVariable(None) def currently_in_test_context() -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the calling code is currently running inside an :func:`@given ` or :doc:`stateful ` test, ``False`` otherwise. This is useful for third-party integrations and assertion helpers which may be called from traditional or property-based tests, but can only use :func:`~hypothesis.assume` or :func:`~hypothesis.target` in the latter case. """ return _current_build_context.value is not None def current_build_context() -> "BuildContext": context = _current_build_context.value if context is None: raise InvalidArgument("No build context registered") return context class RandomSeeder: def __init__(self, seed): self.seed = seed def __repr__(self): return f"RandomSeeder({self.seed!r})" class _Checker: def __init__(self) -> None: self.saw_global_random = False def __call__(self, x): self.saw_global_random |= isinstance(x, RandomSeeder) return x @contextmanager def deprecate_random_in_strategy(fmt, *args): _global_rand_state = random.getstate() yield (checker := _Checker()) if _global_rand_state != random.getstate() and not checker.saw_global_random: # raise InvalidDefinition note_deprecation( "Do not use the `random` module inside strategies; instead " "consider `st.randoms()`, `st.sampled_from()`, etc. " + fmt.format(*args), since="2024-02-05", has_codemod=False, stacklevel=1, ) class BuildContext: def __init__(self, data, *, is_final=False, close_on_capture=True): assert isinstance(data, ConjectureData) self.data = data self.tasks = [] self.is_final = is_final self.close_on_capture = close_on_capture self.close_on_del = False # Use defaultdict(list) here to handle the possibility of having multiple # functions registered for the same object (due to caching, small ints, etc). # The printer will discard duplicates which return different representations. self.known_object_printers = defaultdict(list) def record_call(self, obj, func, args, kwargs): self.known_object_printers[IDKey(obj)].append( lambda obj, p, cycle, *, _func=func: p.maybe_repr_known_object_as_call( obj, cycle, get_pretty_function_description(_func), args, kwargs ) ) def prep_args_kwargs_from_strategies(self, kwarg_strategies): arg_labels = {} kwargs = {} for k, s in kwarg_strategies.items(): start_idx = self.data.index with deprecate_random_in_strategy("from {}={!r}", k, s) as check: obj = check(self.data.draw(s, observe_as=f"generate:{k}")) end_idx = self.data.index kwargs[k] = obj # This high up the stack, we can't see or really do much with the conjecture # Example objects - not least because they're only materialized after the # test case is completed. Instead, we'll stash the (start_idx, end_idx) # pair on our data object for the ConjectureRunner engine to deal with, and # pass a dict of such out so that the pretty-printer knows where to place # the which-parts-matter comments later. if start_idx != end_idx: arg_labels[k] = (start_idx, end_idx) self.data.arg_slices.add((start_idx, end_idx)) return kwargs, arg_labels def __enter__(self): self.assign_variable = _current_build_context.with_value(self) self.assign_variable.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): self.assign_variable.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, tb) errors = [] for task in self.tasks: try: task() except BaseException as err: errors.append(err) if errors: if len(errors) == 1: raise errors[0] from exc_value raise BaseExceptionGroup("Cleanup failed", errors) from exc_value def cleanup(teardown): """Register a function to be called when the current test has finished executing. Any exceptions thrown in teardown will be printed but not rethrown. Inside a test this isn't very interesting, because you can just use a finally block, but note that you can use this inside map, flatmap, etc. in order to e.g. insist that a value is closed at the end. """ context = _current_build_context.value if context is None: raise InvalidArgument("Cannot register cleanup outside of build context") context.tasks.append(teardown) def should_note(): context = _current_build_context.value if context is None: raise InvalidArgument("Cannot make notes outside of a test") return context.is_final or settings.default.verbosity >= Verbosity.verbose def note(value: object) -> None: """Report this value for the minimal failing example.""" if should_note(): if not isinstance(value, str): value = pretty(value) report(value) def event(value: str, payload: Union[str, int, float] = "") -> None: """Record an event that occurred during this test. Statistics on the number of test runs with each event will be reported at the end if you run Hypothesis in statistics reporting mode. Event values should be strings or convertible to them. If an optional payload is given, it will be included in the string for :ref:`statistics`. """ context = _current_build_context.value if context is None: raise InvalidArgument("Cannot make record events outside of a test") payload = _event_to_string(payload, (str, int, float)) context.data.events[_event_to_string(value)] = payload _events_to_strings: WeakKeyDictionary = WeakKeyDictionary() def _event_to_string(event, allowed_types=str): if isinstance(event, allowed_types): return event try: return _events_to_strings[event] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass result = str(event) try: _events_to_strings[event] = result except TypeError: pass return result def target(observation: Union[int, float], *, label: str = "") -> Union[int, float]: """Calling this function with an ``int`` or ``float`` observation gives it feedback with which to guide our search for inputs that will cause an error, in addition to all the usual heuristics. Observations must always be finite. Hypothesis will try to maximize the observed value over several examples; almost any metric will work so long as it makes sense to increase it. For example, ``-abs(error)`` is a metric that increases as ``error`` approaches zero. Example metrics: - Number of elements in a collection, or tasks in a queue - Mean or maximum runtime of a task (or both, if you use ``label``) - Compression ratio for data (perhaps per-algorithm or per-level) - Number of steps taken by a state machine The optional ``label`` argument can be used to distinguish between and therefore separately optimise distinct observations, such as the mean and standard deviation of a dataset. It is an error to call ``target()`` with any label more than once per test case. .. note:: **The more examples you run, the better this technique works.** As a rule of thumb, the targeting effect is noticeable above :obj:`max_examples=1000 `, and immediately obvious by around ten thousand examples *per label* used by your test. :ref:`statistics` include the best score seen for each label, which can help avoid `the threshold problem `__ when the minimal example shrinks right down to the threshold of failure (:issue:`2180`). """ check_type((int, float), observation, "observation") if not math.isfinite(observation): raise InvalidArgument(f"{observation=} must be a finite float.") check_type(str, label, "label") context = _current_build_context.value if context is None: raise InvalidArgument( "Calling target() outside of a test is invalid. " "Consider guarding this call with `if currently_in_test_context(): ...`" ) elif context.data.provider.avoid_realization: # We could in principle realize this in the engine, but it seems more # efficient to have our alternative backend optimize it for us. # See e.g. https://github.com/pschanely/hypothesis-crosshair/issues/3 return observation # pragma: no cover verbose_report(f"Saw target({observation!r}, {label=})") if label in context.data.target_observations: raise InvalidArgument( f"Calling target({observation!r}, {label=}) would overwrite " f"target({context.data.target_observations[label]!r}, {label=})" ) else: context.data.target_observations[label] = observation return observation