#!/cvmfs/dirac.egi.eu/dirac/v9.0.0a35/Linux-aarch64/bin/python # Copyright European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) since 2012 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import datetime import errno import json import logging import math import os import signal import sys import time import traceback from configparser import NoOptionError, NoSectionError from functools import wraps from textwrap import dedent from tabulate import tabulate from rucio import version from rucio.client import Client from rucio.common.config import config_get from rucio.common.constants import RseAttr from rucio.common.exception import ( AccessDenied, AccountNotFound, CannotAuthenticate, ConfigNotFound, DataIdentifierAlreadyExists, DataIdentifierNotFound, Duplicate, DuplicateContent, InputValidationError, InvalidObject, InvalidRSEExpression, ReplicaIsLocked, ReplicaNotFound, RSENotFound, RSEOperationNotSupported, RuleNotFound, ScopeNotFound, ) from rucio.common.extra import import_extras from rucio.common.utils import StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, chunks, clean_pfns, construct_non_deterministic_pfn, extract_scope, get_bytes_value_from_string, parse_response, render_json, sizefmt from rucio.rse import rsemanager as rsemgr EXTRA_MODULES = import_extras(['argcomplete']) if EXTRA_MODULES['argcomplete']: import argcomplete # pylint: disable=E0401 possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]), os.pardir, os.pardir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'lib/rucio', '__init__.py')): sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir) SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 DEFAULT_PORT = 443 logger = logging.getLogger("user") tablefmt = 'psql' def setup_logger(logger): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) hdlr = logging.StreamHandler() def emit_decorator(fcn): def func(*args): formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) return fcn(*args) return func hdlr.emit = emit_decorator(hdlr.emit) logger.addHandler(hdlr) setup_logger(logger) def signal_handler(signal, frame): logger.warning('You pressed Ctrl+C! Exiting gracefully') sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) def exception_handler(function): @wraps(function) def new_funct(*args, **kwargs): try: return function(*args, **kwargs) except InvalidObject as error: logger.error(error) return error.error_code except DataIdentifierNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the Data IDentifier you provided is not known by Rucio.') return error.error_code except AccessDenied as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This error is a permission issue. You cannot run this command with your account.') return error.error_code except DataIdentifierAlreadyExists as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the data IDentifier you try to add is already registered in Rucio.') return error.error_code except RSENotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the Rucio Storage Element you provided is not known by Rucio.') return error.error_code except InvalidRSEExpression as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the RSE expression you provided is not syntactically correct.') return error.error_code except DuplicateContent as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the DID you want to attach is already in the target DID.') return error.error_code except TypeError as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the parameter you passed has a wrong type.') return FAILURE except RuleNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means the rule you specified does not exist.') return error.error_code except AccountNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the specified account cannot be found.') return error.error_code except NotImplementedError as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that the method is not implemented yet.') return FAILURE except Duplicate as error: logger.error(error) logger.debug('This means that you are trying to add something that already exists.') return error.error_code except ReplicaIsLocked as error: logger.error(error) logger.error('This means that the replica has a lock and is therefore protected.') return FAILURE except ReplicaNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.error('This means that the replica does not exist.') return FAILURE except ConfigNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.error('This means that the configuration section you are looking for does not exist.') return FAILURE except ScopeNotFound as error: logger.error(error) logger.error('This means that no scopes were found for the specified account ID.') return FAILURE except InputValidationError as error: logger.error(error) logger.error('This means that the input you provided did not meet all the requirements.') return FAILURE except Exception as error: if isinstance(error, IOError) and getattr(error, 'errno', None) == errno.EPIPE: # Ignore Broken Pipe # While in python3 we can directly catch 'BrokenPipeError', in python2 it doesn't exist. # Python flushes standard streams on exit; redirect remaining output # to devnull to avoid another BrokenPipeError at shutdown devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) os.dup2(devnull, sys.stdout.fileno()) return SUCCESS logger.error(error) logger.error('Rucio exited with an unexpected/unknown error, please provide the traceback below to the developers.') logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return FAILURE return new_funct def get_client(args): """ Returns a new client object. """ if not args.auth_strategy: if 'RUCIO_AUTH_TYPE' in os.environ: auth_type = os.environ['RUCIO_AUTH_TYPE'].lower() else: try: auth_type = config_get('client', 'auth_type').lower() except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): logger.error('Cannot get AUTH_TYPE') sys.exit(FAILURE) else: auth_type = args.auth_strategy.lower() if auth_type in ['userpass', 'saml'] and args.username is not None and args.password is not None: creds = {'username': args.username, 'password': args.password} elif auth_type == 'oidc': if args.oidc_issuer: args.oidc_issuer = args.oidc_issuer.lower() creds = {'oidc_auto': args.oidc_auto, 'oidc_scope': args.oidc_scope, 'oidc_audience': args.oidc_audience, 'oidc_polling': args.oidc_polling, 'oidc_refresh_lifetime': args.oidc_refresh_lifetime, 'oidc_issuer': args.oidc_issuer, 'oidc_username': args.oidc_username, 'oidc_password': args.oidc_password} else: creds = None try: client = Client(rucio_host=args.host, auth_host=args.auth_host, account=args.issuer, auth_type=auth_type, creds=creds, ca_cert=args.ca_certificate, timeout=args.timeout, vo=args.vo) except CannotAuthenticate as error: logger.error(error) if 'alert certificate expired' in str(error): logger.error('The server certificate expired.') elif auth_type.lower() == 'x509_proxy': logger.error('Please verify that your proxy is still valid and renew it if needed.') sys.exit(FAILURE) return client def get_scope(did, client): try: scope, name = extract_scope(did) return scope, name except TypeError: scopes = client.list_scopes() scope, name = extract_scope(did, scopes) return scope, name return None, did @exception_handler def add_account(args): """ %(prog)s add [options] Adds a new account. Specify metadata fields as arguments. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_account(account=args.account, type_=args.accounttype, email=args.accountemail) print('Added new account: %s' % args.account) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_account(args): """ %(prog)s disable [options] Delete account. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_account(args.acnt) print('Deleted account: %s' % args.acnt) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def update_account(args): """ %(prog)s update [options] Update an account. """ client = get_client(args) client.update_account(account=args.account, key=args.key, value=args.value) print('%s of account %s changed to %s' % (args.key, args.account, args.value)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def ban_account(args): """ %(prog)s ban [options] Ban an account. """ client = get_client(args) client.update_account(account=args.account, key='status', value='SUSPENDED') print('Account %s banned' % args.account) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def unban_account(args): """ %(prog)s unban [options] Unban a banned account. """ client = get_client(args) client.update_account(account=args.account, key='status', value='ACTIVE') print('Account %s unbanned' % args.account) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_accounts(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List accounts. """ client = get_client(args) filters = {} if args.filters: for key, value in [(_.split('=')[0], _.split('=')[1]) for _ in args.filters.split(',')]: filters[key] = value accounts = client.list_accounts(identity=args.identity, account_type=args.account_type, filters=filters) for account in accounts: print(account['account']) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def info_account(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Show extended information of a given account """ client = get_client(args) info = client.get_account(account=args.account) for k in info: print(k.ljust(10) + ' : ' + str(info[k])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_identities(args): """ %(prog)s list-identities [options] List all identities on an account. """ client = get_client(args) identities = client.list_identities(account=args.account) for identity in identities: print('Identity: %(identity)s,\ttype: %(type)s' % identity) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def set_limits(args): """ %(prog)s set [options] Set account limit for an account and rse. """ client = get_client(args) locality = args.locality.lower() byte_limit = None limit_input = args.bytes.lower() if limit_input == 'inf' or limit_input == 'infinity': byte_limit = -1 else: byte_limit = get_bytes_value_from_string(limit_input) if not byte_limit: try: byte_limit = int(limit_input) except ValueError: logger.error('The limit could not be set. Either you misspelled infinity or your input could not be converted to integer or you used a wrong pattern. Please use a format like 10GB with B,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB as units (not case sensitive)') return FAILURE client.set_account_limit(account=args.account, rse=args.rse, bytes_=byte_limit, locality=locality) print('Set account limit for account %s on RSE %s: %s' % (args.account, args.rse, sizefmt(byte_limit, True))) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def get_limits(args): """ %(prog)s get-limits [options] Grant an identity access to an account. """ client = get_client(args) locality = args.locality.lower() limits = client.get_account_limits(account=args.account, rse_expression=args.rse, locality=locality) for rse in limits: print('Quota on %s for %s : %s' % (rse, args.account, sizefmt(limits[rse], True))) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_limits(args): """ %(prog)s delete [options] Delete account limit for an account and rse. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_account_limit(account=args.account, rse=args.rse, locality=args.locality) print('Deleted account limit for account %s and RSE %s' % (args.account, args.rse)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def identity_add(args): """ %(prog)s del [options] Grant an identity access to an account. """ client = get_client(args) if args.email == "": logger.error('Error: --email argument can\'t be an empty string. Failed to grant an identity access to an account') return FAILURE if args.authtype == 'USERPASS' and not args.password: logger.error('missing --password argument') return FAILURE client.add_identity(account=args.account, identity=args.identity, authtype=args.authtype, email=args.email, password=args.password) print('Added new identity to account: %s-%s' % (args.identity, args.account)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def identity_delete(args): """ %(prog)s delete [options] Revoke an identity's access to an account. """ client = get_client(args) client.del_identity(args.account, args.identity, authtype=args.authtype) print('Deleted identity: %s' % args.identity) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_rse(args): """ %(prog)s add [options] Adds a new RSE. Specify metadata fields as arguments. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_rse(args.rse, deterministic=not args.non_deterministic) print('Added new %sdeterministic RSE: %s' % ('non-' if args.non_deterministic else '', args.rse)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def disable_rse(args): """ %(prog)s del [options] Disable RSE. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_rse(args.rse) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_rses(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List RSEs. """ client = get_client(args) rses = client.list_rses() for rse in rses: print('%(rse)s' % rse) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def update_rse(args): """ %(prog)s update [options] Update the settings of the RSE: deterministic, rse_type, staging_are, volatile, qos_class, availability_delete, availability_read, availability_write, city, country_name, latitude, longitude, region_code, time_zone Use '', 'None' or 'null' to wipe the value of following RSE settings: qos_class """ client = get_client(args) if args.value in ['true', 'True', 'TRUE', '1']: args.value = True if args.value in ['false', 'False', 'FALSE', '0']: args.value = False params = {args.param: args.value} client.update_rse(args.rse, parameters=params) if isinstance(args.value, bool): args.value = str(args.value) print('Updated RSE %s settings %s to %s' % (args.rse, args.param, args.value if args.value.lower() not in ['', 'none', 'null'] else '[WIPED]')) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def info_rse(args): """ %(prog)s info [options] Show extended information of a given RSE """ client = get_client(args) rseinfo = client.get_rse(rse=args.rse) attributes = client.list_rse_attributes(rse=args.rse) usage = client.get_rse_usage(rse=args.rse) rse_limits = client.get_rse_limits(args.rse) print('Settings:') print('=========') for key in sorted(rseinfo): if key != 'protocols': print(' ' + key + ': ' + str(rseinfo[key])) print('Attributes:') print('===========') for attribute in sorted(attributes): print(' ' + attribute + ': ' + str(attributes[attribute])) print('Protocols:') print('==========') for protocol in sorted(rseinfo['protocols'], key=lambda x: x['scheme']): print(' ' + protocol['scheme']) for item in sorted(protocol): if item == 'domains': print(' ' + item + ': \'' + json.dumps(protocol[item]) + '\'') else: print(' ' + item + ': ' + str(protocol[item])) print('Usage:') print('======') for elem in sorted(usage, key=lambda x: x['source']): print(' ' + elem['source']) for item in sorted(elem): print(' ' + item + ': ' + str(elem[item])) print('RSE limits:') print('===========') for limit in rse_limits: print(' ' + limit + ': ' + str(rse_limits[limit]) + ' B') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def set_attribute_rse(args): """ %(prog)s set-attribute [options] Set RSE attributes. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_rse_attribute(rse=args.rse, key=args.key, value=args.value) print('Added new RSE attribute for %s: %s-%s ' % (args.rse, args.key, args.value)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def get_attribute_rse(args): """ %(prog)s get-attribute [options] Get RSE attributes. """ client = get_client(args) attributes = client.list_rse_attributes(rse=args.rse) for k in attributes: print(k + ': ' + str(attributes[k])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_attribute_rse(args): """ %(prog)s delete-attribute [options] Delete RSE attributes. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_rse_attribute(rse=args.rse, key=args.key) print('Deleted RSE attribute for %s: %s-%s ' % (args.rse, args.key, args.value)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_distance_rses(args): """ %(prog)s add-distance [options] SOURCE_RSE DEST_RSE Set the distance between two RSEs. """ client = get_client(args) params = {'distance': args.distance} client.add_distance(args.source, args.destination, params) print('Set distance from %s to %s to %d' % (args.source, args.destination, args.distance)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def get_distance_rses(args): """ %(prog)s get-distance SOURCE_RSE DEST_RSE Retrieve the existing distance information between two RSEs. """ client = get_client(args) distance_info = client.get_distance(args.source, args.destination) if distance_info: print('Distance information from %s to %s: distance=%d' % (args.source, args.destination, distance_info[0]['distance'])) else: print("No distance set from %s to %s" % (args.source, args.destination)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def update_distance_rses(args): """ %(prog)s update-distance [options] SOURCE_RSE DEST_RSE Update the existing distance entry between two RSEs. """ client = get_client(args) params = {} if args.distance is not None: params['distance'] = args.distance elif args.ranking is not None: params['distance'] = args.ranking client.update_distance(args.source, args.destination, params) print('Update distance information from %s to %s:' % (args.source, args.destination)) if params.get('distance') is not None: print("- Distance set to %d" % params['distance']) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_distance_rses(args): """ %(prog)s delete-distance [options] SOURCE_RSE DEST_RSE Update the existing distance entry between two RSEs. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_distance(args.source, args.destination) print('Deleted distance information from %s to %s.' % (args.source, args.destination)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_protocol_rse(args): """ %(prog)s add-protocol-rse [options] Add a new protocol handler for an RSE """ client = get_client(args) proto = {'hostname': args.hostname, 'scheme': args.scheme, 'port': args.port, 'impl': args.impl, 'prefix': args.prefix} if args.domain_json: proto['domains'] = args.domain_json proto.setdefault('extended_attributes', {}) if args.ext_attr_json: proto['extended_attributes'] = args.ext_attr_json if proto['scheme'] == 'srm' and not args.web_service_path: print('Error: space-token and web-service-path must be provided for SRM endpoints.') return FAILURE if args.space_token: proto['extended_attributes']['space_token'] = args.space_token if args.web_service_path: proto['extended_attributes']['web_service_path'] = args.web_service_path # Rucio 1.14.1 chokes on an empty extended_attributes key. if not proto['extended_attributes']: del proto['extended_attributes'] client.add_protocol(args.rse, proto) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def del_protocol_rse(args): """ %(prog)s delete-protocol-rse [options] Remove a protocol handler for a RSE """ client = get_client(args) kwargs = {} if args.port: kwargs['port'] = args.port if args.hostname: kwargs['hostname'] = args.hostname client.delete_protocols(args.rse, args.scheme, **kwargs) @exception_handler def add_qos_policy(args): """ %(prog)s add-qos-policy Add a QoS policy to an RSE. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_qos_policy(args.rse, args.qos_policy) print('Added QoS policy to RSE %s: %s' % (args.rse, args.qos_policy)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_qos_policy(args): """ %(prog)s delete-qos-policy Delete a QoS policy from an RSE. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_qos_policy(args.rse, args.qos_policy) print('Deleted QoS policy from RSE %s: %s' % (args.rse, args.qos_policy)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_qos_policies(args): """ %(prog)s list-qos-policies List all QoS policies of an RSE. """ client = get_client(args) qos_policies = client.list_qos_policies(args.rse) for qos_policy in sorted(qos_policies): print(qos_policy) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def set_limit_rse(args): """ %(prog)s set-limit Set the RSE limit given the rse name and the name and value of the limit """ client = get_client(args) try: args.value = int(args.value) if client.set_rse_limits(args.rse, args.name, args.value): logger.info('Set RSE limit successfully for %s: %s = %s' % (args.rse, args.name, args.value)) except ValueError: logger.error('The RSE limit value must be an integer') return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_limit_rse(args): """ %(prog)s delete-limit Delete the RSE limit given the rse name and the name of the limit """ client = get_client(args) limits = client.get_rse_limits(args.rse) if args.name not in limits.keys(): logger.error('Limit %s not defined in RSE %s' % (args.name, args.rse)) else: if client.delete_rse_limits(args.rse, args.name): logger.info('Deleted RSE limit successfully for %s: %s' % (args.rse, args.name)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_scope(args): """ %(prog)s add [options] Add scope. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_scope(account=args.account, scope=args.scope) print('Added new scope to account: %s-%s' % (args.scope, args.account)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_scopes(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List scopes. """ client = get_client(args) if args.account: scopes = client.list_scopes_for_account(args.account) else: scopes = client.list_scopes() for scope in scopes: if 'mock' not in scope: print(scope) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def get_config(args): """ %(prog)s get [options] Get the configuration. Either everything, or matching the given section/option. """ client = get_client(args) res = client.get_config(section=args.section, option=args.option) if not isinstance(res, dict): print('[%s]\n%s=%s' % (args.section, args.option, str(res))) else: print_header = True for i in list(res.keys()): if print_header: if args.section is not None: print('[%s]' % args.section) else: print('[%s]' % i) if not isinstance(res[i], dict): print('%s=%s' % (i, str(res[i]))) print_header = False else: for j in list(res[i].keys()): print('%s=%s' % (j, str(res[i][j]))) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def set_config_option(args): """ %(prog)s set [options] Set the configuration value for a matching section/option. Missing section/option will be created. """ client = get_client(args) client.set_config_option(section=args.section, option=args.option, value=args.value) print('Set configuration: %s.%s=%s' % (args.section, args.option, args.value)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_config_option(args): """ %(prog)s delete [options] Delete a configuration option from a section """ client = get_client(args) if client.delete_config_option(section=args.section, option=args.option): print('Deleted section \'%s\' option \'%s\'' % (args.section, args.option)) else: print('Section \'%s\' option \'%s\' not found' % (args.section, args.option)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_subscription(args): """ %(prog)s add [options] name Filter replication_rules Add subscription. """ client = get_client(args) if args.subs_account: account = args.subs_account elif args.issuer: account = args.issuer else: account = client.account subscription_id = client.add_subscription(name=args.name, account=account, filter_=json.loads(args.filter), replication_rules=json.loads(args.replication_rules), comments=args.comments, lifetime=args.lifetime, retroactive=False, dry_run=False, priority=args.priority) print('Subscription added %s' % (subscription_id)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_subscriptions(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] [name] List subscriptions. """ client = get_client(args) if args.subs_account: account = args.subs_account elif args.issuer: account = args.issuer else: account = client.account subs = client.list_subscriptions(name=args.name, account=account) for sub in subs: if args.long: print('\n'.join('%s: %s' % (str(k), str(v)) for (k, v) in list(sub.items()))) print() else: print("%s: %s %s\n priority: %s\n filter: %s\n rules: %s\n comments: %s" % (sub['account'], sub['name'], sub['state'], sub['policyid'], sub['filter'], sub['replication_rules'], sub.get('comments', ''))) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def update_subscription(args): """ %(prog)s update [options] name filter replication_rules Update a subscription. """ client = get_client(args) if args.subs_account: account = args.subs_account elif args.issuer: account = args.issuer else: account = client.account client.update_subscription(name=args.name, account=account, filter_=json.loads(args.filter), replication_rules=json.loads(args.replication_rules), comments=args.comments, lifetime=args.lifetime, retroactive=False, dry_run=False, priority=args.priority) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def reevaluate_did_for_subscription(args): """ %(prog)s reevaulate [options] dids Reevaluate a list of DIDs against all active subscriptions. """ client = get_client(args) for did in args.dids.split(','): scope, name = get_scope(did, client) client.set_metadata(scope, name, 'is_new', True) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_account_attributes(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] List the attributes for an account. """ client = get_client(args) account = args.account or client.account attributes = next(client.list_account_attributes(account)) table = [] for attr in attributes: table.append([attr['key'], attr['value']]) print(tabulate(table, tablefmt=tablefmt, headers=['Key', 'Value'])) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def add_account_attribute(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Add attribute for an account. """ client = get_client(args) client.add_account_attribute(account=args.account, key=args.key, value=args.value) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def delete_account_attribute(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Delete attribute for an account. """ client = get_client(args) client.delete_account_attribute(account=args.account, key=args.key) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def quarantine_replicas(args): """ %(prog)s quarantine --rse (--paths | ...) Quarantine replicas """ client = get_client(args) chunk = [] # send requests in chunks chunk_size = 1000 rse = args.rse if args.paths_list: replicas_list = args.paths_list else: replicas_list = open(args.paths_file, "r") # will iterate over file lines for line in replicas_list: path = line.strip() if path: # skip blank lines chunk.append(dict(path=path)) if len(chunk) >= chunk_size: client.quarantine_replicas(chunk, rse=rse) chunk = [] if chunk: client.quarantine_replicas(chunk, rse=rse) return SUCCESS def __declare_bad_file_replicas_by_lfns(args: object) -> object: """ Declare a list of bad replicas using RSE name, scope and list of LFNs. """ if not args.scope or not args.rse: print("--lfns requires using --rse and --scope") return FAILURE reason = args.reason scope = args.scope rse = args.rse client = get_client(args) replicas = [] # send requests in chunks chunk_size = 10000 def do_declare(client, lst, reason): non_declared = client.declare_bad_file_replicas(lst, reason) for rse, undeclared in non_declared.items(): for r in undeclared: print(f'{rse} : replica cannot be declared: {r}') for line in open(args.lfns, "r"): lfn = line.strip() if lfn: replicas.append({"scope": scope, "rse": rse, "name": lfn}) if len(replicas) >= chunk_size: do_declare(client, replicas, reason) replicas = [] if replicas: do_declare(client, replicas, reason) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def declare_bad_file_replicas(args): """ Declare replicas as bad. """ if args.lfns: return __declare_bad_file_replicas_by_lfns(args) client = get_client(args) if args.inputfile: with open(args.inputfile) as infile: bad_files = list(filter(None, [line.strip() for line in infile])) else: bad_files = args.listbadfiles # Interpret filenames not in scheme://* format as LFNs and convert them to PFNs bad_files_pfns = [] for bad_file in bad_files: if bad_file.find('://') == -1: scope, name = get_scope(bad_file, client) did_info = client.get_did(scope, name) if did_info['type'].upper() != 'FILE' and not args.allow_collection: print('DID %s:%s is a collection and --allow-collection was not specified.' % (scope, name)) return FAILURE replicas = [replica for rep in client.list_replicas([{'scope': scope, 'name': name}]) for replica in list(rep['pfns'].keys())] bad_files_pfns.extend(replicas) else: bad_files_pfns.append(bad_file) if args.verbose: print("PFNs that will be declared bad:") for pfn in bad_files_pfns: print(pfn) if len(bad_files_pfns) < 100: # Using the old API to declare non_declared = client.declare_bad_file_replicas(bad_files_pfns, args.reason) for rse in non_declared: for pfn in non_declared[rse]: print('%s : PFN %s cannot be declared.' % (rse, pfn)) else: print('Getting the information about RSE protocols. It can take several seconds') dict_rse = client.export_data(distance=False) prot_dict = {} for rse, dict_attr in dict_rse['rses'].items(): protocols = dict_attr['protocols'] for prot in protocols: prot_dict[str('%s://%s%s' % (prot['scheme'], prot['hostname'], prot['prefix']))] = rse prot_dict[str('%s://%s:%s%s' % (prot['scheme'], prot['hostname'], prot['port'], prot['prefix']))] = rse print('Protocol information retrieved') chunk_size = 10000 print('Starting the declaration by chunks of %s' % chunk_size) tot_files = len(bad_files) tot_file_declared = 0 cnt = 0 nchunk = math.ceil(tot_files / chunk_size) for chunk in chunks(bad_files_pfns, chunk_size): list_bad_pfns = [] cnt += 1 previous_pattern = None for pfn in clean_pfns(chunk): unknown = True if previous_pattern: if previous_pattern in pfn: list_bad_pfns.append(pfn) unknown = False continue for pattern in prot_dict: if pattern in pfn: previous_pattern = prot_dict[pattern] list_bad_pfns.append(pfn) unknown = False break if unknown: print('Cannot find any RSE associated to %s' % pfn) client.add_bad_pfns(pfns=list_bad_pfns, reason=args.reason, state='BAD', expires_at=None) ndeclared = len(list_bad_pfns) tot_file_declared += ndeclared print('Chunk %s/%s : %s replicas successfully declared' % (int(cnt), int(nchunk), ndeclared)) print('--------------------------------') print('Summary') print('%s/%s replicas successfully declared' % (tot_file_declared, tot_files)) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas(args): """ %(prog)s show [options] Declare a list of temporary unavailable replicas. """ client = get_client(args) bad_files = [] if args.inputfile: with open(args.inputfile) as infile: for line in infile: bad_file = line.rstrip('\n') if '://' not in bad_file: print('%s is not a valid PFN. Aborting', bad_file) return FAILURE if bad_file != '': bad_files.append(bad_file) else: bad_files = args.listbadfiles if args.duration is None: raise ValueError("Duration should have been set, something went wrong!") expiration_date = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=args.duration)).isoformat() chunk_size = 10000 tot_files = len(bad_files) cnt = 0 nchunk = math.ceil(tot_files / chunk_size) for chunk in chunks(bad_files, chunk_size): cnt += 1 client.add_bad_pfns(pfns=chunk, reason=args.reason, state='TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE', expires_at=expiration_date) ndeclared = len(chunk) print('Chunk %s/%s : %s replicas successfully declared' % (int(cnt), int(nchunk), ndeclared)) print('--------------------------------') print('Summary') print('%s replicas successfully declared' % tot_files) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def list_pfns(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] List the possible PFN for a file at a site. """ client = get_client(args) dids = args.dids.split(',') rse = args.rse protocol = args.protocol for input_did in dids: scope, name = get_scope(input_did, client) replicas = [rep for rep in client.list_replicas([{'scope': scope, 'name': name}, ], schemes=[protocol, ])] if rse in replicas[0]['rses'] and replicas[0]['rses'][rse]: print(replicas[0]['rses'][rse][0]) else: logger.warning('The file has no replica on the specified RSE') rse_info = rsemgr.get_rse_info(rse, vo=client.vo) proto = rsemgr.create_protocol(rse_info, 'read', scheme=protocol) try: pfn = proto.lfns2pfns(lfns={'scope': scope, 'name': name}) result = list(pfn.values())[0] except ReplicaNotFound as error: result = error if isinstance(result, (RSEOperationNotSupported, ReplicaNotFound)): if not rse_info['deterministic']: logger.warning('This is a non-deterministic site, so the real PFN might be different from the on suggested') rse_attr = client.list_rse_attributes(rse) naming_convention = rse_attr.get(RseAttr.NAMING_CONVENTION, None) parents = [did for did in client.list_parent_dids(scope, name)] if len(parents) > 1: logger.warning('The file has multiple parents') for did in parents: if did['type'] == 'DATASET': path = construct_non_deterministic_pfn(did['name'], scope, name, naming_convention=naming_convention) pfn = ''.join([proto.attributes['scheme'], '://', proto.attributes['hostname'], ':', str(proto.attributes['port']), proto.attributes['prefix'], path if not path.startswith('/') else path[1:]]) print(pfn) else: logger.error('Unexpected error') return FAILURE else: print(result) return SUCCESS @exception_handler def import_data(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] Import data from JSON file to Rucio. """ client = get_client(args) import_file_path = args.file_path data = None print('Start reading file.') try: with open(import_file_path) as import_file: data_string = import_file.read() data = parse_response(data_string) except ValueError as error: print('There was problem with decoding your file.') print(error) return FAILURE except OSError as error: print('There was a problem with reading your file.') print(error) return FAILURE if data: client.import_data(data) print('Data successfully imported.') return SUCCESS else: print('Nothing to import.') return FAILURE @exception_handler def export_data(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] Export data from Rucio to JSON file. """ client = get_client(args) destination_file_path = args.file_path print('Start querying data.') data = client.export_data() try: with open(destination_file_path, 'w+') as destination_file: destination_file.write(render_json(**data)) print('File successfully written.') print('Data successfully exported to %s' % args.file_path) return SUCCESS except OSError as error: print('There was a problem with reading your file.') print(error) return FAILURE @exception_handler def set_tombstone(args): """ %(prog)s list [options] Set a tombstone on a list of replicas. """ client = get_client(args) dids = args.dids rse = args.rse dids = [dids] if ',' not in dids else dids.split(',') replicas = [] for did in dids: scope, name = get_scope(did, client) replicas.append({'scope': scope, 'name': name, 'rse': rse}) client.set_tombstone(replicas) logger.info('Set tombstone successfully on: %s' % args.dids) return SUCCESS def get_parser(): """ Returns the argparse parser. """ oparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), add_help=True) # required argument was added in Python 3.7 and restores the Python 2 behavior required_arg = {'required': True} subparsers = oparser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand', **required_arg) # Main arguments oparser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + version.version_string()) oparser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true', help="Print more verbose output") oparser.add_argument('-H', '--host', dest="host", metavar="ADDRESS", help="The Rucio API host") oparser.add_argument('--auth-host', dest="auth_host", metavar="ADDRESS", help="The Rucio Authentication host") oparser.add_argument('-a', '--account', dest="issuer", metavar="ACCOUNT", help="Rucio account to use") oparser.add_argument('-S', '--auth-strategy', dest="auth_strategy", default=None, help="Authentication strategy (userpass, x509, ssh ...)") oparser.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', dest="timeout", type=float, default=None, help="Set all timeout values to SECONDS") oparser.add_argument('--vo', dest="vo", metavar="VO", default=None, help="VO to authenticate at. Only used in multi-VO mode.") # Options for the userpass auth_strategy oparser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='username', default=None, help='username') oparser.add_argument('-pwd', '--password', dest='password', default=None, help='password') # Options for defining the OIDC scope# Options for defining remaining OIDC parameters oparser.add_argument('--oidc-user', dest='oidc_username', default=None, help='OIDC username') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-password', dest='oidc_password', default=None, help='OIDC password') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-scope', dest='oidc_scope', default='openid profile', help='Defines which (OIDC) information user will share with Rucio. ' + 'Rucio requires at least -sc="openid profile". To request refresh token for Rucio, scope must include "openid offline_access" and ' # NOQA: W503 + 'there must be no active access token saved on the side of the currently used Rucio Client.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-audience', dest='oidc_audience', default=None, help='Defines which audience are tokens requested for.') oparser.add_argument('--oidc-auto', dest='oidc_auto', default=False, action='store_true', help='If not specified, username and password credentials are not required and users will be given a URL ' + 'to use in their browser. If specified, the users explicitly trust Rucio with their IdP credentials.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-polling', dest='oidc_polling', default=False, action='store_true', help='If not specified, user will be asked to enter a code returned by the browser to the command line. ' + 'If --polling is set, Rucio Client should get the token without any further interaction of the user. This option is active only if --auto is *not* specified.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-refresh-lifetime', dest='oidc_refresh_lifetime', default=None, help='Max lifetime in hours for this an access token will be refreshed by asynchronous Rucio daemon. ' + 'If not specified, refresh will be stopped after 4 days. This option is effective only if --oidc-scope includes offline_access scope for a refresh token to be granted to Rucio.') # NOQA: W503 oparser.add_argument('--oidc-issuer', dest='oidc_issuer', default=None, help='Defines which Identity Provider is going to be used. The issuer string must correspond ' + 'to the keys configured in the /etc/idpsecrets.json auth server configuration file.') # NOQA: W503 # Options for the x509 auth_strategy oparser.add_argument('--certificate', dest='certificate', default=None, help='Client certificate file') oparser.add_argument('--ca-certificate', dest='ca_certificate', default=None, help='CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL)') # The import export subparser data_parser = subparsers.add_parser('data', help='Import and export data') data_subparsers = data_parser.add_subparsers(dest='data_subcommand', **required_arg) # The import command import_parser = data_subparsers.add_parser('import', help='Import data to Rucio from JSON file.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' 'Import data from the file file.json::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin data import file.json\n' '\n') import_parser.add_argument('file_path', action='store', help='File path.') import_parser.set_defaults(which='import') # The export command export_parser = data_subparsers.add_parser('export', help='Export data from Rucio to JSON file.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' 'Export data to the file file.json::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin data export file.json\n' '\n') export_parser.add_argument('file_path', action='store', help='File path.') export_parser.set_defaults(which='export') # The account subparser account_parser = subparsers.add_parser('account', help='Account methods') account_subparser = account_parser.add_subparsers(dest='account_subcommand', **required_arg) # The list_accounts command list_account_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('list', help='List Rucio accounts.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account list --type USER\n' '\n') list_account_parser.add_argument('--type', dest='account_type', action='store', help='Account Type (USER, GROUP, SERVICE)') list_account_parser.add_argument('--id', dest='identity', action='store', help='Identity (e.g. DN)') list_account_parser.add_argument('--filters', dest='filters', action='store', help='Filter arguments in form `key=value,another_key=next_value`') list_account_parser.set_defaults(which='list_accounts') # The list_account_attributes command list_attr_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('list-attributes', help='List attributes for an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account list-attributes jdoe\n' ' +-------+---------+\n' ' | Key | Value |\n' ' |-------+---------|\n' ' | admin | False |\n' ' +-------+---------+\n' '\n' 'Note: this table empty in most cases.\n' '\n') list_attr_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') list_attr_parser.set_defaults(which='list_account_attributes') # The add_account_attribute command add_attr_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('add-attribute', help='Add attribute for an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account add-attribute --key \'test\' --value true jdoe\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' '\n') add_attr_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') add_attr_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) add_attr_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Attribute value', required=True) add_attr_parser.set_defaults(which='add_account_attribute') # The delete_account_attribute command delete_attr_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('delete-attribute', help='Delete attribute for an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account delete-attribute --key \'test\' jdoe\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' '\n') delete_attr_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') delete_attr_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) delete_attr_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_account_attribute') # The add_account command add_account_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('add', help='Add Rucio account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account add jdoe-sister\n' ' Added new account: jdoe-sister\n' '\n') add_account_parser.set_defaults(which='add_account') add_account_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') add_account_parser.add_argument('--type', dest='accounttype', default='USER', help='Account Type (USER, GROUP, SERVICE)') add_account_parser.add_argument('--email', dest='accountemail', action='store', help='Email address associated with the account') # The disable_account command delete_account_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('delete', help='Delete Rucio account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account delete jdoe-sister\n' ' Deleted account: jdoe-sister\n' '\n') delete_account_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_account') delete_account_parser.add_argument('acnt', action='store', help='Account name') # The info_account command info_account_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('info', help='Show detailed information about an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account info jdoe\n' ' status : ACTIVE\n' ' account : jdoe\n' ' account_type : SERVICE\n' ' created_at : 2015-02-03T15:51:16\n' ' suspended_at : None\n' ' updated_at : 2015-02-03T15:51:16\n' ' deleted_at : None\n' ' email : None\n' '\n') info_account_parser.set_defaults(which='info_account') info_account_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') # The list_account_identities command list_account_identities_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('list-identities', help='List all identities (DNs) on an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account list-identities jdoe\n' ' Identity: CN=Joe Doe,OU=Desy,O=GermanGrid,C=DE, type: X509\n' ' Identity: jdoe@CERN.CH, type: GSS\n' ' Identity: CN=Joe Doe,CN=707654,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch, type: X509\n' '\n') list_account_identities_parser.set_defaults(which='list_identities') list_account_identities_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') # The set-limits command set_account_limits_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('set-limits', help='Set the limits for the provided account at given RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account set-limits jdoe DESY-ZN_DATADISK 1000000000000\n' ' Set account limit for account jdoe on RSE DESY-ZN_DATADISK: 1.000 TB\n' '\n' 'Note: the order of perameters is fixed: account, rse, bytes.\n' '\n') set_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(which='set_limits') set_account_limits_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') set_account_limits_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE boolean expression') set_account_limits_parser.add_argument('bytes', action='store', help='Value can be specified in bytes ("10000"), with a storage unit ("10GB"), or "infinity"') set_account_limits_parser.add_argument('locality', action='store', nargs='?', default='local', choices=['local', 'global'], help='Global or local limit scope. Default: "local"') # The account-limit subparser get_account_limits_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('get-limits', help='To get the account limits on an RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account get-limits jdoe DESY-ZN_DATADISK\n' ' Quota on DESY-ZN_DATADISK for jdoe : 1.000 TB\n' 'Note: the order of parameters is fixed: account, rse.\n' '\n') get_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(which='get_limits') get_account_limits_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') get_account_limits_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='The RSE name') get_account_limits_parser.add_argument('locality', action='store', nargs='?', default='local', choices=['local', 'global'], help='Global or local limit scope. Default: "local"') # The delete_quota command delete_account_limits_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('delete-limits', help='Delete limites for an account at given RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admain account delete-limits jdoe DESY-ZN_DATADISK\n' ' Deleted account limit for account jdoe and RSE DESY-ZN_DATADISK\n' '\n' 'Note: the order of parameters is fixed: account, rse.\n' '\n') delete_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_limits') delete_account_limits_parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='Account name') delete_account_limits_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') delete_account_limits_parser.add_argument('locality', action='store', nargs='?', default='local', choices=['local', 'global'], help='Global or local limit scope. Default: "local"') # Ban/unban operations not implemented yet ban_account_limits_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('ban', help='Disable an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account ban --account jdoe\n' ' Account jdoe banned\n' '\n' 'Note: in case of accidental ban, use unban.\n' 'CAUTION: the account is completely disabled.\n' '\n') ban_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(which='ban_account') ban_account_limits_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) unban_account_limits_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('unban', help='Unban a banned account. The account is mandatory parameter.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account unban --account jdoe\n' ' Account jdoe unbanned\n' '\n') unban_account_limits_parser.set_defaults(which='unban_account') unban_account_limits_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) # Update account subparser update_account_parser = account_subparser.add_parser('update', help='Update an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin account update --account jdoe --key email --value test\n' ' Account jdoe updated\n' '\n') update_account_parser.set_defaults(which='update_account') update_account_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) update_account_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Account parameter', required=True) update_account_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Account parameter value', required=True) # The identity subparser identity_parser = subparsers.add_parser('identity', help='Identity methods') identity_subparser = identity_parser.add_subparsers(dest='identity_subcommand', **required_arg) # The identity_add command identity_add_parser = identity_subparser.add_parser('add', help='Grant an identity access to an account.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' 'To add an identity of X509 type::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin identity add --account jdoe --type X509 --id \'CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch\' --email jdoe@cern.ch\n' ' Added new identity to account: CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch\n' ' \n' ' $ rucio-admin account list-identities jdoe\n' ' Identity: CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch, type: X509\n' '\n' 'Note: please keep the DN inside quota marks.\n' '\n' 'To add an identity of GSS type::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin identity add --account jdoe --type GSS --email jdoe@cern.ch --id jdoe@CERN.CH\n' ' Added new identity to account: jdoe@CERN.CH-jdoe\n' ' \n' ' $ rucio-admin account list-identities jdoe\n' ' Identity: jdoe@CERN.CH, type: GSS\n' ' Identity: CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch, type: X509\n' '\n') identity_add_parser.set_defaults(which='identity_add') identity_add_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) identity_add_parser.add_argument('--type', dest='authtype', action='store', choices=['X509', 'GSS', 'USERPASS', 'SSH', 'SAML', 'OIDC'], help='Authentication type [X509|GSS|USERPASS|SSH|SAML|OIDC]', required=True) identity_add_parser.add_argument('--id', dest='identity', action='store', help='Identity', required=True) identity_add_parser.add_argument('--email', dest='email', action='store', help='Email address associated with the identity', required=True) identity_add_parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', action='store', help='Password if authtype is USERPASS', required=False) # The identity_delete command identity_delete_parser = identity_subparser.add_parser('delete', help="Revoke an identity's access to an account. The mandatory parameters are account, type and identity.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin identity delete --account jdoe --type X509 --id \'CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch\'\n' ' Deleted identity: CN=Joe Doe,CN=707658,CN=jdoe,OU=Users,OU=Organic Units,DC=cern,DC=ch\n' '\n' 'Note: if the identity was accidentally deleted, use add option.\n' '\n') identity_delete_parser.set_defaults(which='identity_delete') identity_delete_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) identity_delete_parser.add_argument('--type', dest='authtype', action='store', choices=['X509', 'GSS', 'USERPASS', 'SSH', 'SAML', 'OIDC'], help='Authentication type [X509|GSS|USERPASS|SSH|SAML|OIDC]', required=True) identity_delete_parser.add_argument('--id', dest='identity', action='store', help='Identity', required=True) # The RSE subparser rse_parser = subparsers.add_parser('rse', help='RSE (Rucio Storage Element) methods') rse_subparser = rse_parser.add_subparsers(dest='rse_subcommand', **required_arg) # The list_rses command list_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('list', help='List all RSEs.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' 'To list all rses::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse list' '\n' 'Note: same as rucio list-rses\n' '\n' 'To list special class of rses::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio list-rses --rses \"tier=2&type=DATADISK\"\n' '\n') list_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='list_rses') # The add_rse command add_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('add', help='Add new RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Example Usage\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse add JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' Added new deterministic RSE: JDOE_DATADISK\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse add --non-deterministic JDOE-TEST_DATATAPE\n' ' Added new non-deterministic RSE: JDOE-TEST_DATATAPE\n' '\n') add_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='add_rse') add_rse_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') add_rse_parser.add_argument('--non-deterministic', action='store_true', help='Create RSE in non-deterministic mode') # The update_rse command update_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('update', help='Update RSE settings.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Example Usage\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse update --setting availability_write --value False\n' '\n' '\n') update_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='update_rse') update_rse_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name', required=True) update_rse_parser.add_argument('--setting', dest='param', action='store', help="One of deterministic, rse_type, staging_are, volatile, qos_class, availability_delete, availability_read, availability_write, city, country_name, latitude, longitude, region_code, time_zone", required=True) # noqa: E501 update_rse_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Value for the new setting configuration. Use "", None or null to wipe the value', required=True) # The info_rse command info_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('info', help='Information about RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' 'Information about a RSE::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse info JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' Settings:\n' ' =========\n' ' third_party_copy_protocol: 1\n' ' rse_type: DISK\n' ' domain: [u\'lan\', u\'wan\']\n' ' availability_delete: True\n' ' delete_protocol: 1\n' ' rse: JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' deterministic: True\n' ' write_protocol: 1\n' ' read_protocol: 1\n' ' staging_area: False\n' ' credentials: None\n' ' availability_write: True\n' ' lfn2pfn_algorithm: default\n' ' availability_read: True\n' ' volatile: False\n' ' id: 9c54c73cbd534450b2202a576f809f1f\n' ' Attributes:\n' ' ===========\n' ' JDOE_DATADISK: True\n' ' Protocols:\n' ' ==========\n' ' Usage:\n' ' ======\n' ' rucio\n' ' used: 0\n' ' rse: JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' updated_at: 2018-02-16 13:08:28\n' ' free: None\n' ' source: rucio\n' ' total: 0\n' '\n' 'Note: alternatively: rucio list-rse-usage JDOE_DATADISK.\n' '\n') info_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='info_rse') info_rse_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') # The set_attribute_rse command set_attribute_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('set-attribute', help='Add RSE attribute(key-value pair).', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse JDOE_DATADISK --key owner --value jdoe\n' ' Added new RSE attribute for JDOE_DATADISK: owner-jdoe\n' '\n' 'CAUTION: the existing attribute can be overwritten. Check rucio list-rse-attributes JDOE_DATADISK before setting an attribute.\n' '\n') set_attribute_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='set_attribute_rse') set_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name', required=True) set_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) set_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Attribute value', required=True) # The delete_attribute_rse command delete_attribute_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete-attribute', help='Delete a RSE attribute(key-value pair).', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete-attribute --rse JDOE_DATADISK --key owner --value jdoe\n' ' Deleted RSE attribute for JDOE_DATADISK: owner-jdoe\n' '\n') delete_attribute_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_attribute_rse') delete_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name', required=True) delete_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', action='store', help='Attribute key', required=True) delete_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='Attribute value', required=True) # The add_distance_rses command add_distance_rses_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('add-distance', help='Set the distance between a pair of RSEs.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse add-distance JDOE_SCRATCHDISK JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' Set distance from JDOE_SCRATCHDISK to JDOE_DATADISK to 1/n' '\n' 'Note::\n' '\n' ' --distance can be any positive integer, 0 is the closest\n' 'Note: order of RSEs is fixed: source, destination\n' '\n') add_distance_rses_parser.set_defaults(which='add_distance_rses') add_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='source', action='store', help='Source RSE name') add_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='destination', action='store', help='Destination RSE name') add_distance_rses_parser.add_argument('--distance', dest='distance', default=1, type=int, help='Distance between RSEs') add_distance_rses_parser.add_argument('--ranking', '--ranking', dest='ranking', new_option_string='--ranking', default=1, type=int, action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, help='Ranking of link') # The update_distance_rses command update_distance_rses_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('update-distance', help='Update the existing distance between a pair of RSEs. The mandatory parameters are source, destination and distance or ranking.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse update-distance JDOE_DATADISK JDOE_SCRATCHDISK --distance 10\n' ' Update distance information from JDOE_DATADISK to JDOE_SCRATCHDISK:\n' ' - Distance set to 10\n' '\n' 'Note::\n' '\n' ' --distance can be any positive integer, 0 is the closest\n' 'Note: order of RSEs is fixed: source, destination.\n' '\n') update_distance_rses_parser.set_defaults(which='update_distance_rses') update_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='source', action='store', help='Source RSE name') update_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='destination', action='store', help='Destination RSE name') update_distance_rses_parser.add_argument('--distance', dest='distance', type=int, help='Distance between RSEs') update_distance_rses_parser.add_argument('--ranking', '--ranking', dest='ranking', new_option_string='--ranking', type=int, action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, help='Ranking of link') # The delete_distance_rses command delete_distance_rses_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete-distance', help='Delete the distance between a pair of RSEs. The mandatory parameters are source and destination.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete-distance JDOE_DATADISK JDOE_SCRATCHDISK\n' ' Delete distance information from JDOE_DATADISK to JDOE_SCRATCHDISK:\n' '\n') delete_distance_rses_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_distance_rses') delete_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='source', action='store', help='Source RSE name') delete_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='destination', action='store', help='Destination RSE name') # The get_distance_rses command get_distance_rses_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('get-distance', help='Get the distance information between a pair of RSEs.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse get-distance JDOE_DATADISK JDOE_SCRATCHDISK\n' ' Distance information from JDOE_DATADISK to JDOE_SCRATCHDISK: distance=3, ranking=10\n' '\n' 'Note: order of RSEs is fixed: source, destination.\n' '\n') get_distance_rses_parser.set_defaults(which='get_distance_rses') get_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='source', action='store', help='Source RSE name') get_distance_rses_parser.add_argument(dest='destination', action='store', help='Destination RSE name') # The get_attribute_rse command get_attribute_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('get-attribute', help='List RSE attributes.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse get-attribute JDOE_DATADISK\n' ' owner: jdoe\n' ' JDOE_DATADISK: True\n' '\n' 'Note: alternatively: rucio list-rse-attributes JDOE_DATADISK.\n' '\n') get_attribute_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='get_attribute_rse') get_attribute_rse_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name') # The add_protocol_rse command add_protocol_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('add-protocol', help='Add a protocol and its settings to a RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse add-protocol --hostname jdoes.test.org --scheme gsiftp --prefix \'/atlasdatadisk/rucio/\' --port 8443 JDOE_DATADISK\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' 'Note: examples of optional parameters::\n' '\n' ' --space-token DATADISK\n' ' --web-service-path \'/srm/managerv2?SFN=\'\n' ' --port 8443\n' ' --impl \'rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default\'\n' ' (for other protocol implementation, replace gfal2 with impl. name, e.g. srm)\n' ' --domain-json\n' ' --extended-attributes-json example.json\n' ' where example.json contains dict {\'attr_name\':\'value\', ...}\n' '\n') add_protocol_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='add_protocol_rse') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--hostname', dest='hostname', action='store', help='Endpoint hostname', required=True) add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--scheme', dest='scheme', action='store', help='Endpoint URL scheme', required=True) add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store', help='Endpoint URL path prefix', required=True) add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--space-token', dest='space_token', action='store', help='Space token name (SRM-only)') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--web-service-path', dest='web_service_path', action='store', help='Web service URL (SRM-only)') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--port', dest='port', action='store', type=int, help='URL port') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--impl', dest='impl', default='rucio.rse.protocols.gfal.Default', action='store', help='Transfer protocol implementation to use') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--domain-json', dest='domain_json', action='store', type=json.loads, help='JSON describing the WAN / LAN setup') add_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--extended-attributes-json', dest='ext_attr_json', action='store', type=json.loads, help='JSON describing any extended attributes') # The del_protocol_rse command del_protocol_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete-protocol', help='Delete a protocol from a RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete-protocol --scheme gsiftp JDOE_DATADISK\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' '\n') del_protocol_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='del_protocol_rse') del_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE name') del_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--hostname', dest='hostname', action='store', help='Endpoint hostname') del_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--scheme', dest='scheme', action='store', help='Endpoint URL scheme', required=True) del_protocol_rse_parser.add_argument('--port', dest='port', action='store', type=int, help='URL port') # The disable_location command disable_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete', help='Disable RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete JDOE_SCRATCHDISK\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' 'CAUTION: all information about the RSE might be lost!\n' '\n') disable_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='disable_rse') disable_rse_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') # The add_qos_policy command add_qos_policy_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('add-qos-policy', help='Add a QoS policy to an RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse add-qos-policy JDOE_DATADISK SLOW_BUT_CHEAP') add_qos_policy_parser.set_defaults(which='add_qos_policy') add_qos_policy_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') add_qos_policy_parser.add_argument('qos_policy', action='store', help='QoS policy') # The delete_qos_policy command delete_qos_policy_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete-qos-policy', help='Delete a QoS policy from an RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete-qos-policy JDOE_DATADISK SLOW_BUT_CHEAP') delete_qos_policy_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_qos_policy') delete_qos_policy_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') delete_qos_policy_parser.add_argument('qos_policy', action='store', help='QoS policy') # The delete_qos_policy command list_qos_policies_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('list-qos-policies', help='List all QoS policies of an RSE.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse list-qos-policies JDOE_DATADISK') list_qos_policies_parser.set_defaults(which='list_qos_policies') list_qos_policies_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') # The set_limit_rse command set_limit_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('set-limit', help='Set a RSE limit', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse set-limit XRD1 MinFreeSpace 10000') set_limit_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='set_limit_rse') set_limit_rse_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') set_limit_rse_parser.add_argument('name', action='store', help='Name of the limit') set_limit_rse_parser.add_argument('value', action='store', help='Value of the limit') # The delete_limit_rse command set_limit_rse_parser = rse_subparser.add_parser('delete-limit', help='Delete a RSE limit', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin rse delete-limit XRD3 MinFreeSpace') set_limit_rse_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_limit_rse') set_limit_rse_parser.add_argument('rse', action='store', help='RSE name') set_limit_rse_parser.add_argument('name', action='store', help='Name of the limit') # The scope subparser scope_parser = subparsers.add_parser('scope', help='Scope methods') scope_subparser = scope_parser.add_subparsers(dest='scope_subcommand', **required_arg) # The add_scope command add_scope_parser = scope_subparser.add_parser('add', help='Add scope.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin scope add --scope user.jdoe --account jdoe\n' ' Added new scope to account: user.jdoe-jdoe\n' '\n') add_scope_parser.set_defaults(which='add_scope') add_scope_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name', required=True) add_scope_parser.add_argument('--scope', dest='scope', action='store', help='Scope name', required=True) # The list_scope command list_scope_parser = scope_subparser.add_parser('list', help='List scopes.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin scope list --account jdoe\n' ' user.jdoe\n' '\n' 'Note: alternatively: rucio list-scopes.\n' '\n') list_scope_parser.set_defaults(which='list_scopes') list_scope_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='account', action='store', help='Account name') # The config subparser config_parser = subparsers.add_parser('config', help='Configuration methods. The global configuration of data management system can by modified.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='''e.g. quotas, daemons, rses''') config_subparser = config_parser.add_subparsers(dest='config_subcommand', **required_arg) # The get_config command get_config_parser = config_subparser.add_parser('get', help='Get matching configuration.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin config get --section quota\n' ' [quota]\n' ' LOCALGROUPDISK=95\n' ' SCRATCHDISK=30\n' ' USERDISK=30\n' '\n' 'Note: to list other sections: rucio-admin config get.\n' '\n') get_config_parser.set_defaults(which='get_config') get_config_parser.add_argument('--section', dest='section', action='store', help='Section name', required=False) get_config_parser.add_argument('--option', dest='option', action='store', help='Option name', required=False) # The set_config_option command set_config_parser = config_subparser.add_parser('set', help='Set matching configuration.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin config set --section limitsscratchdisk --option testlimit --value 30\n' ' Set configuration: limitsscratchdisk.testlimit=30\n' '\n' 'CAUTION: you might not intend to change global configuration!\n' '\n') set_config_parser.set_defaults(which='set_config_option') set_config_parser.add_argument('--section', dest='section', action='store', help='Section name', required=True) set_config_parser.add_argument('--option', dest='option', action='store', help='Option name', required=True) set_config_parser.add_argument('--value', dest='value', action='store', help='String-encoded value', required=True) # The delete_config_option command delete_config_parser = config_subparser.add_parser('delete', help='Delete matching configuration.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin config delete --section limitsscratchdisk --option testlimit\n' ' Deleted section \'limitsscratchdisk\' option \'testlimit\'\n' '\n' 'CAUTION: you might not intend to change global configuration!\n' '\n') delete_config_parser.set_defaults(which='delete_config_option') delete_config_parser.add_argument('--section', dest='section', action='store', help='Section name', required=True) delete_config_parser.add_argument('--option', dest='option', action='store', help='Option name', required=True) # The subscription parser subs_parser = subparsers.add_parser('subscription', help='Subscription methods. The methods for automated and regular processing of some specific rules.') subs_subparser = subs_parser.add_subparsers(dest='subscription_subcommand', **required_arg) # The add-subscription command add_sub_parser = subs_subparser.add_parser('add', help='Add subscription', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin subscription add --lifetime 2 --account jdoe --priority 1 jdoes_txt_files_on_datadisk\n' ' \'{\"scope\": [\"user.jdoe\"], \"datatype\": [\"txt\"]}\' \'[{\"copies\": 1, \"rse_expression\": \"JDOE_DATADISK\", \"lifetime\": 3600, \"activity\": \"User Subscriptions\"}]\'\n' ' \'keeping replica on jdoes disk for 60 mins\'\n' ' Subscription added 9a89cc8e692f4cabb8836fdafd884c5a\n' '\n' 'Note: priority can range from 1 to infinity. Internal share for given account.\n' '\n') add_sub_parser.set_defaults(which='add_subscription') add_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='name', action='store', help='Subscription name') add_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='filter', action='store', help='DID filter (eg \'{"scope": ["tests"], "project": ["data12_8TeV"]}\')') add_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='replication_rules', action='store', help='Replication rules (eg \'[{"copies": 2, "rse_expression": "tier=2", "lifetime": 3600, "activity": "Functional Tests", "weight": "mou"}]\')') add_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='comments', action='store', help='Comments on subscription') add_sub_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', type=int, help='Subscription lifetime (in days)') add_sub_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='subs_account', action='store', help='Account name') add_sub_parser.add_argument('--priority', dest='priority', action='store', help='The priority of the subscription') # retroactive and dry_run hard-coded for now # The list-subscriptions command list_sub_parser = subs_subparser.add_parser('list', help='List subscriptions', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin subscription list --account jdoe\n' ' jdoe: jdoes_txt_files_on_datadisk UPDATED\n' ' priority: 1\n' ' filter: {\'datatype\': [\'txt\'], \'scope\': [\'user.jdoe\']}\n' ' rules: [{\'lifetime\': 3600, \'rse_expression\': \'JDOE_DATADISK\', \'copies\': 1, \'activity\': \'User Subscriptions\'}]\n' ' comments: keeping replica on jdoes disk for 60 mins\n' '\n') list_sub_parser.set_defaults(which='list_subscriptions') list_sub_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='subs_account', action='store', help='Account name') list_sub_parser.add_argument('--long', dest='long', action='store_true', help='Long listing') list_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='name', nargs='?', action='store', help='Subscription name') # The update-subscription command update_sub_parser = subs_subparser.add_parser('update', help='Update subscription', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin subscription update --lifetime 3 --account jdoe --priority 1 jdoes_txt_files_on_datadisk\n' ' \'{\"scope\": [\"user.jdoe\"], \"datatype\": [\"txt\"]}\' \'[{\"copies\": 1, \"rse_expression\": \"JDOE_DATADISK\", \"lifetime\": 3600, \"activity\": \"User Subscriptions\"}]\n' ' keeping replica on jdoes disk for 60 mins, valid until 23.2.2018\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' 'Note: all the input parameters are mandatory.\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin subscription list --account jdoe\n' ' jdoe: jdoes_txt_files_on_datadisk UPDATED\n' ' priority: 1\n' ' filter: {\"datatype\": [\"txt\"], \"scope\": [\"user.jdoe\"]}\n' ' rules: [{\"lifetime\": 3600, \"rse_expression\": \"JDOE_DATADISK\", \"copies\": 1, \"activity\": \"User Subscriptions\"}]\n' ' comments: keeping replica on jdoes disk for 60 mins, valid until 23.2.2018\n' '\n') update_sub_parser.set_defaults(which='update_subscription') update_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='name', action='store', help='Subscription name') update_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='filter', action='store', help='DID filter (eg \'{"scope": ["tests"], "project": ["data12_8TeV"]}\')') update_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='replication_rules', action='store', help='Replication rules (eg \'[{"activity": "Functional Tests", "copies": 2, "rse_expression": "tier=2", "lifetime": 3600, "weight": "mou"}]\')') update_sub_parser.add_argument(dest='comments', action='store', help='Comments on subscription') update_sub_parser.add_argument('--lifetime', dest='lifetime', action='store', type=int, help='Subscription lifetime (in days)') update_sub_parser.add_argument('--account', dest='subs_account', action='store', help='Account name') update_sub_parser.add_argument('--priority', dest='priority', action='store', help='The priority of the subscription') # subscription policy, retroactive and dry_run hard-coded for now # The reevaluate command reevaluate_did_for_subscription_parser = subs_subparser.add_parser('reevaluate', help='Reevaluate a list of DIDs against all active subscriptions', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin subscription reevaluate user.jdoe:jdoes.test.dataset\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' '\n') reevaluate_did_for_subscription_parser.set_defaults(which='reevaluate_did_for_subscription') reevaluate_did_for_subscription_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', action='store', help='List of DIDs (coma separated)') # The replica parser rep_parser = subparsers.add_parser('replicas', help='Replica methods') rep_subparser = rep_parser.add_subparsers(dest='replicas_subcommand', **required_arg) # The add-quarantined command quarantine_parser = rep_subparser.add_parser('quarantine', help="Add quarantined replicas", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=dedent("""\ Usage example ============= :: $ cat replica_list.txt /path/to/file_1.data /path/to/another/file.data $ rucio admin replicas quarantine --rse STORAGE --paths replica_list.txt $ rucio admin replicas quarantine --rse STORAGE /path/to/a/data_file /path/to/some/other/file """)) quarantine_parser.set_defaults(which='quarantine_replicas') quarantine_parser.add_argument("--paths", dest="paths_file", action="store", help="A file with replica paths, one path per line") quarantine_parser.add_argument("--rse", dest="rse", action="store", help="RSE name") quarantine_parser.add_argument(dest='paths_list', action='store', nargs='*', help='List of replica paths') # The declare-bad command declare_bad_file_replicas_parser = rep_subparser.add_parser('declare-bad', help='Declare bad file replicas', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin replicas declare-bad\n' ' srm://se.bfg.uni-freiburg.de:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/bfg.uni-freiburg.de/data/atlasdatadisk/rucio/user/jdoe/e2/a7/jdoe.TXT.txt --reason \'test only\'\n' '\n' 'Note: no printed stdout.\n' '\n' 'Note: pfn can be provided, see rucio-admin replicas list-pfns or rucio list-file-replicas\n' '\n') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.set_defaults(which='declare_bad_file_replicas') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument(dest='listbadfiles', action='store', nargs='*', help='List of bad items. Each can be a PFN (for one replica) or an LFN (for all replicas of the LFN) or a collection DID (for all file replicas in the DID)') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--reason', dest='reason', required=True, action='store', help='Reason') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--inputfile', dest='inputfile', nargs='?', action='store', help='File containing list of bad items') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--allow-collection', dest='allow_collection', action='store_true', help='Allow passing a collection DID as bad item') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--lfns', dest='lfns', nargs='?', action='store', help='File containing list of LFNs for bad replicas. Requires --rse and --scope') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--scope', dest='scope', nargs='?', action='store', help='Common scope for bad replicas specified with LFN list, ignored without --lfns') declare_bad_file_replicas_parser.add_argument('--rse', dest='rse', nargs='?', action='store', help='Common RSE for bad replicas specified with LFN list, ignored without --lfns') # The declare-temporary-unavailable command declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser = rep_subparser.add_parser('declare-temporary-unavailable', help='Declare temporary unavailable replicas', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin replicas declare-temporary-unavailable\n' ' srm://se.bfg.uni-freiburg.de/pnfs/bfg.uni-freiburg.de/data/atlasdatadisk/rucio/user/jdoe/e2/a7/jdoe.TXT.txt --duration 3600 --reason \'test only\'\n') declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser.set_defaults(which='declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas') declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser.add_argument(dest='listbadfiles', action='store', nargs='*', help='List of replicas. Each needs to be a proper PFN including the protocol') declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser.add_argument('--reason', dest='reason', required=True, action='store', help='Reason') declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser.add_argument('--inputfile', dest='inputfile', nargs='?', action='store', help='File containing list of replicas') declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas_parser.add_argument('--expiration-date', '--duration', new_option_string='--duration', dest='duration', required=True, action=StoreAndDeprecateWarningAction, type=int, help='Timeout in seconds when the replicas will become available again.') # NOQA: E501 # The list-pfns command list_pfns_parser = rep_subparser.add_parser('list-pfns', help='List the possible PFN for a file at a site.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin replicas list-pfns \n' ' user.jdoe:jdoe.TXT.txt CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK srm \'{\"all_states\": False, \"schemes\": [\"srm\"], \"dids\": [{\"scope\": \"user.jdoe\", \"name\": \"jdoe.TXT.txt\"}]}\'\n' ' srm://srm-eosatlas.cern.ch:8443/srm/v2/server?SFN=/eos/atlas/atlasscratchdisk/rucio/user/jdoe/e2/a7/jdoe.TXT.txt' '\n') list_pfns_parser.set_defaults(which='list_pfns') list_pfns_parser.add_argument(dest='dids', action='store', help='List of DIDs (coma separated)') list_pfns_parser.add_argument(dest='rse', action='store', help='RSE') list_pfns_parser.add_argument(dest='protocol', action='store', default='srm', help='The protocol, by default srm, can be one of [root|srm|http(s)].') # The set-tombstone command set_tombstone_parser = rep_subparser.add_parser('set-tombstone', help='Set a tombstone on a replica manually to force deletion. Only works if there is no lock on the replica.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog='Usage example\n' '"""""""""""""\n' '::\n' '\n' ' $ rucio-admin replicas set-tombstone mock:file --rse MOCK' '\n') set_tombstone_parser.add_argument('dids', action='store', help='One or multiple comma separated DIDs.') set_tombstone_parser.add_argument('--rse', action='store', required=True, help='RSE') set_tombstone_parser.set_defaults(which='set_tombstone') return oparser if __name__ == '__main__': oparser = get_parser() if EXTRA_MODULES['argcomplete']: argcomplete.autocomplete(oparser) if len(sys.argv) == 1: oparser.print_help() sys.exit(FAILURE) args = oparser.parse_args() if not hasattr(args, 'which'): oparser.print_help() sys.exit(FAILURE) commands = {'add_account': add_account, 'list_accounts': list_accounts, 'list_account_attributes': list_account_attributes, 'add_account_attribute': add_account_attribute, 'delete_account_attribute': delete_account_attribute, 'delete_account': delete_account, 'info_account': info_account, 'ban_account': ban_account, 'unban_account': unban_account, 'update_account': update_account, 'get_limits': get_limits, 'set_limits': set_limits, 'delete_limits': delete_limits, 'list_identities': list_identities, 'identity_add': identity_add, 'identity_delete': identity_delete, 'add_rse': add_rse, 'update_rse': update_rse, 'set_attribute_rse': set_attribute_rse, 'get_attribute_rse': get_attribute_rse, 'delete_attribute_rse': delete_attribute_rse, 'add_distance_rses': add_distance_rses, 'update_distance_rses': update_distance_rses, 'get_distance_rses': get_distance_rses, 'delete_distance_rses': delete_distance_rses, 'add_protocol_rse': add_protocol_rse, 'del_protocol_rse': del_protocol_rse, 'list_rses': list_rses, 'disable_rse': disable_rse, 'add_qos_policy': add_qos_policy, 'delete_qos_policy': delete_qos_policy, 'list_qos_policies': list_qos_policies, 'add_scope': add_scope, 'list_scopes': list_scopes, 'info_rse': info_rse, 'get_config': get_config, 'set_config_option': set_config_option, 'delete_config_option': delete_config_option, 'add_subscription': add_subscription, 'list_subscriptions': list_subscriptions, 'update_subscription': update_subscription, 'reevaluate_did_for_subscription': reevaluate_did_for_subscription, 'declare_bad_file_replicas': declare_bad_file_replicas, 'quarantine_replicas': quarantine_replicas, 'declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas': declare_temporary_unavailable_replicas, 'list_pfns': list_pfns, 'import': import_data, 'export': export_data, 'set_tombstone': set_tombstone, 'set_limit_rse': set_limit_rse, 'delete_limit_rse': delete_limit_rse, } if args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) start_time = time.time() command = commands.get(args.which) result = command(args) end_time = time.time() if args.verbose: print("Completed in %-0.4f sec." % (end_time - start_time)) sys.exit(result)