import os import sys import importlib from import MetaPathFinder from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader, ModuleSpec class DiracxLoader(SourceFileLoader): def create_module(self, spec): if in sys.modules: return sys.modules[] def exec_module(self, module): ... class DiracxPathFinder(MetaPathFinder): """ This MetaPathFinder modifies the import such that the patches from vanila diracx are looked at first. """ diracx_extensions = os.environ.get("DIRACX_EXTENSIONS", "diracx").split(",") @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname, path, target=None): for i, extension in enumerate(cls.diracx_extensions, start=1): # If we are trying to load the patch from an extension # make sure it does not exist in the lower levels first if any( [ fullname.startswith(prefix) for prefix in [ f"{extension}.client.generated.operations._patch", f"{extension}.client.generated.models._patch", f"{extension}.client.generated.aio.operations._patch", ] ] ): for lower_extension in cls.diracx_extensions[i:][::-1]: try: patched_name = fullname.replace(extension, lower_extension) overwritten = importlib.util.find_spec(patched_name) spec = ModuleSpec( patched_name, DiracxLoader(patched_name, path) ) return spec if patched_name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[patched_name].__spec__ overwritten = importlib.util.find_spec(patched_name) # overwritten = spec_from_loader(patched_name, DiracxLoader(filepath)) return overwritten except Exception as e: pass return None def initialize_client(): # insert a DiracxPathFinder instance at the start of the meta_path list if not isinstance(sys.meta_path[0], DiracxPathFinder): sys.meta_path.insert(0, DiracxPathFinder()) # Reload all the client module that could potentially have been # already loaded # This was needed when the generated code was at the top # level of the module. # In principle, this is not needed anymore so I comment it out, # but in case it ends up being needed, I keep it there, as it is rather # tricky # importlib.invalidate_caches() # diracx_extensions = os.environ.get("DIRACX_EXTENSIONS", "diracx").split(",") # for top_module in diracx_extensions: # for module_name, module in sys.modules.copy().items(): # if ( # (f"{top_module}.client" in module_name) # and module_name # not in ( # f"{top_module}.client.generated", # f"{top_module}.client.generated._patch", # ) # and "_patch" in module_name # ): # importlib.reload(module)