# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os import sys import warnings from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import _hypothesis_globals from hypothesis.errors import HypothesisSideeffectWarning __hypothesis_home_directory_default = Path.cwd() / ".hypothesis" __hypothesis_home_directory = None def set_hypothesis_home_dir(directory: Union[str, Path, None]) -> None: global __hypothesis_home_directory __hypothesis_home_directory = None if directory is None else Path(directory) def storage_directory(*names: str, intent_to_write: bool = True) -> Path: if intent_to_write: check_sideeffect_during_initialization( "accessing storage for {}", "/".join(names) ) global __hypothesis_home_directory if not __hypothesis_home_directory: if where := os.getenv("HYPOTHESIS_STORAGE_DIRECTORY"): __hypothesis_home_directory = Path(where) if not __hypothesis_home_directory: __hypothesis_home_directory = __hypothesis_home_directory_default return __hypothesis_home_directory.joinpath(*names) _first_postinit_what = None def check_sideeffect_during_initialization( what: str, *fmt_args: object, is_restart: bool = False ) -> None: """Called from locations that should not be executed during initialization, for example touching disk or materializing lazy/deferred strategies from plugins. If initialization is in progress, a warning is emitted. Note that computing the repr can take nontrivial time or memory, so we avoid doing so unless (and until) we're actually emitting the warning. """ global _first_postinit_what # This is not a particularly hot path, but neither is it doing productive work, so we want to # minimize the cost by returning immediately. The drawback is that we require # notice_initialization_restarted() to be called if in_initialization changes away from zero. if _first_postinit_what is not None: return elif _hypothesis_globals.in_initialization > 0: msg = what.format(*fmt_args) if is_restart: when = "between importing hypothesis and loading the hypothesis plugin" elif "_hypothesis_pytestplugin" in sys.modules or os.getenv( "HYPOTHESIS_EXTEND_INITIALIZATION" ): when = "during pytest plugin or conftest initialization" else: # pragma: no cover # This can be triggered by Hypothesis plugins, but is really annoying # to test automatically - drop st.text().example() in hypothesis.run() # to manually confirm that we get the warning. when = "at import time" # Note: -Werror is insufficient under pytest, as doesn't take effect until # test session start. text = ( f"Slow code in plugin: avoid {msg} {when}! Set PYTHONWARNINGS=error " "to get a traceback and show which plugin is responsible." ) if is_restart: text += " Additionally, set HYPOTHESIS_EXTEND_INITIALIZATION=1 to pinpoint the exact location." warnings.warn( text, HypothesisSideeffectWarning, stacklevel=3, ) else: _first_postinit_what = (what, fmt_args) def notice_initialization_restarted(*, warn: bool = True) -> None: """Reset _first_postinit_what, so that we don't think we're in post-init. Additionally, if it was set that means that there has been a sideeffect that we haven't warned about, so do that now (the warning text will be correct, and we also hint that the stacktrace can be improved). """ global _first_postinit_what if _first_postinit_what is not None: what, *fmt_args = _first_postinit_what _first_postinit_what = None if warn: check_sideeffect_during_initialization( what, *fmt_args, is_restart=True, )