# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import codecs import gzip import json import os import sys import tempfile import unicodedata from functools import lru_cache from typing import Dict, Tuple from hypothesis.configuration import storage_directory from hypothesis.control import _current_build_context from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument from hypothesis.internal.intervalsets import IntervalSet intervals = Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...] cache_type = Dict[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], int, int, intervals], IntervalSet] def charmap_file(fname="charmap"): return storage_directory( "unicode_data", unicodedata.unidata_version, f"{fname}.json.gz" ) _charmap = None def charmap(): """Return a dict that maps a Unicode category, to a tuple of 2-tuples covering the codepoint intervals for characters in that category. >>> charmap()['Co'] ((57344, 63743), (983040, 1048573), (1048576, 1114109)) """ global _charmap # Best-effort caching in the face of missing files and/or unwritable # filesystems is fairly simple: check if loaded, else try loading, # else calculate and try writing the cache. if _charmap is None: f = charmap_file() try: with gzip.GzipFile(f, "rb") as i: tmp_charmap = dict(json.load(i)) except Exception: # This loop is reduced to using only local variables for performance; # indexing and updating containers is a ~3x slowdown. This doesn't fix # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2108 but it helps. category = unicodedata.category # Local variable -> ~20% speedup! tmp_charmap = {} last_cat = category(chr(0)) last_start = 0 for i in range(1, sys.maxunicode + 1): cat = category(chr(i)) if cat != last_cat: tmp_charmap.setdefault(last_cat, []).append([last_start, i - 1]) last_cat, last_start = cat, i tmp_charmap.setdefault(last_cat, []).append([last_start, sys.maxunicode]) try: # Write the Unicode table atomically tmpdir = storage_directory("tmp") tmpdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir) os.close(fd) # Explicitly set the mtime to get reproducible output with gzip.GzipFile(tmpfile, "wb", mtime=1) as o: result = json.dumps(sorted(tmp_charmap.items())) o.write(result.encode()) os.renames(tmpfile, f) except Exception: pass # convert between lists and tuples _charmap = { k: tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in pairs) for k, pairs in tmp_charmap.items() } # each value is a tuple of 2-tuples (that is, tuples of length 2) # and that both elements of that tuple are integers. for vs in _charmap.values(): ints = list(sum(vs, ())) assert all(isinstance(x, int) for x in ints) assert ints == sorted(ints) assert all(len(tup) == 2 for tup in vs) assert _charmap is not None return _charmap @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def intervals_from_codec(codec_name: str) -> IntervalSet: # pragma: no cover """Return an IntervalSet of characters which are part of this codec.""" assert codec_name == codecs.lookup(codec_name).name fname = charmap_file(f"codec-{codec_name}") try: with gzip.GzipFile(fname) as gzf: encodable_intervals = json.load(gzf) except Exception: # This loop is kinda slow, but hopefully we don't need to do it very often! encodable_intervals = [] for i in range(sys.maxunicode + 1): try: chr(i).encode(codec_name) except Exception: # usually _but not always_ UnicodeEncodeError pass else: encodable_intervals.append((i, i)) res = IntervalSet(encodable_intervals) res = res.union(res) try: # Write the Unicode table atomically tmpdir = storage_directory("tmp") tmpdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir) os.close(fd) # Explicitly set the mtime to get reproducible output with gzip.GzipFile(tmpfile, "wb", mtime=1) as o: o.write(json.dumps(res.intervals).encode()) os.renames(tmpfile, fname) except Exception: pass return res _categories = None def categories(): """Return a tuple of Unicode categories in a normalised order. >>> categories() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('Zl', 'Zp', 'Co', 'Me', 'Pc', ..., 'Cc', 'Cs') """ global _categories if _categories is None: cm = charmap() _categories = sorted(cm.keys(), key=lambda c: len(cm[c])) _categories.remove("Cc") # Other, Control _categories.remove("Cs") # Other, Surrogate _categories.append("Cc") _categories.append("Cs") return tuple(_categories) def as_general_categories(cats, name="cats"): """Return a tuple of Unicode categories in a normalised order. This function expands one-letter designations of a major class to include all subclasses: >>> as_general_categories(['N']) ('Nd', 'Nl', 'No') See section 4.5 of the Unicode standard for more on classes: https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode10.0.0/ch04.pdf If the collection ``cats`` includes any elements that do not represent a major class or a class with subclass, a deprecation warning is raised. """ if cats is None: return None major_classes = ("L", "M", "N", "P", "S", "Z", "C") cs = categories() out = set(cats) for c in cats: if c in major_classes: out.discard(c) out.update(x for x in cs if x.startswith(c)) elif c not in cs: raise InvalidArgument( f"In {name}={cats!r}, {c!r} is not a valid Unicode category." ) return tuple(c for c in cs if c in out) category_index_cache = {(): ()} def _category_key(cats): """Return a normalised tuple of all Unicode categories that are in `include`, but not in `exclude`. If include is None then default to including all categories. Any item in include that is not a unicode character will be excluded. >>> _category_key(exclude=['So'], include=['Lu', 'Me', 'Cs', 'So']) ('Me', 'Lu', 'Cs') """ cs = categories() if cats is None: cats = set(cs) return tuple(c for c in cs if c in cats) def _query_for_key(key): """Return a tuple of codepoint intervals covering characters that match one or more categories in the tuple of categories `key`. >>> _query_for_key(categories()) ((0, 1114111),) >>> _query_for_key(('Zl', 'Zp', 'Co')) ((8232, 8233), (57344, 63743), (983040, 1048573), (1048576, 1114109)) """ context = _current_build_context.value if context is None or not context.data.provider.avoid_realization: try: return category_index_cache[key] except KeyError: pass elif not key: # pragma: no cover # only on alternative backends return () assert key if set(key) == set(categories()): result = IntervalSet([(0, sys.maxunicode)]) else: result = IntervalSet(_query_for_key(key[:-1])).union( IntervalSet(charmap()[key[-1]]) ) assert isinstance(result, IntervalSet) if context is None or not context.data.provider.avoid_realization: category_index_cache[key] = result.intervals return result.intervals limited_category_index_cache: cache_type = {} def query( *, categories=None, min_codepoint=None, max_codepoint=None, include_characters="", exclude_characters="", ): """Return a tuple of intervals covering the codepoints for all characters that meet the criteria. >>> query() ((0, 1114111),) >>> query(min_codepoint=0, max_codepoint=128) ((0, 128),) >>> query(min_codepoint=0, max_codepoint=128, categories=['Lu']) ((65, 90),) >>> query(min_codepoint=0, max_codepoint=128, categories=['Lu'], ... include_characters='☃') ((65, 90), (9731, 9731)) """ if min_codepoint is None: min_codepoint = 0 if max_codepoint is None: max_codepoint = sys.maxunicode catkey = _category_key(categories) character_intervals = IntervalSet.from_string(include_characters or "") exclude_intervals = IntervalSet.from_string(exclude_characters or "") qkey = ( catkey, min_codepoint, max_codepoint, character_intervals.intervals, exclude_intervals.intervals, ) context = _current_build_context.value if context is None or not context.data.provider.avoid_realization: try: return limited_category_index_cache[qkey] except KeyError: pass base = _query_for_key(catkey) result = [] for u, v in base: if v >= min_codepoint and u <= max_codepoint: result.append((max(u, min_codepoint), min(v, max_codepoint))) result = (IntervalSet(result) | character_intervals) - exclude_intervals if context is None or not context.data.provider.avoid_realization: limited_category_index_cache[qkey] = result return result