# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at # https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/ # # Copyright the Hypothesis Authors. # Individual contributors are listed in AUTHORS.rst and the git log. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import functools import os import re import subprocess import sys import types from collections import defaultdict from functools import lru_cache, reduce from os import sep from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from hypothesis._settings import Phase, Verbosity from hypothesis.internal.compat import PYPY from hypothesis.internal.escalation import is_hypothesis_file if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import TypeAlias else: TypeAlias = object Location: TypeAlias = Tuple[str, int] Branch: TypeAlias = Tuple[Optional[Location], Location] Trace: TypeAlias = Set[Branch] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def should_trace_file(fname: str) -> bool: # fname.startswith("<") indicates runtime code-generation via compile, # e.g. compile("def ...", "", "exec") in e.g. attrs methods. return not (is_hypothesis_file(fname) or fname.startswith("<")) # where possible, we'll use 3.12's new sys.monitoring module for low-overhead # coverage instrumentation; on older python versions we'll use sys.settrace. # tool_id = 1 is designated for coverage, but we intentionally choose a # non-reserved tool id so we can co-exist with coverage tools. MONITORING_TOOL_ID = 3 if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 12): MONITORING_EVENTS = {sys.monitoring.events.LINE: "trace_line"} class Tracer: """A super-simple branch coverage tracer.""" __slots__ = ("branches", "_previous_location") def __init__(self) -> None: self.branches: Trace = set() self._previous_location: Optional[Location] = None @staticmethod def can_trace() -> bool: return ( (sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 12) and sys.gettrace() is None) or ( sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 12) and sys.monitoring.get_tool(MONITORING_TOOL_ID) is None ) ) and not PYPY def trace(self, frame, event, arg): try: if event == "call": return self.trace elif event == "line": # manual inlining of self.trace_line for performance. fname = frame.f_code.co_filename if should_trace_file(fname): current_location = (fname, frame.f_lineno) self.branches.add((self._previous_location, current_location)) self._previous_location = current_location except RecursionError: pass def trace_line(self, code: types.CodeType, line_number: int) -> None: fname = code.co_filename if should_trace_file(fname): current_location = (fname, line_number) self.branches.add((self._previous_location, current_location)) self._previous_location = current_location def __enter__(self): assert self.can_trace() # caller checks in core.py if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 12): sys.settrace(self.trace) return self sys.monitoring.use_tool_id(MONITORING_TOOL_ID, "scrutineer") for event, callback_name in MONITORING_EVENTS.items(): sys.monitoring.set_events(MONITORING_TOOL_ID, event) callback = getattr(self, callback_name) sys.monitoring.register_callback(MONITORING_TOOL_ID, event, callback) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 12): sys.settrace(None) return sys.monitoring.free_tool_id(MONITORING_TOOL_ID) for event in MONITORING_EVENTS: sys.monitoring.register_callback(MONITORING_TOOL_ID, event, None) UNHELPFUL_LOCATIONS = ( # There's a branch which is only taken when an exception is active while exiting # a contextmanager; this is probably after the fault has been triggered. # Similar reasoning applies to a few other standard-library modules: even # if the fault was later, these still aren't useful locations to report! # Note: The list is post-processed, so use plain "/" for separator here. "/contextlib.py", "/inspect.py", "/re.py", "/re/__init__.py", # refactored in Python 3.11 "/warnings.py", # Quite rarely, the first AFNP line is in Pytest's internals. "/_pytest/_io/saferepr.py", "/_pytest/assertion/*.py", "/_pytest/config/__init__.py", "/_pytest/pytester.py", "/pluggy/_*.py", "/reprlib.py", "/typing.py", "/conftest.py", ) def _glob_to_re(locs: Iterable[str]) -> str: """Translate a list of glob patterns to a combined regular expression. Only the * wildcard is supported, and patterns including special characters will only work by chance.""" # fnmatch.translate is not an option since its "*" consumes path sep return "|".join( loc.replace("*", r"[^/]+") .replace(".", re.escape(".")) .replace("/", re.escape(sep)) + r"\Z" # right anchored for loc in locs ) def get_explaining_locations(traces): # Traces is a dict[interesting_origin | None, set[frozenset[tuple[str, int]]]] # Each trace in the set might later become a Counter instead of frozenset. if not traces: return {} unions = {origin: set().union(*values) for origin, values in traces.items()} seen_passing = {None}.union(*unions.pop(None, set())) always_failing_never_passing = { origin: reduce(set.intersection, [set().union(*v) for v in values]) - seen_passing for origin, values in traces.items() if origin is not None } # Build the observed parts of the control-flow graph for each origin cf_graphs = {origin: defaultdict(set) for origin in unions} for origin, seen_arcs in unions.items(): for src, dst in seen_arcs: cf_graphs[origin][src].add(dst) assert cf_graphs[origin][None], "Expected start node with >=1 successor" # For each origin, our explanation is the always_failing_never_passing lines # which are reachable from the start node (None) without passing through another # AFNP line. So here's a whatever-first search with early stopping: explanations = defaultdict(set) for origin in unions: queue = {None} seen = set() while queue: assert queue.isdisjoint(seen), f"Intersection: {queue & seen}" src = queue.pop() seen.add(src) if src in always_failing_never_passing[origin]: explanations[origin].add(src) else: queue.update(cf_graphs[origin][src] - seen) # The last step is to filter out explanations that we know would be uninformative. # When this is the first AFNP location, we conclude that Scrutineer missed the # real divergence (earlier in the trace) and drop that unhelpful explanation. filter_regex = re.compile(_glob_to_re(UNHELPFUL_LOCATIONS)) return { origin: {loc for loc in afnp_locs if not filter_regex.search(loc[0])} for origin, afnp_locs in explanations.items() } LIB_DIR = str(Path(sys.executable).parent / "lib") EXPLANATION_STUB = ( "Explanation:", " These lines were always and only run by failing examples:", ) def make_report(explanations, cap_lines_at=5): report = defaultdict(list) for origin, locations in explanations.items(): report_lines = [f" {fname}:{lineno}" for fname, lineno in locations] report_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.startswith(LIB_DIR), line)) if len(report_lines) > cap_lines_at + 1: msg = " (and {} more with settings.verbosity >= verbose)" report_lines[cap_lines_at:] = [msg.format(len(report_lines[cap_lines_at:]))] if report_lines: # We might have filtered out every location as uninformative. report[origin] = list(EXPLANATION_STUB) + report_lines return report def explanatory_lines(traces, settings): if Phase.explain in settings.phases and sys.gettrace() and not traces: return defaultdict(list) # Return human-readable report lines summarising the traces explanations = get_explaining_locations(traces) max_lines = 5 if settings.verbosity <= Verbosity.normal else float("inf") return make_report(explanations, cap_lines_at=max_lines) # beware the code below; we're using some heuristics to make a nicer report... @functools.lru_cache def _get_git_repo_root() -> Path: try: where = subprocess.run( ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], check=True, timeout=10, capture_output=True, text=True, encoding="utf-8", ).stdout.strip() except Exception: # pragma: no cover return Path().absolute().parents[-1] else: return Path(where) if sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 8): def is_relative_to(self, other): return other == self or other in self.parents else: is_relative_to = Path.is_relative_to def tractable_coverage_report(trace: Trace) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Report a simple coverage map which is (probably most) of the user's code.""" coverage: dict = {} t = dict(trace) for file, line in set(t.keys()).union(t.values()) - {None}: # type: ignore # On Python <= 3.11, we can use coverage.py xor Hypothesis' tracer, # so the trace will be empty and this line never run under coverage. coverage.setdefault(file, set()).add(line) # pragma: no cover stdlib_fragment = f"{os.sep}lib{os.sep}python3.{sys.version_info.minor}{os.sep}" return { k: sorted(v) for k, v in coverage.items() if stdlib_fragment not in k and is_relative_to(p := Path(k), _get_git_repo_root()) and "site-packages" not in p.parts }