Helpers for the API
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from textwrap import dedent
from itertools import chain
from functools import wraps
from inspect import Parameter

from parso.python.parser import Parser
from parso.python import tree

from jedi.inference.base_value import NO_VALUES
from jedi.inference.syntax_tree import infer_atom
from jedi.inference.helpers import infer_call_of_leaf
from jedi.inference.compiled import get_string_value_set
from jedi.cache import signature_time_cache, memoize_method
from jedi.parser_utils import get_parent_scope

CompletionParts = namedtuple('CompletionParts', ['path', 'has_dot', 'name'])

def _start_match(string, like_name):
    return string.startswith(like_name)

def _fuzzy_match(string, like_name):
    if len(like_name) <= 1:
        return like_name in string
    pos = string.find(like_name[0])
    if pos >= 0:
        return _fuzzy_match(string[pos + 1:], like_name[1:])
    return False

def match(string, like_name, fuzzy=False):
    if fuzzy:
        return _fuzzy_match(string, like_name)
        return _start_match(string, like_name)

def sorted_definitions(defs):
    # Note: `or ''` below is required because `module_path` could be
    return sorted(defs, key=lambda x: (str(x.module_path or ''),
                                       x.line or 0,
                                       x.column or 0,

def get_on_completion_name(module_node, lines, position):
    leaf = module_node.get_leaf_for_position(position)
    if leaf is None or leaf.type in ('string', 'error_leaf'):
        # Completions inside strings are a bit special, we need to parse the
        # string. The same is true for comments and error_leafs.
        line = lines[position[0] - 1]
        # The first step of completions is to get the name
        return re.search(r'(?!\d)\w+$|$', line[:position[1]]).group(0)
    elif leaf.type not in ('name', 'keyword'):
        return ''

    return leaf.value[:position[1] - leaf.start_pos[1]]

def _get_code(code_lines, start_pos, end_pos):
    # Get relevant lines.
    lines = code_lines[start_pos[0] - 1:end_pos[0]]
    # Remove the parts at the end of the line.
    lines[-1] = lines[-1][:end_pos[1]]
    # Remove first line indentation.
    lines[0] = lines[0][start_pos[1]:]
    return ''.join(lines)

class OnErrorLeaf(Exception):
    def error_leaf(self):
        return self.args[0]

def _get_code_for_stack(code_lines, leaf, position):
    # It might happen that we're on whitespace or on a comment. This means
    # that we would not get the right leaf.
    if leaf.start_pos >= position:
        # If we're not on a comment simply get the previous leaf and proceed.
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
        if leaf is None:
            return ''  # At the beginning of the file.

    is_after_newline = leaf.type == 'newline'
    while leaf.type == 'newline':
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
        if leaf is None:
            return ''

    if leaf.type == 'error_leaf' or leaf.type == 'string':
        if leaf.start_pos[0] < position[0]:
            # On a different line, we just begin anew.
            return ''

        # Error leafs cannot be parsed, completion in strings is also
        # impossible.
        raise OnErrorLeaf(leaf)
        user_stmt = leaf
        while True:
            if user_stmt.parent.type in ('file_input', 'suite', 'simple_stmt'):
            user_stmt = user_stmt.parent

        if is_after_newline:
            if user_stmt.start_pos[1] > position[1]:
                # This means that it's actually a dedent and that means that we
                # start without value (part of a suite).
                return ''

        # This is basically getting the relevant lines.
        return _get_code(code_lines, user_stmt.get_start_pos_of_prefix(), position)

def get_stack_at_position(grammar, code_lines, leaf, pos):
    Returns the possible node names (e.g. import_from, xor_test or yield_stmt).
    class EndMarkerReached(Exception):

    def tokenize_without_endmarker(code):
        # TODO This is for now not an official parso API that exists purely
        #   for Jedi.
        tokens = grammar._tokenize(code)
        for token in tokens:
            if token.string == safeword:
                raise EndMarkerReached()
            elif token.prefix.endswith(safeword):
                # This happens with comments.
                raise EndMarkerReached()
            elif token.string.endswith(safeword):
                yield token  # Probably an f-string literal that was not finished.
                raise EndMarkerReached()
                yield token

    # The code might be indedented, just remove it.
    code = dedent(_get_code_for_stack(code_lines, leaf, pos))
    # We use a word to tell Jedi when we have reached the start of the
    # completion.
    # Use Z as a prefix because it's not part of a number suffix.
    code = code + ' ' + safeword

    p = Parser(grammar._pgen_grammar, error_recovery=True)
    except EndMarkerReached:
        return p.stack
    raise SystemError(
        "This really shouldn't happen. There's a bug in Jedi:\n%s"
        % list(tokenize_without_endmarker(code))

def infer(inference_state, context, leaf):
    if leaf.type == 'name':
        return inference_state.infer(context, leaf)

    parent = leaf.parent
    definitions = NO_VALUES
    if parent.type == 'atom':
        # e.g. `(a + b)`
        definitions = context.infer_node(leaf.parent)
    elif parent.type == 'trailer':
        # e.g. `a()`
        definitions = infer_call_of_leaf(context, leaf)
    elif isinstance(leaf, tree.Literal):
        # e.g. `"foo"` or `1.0`
        return infer_atom(context, leaf)
    elif leaf.type in ('fstring_string', 'fstring_start', 'fstring_end'):
        return get_string_value_set(inference_state)
    return definitions

def filter_follow_imports(names, follow_builtin_imports=False):
    for name in names:
        if name.is_import():
            new_names = list(filter_follow_imports(
            found_builtin = False
            if follow_builtin_imports:
                for new_name in new_names:
                    if new_name.start_pos is None:
                        found_builtin = True

            if found_builtin:
                yield name
                yield from new_names
            yield name

class CallDetails:
    def __init__(self, bracket_leaf, children, position):
        self.bracket_leaf = bracket_leaf
        self._children = children
        self._position = position

    def index(self):
        return _get_index_and_key(self._children, self._position)[0]

    def keyword_name_str(self):
        return _get_index_and_key(self._children, self._position)[1]

    def _list_arguments(self):
        return list(_iter_arguments(self._children, self._position))

    def calculate_index(self, param_names):
        positional_count = 0
        used_names = set()
        star_count = -1
        args = self._list_arguments()
        if not args:
            if param_names:
                return 0
                return None

        is_kwarg = False
        for i, (star_count, key_start, had_equal) in enumerate(args):
            is_kwarg |= had_equal | (star_count == 2)
            if star_count:
                pass  # For now do nothing, we don't know what's in there here.
                if i + 1 != len(args):  # Not last
                    if had_equal:
                        positional_count += 1

        for i, param_name in enumerate(param_names):
            kind = param_name.get_kind()

            if not is_kwarg:
                if kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                    return i
                if kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY):
                    if i == positional_count:
                        return i

            if key_start is not None and not star_count == 1 or star_count == 2:
                if param_name.string_name not in used_names \
                        and (kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
                             or kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
                             and positional_count <= i):
                    if star_count:
                        return i
                    if had_equal:
                        if param_name.string_name == key_start:
                            return i
                        if param_name.string_name.startswith(key_start):
                            return i

                if kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
                    return i
        return None

    def iter_used_keyword_arguments(self):
        for star_count, key_start, had_equal in list(self._list_arguments()):
            if had_equal and key_start:
                yield key_start

    def count_positional_arguments(self):
        count = 0
        for star_count, key_start, had_equal in self._list_arguments()[:-1]:
            if star_count or key_start:
            count += 1
        return count

def _iter_arguments(nodes, position):
    def remove_after_pos(name):
        if name.type != 'name':
            return None
        return name.value[:position[1] - name.start_pos[1]]

    # Returns Generator[Tuple[star_count, Optional[key_start: str], had_equal]]
    nodes_before = [c for c in nodes if c.start_pos < position]
    if nodes_before[-1].type == 'arglist':
        yield from _iter_arguments(nodes_before[-1].children, position)

    previous_node_yielded = False
    stars_seen = 0
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes_before):
        if node.type == 'argument':
            previous_node_yielded = True
            first = node.children[0]
            second = node.children[1]
            if second == '=':
                if second.start_pos < position and first.type == 'name':
                    yield 0, first.value, True
                    yield 0, remove_after_pos(first), False
            elif first in ('*', '**'):
                yield len(first.value), remove_after_pos(second), False
                # Must be a Comprehension
                first_leaf = node.get_first_leaf()
                if first_leaf.type == 'name' and first_leaf.start_pos >= position:
                    yield 0, remove_after_pos(first_leaf), False
                    yield 0, None, False
            stars_seen = 0
        elif node.type == 'testlist_star_expr':
            for n in node.children[::2]:
                if n.type == 'star_expr':
                    stars_seen = 1
                    n = n.children[1]
                yield stars_seen, remove_after_pos(n), False
                stars_seen = 0
            # The count of children is even if there's a comma at the end.
            previous_node_yielded = bool(len(node.children) % 2)
        elif isinstance(node, tree.PythonLeaf) and node.value == ',':
            if not previous_node_yielded:
                yield stars_seen, '', False
                stars_seen = 0
            previous_node_yielded = False
        elif isinstance(node, tree.PythonLeaf) and node.value in ('*', '**'):
            stars_seen = len(node.value)
        elif node == '=' and nodes_before[-1]:
            previous_node_yielded = True
            before = nodes_before[i - 1]
            if before.type == 'name':
                yield 0, before.value, True
                yield 0, None, False
            # Just ignore the star that is probably a syntax error.
            stars_seen = 0

    if not previous_node_yielded:
        if nodes_before[-1].type == 'name':
            yield stars_seen, remove_after_pos(nodes_before[-1]), False
            yield stars_seen, '', False

def _get_index_and_key(nodes, position):
    Returns the amount of commas and the keyword argument string.
    nodes_before = [c for c in nodes if c.start_pos < position]
    if nodes_before[-1].type == 'arglist':
        return _get_index_and_key(nodes_before[-1].children, position)

    key_str = None

    last = nodes_before[-1]
    if last.type == 'argument' and last.children[1] == '=' \
            and last.children[1].end_pos <= position:
        # Checked if the argument
        key_str = last.children[0].value
    elif last == '=':
        key_str = nodes_before[-2].value

    return nodes_before.count(','), key_str

def _get_signature_details_from_error_node(node, additional_children, position):
    for index, element in reversed(list(enumerate(node.children))):
        # `index > 0` means that it's a trailer and not an atom.
        if element == '(' and element.end_pos <= position and index > 0:
            # It's an error node, we don't want to match too much, just
            # until the parentheses is enough.
            children = node.children[index:]
            name = element.get_previous_leaf()
            if name is None:
            if name.type == 'name' or name.parent.type in ('trailer', 'atom'):
                return CallDetails(element, children + additional_children, position)

def get_signature_details(module, position):
    leaf = module.get_leaf_for_position(position, include_prefixes=True)
    # It's easier to deal with the previous token than the next one in this
    # case.
    if leaf.start_pos >= position:
        # Whitespace / comments after the leaf count towards the previous leaf.
        leaf = leaf.get_previous_leaf()
        if leaf is None:
            return None

    # Now that we know where we are in the syntax tree, we start to look at
    # parents for possible function definitions.
    node = leaf.parent
    while node is not None:
        if node.type in ('funcdef', 'classdef', 'decorated', 'async_stmt'):
            # Don't show signatures if there's stuff before it that just
            # makes it feel strange to have a signature.
            return None

        additional_children = []
        for n in reversed(node.children):
            if n.start_pos < position:
                if n.type == 'error_node':
                    result = _get_signature_details_from_error_node(
                        n, additional_children, position
                    if result is not None:
                        return result

                    additional_children[0:0] = n.children
                additional_children.insert(0, n)

        # Find a valid trailer
        if node.type == 'trailer' and node.children[0] == '(' \
                or node.type == 'decorator' and node.children[2] == '(':
            # Additionally we have to check that an ending parenthesis isn't
            # interpreted wrong. There are two cases:
            # 1. Cursor before paren -> The current signature is good
            # 2. Cursor after paren -> We need to skip the current signature
            if not (leaf is node.children[-1] and position >= leaf.end_pos):
                leaf = node.get_previous_leaf()
                if leaf is None:
                    return None
                return CallDetails(
                    node.children[0] if node.type == 'trailer' else node.children[2],

        node = node.parent

    return None

def cache_signatures(inference_state, context, bracket_leaf, code_lines, user_pos):
    """This function calculates the cache key."""
    line_index = user_pos[0] - 1

    before_cursor = code_lines[line_index][:user_pos[1]]
    other_lines = code_lines[bracket_leaf.start_pos[0]:line_index]
    whole = ''.join(other_lines + [before_cursor])
    before_bracket = re.match(r'.*\(', whole, re.DOTALL)

    module_path = context.get_root_context().py__file__()
    if module_path is None:
        yield None  # Don't cache!
        yield (module_path, before_bracket, bracket_leaf.start_pos)
    yield infer(

def validate_line_column(func):
    def wrapper(self, line=None, column=None, *args, **kwargs):
        line = max(len(self._code_lines), 1) if line is None else line
        if not (0 < line <= len(self._code_lines)):
            raise ValueError('`line` parameter is not in a valid range.')

        line_string = self._code_lines[line - 1]
        line_len = len(line_string)
        if line_string.endswith('\r\n'):
            line_len -= 2
        elif line_string.endswith('\n'):
            line_len -= 1

        column = line_len if column is None else column
        if not (0 <= column <= line_len):
            raise ValueError('`column` parameter (%d) is not in a valid range '
                             '(0-%d) for line %d (%r).' % (
                                 column, line_len, line, line_string))
        return func(self, line, column, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def get_module_names(module, all_scopes, definitions=True, references=False):
    Returns a dictionary with name parts as keys and their call paths as
    def def_ref_filter(name):
        is_def = name.is_definition()
        return definitions and is_def or references and not is_def

    names = list(chain.from_iterable(module.get_used_names().values()))
    if not all_scopes:
        # We have to filter all the names that don't have the module as a
        # parent_scope. There's None as a parent, because nodes in the module
        # node have the parent module and not suite as all the others.
        # Therefore it's important to catch that case.

        def is_module_scope_name(name):
            parent_scope = get_parent_scope(name)
            # async functions have an extra wrapper. Strip it.
            if parent_scope and parent_scope.type == 'async_stmt':
                parent_scope = parent_scope.parent
            return parent_scope in (module, None)

        names = [n for n in names if is_module_scope_name(n)]
    return filter(def_ref_filter, names)

def split_search_string(name):
    type, _, dotted_names = name.rpartition(' ')
    if type == 'def':
        type = 'function'
    return type, dotted_names.split('.')