$Id: //main/2019/qhull/src/Changes.txt#77 $$Date: 2020/09/03 $ .............This file lists all changes to qhull and rbox..................... ==== == Contents ==== To do Qhull 2018-2020 Qhull 2015 Qhull 2012.1 Qhull 2011.1 Qhull 2010.1 and 2009.1 Qhull 2003.1 Qhull 2002.1 Qhull 3.1 (2001) Qhull 2.6 (1999) Qhull 2.5 (1998) Qhull 2.4 (1997) Qhull 2.3 (1996) Qhull 2.2 (1995-1996) Qhull 2.1 (1995) Qhull 2.0 (1994-1995) ==== == To do ==== - For a list of enhancement requests, see http://www.qhull.org/html/qh-code.htm#enhance - The C++ interface needs documentation. Give C++ a try and make it better. http://github.com/qhull/qhull/wiki - Expand the C++ interface for Voronoi diagrams Design for arbitrary dimension with non-simplicial facets Start with 'user_eg3 eg-voronoi eg-fifo' Compute the convex hull of each Voronoi region Compare its facet hyperplanes with eg-fifo Create a data structure for the Voronoi diagram Compare your result to CGAL's 2-d Voronoi diagram Two CGAL halfedges is equivalent to a Qhull ridge https://doc.cgal.org/4.7/Voronoi_diagram_2/group__PkgVoronoiDiagramAdaptor2.html ================== == Qhull 2018-2020 ================== ------------ Qhull 2020.2 2020/08/31 (8.0.2) CMake builds - CMakeLists.txt: Fixed /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig for debug builds - CMakeLists.txt: Remove qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP from 'make all' Remove qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP from qhull_TARGETS_SHARED Use reentrant Qhull (libqhull_r) for user code - CMakeLists.txt: If "MSYS Makefiles", change the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to "/usr/local" Remove WIN32 conditionals from MAN_INSTALL_DIR and DOC_INSTALL_DIR - CMakeLists.txt: Add 'uninstall' to delete the files listed in install_manifest.txt - CMakeLists.txt: If LINK_APPS_SHARED, link qhull applications to libqhull_r.so [S. Bruens #69] If BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=OFF or BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF, exclude those libraries [S. Bruens #69] libqhullcpp and user_eg3 are built only if BUILD_STATIC_LIBS is true - CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake: Moved CMakeModules to the build/ directory - CMakeLists.txt: Replace rbox_SOURCES(etc.) with a source file, either reentrant or non-reentrant - CMakeLists.txt: Add deprecated libqhull and qhull_p to "# Additional build targets" If not MSVC, add qh_QHpointer to user_egp_DEFINES and qhullp_DEFINES (otherwise qh_lib_check fails) Other builds - build/README-build.txt: Add description of build/ directory - build/qhull*.sln: Remove qhull_p and qhull_p.dll, retain the corresponding DevStudio project files Remove libqhull and qhull.dll, retain the corresponding DevStudio project files - Makefile: Add libqhull_r/libqhullstatic_r.a to 'cleanall' - Makefile: Add note about installing debug libraries (e.g., libqhull_rd) - Makefile,libqhull*/Makefile: Copy README.txt,...,Changes.txt and html/* to ABS_DOCDIR - Makefile,libqhull*/Makefile: Add target 'uninstall' to delete installed Qhull files - libqhull/qhull-exports.def,qhull-nomerge-exports.def: Add qh_nextfacet2d Documentation - html/qh-code.htm: Add request for Doxygen documentation of the C++ interface - html/index.htm,etc: "Contents" instead of "Table of Contents" Testing - eg/make-qhull_qh.sh: Redo help prompt - eg/make-qhull_qh.sh: Create src/qhull_qh/_QH_CONVERTED_FILES as a safety check - eg/make-qhull_qh.sh: Require destination directory and _QH_CONVERTED_FILES for 'sed-only' ------------ Qhull Github C++ interface - libqhullcpp/qt-qhull.cpp: In toQList(), use count() to avoid a type error - libqhullcpp/qt-qhull.cpp: In toQList(), use nullptr instead of NULL - libqhullcpp/QhullSet.h: Declare 'QList toQList() const' to avoid a prototype error Builds - Qhull build systems: Add wiki page on build systems to GitHub - CMakeLists.txt: Use same target name for Debug and non-Debug builds [Spacelm #76] - CMakeLists.txt: Remove functional documentation from /usr/local/include/libqhull* Most of the links are broken. - CMakeLists.txt: Move Qhull html documentation to /usr/local/share/doc/qhull/html/ Otherwise index.htm is overwritten and README links are broken - CMakeLists.txt: Add /usr/local/share/doc/qhull/src/Changes.txt - Makefile, make install: Remove functional documentation from /usr/local/include/libqhull and /usr/local/include/libqhullinclude/libqhull_r. Most of the links are broken. - Makefile, src/libqhull/Makefile: Add DEPRECATED.txt to /usr/local/include/libqhull - Makefile, src/libqhull*/Makefile: Add 'make install' to the welcome prompt Documentation - index.htm: Balance the top-page 'URL:' and 'To:' links - index.htm: Send the top-page 'Functions' link to www.qhull.org (better 'src' links) - index.htm: Make the bottom-page 'URL:' and 'To:' links the same as the top-page links - index.htm: "please use rentrant Qhull (libqhull_r or libqhullstatic_r)" - html/index.htm: Add rbox.txt to Contents and rename "Table of Contents" - html/index.htm,qh-code.htm,qh-eg.htm,qh-impre.htm: Remove 'please wait while loading' - README.txt/Installing Qhull with Qt: The shadow build directory should be at the same level as 'src' - README.txt/Compiling Qhull with Qt Creator: Copy steps from 'Installing Qhull with Qt' ------------ Qhull 8.0.1 (2020.2 2020/07/24) C++ interface - Removed Java-style iterators for Coordinates and PointCoordinates. std::vector has an expensive copy constructor and copy assignment, and a pointer to std::vector is vulnerable to mysterious overwrites (e.g., deleting a returned value and reusing its memory). Qt's 'foreach' should not be used for Coordinates and PointCoordinates. It copies std::vector - QHULL_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_ITERATOR: allow temporary results The Jave-style iterator copies the container. Same as Qt's Q_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_ITERATOR - QhullHyperplaneIterator,QhullPointIterator,QhullPointsIterator: allow temporary results These Java-style iterators copy the container instead of pointing to the container - QhullLinkedListIterator,QhullFacetListIterator,QhullVertexListIterator: allow temporary results These Java-style iterators copy the container instead of pointing to the container - QhullSetIterator,QhullFacetSetIterator,QhullPointSetIterator,QhullVertexSetIterator: add documentation about temporary results These Java-style iterators have always copied the container - QhullUser.h, user_eg3_r.cpp: Removed C++11 dependencies [G. Romualdi, S. Grein #65, #66,#67] QhullUser.cpp: Use intptr_t to avoid C++11 dependencies [S. Grein, Spacelm #68] - QhullVertex.cpp: moved the copy constructor to the code file. It was inline. Testing and example programs - user_eg3_r.cpp: Renamed 'inputSites' to 'voronoiRegions' in qvoronoi_o/qvoronoi_pfn [M. Konecny #72] - user_eg3_r.cpp: Replaced C++11's range-based for loops with Qhull's Java-style iterators - qh-code.html: Updated qhullcpp code example [M. Konecny #71] - QhullFacet_test.cpp: fixed hyperplane epsilon test in t_getSet. The epsilon due to rotation is unknown. - Qhull*List_test.cpp,Qhull*Set_test.cpp,QhullRidge_test,QhullVertex_test: test Qt's 'foreach' in t_foreach - Qhull*List_test.cpp,Qhull*Set_test.cpp,QhullRidge_test,QhullVertex_test: test C++11 range for in t_foreach - Qhull*List_test.cpp,Qhull*Set_test.cpp: test Java-style iterator in t_java_iterator - Coordinates_test.cpp,PointCoordinates_test.cpp,QhullHyperplane_test.cpp,QhullPoint_test.cpp,QhullPoints_test.cpp,RboxPoints_test.cpp test C++11 range for, Qt's 'foreach', and Java-style iterators (if available) Builds - README.txt: Fixed "cmake -G" for "Installing Qhull with CMake" - README.txt: Added a note on 'make install' to "Installing Qhull on Unix" - README.txt: Added 'make test' to "Installing Qhull on Unix" - README.txt: Added 'ctest' to "Installing Qhull with CMake" - README.txt: Added pkg-config notes to "Installing Qhull with CMake" - README.txt: Added usage notes for Windows to "Installing Qhull with CMake" - README.txt: Added instructions for downloading MinGW-W64-install.exe - build/qhull_p.pc.in,qhull_r.pc.in: Delete obsolete files [T. Roehling #63] - build/qhull.pc.in: move qhull.pc.in into the build/ directory [T. Roehling #63] Documentation - qh-code.htm, qhull-news.html: Add Toronto and McCarthy, "Practically accurate floating-point math". ------------ Qhull 2020.1 2020/05/29 (8.0.0) Bugs fixed - QhullLinkedList::const_iterator: Fixed operator->() for T*. It returned &i [J. Mirabel 5/1/2020 #61] API changes - RoadError.cpp: stringGlobalLog returns std::string instead of const char* [M. Gehre #46] - io_r.c/qh_order_vertexneighbors: order facet neighbors of a vertex by 2-d (orientation), 3-d (adjacency), n-d (f.visitid,id) [I. Gardner] - poly2_r.c/qh_nextfacet2d: Return next facet and vertex in qh_ORIENTclock order [N. Katzakis #54] C++ interface - Qhull.cpp: Add isDelaunay(). True if computing Delaunay or Voronoi regions Add prepareVoronoi() for Voronoi output. See user_eg3_r.cpp for examples ~Qhull: Change 'Qhull output at end' to 'Qhull messages at ~Qhull()' - QhullFacet.cpp: Add visitId() for f.visitid. Needed for Voronoi output Add nextFacet2d(): Iterate 2-d facets and vertices in counter-clockwise order [N. Katzakis #54] Add setFacetT() - QhullRidge.cpp: Add setRidgeT() and qh() - QhullUser.cpp: Add a user-modifiable interface to Qhull using a custom qh_fprintf Enhanced qh_fprintf with qhull-2019.1 updates to userprintf_r Option 'Ta' prefixes output with message code, [QHnnnn] Option 'Tf' flushes the output after each message, for tracing segfaults Errors and high-level trace messages prefixed with QHnnnn Debugging traps for qh.tracefacet, qh.traceridge, qh.tracevertex - QhullVertex.cpp: Add setVertexT() - QhullQh.cpp: moved qh_fprintf to QhullUser - RoadLogEvent::toString: do not prepend QHnnnn if format_string starts with QHn or [QHn - RboxPoints::appendPoints: use current dimension instead of throwing an error - user_eg3 rbox: set dimension for multiple options (e.g., user_eg3 rbox D4 5 qhull) - user_eg3 eg-convex: a 3-d convex hull using the C++ interface to Qhull [I. Voutchkov] - user_eg3 eg-delaunay: a 2-d Delaunay triangulation using the C++ interface to Qhull - user_eg3 eg-voronoi: a 2-d Voronoi diagram using the C++ interface to Qhull - user_eg3 eg-fifo: hyperplanes separating Voronoi regions via QhullUser and qh_fprintf Documentation - index.htm: Add Teillaud's http://www.computational-geometry.org/ - index.htm: Add When to use Qhull and Performance of Qhull to the Qhull Manual - html/qconvex.htm: Add orientation for options 'i', 'Fx', and 'o' qconvex .: keep the option prompt to five columns - html/qdelaun.htm: qh_findbestfacet may return an adjacent facet for a point - html/qhalf.htm,qh-optf.htm,qh-opto.htm: Added notes for options to halfspaces, e.g., 'Fp' and -10.101 [E. Huang #53] - html/qhalf.htm,qhalf.c,qhalf_r.c,qh-optf.htm: Fix documentation for 'qhalf FN'. The output includes all halfspaces. - html/qvoronoi.htm,qvoron_f.htm: Fix link for control option, 'TI file' - html/qvoronoi.htm,qvoron_f.htm, qh-optf: the hyperplanes for 'Fi' and 'Fo' include the first vertex Option 'Fo' uses the midpoint in place of the vertex at infinity. - html/qh-optf.htm: Voronoi options 'Fi' and 'Fo' orient the hyperplane so that the site is below the hyperplane - html/qh-optf.htm,qh-optt.htm: Voronoi option 'Fo' does not check the hyperplane with 'Tv' The hyperplane check for 'Fi Tv' uses the midpoint, which 'Fo' already used in place of infinity - README.txt/Windows install: install Git for Windows in C:\Git\ instead of Program Files README.txt/Unix install: add options for 32-bit builds w/o -fpic README.txt,Makefile: link libqhullcpp before libqhull_r - COPYING.txt: Add a note to COPYING.txt about C.B. Barber [M. Pryczek] - libqhull/DEPRECATED.txt: Add link to qh-code.htm#convert - Qhull::vertexList: ordered by qh.vertex_list, not by adjacency [N. Katzakis #54] - QhullPoints.cpp/extraCoordinatesCount: must be less than point_dimension (-Wconversion) - QhullPoints.cpp/indexOf: extra must be less than point_dimension (-Wconversion) - io_r.c/qh_detvnorm: add note that qh_sethyperplane_gauss returns nearzero for axis-parallel hyperplanes - user_r.h/qh_CPUclock: may be converted to approximate double (-Wconversion) - Update copyright to 2020 Build - Increase SOVERSION to 8.0 due to ABI breakage in 2019.1 [T. Roehling #58] Change SOVERSION to major.minor due to Qhull's global data structure qhT [T. Roehling #58] Add symbolic link from SONAME_EXT to libqhull_r [T. Roehling #58] Add SO and SONAME_EXT to 'make help' - qhull.pc.in: Added for pkg-config support [T. Roehling #60] - CMakeLists.txt: Add pkg-config support and change *_INSTALL_DIR to relative paths [T. Roehling #60] Change CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR to allow qhull as a subdirectory [Morwenn #53, A. De #59, A. Maloney, futex] - Makefile: Add pkg-support [T. Roehling #63] Renamed $DESTDIR as $PREFIX to conform with GNU Makefile standards [T. Roehling #63] $DESTDIR is for staged installs as defined by GNU Makefile standards [T. Roehling #63] Commented out M32=-m32 despite memory savings. It caused build failures, e.g., Mac [J. Hollowed] '-fpic' is required for linking to shared libraries [T. Roehling #63] Replaced -fpic with FPIC=-fpic for gcc builds Added FPIC to CXX_OPTS1 (same as CMakeLists.txt for libqhullcpp) Use 'FPIC=' to disable -fpic (may be faster for 32-bit builds on 64-bit hosts) Extract qhull_VERSION and qhull_SOVERSION from CMakeLists.txt [T. Roehling #63] Move the -lm linker flag to the end of the linker command [T. Roehling #63] Add QhullVertexSet.h to LIBQHULLCPP_HDRS Invoke q_test via bash to avoid "eg not a valid command" - Add build/*vcxproj to Unix distribution Testing and other changes - q_test: Add list of executables via 'which' Add tests of user_eg3 with each option and use case Add "Testing done" notification Add "set +v" for echoes - qhull-zip.sh: Add early check for 32-bit release build and modified files Add link checks for options Add findf for identifying files for link checks Add prompts for web.archive and md5sum in qh-get.htm ------------ Qhull 2019.1 github 2019/10/24 Documentation - Review and fix Qhull html and option links - README.txt/mingw: Install GitForWindows in C:\Git\ - libqhull_r/index.htm: Fixed Firefox web access to '.c' and '.h' files (http://qhull.org/src/libqhull_r/) Bugs fixed - merge_r.c/qh_appendmergeset,qh_appendvertexmerge,qh_mergefacet,qh_tracemerge: fix error check of index for mergetypes Build - CMakeLists.txt: Rename Qhull to QhullExport for QhullConfig. On MacOS, "Qhull" conflicts with "qhull" [tamasmeszaros #48, C. Xu, tschoonj] - CMakeLists.txt: Add POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE "TRUE" to set_target_properties for libqhullcpp [J Anderson 11/20/2019 #47] ------------ Qhull 2019.1 2019/06/21 (7.3.2) bugs fixed - Fixed broken HTML links identified by Firefox Link Analyzer. Replace old links with web.archive.org (archive.is) - Moved live code out of qh_NOtrace regions - qh-faq.htm#learn: fixed the Delaunay examples (rbox generates a square, but does not generate two squares) - geom2_r.c/qh_maxmin: qh_scalelast for 'd Qbb' to qh.MAXabs_coord instead of qh.MAXwidth [J.R. Roussel, D. Sterratt] - geom2_r.c/qh_maxsimplex: estimate targetdet as prevdet*qh.MAXwidth, set mindet to 10*qh_RATIOmaxsimplex [J.R. Roussel, D. Sterratt] - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: in high-D, simplicial facets may use long memory - global_r.c/qh_initqhull_globals: set qh.DOcheckmax and qh.KEEPnearinside if qh.APPROXhull ('Wn', rbox 100 D3 W1e-1 | qhull QJ W1e-1 Tv) - libqhull_r.c/qh_addpoint: add qh.lastmerges to qh_addpoint trace - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildcone_mergepinched: called qh_partitioncoplanar with uninitialized 'dist' - libqhull_r.c/qh_build_withrestart: if qh_joggle_restart, set v.partitioned for qh.del_vertices. Avoid error in qh_delvertex from qh_freebuild - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionall: if qh.KEEPnearinside, qh_partitionpoint for non-outside pointset - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: define qh.coplanar_apex to prevent infinite loop of repartition point - merge_r.c/qh_checkzero: check opposite vertex against -2*qh.DISTround to account for qh_distround and 'Rn' - merge_r.c/qh_comparevisit: fix compare of 'unsigned int' - poly2_r.c/qh_findbestfacet: for Delaunay triangulations, may be an adjacent triangle [F. Drielsma] Updated discussion at qh-code.htm/findfacet and examples at user_eg_r.c and user_eg2_r.c - poly2_r.c/qh_findfacet_all: do not search visible facets, and if qh_NOupper, f.upperdelaunay facets [P. Virtanen, S. Dominguez, J.Arkin] - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: reverse orientation if clearly flipped. qh_ERRsingular if maybe flipped [S. Caron, P. Virtanen, D. Sterratt, others] - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: test for coplanar qh.interior_point with 'allerror' (dist >= -qh.DISTround) [S. Caron, P. Virtanen, D. Sterratt, others] - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: call qh_joggle_restart for qh.DELAUNAY if cospherical input sites [P. Celba] - poly2_r.c/qh_initbuild: qh_scalelast for 'd Qbb' to qh.MAXabs_coord instead of qh.MAXwidth [J.R. Roussel, D. Sterratt] - random_r.c/qh_argv_to_command_size: returned size may be < 1. If so, rbox.c/main reports an error - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints: report error for coincident, regular points 'rbox r C1,1e-13' - stat_r.c/qh_initstatistics: missing call to qh_allstatistics for qh_newstats. qh_checkoutput ignored - userprintf.c/qh_fprintf: fixed 2019.0.1 bug if 'qh_qh' is NULL for qh_QHpointer - Qhull.cpp/outputQhull: fixed missed conditional if qh.GOODvertex == -qh.GOODpoint documentation and web site - Add notes that Qhull 64-bit code uses 50% more memory than 32-bit code. This slows down Qhull. A future version of Qhull will include memory and performance improvements for 64-bit code. - Add the Qhull identity pipeline to html/qhalf.htm - Enabled PDF download from portal.acm.org - Error exit from qhull,qconvex,etc. returns a 6xxx error code if available - Rename md5sum files back to *-tgz.md5sum and *-zip.md5sum Both Firefox and IE convert *.tgz.md5sum and *.zip.md5sum as .tgz/.zip files - html/qh-code.htm: add sections on debugging Qhull - html/qh-faq.html: reviewed startup questions for Qhull - html/qh-opto.htm: the centrum indices for option 'i' are one more than the centrum indices for option 'Ft' build and test - CMakeLists.txt: export QhullTargets for config.cmake.in and find_package [tamasmeszaros] - eg/q_benchmark: add 'uname -a' for host identification - eg/q_test.bat: update for changes to q_test removed redirects on every line (invoke with redirection) - eg/q_test: add some tests for option warnings and errors - Makefile: add dependencies for 'install', 'test', 'qtest', and 'qconvex-prompt' [V. Delecroix] - Makefile: set -m32 as default for gcc builds. Uses less memory on 64-bit hosts. disable with 'make M32=' - Remove 'unused parameter' warnings if qh_NOmerge - Tested qh_QHpointer, qh_NOmem, qh_NOmerge, qh_NOtrace, qh_KEEPstatistics 0 - Tested qh_NOmerge with qh_NOtrace and qh_KEEPstatistics 0. Simpler code, fewer errors, 35% smaller - Tested random qh_distplane and qh_setplane qh_RANDOMdist 1e-5, qh_RANDOMdist 1e-13 - user_r.h: define qh_RANDOMdist to perturb all calls to qh_distplane, qh_newfacetplane by 'Rn' other changes - Replace 'unsigned' with 'unsigned int', for consistency - Replace warning 6263 with 7079 in qconvex_r.c, etc. - Resolved C warnings for -Wsign-conversion, mostly type casts Continue to use -Wno-sign-conversion for C++ due to countT, boolT, int vs. size_t mismatches - Reviewed gcc 8.1.0 warnings. See Makefile CC_WARNINGS and CXX_WARNINGS Type cast (int)sizeof(facetT),etc. as needed - Reviewed error and warning codes for multiple instances of the same code - Reviewed file references such as libqhull_r.c vs libqhull.c - Reviewed multi-line, error message width for 80 column output - global.c/qh_initflags: Add 'qh_QHpointer' to qh_option for option list - geom2_r.c/qh_joggleinput: report QH6010, current joggle is too large, as qh_ERRinput - geom2_r.c/qh_maxsimplex: report error if qh.MAXwidth not defined, for estimating the determinates - geom2_r.c/qh_minmax: if tracing, log min and max coordinates [J.R. Roussel, D. Sterratt] - io_r.c/qh_printbegin: rewrote warning QH7053, use 'p' or 'o' for Voronoi centers - io_r.c/qh_produce_output2: fflush to maintain execution order of output - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildtracing: change qh.lastfacets, qh.lastplanes, qh.lastdist to 'int' - libqhull_r.c/qh_build_withrestart: change error QH6229, 101 attempts to joggle input, to qh_ERRinput and 51 attempts - merge_r.c/qh_renameridgevertex: report error if old vertex not found - poly_r.c/qh_update_vertexneighbors: use qh_setappend instead of qh_setunique for newly created facets (restores 2015.2 code) - poly2_r.c/qh_check_point: limit 'Tv' errors to qh_MAXcheckpoint per facet - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: rewrite QH6329 for cospherical input sites and add qh_printvertexlist [P. Celba] - qset_r.c/qh_setlarger_quick: optimize qh_setlarger for quick memory - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints2: fix strncat to resolve -Wstringop-truncation warning [D. Sterratt] increased command[] to 250 and decreased seedbuf[] to 50 - user_r.h/qh_JOGGLEmaxretry: reduced from 100 iterations to 50 iterations - user_r.c/qh_new_qhull: allow "qhull" for the qhull_cmd parameter - user_eg_r.c/findDelaunay: qh_findbestfacet returns the closest Delaunay triangle or an adjacent triangle - user_eg2_r.c/findDelaunay: qh_findbestfacet returns the closest Delaunay triangle or an adjacent triangle - userprintf_r.c/qh_fprintf: set qh.last_errcode for MSG_ERROR (6000) codes - RboxPoints::qh_fprintf_rbox: print error message to stderr if cpp_object undefined ------------ Qhull 2019.0.1 2019/05/24 (7.3.1) Qhull options - Disallow unknown options and other option errors, allow option warnings with 'Qw' - New option 'Qallow-short': allow input with fewer or more points than coordinates - New option 'Qwarn-allow': allow option warnings - New option 'TAn': stop after adding n vertices - New option 'Tf': flush after qh_fprintf for debugging segfaults - New experimental option 'Q14-merge-pinched-vertices': merge pinched vertices due to dupridge Excessive merging leads to additional topological and wide facet errors - New experimental option 'Q15-check-duplicates': check for duplicate ridges with the same vertices - Option 'Q1' merges by mergetype/angle instead of mergetype/distance, coplanar merges first In 2015.2 by default, Qhull merged by mergetype/angle with lower angles first - Option 'TP-1' turns on tracing after qh_buildhull and qh_postmerge It traces qh_check_maxout, qh_prepare_output, qh_triangulate, qh_voronoi_center - Options '--help', '-?', and '--' display a short help message Qhull does not support '--' options. Git for Windows v2.21.0 does not support isatty ('winpty qhull' is OK) - Allow Qhull extra options Q12 and Q14 for qconvex/qdelaunay/qhalf/qvoronoi - Allow option 'QRn' (random rotate) for qdelaunay/qhalf/qvoronoi - Alphabetize short prompts (qhull .) - Alphabetize long prompts w/ normal options first (qhull -) - Alphabetize option help by option code - Add 'Number of merged pinched vertices' to summary ('s') - Add 'TI file' to help message for qconvex/qdelaunay/qhalf/qvoronoi - Dropped experimental option 'Q16-simplex-merge'. Centrums are required for convexity - Error if 'd', 'v', or 'Hn,n,n' are used together - Ignore missing space after 'TI' or 'TO'. Allow 'TIinputfile' and 'TOoutputfile' - Prefix option errors and warnings with 'qhull option error:' or 'qhull option warning:' - Remove hidden option 'normals' from help prompts for qdelaunay, qhalf, qvoronoi - Reword short prompts to 'Pdrop-d0:0D0', 'QbBound-0:0.5', and 'off_format' - Updated qh-quick.htm, 'qhull -', and 'qhull .' for 'T...' and 'Q...' options. Separate help prompts for 'T options' and 'Trace options' - Use '-' instead of '_' for word delimiter in option names Qhull builds, scripts, and debugging - Add qh.traceridge, qh.traceridge_id, and qh_delridge for debugging by ridge in qh_fprintf - Check for qhull with 'which qhull' instead of 'qhull', avoids hangs in git bash - Makefile/CC_WARNINGS: Add instructions for collecting and testing gcc warnings - Makefile/benchmark: Add q_benchmark, 10 runs of each - Makefile/clean: Delete linked files from src/libqhull and src/libqhull_r, as in their Makefiles - Makefile/help: Add 'make all' to 'make help' prompts - Makefile/qhullx: Add test of testqset and testqset_r - Makefile/qhullx: Create bin/ directory if missing - Makefile/test: Add user_eg3 help prompt - Makefile/testall: Add q_benchmark, 1 run of each - eg/make-vcproj.sh/qhullx: Build bin/qhullx from src/qhullx/ for comparison - eg/q_benchmark: new script for measuring Qhull precision and performance with qtest.sh - eg/q_test: update error messages for missing bin/ and bin/libqhull_r.dll - eg/q_test: tests of Tf and TAn - eg/qhull-zip.sh: add note that it requires road-script.sh from http://www.qhull.org/road/ - eg/qhull-zip.sh: check source depencencies for prompts - eg/qtest.sh: new script for testing Qhull and summarizing its trace files - libqhull_r/Makefile: install target creates $INCDIR/libqhull_r and $LIBDIR - libqhull_r.h/qh_ERRdebug: define error status for debugging exits Qhull fixed bugs - html/qh-optp.htm: options 'PDk' and 'Pdk' require option 'Pg' to return the closest facet - Makefile/qhullx: fixed qhullx compile of testqset and testqset_r - PointCoordinates.cpp/appendPoints: read 'in >> p' instead of 'in >> p >> ws' otherwise istream fails if file does not end with whitespace - geom_r.c/qh_findbesthorizon: fix test for Zfindjump (bestdist jumps by searchdist) - geom_r.c/qh_findbesthorizon: increased minsearch of coplanar facets if ischeckmax and more than 100 neighbors - geom_r.c/qh_sethyperplane_det: dropped precision statistic Znearlysingular (it's Zminnorm) - geom2_r.c/qh_detjoggle: use 'En' (roundoff) if specified by options - geom2_r.c/qh_distround: move adjustment for 'Rn' into qh_distround. 'QJn' did not account for 'Rn' - global_r.c/qh_checkflags: handle two-digit Q options in hiddenflags - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: do not delete unattached ridges, otherwise a double delete. Should not occur - global_r.c/qh_option: fix potential overflow of qh.qhull_options - global_r.c/qh_initflags: fixed incorrect indentation for option 'TO file' - global_r.c/qh_initqhull_start2: set qh.NOerrexit True - io_r.c/qh_eachvoronoi: allow fp==NULL for QhullQh::qh_fprintf to appendQhullMessage - io_r.c/qh_readpoints: error if 'd' or 'v' with 'H', otherwise memory corruption - libqhull_r.h/qh.MERGEvertices: fixed comment, 'Q3' disables this feature - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildcone_onlygood: cannot qh_delfacet inside FORALLnew_facets - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionpoint: if qh.NARROWhull and bestdist>qh.MINoutside and isnewoutside, may need to move facet to qh.newfacet_list for qh.next_facet - libqhull_r.c/qh_printsummary: Zdistconvex is for checking convexity instead of testing convexity - libqhull_r.c/qh_findhorizon: coplanar horizon if apex >= -qh.MAXcoplanar, instead of > -qh.MAXcoplanar - mem_r.c/qh_memcheck: define null qh_memcheck if qh_NOmem - merge_r.c/qh_mergecycle_all: turn on tracing, 'TMn', for coplanar horizon merge of one facet - merge_r.c/qh_mergefacet2d: do not create ridges for neighborB. The opposite neighbor may be tested - merge_r.c/qh_test_centrum_merge: coplanar if centrum >= -qh.centrum_radius, instead of > -qh.centrum_radius - merge_r.c/qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: coplanar if centrum >= -qh.centrum_radius, instead of > -qh.centrum_radius - merge_r.c/qh_tracemerging: fixed "qhull has merged" prompt - merge_r.c/qh_willdelete: empty f.neighbors and f.ridges, references are no longer valid, will be deleted - poly_r.c/qh_checkflipped: flipped if qh.interior_point >= -qh.DISTround, instead of > -qh.DISTround - poly2_r.c/qh_addfacetvertex: initialize vertex_i in case f.vertices is empty - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: need to include qh.DISTround when checking f.maxoutside with qh.maxoutside - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: fix documentation for qh_DATAfault. It is restricted to qh_initialhull with qh.ZEROcentrum - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: coplanar if >= -qh.DISTround, instead of > -qh.DISTround - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: check simplicial ridges if !qh.MERGING && qh.ZEROcentrum (unlikely or not-possible) - poly2_r.c/qh_findgood: restrict qh.GOODvertex ('QVn') to good facets - poly2_r.c/qh_findgood_all: unless 'Pg', ignore qh.GOODclosest for nearest facet to thresholds. 'PdD' reports 0 good facets - poly2_r.c/qh_replacefacetvertex: initialize vertex_n in case f.vertices is empty - qconvex.c,qdelaunay.c,etc.: remove automatic 'Qx' for 5-d and higher. Set by default in qh_initqhull_globals - qvoronoi_r.c/qh_prompt: remove disabled option 'TRn' from help prompt - random_r.c/qh_argv_to_command: fixed missing braces, same behavior as before - rbox_r.c: return 0 exit status on prompt - rboxlib.c/qh_rboxpoints: use qh_fprintf_stderr instead of qh_fprintf_rbox. Avoid qh_errexit_rbox - rboxlib.c/qh_rboxpoints2: clear rbox_inuse on exit, as in error exit - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints2: incorrect string arg to 'rbox error: unknown flag' - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints2: remove superfluous qh_free(*simplex) - stat_r.c/qh_initstatistics: due to NOerrors cannot use qh_fprintf, use qh_fprintf_stderr instead - stat_r.c/qh_stddev: return sqrt of absolute value - testqset_r.c: if qh_NOmem, do not call qh_memfreeshort - user_eg_r.c,user_eg2_r.c: if qh_NOmem, call qh_freeqhull(qh, qh_ALL) instead of qh_memfreeshort - user_eg3_r.cpp: return 0 exit status on prompt Qhull fixed bugs introduced by 2018.0 - libqhull_r.c/qh_addpoint: clear qh.retry_addpoint on success - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildcone_mergepinched: cannot qh_delfacet inside FORALLnew_facets - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: clear qh.repart_id on exit for infinite recursion detect - geom2_4.c/qh_detmaxoutside: move qh_option call to qh_errexit - merge_r.c/mergetypes[]: fixed order by mergeT - merge_r.c/qh_all_vertexmerges: fix retryfacet for repeated calls - merge_r.c/qh_forcedmerge: f.dupridge retained after MRGdupridge hides MRGdegenerate in qh_test_degen_neighbors and qh_test_redundant_neighbors - merge_r.c/qh_postmerge: call qh_freemergesets - merge_r.c/qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: clear iscoplanar if isconcave and any vertex is not coplanar - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate: move reset of f.degenerate into delete facet loop Qhull C++ - QhullFacet.cpp: add hasNext() and hasPrevious() - QhullVertex.cpp: add hasNext() and hasPrevious() - qhulltest-64/QhullFacet_test.cpp,QhullVertex_test.cpp: test hasNext, hasPrevious, and hasPrevious iterator - user_eg3.cpp: use 'qhull-cout' for option 'Tz' (trace to cout) Qhull errors, warnings, and tracing - Error messages rewritten and error codes changed (see qh_fprintf) Renumbered Qhull warnings as 'QH7xxx' if needed (e.g., QH9375) Reused unused error and message codes ("def counters" in user_r.h/msgcode) Please check your code if it depends on error and message codes - Initialize variables to avoid potential uninitialized warnings - Use qh_ERRqhull for Qhull internal errors, "qhull internal error (qh_...): ..." - Use 'defined()' for qh_QHpointer_dllimport and qh_dllimport (-Wundef) - Use 'defined()' for __cplusplus, _MSC_VER, __MWERKS__, and __POWERPC__ (-Wundef) - Use 'Early exit' instead of 'At a premature exit' - libqhull_r.h/qh_ERRother: define error status for non-internal errors - libqhull_r.h/qh_ERRtopology: define error status for qhull topology errors - libqhull_r.h/qh_ERRwide: define error status for wide facets due to qhull precision error - geom_r.c/qh_setfacetplane: add qh_printfacet if qh.tracefacet for qh.tracefacet_id - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: record previousfacet/ridge/vertex in case a memory fault occurs - global_r.c/qh_init_flags: improved error message for 'cannot open file' for 'TO f' - global_r.c/qh_init_flags: improved warning message for 'unknown option' - global_r.c/qh_initbuild: add trace options to "Trace level ..." - global_r.c/qh_initqhull_globals: error if qh.VORONOI without qh.DELAUNAY - global_r.c/qh_initqhull_globals: error if numpoints is <1 or >qh_POINTSmax (INT_MAX-16) - global_r.c/qh_lib_check: use C-style comment for _CrtSetBreakAlloc - io_r.c/qh_printfacetheader: add "max" if f.merges==qh_MAXnummerge (511) - io_r.c/qh_readpoints: error if numinput is <1 or >qh_POINTSmax (INT_MAX-16) - io_r.c/qh_readpoints: moved up 'chop' of qh.rbox_command to report short input errors - io_r.c/qh_readpoints: replace warning QH7073 with error message. Override with Qallow-short - libqhull_r.c/qh_addpoint: if 'T4', check qh.visible_list before qh_partitionvisible - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildtracing: add delta cpu/facets/hyperplanes to QH1049 'qh_addpoint: add p%d...' - merge_r.c/qh_findbest_pinchedvertex: replaced assert with a 'qhull internal error' - merge_r.c/qh_check_dupridge: drop advice about reporting wide merges for error QH6271 - merge_r.c/qh_mark_dupridges: topological error if multiple dupridges for one facet, not handled - merge_r.c/qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: if Qx and many merges, replace centrum_radius with maxoutside - poly_r.c/qh_matchneighbor: drop extra warnings for duplicate facet (QH7084) - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: check for simplicial facets on qh.newfacet_list, otherwise memory overwrite by qh_matchneighbor - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: identify simplicial checking of vertices (qh.ZEROcentrum, default) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: distinguish above from coplanar for non-convex initial simplex - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: "non-convex initial simplex" for qh_joggle_restart - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: check f.id and f.vertex_visit - poly2_r.c/qh_checklists: check and repair facet and vertex lists for infinite loops or overwritten facets/vertices - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: if qh.NEWfacets, check visible facets for empty f.neighbors and f.ridges - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: add qh_checkvertex - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: check f.previous and v.previous links (for C++) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkvertex: add parameters for allchecks and waserror (like qh_checkfacet) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkvertex: check v.id and v.vertex_visit - qvoronoi.c/hidden_options: hide option 'FM'. Maple output is not available - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints: use QH6... for error codes instead of warnings - stat_r.c/qh_stddev: check for division by 0 - testqset_r.c: send all messages, except 'OK' to stderr - testqset_r.c: reassign unique QH8nnn codes, 8001/etc in use by libqhull_r - user_r.c/qh_printhelp_internal: add descriptive message for a Qhull internal error - user_r.c/qh_printhelp_narrowhull: add option 'Qs' (search all points) - user_r.c/qh_printhelp_topology: add descriptive message for a Qhull topology error - user_r.c/qh_printhelp_wide: add descriptive message for a wide merge error - user_eg_r.c: add fflush and '=======' markers to interleave stdout with stderr (MSYS2) - user_eg2_r.c: add fflush and '=======' markers to interleave stdout with stderr (MSYS2) - user_eg2_r.c: add warning about calling qh_addpoint after qh_qhull with 'QJ' (joggle) Qhull documentation and statistics - Add Index to README.txt - Add links to Wiki, http://github.com/qhull/qhull/wiki - Add links to local home page (index.htm) - Add GitHub, Scholar, and Code to navigation bar on home page - Change numbered fixups to 'QH110nn FIX:' and renamed as MSG_FIX - Chrome and Internet Explorer load '.c' and '.h' files as text/html from the Web These browsers along with Firefox do not read disk files as text/html Changed 'Functions' link from a local link to "http://www.qhull.org/src/libqhull_r/index.htm" - Document implicit parameters at end of parameter list with '/* qh. ... */' - Limit maximum length of literals to 1800 characters - Move 'called by' comments to start of 'notes:' - Option 'QRn' appends the actual QRn to the summary line ('s') - Remove references to 'Qx' in 5-d and higher. It is automatically set by default. - Replace references to 'src/libqhull/*.htm' with reentrant 'src/libqhull_r/*_r.htm' - Retitle 'Qhull internals' as 'Qhull code' - Use 'nearly adjacent vertices' instead of 'nearly coincident points' - Use 'dupridge' instead of 'duplicate ridge' for ridges with more than two neighbors. Reserve 'duplicate ridge' for two ridges with the same vertices. - Various edits to documentation (*.htm) - Update copyright to 2019 - eg/q_test: Add examples to q_test "front ends" - html/index.htm: Add 'Limitations of merged facets' to the Qhull manual - html/index.htm: Add links to qdelaun_f.htm and qvoroin_f.htm (furthest-site) - html/qconvex.htm,etc: update synopsis and options - html/qh-code.htm: Add 'qh_addpoint' trace to 'Performance of Qhull' - html/qh-code.htm: Add a section on 'Debugging Qhull' with subsections for error codes, infinite loops, trace options, core dumps, segfaults, qtest.sh, and memory errors. - html/qh-impre.htm: Add 'Topological error' to 'Precision problems' - html/qh-impre.htm: Add 'Topological errors' to 'Limitations of merged facets' - html/qh-impre.htm: Add "narrow range of values" to 'Uneven dimensions' - html/qh-optq.htm: Add note to 'QJ' (joggle) about calls to qh_addpoint - html/qh-optt.htm#'Tc': 'T4' makes additional checks beyond check-frequently - html/qhalf.htm: Split the first example to clarify the "feasible point" for qhalf - html/qhalf.htm: Use 'feasible point' instead of 'interior point' for halfspace intersection Same as Qhull::feasiblePoint and distinguished from qh.interior_point - html/qhull.man,qhull.txt: updated man page - libqhull_r.h: update documentation for PRINTgood, GOODpoint, GOODvertex - qhull_ra.h: include ''. Used for INT_MAX,etc. - stat.h: add zretryadd stats for qh_merge_pinchedvertices - stat.h: add zvertextests for distance tests of vertices for merging - libqhull_r/*: document global variables as 'qh.' - libqhull_r/*: fix libqhull/... links - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: reword Zpartflip as Zpartcorner with updated messages - merge_r.c/qh_merge_degenredundant: rename statistic Zneighbor to Zredundant - stat_r.c: new or reworded statistics for Zpartcorner, Zparthidden, Zparttwisted, Zpinchduplicate, Zpinchedvertex - stat_r.c: rename 'renamed vertex statistics' to 'statistics for vertex merges' - stat_r.c: add merge statistics for MRGconcavecoplanar - stat_r.c/qh_allstat: add ' ' before parens in statistics - user_eg_r.c,user_eg2_r.c: rewrote prompt Qhull changes - For simple initializers, remove spaces (e.g., 'for (i=0; ...') - Normalize spacing for libqhull - Normalize spacing as 'for (i=0; ...' for simple initializers - Review use of '>' for comparison to negative quantities. Usually should be '>=', e.g., for coplanar tests - Reassigned 8xxx and 9xxx codes as trace codes if traced at T3 or lower - Remove unused variables - Test floating point values with 0.0 instead of 0 (qh.premerge_centrum,lower_bound,upper_bound) - Use SETsecondt_() and SETelemt_() instead of SETelem_() when assigning to a specific type - Use '(type *)' for pointer casts. It makes the cast more visible. - Use void for empty parameter lists - geom_r.c/qh_findbesthorizon: mark startfacet visited, avoids unnecessary visit - geom2_r.c/qh_detmaxoutside: determine precision target qh.MAXoutside (option _maxoutside at error exit) replaces 'maxoutside' computation - geom2_r.c/qh_maxsimplex: add ratio test for false narrow hull with search for prevdet [J. Romain] - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: free global sets first instead of last, otherwise dangling references - io_r.c/qh_compare_nummerge: renamed qh_compare_facetmerge due to conflict with merge_r.h - io_r.c/qh_compare_vertexpoint: remove this routine. Not usable in libqhull_r due to 'qh' - io_r.c/qh_printfacetridges: do not print ridge if already printed (e.g., duplicate neighbors for merge of simplicial facets) - io_r.c/qh_produce_output2: fflush of qh.fout to show statistics and verification after output (MSYS2) - libqhull_r.h/qh.ALLOWwide: rename qh.NOwide to qh.ALLOWwide for 'Q12-allow-wide' - libqhull_r.h/qh.IGNOREpinched: replaced qh.MERGEpinched with reversed meaning - libqhull_r.c/qh_addpoint: 'TVn' stops after qh_all_vertexmerges, not before qh_resetlists. Matches documentation - merge_r.h/MRGdupridge: renamed MRGridge - merge_r.h/qh_ANGLEconcave,etc.: replace mergetype indicators with qh_ANGLEnone and m.mergetype - merge_r.c/qh_all_vertexmerges: replace qh_getmergeset_initial with qh_getmergeset. No facets created - merge_r.c/qh_all_vertexmerges: move while loop into qh_all_vertexmerges - merge_r.c/qh_append_mergeset: ignore merges into a MRGdegen facet (f.degenerate) - merge_r.c/qh_buildcone_mergepinched: clean up code and design documentation - merge_r.c/qh_compare_anglemerge: renamed qh_compareangle and sort by mergetype as well as angle - merge_r.c/qh_compare_facetmerge: merge MRGcoplanar before MRGconcave, opposite order from 2015.2 sort MRGanglecoplanar by angle - merge_r.c/qh_degen_redundant_facet,qh_test_degen_neighbors: moved into qh_mergefacet due to qh_willdelete - merge_r.c/qh_getmergeset,qh_getmergeset_initial: set f.tested after testing ridges, not before - merge_r.c/qh_next_facetmerge: split out next merge from qh_all_merges and replace qsort - merge_r.c/qh_findbest_pinchedvertex,qh_findbest_ridgevertex: dropped selecting merge direction via qh_vertex_isbelow. Expensive and evidence mixed - merge_r.c/qh_freemergesets,qh_initmergesets: pair qh_initmergesets with qh_freemergesets - merge_r.c/qh_freemergesets,qh_initmergesets: drop the 'all' parameter - merge_r.c/qh_mergecycle_all: move qh_merge_degenredundant, etc. to end from qh_premerge - merge_r.c/qh_mergesimplex: delete facet1 from facet2.neighbors at end, not at ridge - merge_r.c/qh_post_merges,qh_all_merges: remove setting of v.delridge on all vertices, not needed - merge_r.c/qh_premerge: replace parameter 'apex' with 'apexpointid'. Only used for logging - merge_r.c/qh_premerge: add qh.newfacet_list as an implicit parameter - merge_r.c/qh_test_degen_neighbors: split from qh_degen_redundant_neighbors and qh_mergefacet - merge_r.c/qh_test_redundant_neighbors: split from qh_degen_redundant_neighbors and qh_mergefacet - poly_r.c/qh_attachnewfacets: clear f.neighbors and f.ridges for visible facets, will be deleted - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: remove call to qh_checkflipped_all for qh.FORCEoutput, checked by qh_setfacetplane - poly_r.c/qh_update_vertexneighbors: renamed qh_updatevertices. A future version will optimize qh_update_vertexneighbors_cone: optimization for cone of new facets - poly2_r.c/qh_checkconvex: immediate skip of f.tricoplanar facets. Tricoplanar facets not tested. Called before qh_triangulate - poly2_r.c/qh_initbuild: move 'create sentinels' before qh_createsimplex so that qh.vertex_tail is v0 like f0 - poly2_r.c/qh_initialvertices: cleaned up code for qh_INITIALmax (8-d) - poly2_r.c/qh_makenewfacets: clear f.neighbors and f.ridges for visible facets, will be deleted - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: optimize dupridge for flipped->!flipped, good merge, not !flipped->flipped - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge_coplanarhorizon: dropped routine. Results same or slightly worse. Complex addition, rarely used - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate: rename facet and vertex lists as triangulated_facet_list,etc. qh_triangulate does not maintain qh.newfacet_list or qh.visible_list - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate: ignore qh.NEWfacets. qh_checkpolygon is not valid inside qh_triangulate - rboxlib_r.c/qh_rboxpoints2: split function from qh_rboxpoints to avoid -Wclobbered - stat_r.c/qh_printstatlevel: remove unused NULLfield Qhull C++ changes - Use NULL instead of 0 for pointers - Remove old style casts such as '(size_t)...' - Define initializers for default constructors even if explicitly assigned - Update static initializer list for s_empty_facet, s_empty_ridge, s_empty_vertex - Coordinates.h: default constructor clears coordinate_array - Coordinates.h: default iterator constructor clears i - RboxPoints.cpp/qh_fprintf_rbox: add empty default to switch statement ------------ Qhull 2018.0.1 2018/12/28 (7.3.0) Qhull options - If unknown option, report error QH6035 instead of warning QH7035. Override with Qw - Add option 'Tf' to flush each qh_fprintf for debugging segfaults - Add Q14-ignore-pinched-vertices: ignore pinched vertices due to dupridge Default if post-merge only ('Cn'), 'Qgood-only', or 2-d convex hulls - Expand Q12-allow-wide to include wide facet errors reported by qh_check_maxout and qh_merge_facet - Add Q16-simplex-merge: test opposite vertex instead of centrum for merges - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for facets 'seen' and 'seen2' flags not listed (listed if tracing) Renamed 'new' to 'newfacet' 'isarea' if area is listed for the facet 'cycledone' if qh_mergefacet completed Renamed 'MERGE' to 'MERGEridge' in the facet neighors (for merging) Renamed 'DUP' to 'DUPLICATEridge' in the facet neighors (for merging) Comment '- horizon ridge to visible facet' added for tentative new facets - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for ridges 'mergevertex' and 'mergevertex2' if a ridge vertex will be merged 'simplicialtop' and 'simplicialbot' if the top/bottom facet is simplicial - option 'f' (print facets): updated flags for vertices Renamed 'ridgedeleted' to 'delridge' 'newfacet' if the vertex belongs to a new facet on qh.newfacet_list 'seen' and 'seen2' listed if tracing - Option 'T3' prepend message number for trace levels 0-3 e.g., "[QH1040]qh_findhorizon: find horizon..." - Option 'TCone_stop' stops before vertex merge due to duplicate ridges (unlikely) - Option 'Ts' (qh_initbuild): print command prompt at start of run for segfaults - Rename option 'U-coplanar-distance' to 'U-max-coplanar' (qh.MAXcoplanar) Qhull documentation - Explanation of clobbered warning for Qhull::runQhull and qh_new_qhull - html/index.htm: Add "Nearly coincident points" to "When to use Qhull" - html/index.htm: Add Tomilov's qhullhull.hpp for general position input. - html/qh-eg.htm: Add 'Q0' link to eg.14.sphere.corner - html/qh-faq.htm,qh-code.htm: merge slivers in a Delaunay triangulation [M. Treacy] - html/qh-optq.htm: Update documentation for 'Qx' and its default behavior - html/qh-impre.htm: Rewrote notes on 'Nearly coincident points within 1e-13' - geom_r.c/qh_distplane: nearly coplanar points may return the same distance for different points Qhull builds - Move 'extern "C" {}' logic from C++ to C headers [C. Atkins, nine7nine, W. Scullin, M. Culpo] - build/*-64.vcxproj Updated for tool set 8.1 - CMakeLists.txt: Add note for "dynamic linking" of qhull executables [M. Atzeri] - CMakeLists.txt: Revert accidental commit cea6d22 [pchilds, QuLogic, fabiencastan, daniel-packard] Bugs fixed - html/*.htm: fix trailing
after 'Comments to:' - libqulll_r.c/qh_findbest: search from newfacet_list instead of f.next if !bestfacet - merge_r.c/qh_find_newvertex: use v.seen to avoid maxvisit > qh.vertex_visit - merge_r.c/qh_merge_simplex: repeat with next ridge after qh_delridge_merge - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges: 'qh.visit_id += 2' to avoid visit_id collision - poly_r.c/qh_appendfacet: update qh.visible_list if qh.newfacet_list/visible_list are empty - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: check qh.min_vertex if qh.VERIFYoutput/CHECKfrequently - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: do not report qh.visible_list error if visible_list and newfacet_list are defined but empty - Qhull.cpp/outputQhull: do not call qh_check_points if qh.FORCEoutput - stat_r.c/qh_printallstatistics,qh_printstatistics: 'const char *string' instead of 'char *string' for !qh_KEEPstatistics - user_r.c/qh_new_qhull: do not call qh_check_points if qh.FORCEoutput - user_eg2.c: do not call qh_check_points if qh.FORCEoutput Qhull error reporting - io_r.c/qh_readpoints: improved formating of error "QH6410 ... instead of n points" - libqulll_r.c/qh_findhorizon: error if no neighbors for a visible facet - libqulll_r.c/qh_findbestnew: error if facet sentinel (!facet->next) - libqhull_r.c/qh_nextfurthest: error if infinite loop - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: error if partition into a visible facet - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionpoint: error if partition into a visible facet - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: error if deleted vertex with an empty qh.newfacet_list - libqulll_r.c/qh_printsummary: if qh.ERREXITcalled and qh.DELAUNAY, update f.good and qh.num_good (qh_findgood_all) - merge_r.c/qh_checkdelfacet: check that mergeset does not reference facet - merge_r.c/qh_checkdelridge: check that qh_delridge_merge is not needed for deleted ridges Call from qh_mergecycle, qh_makenewfacets, qh_attachnewfacets - merge_r.c/qh_maydropneighbor: error if simplicial facet or neighbor - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: error if wide merge (allow with 'Q12') - merge_r.c/qh_merge_nonconvex: error if unexected mergetype - poly_r.c/qh_matchneighbor: convert error QH6106 (two facets with same vertices) to a warning (QH7084) and automatic fix - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: error if wide qh.max_outside/min_vertex (allow with 'Q12') - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if wide maxout for vertices (for diagnosing errors) - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if point is outside f.outside (for diagnosing errors) - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: warn if 'f.maxoutside > qh.max_outside' - poly2_r.c/qh_check_maxout: changed comparison from 'dist==maxoutside' to 'dist >= maxoutside' (allow multiple warnings) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if 'redundant' or 'degenerate', but neither 'visible' nor qh.degen_mergeset - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if 'dupridge' or 'newmerge', but not 'newfacet' - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: error if neighbor of facet is 'visible' (i.e., deleted) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: report 'Repaired by qh_remove_extravertices' as trace4 (QH4025) instead of error QH6134 - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.visible_list is after qh.newfacet_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if f.newfacet before qh.visible_list or qh.newfacet_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.newfacet_list without f.newfacet - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if f.visible not on qh.visible_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.visible_list without f.visible - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.newfacet_list is not on qh.facet_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if v.newfacet not on qh.newvertex_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if qh.newvertex_list is not on qh.vertex_list - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if a facet occurs twice in v.neighbors - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if vertex not in f.vertices for facets in v.neighbors - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: error if facet not in v.neighbors for vertices in f.vertices - poly2_r.c/qh_delvertex: error if vertex previously deleted but not partitioned as a coplanar point - user_r.c/qh_errexit: clear printed flags on statistics (qh_allstatistics) - user_r.c/qh_errprint: print vertex and ridge before facets - user_r.c/qh_printfacetlist: add 'qh_printfacetlist:' for rapid navigation Source code additions - mergeT: expanded for vertices and ridges - mergeType: add MRGconcavecoplanar, MRGtwisted, MRGsubridge, MRGvertices, and MRGcoplanarhorizon - qtT.FLUSHprint: true if 'Tf', flush output on qh_fprintf - qtT.MERGEpinched: false if 'Q14', merge pinched vertex due to duplicate ridge - qtT.SIMPLEXmerge: true if 'Q16', test_appendmerge tests opposite vertex instead of centrum - qtT.first_newfacet: id of first new facet in qh_buildcone, other new facets were merged - qtT.isRenameVertex: true during qh_merge_pinchedvertices - qtT.NEWtentative: true while new facets are tentative due to qh.MERGEpinched or ONLYgood - qtT.repart_facetid: previous facetid to prevent recursive qh_partitioncoplanar - qtT.retry_addpoint: number of retries of qh_addpoint due to qh.MERGEpinched - qtT.vertex_mergeset: set of vertex merges for qh_next_vertexmerge - ridgeT.mergevertex and mergevertex2 if a ridge vertex will be merged - ridgeT.simplicialtop and simplicialbot if the top/bottom facet is simplicial - vertexT.partitioned: true if deleted vertex partitioned by qh_partitionvisible - geom2_r.c/qh_furthestnewvertex: return furthest unvisited, new vertex to a facet - geom2_r.c/qh_furthestvertex: return furthest unvisited vertex to a facet - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_bestdist: return nearest distance between vertices - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_bestdist2: return nearest vertex pair between vertices - geom2_r.c/qh_vertex_isbelow: test vertexA distance to vertexB's simplicial facets and vice versa - libqhull_r.c/qh_buildcone: split out qh_makenewfacets,etc. from qh_addpoint - merge_r.c/qh_all_vertexmerges: perform vertex merges in qh.vertex_mergeset - merge_r.c/qh_appendvertexmerge: append vertex merge to qh.vertex_mergeset - merge_r.c/qh_delridge_merge: split out ridge maintenance from qh_renameridgevertex and qh_merge_simplex - merge_r.c/qh_hasmerge: True if mergeset has mergetype for facetA and facetB - merge_r.c/qh_initmergesets,qh_freemergesets: init/free of qh.*_mergeset with error reporting - merge_r.c/qh_maybe_duplicateridge: add MRGvertices if neighboring facet has another ridge with the same vertices - merge_r.c/qh_maybe_duplicateridges: add MRGvertices if ridges with the same vertices - merge_r.c/qh_merge_dupridges: split out conversion of dupridges to MRGridge merges from qh_makeridges - merge_r.c/qh_merge_pinchedvertices- merge pinched vertices in qh.vertex_mergeset to avoid qh_forcedmerges of duplicated ridges - merge_r.c/qh_merge_twisted: merge twisted facets that are above and below their neighbors (4D+ and non-simplicial) - merge_r.c/qh_neighbor_vertices,qh_neighbor_vertices_facet: return neighboring vertices for a vertex (not in subridge) - merge_r.c/qh_next_vertexmerge: select next vertex merge by distance, allow one MRGsubridge merge - merge_r.c/qh_opposite_horizonfacet: return horizon facet for a merge facet and its opposite vertex - merge_r.c/qh_reducevertices: qh_merge_degenredundant if qh_remove_extravertices or qh_rename_sharedvertex - merge_r.c/qh_remove_mergetype: remove mergetype merges from mergeset - merge_r.c/qh_rename_adjacentvertex: rename oldvertex as newvertex, must be adjacent (i.e., in the same subridge) - merge_r.c/qh_test_cemtrum_merge: split out test centrum convexity from qh_test_appendmerge - merge_r.c/qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge: test nonsimplicial convexity and append non-convex facets to qh.facet_mergeset - merge_r.h/FOREACHmergeA_,FOREACHmerge_i_: add macros for mergeset iteration - poly_r.c/qh_getreplacement: split out new facet for visible facet from qh_partitionvisible and qh_merge_degenredunant - poly2_r.c/qh_addfacetvertex: split out add newvertex to f.vertices if not already there from qh_merge_simplex - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge_coplanarhorizon: match duplicate ridges with the same coplanar horizon, instead of qh_matchdupridge - poly2_r.c/qh_opposite_vertex: return the opposite vertex in facetA to neighbor - poly2_r.c/qh_replacefacetvertex: replace oldvertex with newvertex in f.vertices - user_r.h/qh_RATIOconcavehorizon: ratio of horizon vertex distance to qh.max_outside for concave, twisted new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge - user_r.h/qh_RATIOconvexmerge: ratio of vertex distance to qh.min_vertex for clearly convex new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge - user_r.h/qh_RATIOcoplanarapex: ratio of best distance for coplanar apex vs. vertex merge in qh_getpinchedmerges - user_r.h/qh_RATIOcoplanaroutside: ratio to repartition a coplanar point as an outside point in qh_partitioncoplanar and qh_check_maxout - user_r.h/qh_RATIOpinchedsubridge: ratio to qh.ONEmerge to accept vertices in qh_findbest_pinchedvertex - user_r.h/qh_RATIOtrypinched: ratio to qh.ONEmerge to merge twisted facets in qh_merge_twisted - user_r.h/qh_RATIOtwisted: maximum ratio to qh.ONEmerge to merge twisted facets in qh_merge_twisted - user_r.h/qh_WIDEmaxoutside: precision ratio for maximum increase for qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout - user_r.h/qh_WIDEmaxoutside2: precision ratio for maximum qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout - user_r.h/qh_WIDEpinched: merge ratio for distance between pinched vertices compared to current facet width for qh_getpinchedmerges and qh_next_vertexmerge Source code changes - Change " = " to "= " (avoid confusion with "==") - Improved tracing and code comments throughout - Moved qh_check_dupridge from poly2_r.c to merge_r.c. It is used for merging - Removed qh_compareangle and qh_comparemerge. Replaced by qh_next_facetmerge - Renamed 'qh_precision' to 'qh_joggle_restart'. It restarts qhull to avoid a precision error. - Renamed 'Qhull internal error' to 'qhull internal error' for consistency - Renamed mergeT.type to mergetype. Same as parameters and local variables - Renamed vertexT.newlist to newfacet. True if on a new facet - Renamed qh_matchduplicates to qh_matchdupridge (poly2_r.c). A 'duplicates' is ridges with duplicate vertices - Use coordT for distances instead of realT. Needs further review. - qh_NOmerge: include comments in #ifndef - global_r.c/qh_freebuffers: use the same order as qh_initbuffers - global_r.c/qh_freebuild: free the global sets, qh.degen_mergeset,etc. - io_r.c/qh_printfacetheader: print 'MERGEridge' instead of 'MERGE' to match name of flag - io_r.c/qh_printfacetheader: print 'DUPLICATEridge' instead of 'DUP' to match name of flag - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: change qh.findbestnew to a parameter (search all new facets) - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitioncoplanar: repartition a coplanar point if far outside typically due to a twisted facet in D4+ with almost coincident vertices - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionpoint: if outside set is empty, set f.newfacet and adjust qh.facet_next - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: prevent duplicate partitions of deleted vertices - libqhull_r.c/qh_partitionvisible: test against !f.next instead of qh.facet_tail. Both indicate sentinel - mrege_r.h/mergeType: reordered mergetypes is preference order - merge_r.c: identify MRGconcavecoplanar facets that are above and coplanar with their neighbors - merge_r.c/mergetypes: string names for mergeType - merge_r.c/qh_all_merges: clear wasmerge and othermerge on qh_reducevertices. Avoids extra calls - merge_r.c/qh_appendmergeset: add parameters for m.dist and m.angle - merge_r.c/qh_appendmergeset: initialize all fields of mergeT - merge_r.c/qh_copynonconvex: clear old r.nonconvex for consistency. Ridge will be deleted soon - merge_r.c/qh_degen_redundant_neighbors: check neighbors of delfacet instead of facet. Faster and it matches definition - merge_r.c/qh_mark_dupridges: add 'allmerges' parameter for dupridges vs. pinched vertices - merge_r.c/qh_mark_dupridges: test for duplicate vertices to avoid duplicate MRGridge - merge_r.c/qh_merge_cycle_all: test for duplicate ridges at end of merge_cycle_all (qh_maybe_duplicateridges) - merge_r.c/qh_merge_dupridges: clear mergeridge/mergeridge2 flags (not needed on first call) - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: test for qh_degen_redundant_facet and qh_maybe_duplicateridges - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: add mergeType parameter for logging - merge_r.c/qh_merge_facet: rename 'apex' to 'opposite' (not always apex) - merge_r.c/qh_merge_simplex: identify 'isnew' instead of 'issame' (more accurate) - merge_r.c/qh_remove_extravertices: skip for simplicial facets - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_maybe_duplicateridge if qh_renameridgevertex - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_facet for oldvertex neighbors - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_neighbors for oldvertex nonsimplicial neighbors - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_maybe_duplicateridge if qh_renameridgevertex - merge_r.c/qh_renamevertex: test qh_degen_redundant_facet oldfacet - merge_r.c/qh_tracemerge: add mergeType parameter for logging - merge_r.c/qh_test_appendmerge: calls qh_test_centrum_merge or qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge as needed - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges: add 'allneighbors' parameter to test all neighbors of a vertex - merge_r.c/qh_vertexridges_facet: optimize qh_setin by common cases - poly_r.c/qh_checkflipped: move call from qh_matchnewfacets to qh_setfacetplane. Allow call of qh_setfacetplane from qh_initialhull to reverse orientation - poly_r.c/qh_matchneighbor: call qh_setfacetplane/qh_checkflipped on-demand to support qh.NEWtentative - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: returns maxdupdist for duplicate ridges - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: move qh_joggle_restart from qh_matchduplicates ("ridge with multiple neighbors") - poly_r.c/qh_matchnewfacets: try to match ridges with coplanar horizon (qh_matchdupridge_coplanarhorizon) - poly_r.c/qh_update_vertexneighbors: use qh_setunique to pdate vertex neighbors (due to pinched vertex merge) - poly2_r.c/qh_checkfacet: optimize qh_setequal of ridges with the same vertices - poly2_r.c/qh_checkpolygon: do not include visible facets in totvertices - poly2_r.c/qh_initialhull: use f.flipped instead of qh_distplane/qh_checkflipped (qh_checkflipped called from qh_setfacetplane) - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: was qh_matchduplicates in qhull 2015.2 - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: detect duplicate facets/ridges and force vertex merge - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: separate code for qh_DUPLICATEridge/f.tricoplanar for improved logging - poly2_r.c/qh_matchdupridge: if !makematch, collect best match via flipped and qh_getdistance between facets - poly2_r.c/qh_resetlists: clear f.dupridge - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate: clear f.degenerate at end (degenerate tricoplanar facets) - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate_link: skip duplicate MRGmirror merges - poly2_r.c/qh_triangulate_mirror: skip duplicate MRGmirror merges and previously deleted MRGmirror facets ------------ Qhull github 2018 - Fixed confusing indentation [A. Lee 2018/12/28] - Add labels for each release [A. Mailaga 2016/7/5] - Add 'typename qualifier to QhullSet [D. Gomes 2016/6/16] - Make C headers safe for C++ inclusion [C. Atkins 2016/01/20] - build/qhull*.pc.in: Removed templates for pkg-config (not updated for Qhull 2015) ============= == Qhull 2015 ============= ------------ Qhull 2015.2 2016/01/18 (7.2.0) - Fixed memory leak in ~QhullQh [M. Sandim] QhullQh.cpp: call checkAndFreeQhullMemory() in the destructor. Otherwise memT is not freed. Remove checkAndFreeQhullMemory() from Qhull.h. It is not needed. Remove calls to checkAndFreeQhullMemory in qhulltest. It is called by ~QhullQh() libqhull_r.h: Document qh_ASvornoi and facetT.center qh_freeqhull: if qh_NOmem, use qh_ALL qh_memalloc: short memory is freed by qh_memfreeshort unless qh_NOmem qh_memstatistics (mem.c): call qh_memcheck() as done in mem_r.c qh_new_qhull calls qh_memcheck qh_newvertex: free vertex on error qh_projectinput: Free memory allocations on error qh_rboxpoints: free simplex on error qh_sethalfspace_all: Fixed memory leak on error QH8032 feasible not inside halfspace qh_triangulate_facet: For TRInormals ('Q11') replace qh_copypoints with qh_memalloc qh_triangulate_facet: Document qh.TRInormals qh_voronoi_center: Free center on error qhulltest: Fixed memory leak of s_testcases by calling RoadTest::deleteTests() qhulltest: The 'add_*_test' functions append the test object to RoadTest::s_testcases ~RoadTest: declare virtual for Q_OBJECT, removeAll not needed user_eg2: Check memory at end of each run user_r.h: Add QHULL_CRTDBG for invoking Microsoft's memory leak detector use _MSC_VER instead of QHULL_OS_WIN for QHULL_CRTDBG Call qh_freeqhull with qh_ALL/!qh_ALL instead of 'True/False' Include user_r.h with RoadError,h for QHULL_CRTDBG Invoke _CrtSetDbgFlag... at beginning of program Moved user_r.h/libqhull_r.h/qhull_ra.h as first include (for QHULL_CRTDBG) Moved QHULL_OS_WIN from qhull_ra.h to user_r.h Removed __CYGWIN__ from QHULL_OS_WIN (same as Qt's qglobal.h) - check_dupridge: A bounding box is not sufficient to avoid dupridge errors - qh_findbestneighor: Error if qh.CENTERtype is qh_ASvoronoi (i.e., no merging now) - qh_printstatlevel: Remove unused parameter, 'start' - QhullLinkedList::last() and back(): Return T instead of T& (T is computed) - qh-code.htm: "How to convert code to reentrant Qhull" Update "Nearly coincident points on an edge" Add 2012 size of data structures to "Qhull on 64-bit computers" - html/index.htm: Add CGAL to "When to use" - qh-optq.htm: Add documentation for option 'Q12' - Move suggestions from Changes.txt to qh-code.htm#enhance - user_r.h: Fixed qh-us_r.html links - Fixed links in html pages - QhullIterator and QhullLinkedList: Include [B. Boeckel] - Moved include file for each C++ source file to the top of the includes - Prepend cpp includes with "libqhullcpp/" - RoadLogEvent includes RoadLogEvent.h - QhullIterator.h: Only QHULL_DECLARE_SEQUENTIAL_ITERATOR is used. - Compared src/libqhull/* to src/libqhull_r/* and resolved differences - qh_printpoint in io.c skips qh_IDnone like io_r.c - qhull_p-exports.def: Added three missing exports - set_r.h: Removed countT. Too many issues - libqhull_r/Makefile: Add help prompts to 'make qtest' - libqhull.pro: Add '../libqhull/' to sources and headers - libqhull/Makefile: Fixed -I,./,,/src - qhull-zip.sh: Add CMakeModules to tarball [C. Rosenvik] - CMakeLists.txt: Add targets qhullp and user_egp for qh_QHpointer and libqhull_p - Reorganized 'make help' - Makefile cleanall: Delete testqset and qhulltest from bin/ - Fix filetype of Unix-only files - Fix Unix line endings for Makefile and check in qhull-zip.sh - Fix Windows line-endings and check in qhull-zip.sh - qhull-zip.sh: Check for Unix text files ------------ Qhull 2015.1 2016/01/03 (7.1.0) - Add Rbox option 'Cn,r,m' to add nearly coincident points. Trigger for duplicate ridges - Add Qhull option 'Q12' to allow wide merge due to a dupridge - qh_findbestlower: Call qh_findfacet_all to fix rare "flipped or upper Delaunay" error QH6228 (now QH3025) QH6228 input provided by J. Metz. Reported (date order): L. Fiaschi, N. Bowler, A. Liebscher, V. Vieira, N. Rhinehart, N. Vance, P. Shafer - qh_check_dupridge: Check if wide merge due to duplicate ridge from nearly coincident points - qh_initialhull: Fix error messages for initial simplex is flat - qh_determinant: increased 2-d and 3-d nearzero by 10x due to a counter-example - rbox: Add qh_outcoord() to output coordinates w/ or w/o iscdd - qh_meminit (mem.c): Add call to qh_memcheck - Compare libqhull/... to libqhull_r/... and resolve differences - Update builds for DevStudio (qhull.sln for msdev 2005..2009, qhull-32.sln and qhull-64.sln for recent releases) - qh-impre.htm: Add a section about precision errors for 'Nearly coincident points on an edge' - html/index.htm#geomview: Document how to install, build, and use Geomview. - html/index.htm: Emphasize program links and move related urls to end - qhull/index.htm: Emphasize manual, geomview, and imprecision - Fix documentation links in libqhull_r/index.htm - Add 'Functions' link to documentation headers - Change '...' to '...' - libqhull_r/index.htm -- Add instructions for configuring web browsers for source links. - libqhull_r/ -- Fix source links for ..._r.htm files ------------ Qhull 2015.0.7 2015/11/09 (7.0.7) - Fix return type of operator-> in QhullLinkedList and other collection classes [F. Jares] - Fix return types for QhullLinkedList - Fix return types for QhullPoints - Simplify return type for Coordinates::operator[] (same as QList) - Add const to operators for QhullSet::iterator and add documentation - Coordinates.h: Fix return types for operations of iterator and const_iterator - Drop use of Perforce changelist number in qhull_VERSION of CMakeLists.txt - Rename the md5sum files as *.tgz.md5sum instead of *-tgz.md5sum - Fix build dependency for testqset_r [asekez] - rbox.c depends on Qhull due to qh_lib_check which uses qh_version2 for error messages - QhullFacet_test.cpp: Annotate Qhull invocations. Allows their repetition. - QhullFacet_test.cpp: Adjust epsilon on distance tests - Do not create libqhullcpp as a shared library. Qhull C++ classes may change layout and size. - qhull-cpp.xml: Make a relative path to road-faq.xsl ------------ Qhull 2015.0.6 2015/10/20 ( - In the libraries, exit() is only called from qh_exit(). qh_exit may be redefined. - Add qh_fprintf_stderr to usermem.c. May be overridden to avoid use of stderr [D. Sterratt] Add usermem to testqset builds Used by qh_fprintf_rbox - Remove most instances of stderr/stdout from libqhull, libqhull_r, and libqhullcpp [D. Sterratt] qh_fprintf_stderr may be redefined. qh_meminit and qh_new_qhull use stderr as the default ferr - qh_initflags: Use qh.fout instead of stdout for 'TO file'. A library caller may define a different qh.fout. - qh_settemppush: Call qh_fprintf() instead of fprintf() on error. - Rename qh_call_qhull as "Qhull-template" from user.c. Updated its references. - qh-code.htm: "How to avoid exit(), fprintf(), stderr, and stdout" - html/index.htm: Fix table of contents for qh-code - libqhull_r/index.htm: Rewrite introduction to Reentrant Qhull - qh-faq.htm: Rewrite "Can Qhull use coordinates without placing them in a data file?" - qh-get.html: Link to github - Remove qhull_interface.cpp from the documentation ------------ Qhull 2015.0.5 2015/10/12 ( - qh_new_qhull: default 'errfile' is 'stderr'. outfile and errfile are optional [B. Pearlmutter] - qh_new_qhull: returns qh_ERRinput instead of exit() if qhull_cmd is not "qhull ..." [B. Pearlmutter] - qhalf_r.c,etc: Add clear of qh.NOerrexit - global.c: gcc 4.4.0 mingw32 segfault cleared by adding comment - usermem_r-cpp.cpp: Optional file to redefine qh_exit() as throw "QH10003.." [B. Pearlmutter] qh_exit() is called by qhull_r when qh_errexit() is not available. - html/index.htm: Add bibliographic reference to Golub & van Loan and other references [R. Gaul] - qhalf.htm: A halfspace is the points on or below a hyperplane [D. Strawn] - qh-opto.htm#n: Defined inside, outside, on, above, and below a hyperplane [D. Strawn] - qhalf.htm#notes: Recast the linear program using negative halfspaces (as used by Qhull) [D. Strawn] - qhull_a.h: Fix comment '#include "libqhull/qhull_a.h" [fe rew] - build/qhull*.pc.in: Templates for pkg-config (derived from Fedorra) [P. McMunn] https://bitbucket.org/mgorny/pkg-config-spec/src/c1bf12afe0df6d95f2fe3f5e1ffb4c50f018825d/pkg-config-spec.txt?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default - Makefile: Remove user_eg3.o from LIBQHULLCPP_OBJS - Makefile: Add .h dependencies for unix_r.o, etc. - libqhull/Makefile: Fix build of rbox - libqhull_r/Makefile: Fix build -I - qhull.sln/user_eg3: Add dependency on libcpp - Removed bin/libqhull_r.dll (should be qhull_r.dll) - Removed build/qhulltest.vcproj (see build/qhulltest/qhulltest.vcproj) ------------ Qhull 2015.0.4 2015/9/30 ( - qh-get.htm: Unix tarball includes version number (e.g., qhull-2015-src- [Hauptman] - qglobal.c: Add qh_version2 with Unix version for "-V" option [Hauptman] - build/qhull-32.sln, *-32.vcxproj: Add Visual Studio 32-bit build for 2010+ - build/qhull-64.sln, *-64.vcxproj: Add Visual Studio 64-bit build for 2010+ [G. Lodron] - make-vcproj.sh: Restore to eg/... It is required for Visual Studio builds - README.txt: updated builds and reentrant Qhull - Add documentation for QHULL_LIB_CHECK - qh_lib_check: Check for unknown QHULL_LIB_TYPE - qh-code.htm: Add memory requirements for 32- and 64-bit ------------ Qhull 2015.0.3 2015/9/22 - qh_mem, qh_merge: Log before 'delete' instead of afterwards [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_merge: Test for NULL horizon in qh_checkzero [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_matchneighbor: Check for matchfacet not a neighbor of facet [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_triangulate: Explicit check for visible==NULL [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_findbestfacet (unused by qhull): Fix test of isoutside [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_check_maxout: Check bestfacet!=0 for logging its id [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_nearvertex: Check for bestvertex not found [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_checkfacet: Check for missing neighbors of simplicial facets [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - qh_setdelnth: Check 'nth' before using it [Coverity, K. Schwehr] - Annotate code for Coverity warnings (most of these protected by qh_errexit) [K. Schwehr] - qh_printfacet3math: explicit format string (duplicates change to io.c) [B. Pearlmutter] - libqhull_r.h: fix spelling error (duplicates change to libqhull.h) [B. Pearlmutter] - unix_r.c: fix spelling error (duplicates change to unix.c) [B. Pearlmutter] - qhull_a.h: define qhullUnused() only if defined(__cplusplus) [R. Stogner] - qh_version: Use const char str[]= "string" instead of const char * str= "string" [U. Drepper, p. 27] - qh_newvertex: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF - qh_newridge: Use UINT_MAX instead of 0xFFFFFFFF - Reviewed FIXUP notes - QhullRidge_test: t_foreach use 'foreach(const QhullVertex &v, vertices) - Made '#include "RoadTest.h" consistent across all C++ tests - qh-code.htm: May also use libqhull_r (e.g., FOREACHfacet_(...)) - qh-get.htm: Add list of download build repositories - Add CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake: Enables Large File Support [B. Pearlmutter] - Makefile: Use -fpic at all times instead of -fPIC, [U. Drepper p. 15] ------------ Qhull 2015.0.2 2015/9/1 - global_r.c: Fixed spelling of /* duplicated in...qh_clear_outputflags */ [K. Schwehr] - Replaced Gitorious with GitHub - Moved 'to do' comments into Changes.txt ------------ Qhull 2015.0.1 2015/8/31 Source code changes - Increased size of vertexT.id and ridgeT.id to 2^32 [H. Strandenes, C. Carson, K. Nguyen] Reworded the warning message for ridgeT.id overflow. It does not affect Qhull output - Add qh_lib_check to check for a compatible Qhull library. Programs should call QHULL_LIB_CHECK before calling Qhull. - Include headers prefixed with libqhull/, libqhull_r/, or libqhullcpp/ - Renamed debugging routines dfacet/dvertex to qh_dfacet/qh_dvertex - Rewrote user_eg, user_eg2, and user_eg3 as reentrant code - Renamed 'qh_rand_seed' to 'qh_last_random'. Declare it as DATA - qh_initqhull_start2 sets qh->NOerrexit on initialization User must clear NOerrexit after setjmp() Other source code changes - Define ptr_intT as 'long long' for __MINGW64__ [A. Voskov] - poly_r.c: initialize horizon_skip [K. Schwehr] - Removed vertexT.dim and MAX_vdim. It is not used by reentrant Qhull. - Removed qhull_inuse. Not used by C++ - Removed old __MWERKS__/__POWERPC__ code that speed up SIOUX I/O - Moved #include libqhull/... before system includes (e.g., - Comment-out _isatty declaration. Avoids "C4273 ... inconsistent dll linkage" - Add random.h/random_r.h as an include file to random.c/random_r.c - Rename rbox routines to qh_roundi/qh_out1/qh_out2n/qh_out3n - Rename dfacet and dvertex to qh_dfacet and qh_dvertex - Replace 'qhmem .zzz' with 'qhmem.zzz' - Removed spaces between function name and parentheses - Rename 'enum statistics' to 'enum qh_statistics' - Declare rbox as DATA in qhull-exports.def and qhull_p-exports.def - In comments, use 'qh.zzz' to reference qhT fields - In qh_fprintf, use qhmem.ferr to report errors - qh_fprintf may be called for errors in qh_initstatistics and qh_meminit - qh_pointid returns qh_IDnone, qh_IDinterior, qh_IDunknown in place of -3, -2, -1 resp. - getid_() returns qh_IDunknown in place of -1 - After qh_meminit, qhmem.ferr is non-zero (stderr is the default) - Update qh_MEMalign in testqset.c to user.h (with realT and void*) - Split rboxT into a header file - Add rboxlib.h to libqhull_a.h - Rename PI to qh_PI and extend to 30 digits - Rename MAXdim to qh_MAXdim - Change spacing for type annotations '*' and '&' in C++ header files - Test for !rbox_output/cpp_object in qh_fprintf_rbox - Remove 'inline' annotation from explicit inline declarations - Column 25 formatting for iterators, etc. - Use '#//!\name' for section headers - QhullFacet.cpp: zinc_(Zdistio); - Clear qhT.ALLOWrestart in qh_errexit - Replace longjmp with qh_errexit_rbox in qh_rboxpoints - Add jmpExtra after rbox_errexit to protect against compiler errors - Add qh.ISqhullQh to indicate initialization by QhullQh() - Add library warnings to 'rbox D4', user_eg, user_eg2, user_eg3 - Add headers to q_eg, q_egtest, and q_test - Check that qh.NOerrexit is cleared before call to qh_initflags Qhull documentation - README.txt: Added references to qh-code.htm - README.txt: Added section 'Calling Qhull from C programs' - qh-code.htm: Moved Performance after C++ and C interface - qh-code.htm: Moved Cpp Questions to end of the C++ section - qh-code.htm: Fixed documentation for 'include' path. It should be include/libqhull - qconvex.htm: Fixed documentation for 'i'. It triangulates in 4-d and higher [ref] - Clarified qhalf space documentation for the interior point [J. Santos] - rbox.c: Version is same date as qh_version in global.c - gobal_r.c: Version includes a '.r' suffix to indicate 'reentrant' Qhull builds - Development moved to http://github.com/qhull/qhull git clone git@github.com:qhull/qhull.git - Exchanged make targets for testing. 'make test' is a quick test of qhull programs. 'make testall' is a thorough test - Added 'make help' and 'make test' to libqhull and libqhull_r Makefiles - CMakeLists.txt: Remove libqhull, libqhull_r, and libqhullcpp from include_directories - CMakeLists.txt: Add qhull_SHAREDR for qhull_r - CMakeLists.txt: Retain qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP (qh_QHpointer) - CMakeLists.txt: Move qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP (qh_QHpointer) to qhull_TARGETS_OLD Drop qhull_STATICP (use qhull_SHAREDP or qhull_STATIC) Set SOVERSION and VERSION for shared libraries - Move qhull_p-exports.def back to libqhull - Switched to mingw-w64-install for gcc - Improved prompts for 'make' - qhull-all.pro: Remove user_eg3.cpp from OTHER_FILES - libqhull.pro: Ordered object files by frequency of execution, as done before - Add the folder name to C++ includes and remove libqhullcpp from INCLUDEPATH - Changed CONFIG+=qtestlib to QT+=testlib - Changed Makefile to gcc -O3 (was -O2) - Changed libqhull/libqhull_r Makefiles to both produce rbox, qhull, ..., user_eg, and user_eg2 - Removed Debian 'config/...'. It was needed for Qhull 2012. libqhull_r (reentrant Qhull) - Replaced qh_qh with a parameter to each procedure [P. Klosterman] No more globally defined data structures in Qhull Simplified multithreading and C++ user interface All functions are reentrant (Qt: "A reentrant function can ... be called simultaneously from multiple threads, but only if each invocation uses its own data.") No more qh_QHpointer. See user_eg3 and qhulltest New libraries libqhull_r -- Shared library with reentrant sources (e.g., poly_r.h and poly_r.c which replace libqhull's poly.h and poly.c) libqhullstatic_r -- Static library with the same sources as libqhull_r libqhullcpp -- The C++ interface using libqhullstatic_r (further notes below) New executables testqset_r -- Test qset_r.c (the reentrant version of qset.c Source code changes for libqhull_r - Add qh_zero() to initialize and zero memory for qh_new_qhull - Remove qh_save_qhull(), qh_restore_qhull(), and qh.old_qhstat from global_r.c - Remove qh_freeqhull2() (global_r.c) - Remove qh_freestatistics() (stat_r.c) - Remove qh_compare_vertexpoint (qhT is not available, unused code) - Remove conditional code for __POWERPC__ from unix_r.c and rbox_r.c - Move qh_last_random into qh->last_random (random_r.c) - Rename sources files with a '_r' suffix. qhull_a.h becomes qhull_ra.h - Replace 'qh' macro with 'qh->' - Replace global qhT with parameter-0 - Add qhmemT to beginning of qhT. It may not be used standalone. - Add qhstatT to end of qhT - Remove qhull_inuse - Change qhmem.zzz to qh->qhmem.zzz - Replace qh_qhstat with qh->qhstat - Remove qh_freestatistics - Replace qh_last_random with qh->last_random - Replace rboxT with qh->rbox_errexit, rbox_isinteger, rbox_out_offset - Replace rbox.ferr/fout with qh->ferr/fout - No qh for qh_exit, qh_free, qh_malloc, qh_strtod, qh_strtol, qh_stddev - New qmake include files qhull-app-c_r.pri, qhull-app-shared_r.pri, qhull-libqhull-src_r.pri - Replace 'int' with 'countT' and 'COUNTmax' for large counts and identifiers - qhset converted to countT - Removed vertexT.dim -- No longer needed by cpp Removed MAX_vdim - Guarantee that qh->run_id!=0. Old code assumed that qh_RANDOMint was 31 bits Changes to libqhullcpp - Added QhullVertexSet.h to libqhullcpp.pro and libqhullpcpp.pro - QhullVertexSet: error if qhsettemp_defined at copy constructor/assignment (otherwise double free) - Enable QhullSet.operator=. Copy constructor and assignment only copies pointers - Changed QhullPoint.operator==() to sqrt(distanceEpsilon) - Added assignment of base class QhullPoints to PointCoordinates.operator= - Enable QhullPoints.operator= - Rename PointCoordinates.point_comment to describe_points - Add 'typename T' to definition of QhullSet::value() C++ interface - Reimplemented C++ interface on reentrant libqhull_r instead of libqhull - Prepend include files with libqhullcpp/ - Replaced UsingLibQhull with QhullQh and macro QH_TRY Removed UsingLibQhull.currentAngleEpsilon and related routines Removed UsingLibQhull_test.cpp Replaced globalDistanceEpsilon with QhullQh.distanceEpsilon Replaced globalAngleEpsilon with QhullQh.angleEpsilon Moved UsingQhullLib.checkQhullMemoryEmpty to QhullQh.checkAndFreeQhullMemory Replaced FACTORepsilon=10 with QhullQh.factor_epsilon=1.0 - To avoid -Wshadow for QhullQh*, use 'qqh' for parameters and 'qh()' for methods - Moved messaging from Qhull to QhullQh - Add check of RboxPoints* in qh_fprintf_rbox - Renamed Qhull.initializeQhull to Qhull.allocateQhullQh Added qh_freeqhull(!qh_ALL) as done by unix.c and other programs - Moved QhullPoints.extraCoordinatesCount into QhullPoints.cpp - Replaced section tags with '#//!\name ...' - Removed qhRunId from print() to ostream. - Removed print() to ostream. Use '<< qhullPoint' or '<< qhullPoint.print("message")' C++ interface for most classes - Remove qhRunId - Add QhullQh *qh_qh to all types Pointer comparisons of facetT,etc. do not test corresponding qh_qh Added to end of type for debugging information, unless wasteful alignment - Add QhullQh * to all constructors - All constructors may use Qhull & instead of QhullQh * - For inherited QhullQh types, change to 'protected' - Renamed 'o' to 'other' except where used extensively in iterators - Except for conditional code, merged the Conversion section into GetSet - Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead - Add operator= instead of keeping it private - print_message=0 not allowed. Use "" instead. - Rename isDefined() to isValid() to match Qt conventions C++ interface by class - Coordinates Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead Added append(dim, coordT*) Reformated the iterators Convert to countT - PointCoordinates Added constructors for Qhull or QhullQh* (provides access to QhullPoint.operator==) Removed PointCoordinates(int pointDimension) since PointCoordinates should have a comment. Also, it is ambiguous with PointCoordinates(QhullQh*) Renamed point_comment to describe_points Convert to countT - Qhull Remove qhull_run_i Remove qh_active Replace property feasiblePoint with field feasible_point and methods setFeasiblePoint/feasiblePoint Returns qh.feasible_point if defined Moved useOutputStream to QhullQh use_output_stream Renamed useOutputStream() to hasOutputStream() Replaced qhull_dimension with qh->input_dim //! Dimension of result (qh.hull_dim or one less for Delaunay/Voronoi) Removed global s_qhull_output= 0; Move qhull_status, qhull_message, error_stream, output_stream to QhullQh Renamed qhullQh() to qh() Added check of base address to allocateQhullQh(), Was not needed for qhullpcpp - QhullFacet Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer Convert to countT Dropped implicit conversion from facetT Dropped runId Add print("message") to replace print() - QhullFacetList Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer Convert to countT Dropped runId - QhullFacetSet Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead Constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer Convert to countT Dropped runId Add operator= Implement print("message") - QhullHyperplane Add hyperplaneAngle() method Rewrite operator==to use hyperplaneAngle() Reorganize fields to keep pointers aligned Except for default constructor requires Qhull or QhullQh* pointer Enable copy assignment Reorganized header - QhullLinkedList Add operator= Removed empty(). Use isEmpty() instead Convert to countT iterator(T) made iterator(const T &) const_iterator(T) made const_iterator(const T &) const_iterator(iterator) made const_iterator(const iterator &) - QhullPoint Add constructors for Qhull or QhullQh* pointer (for id() and operator==) Add defineAs(coordT*) Add getBaseT() and base_type for QhullSet Added checks for point_coordinates==0 Removed static QhullPoint::id(), use QhullPoint.id() instead distance() throws an error if dimension doesn't agree or if a point is undefined Convert to countT If !qh_qh, operator==() requires equal coordinates Use cout<

[R. Richter, S. Pasko] - Remove deprecated libqhull/qhull.h Use libqhull/libqhull.h instead. Avoids confusion with libqhullcpp/Qhull.h - Makefile: Add LIBDIR, INCDIR, and DESTDIR to install [L.H. de Mello] Separate MAN install from DOC install Create install directories Installs headers to include/libqhull, include/libqhullcpp, include/road - CMakeLists.txt: Add MAN_INSTALL_DIR for qhull.1 and rbox.1 man pages Add RoadTest.h to include/road for Qt users (road_HEADERS) - Renamed md5sum files to avoid two extensions - qh-get.htm: Add Readme links and 2009.1 note. - qh-optf.htm: Fix link - index.htm: Updated Google Scholar link - qhull-zip.sh: Improved error message. ------------ Qhull 2011.1 2011/04/17 Changes to deliverables - qvoronoi: Deprecated 'Qt' and 'QJn'. Removed from documentation and prompts. These options produced duplicate Voronoi vertices for cospherical data. - Removed doskey from Qhull-go.bat. It is incompatible with Windows 7 - Added 'facets' argument to user_eg3.cpp - user_eg links with shared library - qhulltest.cpp: Add closing prompt. Changes to build system - Reorganized source directories - Moved executables to bin directory - Add CMake build for all targets (CMakeFiles.txt) [M. Moll assisted] - Add gcc build for all targets (Makefile) - Fixed location of qhull.man and rbox.man [M. Moll] - Add DevStudio builds for all targets (build/*.vcproj) - Added shared library (lib/qhull6.dll) Added qh_QHpointer_dllimport to work around problems with MSVC - Added static libraries with and without qh_QHpointer (lib/qhullstatic.lib) - Added eg/make-vcproj.sh to create vcproj/sln files from cmake and qmake - Document location of qh_QHpointer - Use shadow build directory - Made -fno-strict-aliasing conditional on gcc version - Added src/qhull-app-cpp.pri, src/qhull-app-c.pri, etc. for common settings - Add .gitignore with ignored files and directories. - Use .git/info/exclude for locally excluded files. - Fixed MBorland for new directory structure - cleanall (Makefile): Delete 'linked' programs due to libqhull_r and libqhull/Makefile Changes to documentation - qvoronoi.htm: Remove quotes from qvoronoi example - qhull-cpp.xml: Add naming conventions - index.htm: Add Google Scholar references - qh-optf.htm: Add note about order of 'Fn' matching 'Fv' order [Q. Pan] - Add patch for old builds in qh-get.htm - Added C++ compiling instructions to README.txt - Add instructions for fixing the DOS window - Changed DOS window to command window - Fixed html links - qh-get.htm: Dropped the Spanish mirror site. It was disabled. Changes to C code - mem.h: Define ptr_intT as 'long long' for Microsoft Windows _win64 builds. On Linux and Mac, 'long' is 64-bits on a 64-bit host - Added qh_QHpointer_dllimport to work around MSVC problem - qconvex.c,etc.: Define prototype for _isatty - Define MSG_QHULL_ERROR in user.h - Move MSG_FIXUP to 11000 and updated FIXUP QH11... Changes to test code - Add note to q_test than R1e-3 may error (qh-code.htm, Enhancements) - Add test for executables to q_eg, etc. - Fixed Qhull-go.bat. QHULL-GO invokes it with command.com, Changes to C++ interface - QhullFacet: Added isSimplicial, isTopOrient, isTriCoplanar, isUpperDelaunay - Added Qhull::defineVertexFacetNeighbors() for facetNeighbors of vertices. Automatically called for facet merging and Voronoi diagrams Do not print QhullVertex::facetNeighbors is !facetNeighborsDefined() - Assigned FIXUP identifiers - QhullError: Add copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor - Add throw() specifiers to RoadError and QhullError - Renamed RoadError::defined() to RoadError::isDefined() - Add #error to Qhull.h if qh_QHpointer is not defined Changes to C++ code - Fixed bug reported by renangms. Vertex output throws error QH10034 and defineVertexNeighbors() does not exist. - Define QHULL_USES_QT for qt-qhull.cpp [renangms] - Reviewed all copy constructors and copy assignments. Updated comments. Defined Qhull copy constructor and copy assignment [G. Rivet-Sabourin] Disabled UsingQhullLib default constructor, copy construct, and copy assign - Merged changes from J. Obermayr in gitorious/jobermayrs-qhull:next - Fix strncat limit in rboxlib.c and global.c - Changes to CMakeLists.txt for openSUSE - Fixed additional uses of strncat - Fixed QhullFacet::PrintRidges to check hasNextRidge3d() - Removed gcc warnings for shadowing from code (src/qhull-warn.pri) - Removed semicolon after extern "C" {...} - Removed experimental QhullEvent/QhullLog - Use fabs() instead of abs() to avoid accidental conversions to int - Fixed type of vertex->neighbors in qh_printvoronoi [no effect on results] - Removed unnecessary if statement in qh_printvoronoi ============= == Qhull 2010.1 and 2009.1 ============= ------------ qhull 2010.1 2010/01/14 - Fixed quote for #include in qhull.h [U.Hergenhahn, K.Roland] - Add qt-qhull.cpp with Qt conditional code - Add libqhullp.proj - Add libqhull5 to Readme, Announce, download - Reviewed #pragma - Reviewed FIXUP and assigned QH tags - All projects compile with warnings enabled - Replaced 'up' glyphs with » - Moved cpp questions to qh-code.htm#questions-cpp - Moved suggestions to qh-code.htm#enhance - Moved documentation requests to qh-code.htm#enhance - Add md5sum file to distributions - Switched to DevStudio builds to avoid dependent libraries, 10% slower Removed user_eg3.exe and qhullcpp.dll from Windows build Fix qhull.sln and project files for qh_QHpointer - Add eg/qhull-zip.sh to build qhull distribution files ------------ qhull 2010.1 2010/01/10 - Test for NULL fp in qh_eachvoronoi [D. Szczerba] qhull 2010.1 2010/01/09 Changes to build and distribution - Use qh_QHpointer=0 for libqhull.a, qhull, rbox, etc. Use -Dqh_QHpointer for libqhullp.a, qhullcpp.dll, etc. qh_QHpointer [2010, gcc] 4% time 4% space, [2003, msvc] 8% time 2% space - Add config/ and project/debian/ for Autoconf build [R. Laboissiere] from debian branch in git and http://savannah.nongnu.org/cvs/?group=qhull - Add CMakeLists.txt [kwilliams] - Fix tabs in Makefile.txt [mschamschula] - Add -fno-strict-aliasing to Makefile for gcc 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 qset segfault - Remove user_eg.exe and user_eg2.exe from Windows distribution - Order object files by frequency of execution for better locality. Changes to source - Remove ptr_intT from qh_matchvertices. It was int since the beginning. - user.h requires for CLOCKS_PER_SEC - Move ostream<