from __future__ import absolute_import import warnings """M2Crypto support for Python's httplib. Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved.""" import base64 import socket from M2Crypto import SSL from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit from http.client import * # noqa # This is not imported with just '*' from http.client import HTTPS_PORT from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union # noqa class HTTPSConnection(HTTPConnection): """ This class allows communication via SSL using M2Crypto. """ default_port = HTTPS_PORT def __init__( self, host: str, port: Optional[int] = None, strict: Optional[bool] = None, **ssl ) -> None: """ Represents one transaction with an HTTP server over the SSL connection. :param host: host name :param port: port number :param strict: if switched on, it raises BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line. :param ssl: dict with all remaining named real parameters of the function. Specifically, ``ssl_context`` is expected to be included with SSL.Context; if it is not default ``'sslv23'`` is substituted). """ self.session: Optional[bytes] = None = host self.port = port keys = set(ssl.keys()) - set( ('key_file', 'cert_file', 'ssl_context') ) if keys: raise ValueError('unknown keyword argument: %s', keys) try: self.ssl_ctx = ssl['ssl_context'] assert isinstance(self.ssl_ctx, SSL.Context), self.ssl_ctx except KeyError: self.ssl_ctx = SSL.Context() HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict) def connect(self) -> None: error = None # We ignore the returned sockaddr because SSL.Connection.connect needs # a host name. for family, _, _, _, _ in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM ): sock = None try: sock = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, family=family) # set SNI server name since we know it at this point sock.set_tlsext_host_name( if self.session is not None: sock.set_session(self.session) sock.connect((, self.port)) self.sock = sock sock = None return except socket.error as e: # Other exception are probably SSL-related, in that case we # abort and the exception is forwarded to the caller. error = e finally: if sock is not None: sock.close() if error is None: raise AssertionError("Empty list returned by getaddrinfo") raise error def close(self) -> None: # This kludges around line 545 of, # which closes the connection in this object; # the connection remains open in the response # object. # # M2Crypto doesn't close-here-keep-open-there, # so, in effect, we don't close until the whole # business is over and gc kicks in. # # XXX Long-running callers beware leakage. # # XXX 05-Jan-2002: This module works with Python 2.2, # XXX but I've not investigated if the above conditions # XXX remain. pass def get_session(self) -> SSL.Session.Session: return self.sock.get_session() def set_session(self, session: SSL.Session.Session) -> None: self.session = session class ProxyHTTPSConnection(HTTPSConnection): """ An HTTPS Connection that uses a proxy and the CONNECT request. When the connection is initiated, CONNECT is first sent to the proxy (along with authorization headers, if supplied). If successful, an SSL connection will be established over the socket through the proxy and to the target host. Finally, the actual request is sent over the SSL connection tunneling through the proxy. """ _ports = {'http': 80, 'https': 443} _AUTH_HEADER = "Proxy-Authorization" _UA_HEADER = "User-Agent" def __init__( self, host: str, port: Optional[int] = None, strict: Optional[bool] = None, username: Union[str, bytes, None] = None, password: Union[str, bytes, None] = None, **ssl ) -> None: """ Create the ProxyHTTPSConnection object. :param host: host name of the proxy server :param port: port number of the proxy server :param strict: if switched on, it raises BadStatusLine to be raised if the status line can't be parsed as a valid HTTP/1.0 or 1.1 status line. :param username: username on the proxy server, when required Username can be ``str``, but preferred type is ``bytes``. M2Crypto does some conversion to ``bytes`` when necessary, but it's better when the user of the library does it on its own. :param password: password on the proxy server, when required The same as with ``username``, ``str`` is accepted, but ``bytes`` are preferred. :param ssl: dict with all remaining named real parameters of the function. Specifically, ``ssl_context`` is expected to be included with SSL.Context; if it is not default ``'sslv23'`` is substituted). """ HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict, **ssl) self._username = ( username.encode('utf8') if isinstance(username, (str,)) else username ) self._password = ( password.encode('utf8') if isinstance(password, (str,)) else password ) self._proxy_auth: str = None self._proxy_UA: str = None def putrequest( self, method: Union[str, bytes], url: Union[str, bytes], skip_host: int = 0, skip_accept_encoding: int = 0, ) -> None: """ putrequest is called before connect, so can interpret url and get real host/port to be used to make CONNECT request to proxy """ proto, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) if not proto: raise ValueError("unknown URL type: %s" % url) # get host & port try: username_password, host_port = netloc.split('@') except ValueError: host_port = netloc try: host, port_s = host_port.split(':') port = int(port_s) except ValueError: host = host_port # try to get port from proto try: port = self._ports[proto] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unknown protocol for: %s" % url) self._real_host: str = host self._real_port: int = port rest = urlunsplit(('', '', path, query, fragment)) HTTPSConnection.putrequest( self, method, rest, skip_host, skip_accept_encoding ) def putheader( self, header: Union[str, bytes], value: Union[str, bytes] ) -> None: # Store the auth header if passed in. if header.lower() == self._UA_HEADER.lower(): self._proxy_UA = value if header.lower() == self._AUTH_HEADER.lower(): self._proxy_auth = value else: HTTPSConnection.putheader(self, header, value) def endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # We've recieved all of hte headers. Use the supplied username # and password for authorization, possibly overriding the authstring # supplied in the headers. if not self._proxy_auth: self._proxy_auth = self._encode_auth() HTTPSConnection.endheaders(self, *args, **kwargs) def connect(self) -> None: HTTPConnection.connect(self) # send proxy CONNECT request self.sock.sendall(self._get_connect_msg()) response = HTTPResponse(self.sock) response.begin() code = response.status if code != 200: # proxy returned and error, abort connection, and raise exception self.close() raise socket.error("Proxy connection failed: %d" % code) self._start_ssl() def _get_connect_msg(self) -> bytes: """Return an HTTP CONNECT request to send to the proxy.""" msg = "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.1\r\n" % ( self._real_host, self._real_port, ) msg = msg + "Host: %s:%d\r\n" % ( self._real_host, self._real_port, ) if self._proxy_UA: msg = msg + "%s: %s\r\n" % ( self._UA_HEADER, self._proxy_UA, ) if self._proxy_auth: msg = msg + "%s: %s\r\n" % ( self._AUTH_HEADER, self._proxy_auth, ) msg = msg + "\r\n" return msg.encode() def _start_ssl(self) -> None: """Make this connection's socket SSL-aware.""" self.sock = SSL.Connection(self.ssl_ctx, self.sock) self.sock.setup_ssl() self.sock.set_connect_state() self.sock.connect_ssl() def _encode_auth(self) -> Optional[bytes]: """Encode the username and password for use in the auth header.""" if not (self._username and self._password): return None # Authenticated proxy userpass = "%s:%s" % (self._username, self._password) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) enc_userpass = base64.encodestring(userpass).replace( "\n", "" ) return ("Basic %s" % enc_userpass).encode()