"""Sphinx application class and extensibility interface. Gracefully adapted from the TextPress system by Armin. """ from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import os import pickle import sys from collections import deque from io import StringIO from os import path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, overload from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, roles import sphinx from sphinx import locale, package_dir from sphinx.config import ENUM, Config, _ConfigRebuild from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from sphinx.errors import ApplicationError, ConfigError, VersionRequirementError from sphinx.events import EventManager from sphinx.highlighting import lexer_classes from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.project import Project from sphinx.registry import SphinxComponentRegistry from sphinx.util import docutils, logging from sphinx.util._pathlib import _StrPath from sphinx.util.build_phase import BuildPhase from sphinx.util.console import bold from sphinx.util.display import progress_message from sphinx.util.i18n import CatalogRepository from sphinx.util.logging import prefixed_warnings from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir, relpath from sphinx.util.tags import Tags if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Sequence, Set from pathlib import Path from typing import IO, Any, Final, Literal from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Element, Node from docutils.parsers import Parser from docutils.transforms import Transform from pygments.lexer import Lexer from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.domains import Domain, Index from sphinx.environment.collectors import EnvironmentCollector from sphinx.ext.autodoc import Documenter, _AutodocProcessDocstringListener from sphinx.ext.todo import todo_node from sphinx.extension import Extension from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.search import SearchLanguage from sphinx.theming import Theme from sphinx.util.typing import RoleFunction, TitleGetter builtin_extensions: tuple[str, ...] = ( 'sphinx.addnodes', 'sphinx.builders.changes', 'sphinx.builders.epub3', 'sphinx.builders.dirhtml', 'sphinx.builders.dummy', 'sphinx.builders.gettext', 'sphinx.builders.html', 'sphinx.builders.latex', 'sphinx.builders.linkcheck', 'sphinx.builders.manpage', 'sphinx.builders.singlehtml', 'sphinx.builders.texinfo', 'sphinx.builders.text', 'sphinx.builders.xml', 'sphinx.config', 'sphinx.domains.c', 'sphinx.domains.changeset', 'sphinx.domains.citation', 'sphinx.domains.cpp', 'sphinx.domains.index', 'sphinx.domains.javascript', 'sphinx.domains.math', 'sphinx.domains.python', 'sphinx.domains.rst', 'sphinx.domains.std', 'sphinx.directives', 'sphinx.directives.code', 'sphinx.directives.other', 'sphinx.directives.patches', 'sphinx.extension', 'sphinx.parsers', 'sphinx.registry', 'sphinx.roles', 'sphinx.transforms', 'sphinx.transforms.compact_bullet_list', 'sphinx.transforms.i18n', 'sphinx.transforms.references', 'sphinx.transforms.post_transforms', 'sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.code', 'sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.images', 'sphinx.versioning', # collectors should be loaded by specific order 'sphinx.environment.collectors.dependencies', 'sphinx.environment.collectors.asset', 'sphinx.environment.collectors.metadata', 'sphinx.environment.collectors.title', 'sphinx.environment.collectors.toctree', ) _first_party_extensions = ( # 1st party extensions 'sphinxcontrib.applehelp', 'sphinxcontrib.devhelp', 'sphinxcontrib.htmlhelp', 'sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml', 'sphinxcontrib.qthelp', ) _first_party_themes = ( # Alabaster is loaded automatically to be used as the default theme 'alabaster', ) builtin_extensions += _first_party_themes builtin_extensions += _first_party_extensions ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME = 'environment.pickle' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Sphinx: """The main application class and extensibility interface. :ivar srcdir: Directory containing source. :ivar confdir: Directory containing ``conf.py``. :ivar doctreedir: Directory for storing pickled doctrees. :ivar outdir: Directory for storing build documents. """ warningiserror: Final = False _warncount: int def __init__(self, srcdir: str | os.PathLike[str], confdir: str | os.PathLike[str] | None, outdir: str | os.PathLike[str], doctreedir: str | os.PathLike[str], buildername: str, confoverrides: dict | None = None, status: IO[str] | None = sys.stdout, warning: IO[str] | None = sys.stderr, freshenv: bool = False, warningiserror: bool = False, tags: Sequence[str] = (), verbosity: int = 0, parallel: int = 0, keep_going: bool = False, pdb: bool = False, exception_on_warning: bool = False) -> None: """Initialize the Sphinx application. :param srcdir: The path to the source directory. :param confdir: The path to the configuration directory. If not given, it is assumed to be the same as ``srcdir``. :param outdir: Directory for storing build documents. :param doctreedir: Directory for caching pickled doctrees. :param buildername: The name of the builder to use. :param confoverrides: A dictionary of configuration settings that override the settings in the configuration file. :param status: A file-like object to write status messages to. :param warning: A file-like object to write warnings to. :param freshenv: If true, clear the cached environment. :param warningiserror: If true, warnings become errors. :param tags: A list of tags to apply. :param verbosity: The verbosity level. :param parallel: The maximum number of parallel jobs to use when reading/writing documents. :param keep_going: Unused. :param pdb: If true, enable the Python debugger on an exception. :param exception_on_warning: If true, raise an exception on warnings. """ self.phase = BuildPhase.INITIALIZATION self.verbosity = verbosity self._fresh_env_used: bool | None = None self.extensions: dict[str, Extension] = {} self.registry = SphinxComponentRegistry() # validate provided directories self.srcdir = _StrPath(srcdir).resolve() self.outdir = _StrPath(outdir).resolve() self.doctreedir = _StrPath(doctreedir).resolve() if not path.isdir(self.srcdir): raise ApplicationError(__('Cannot find source directory (%s)') % self.srcdir) if path.exists(self.outdir) and not path.isdir(self.outdir): raise ApplicationError(__('Output directory (%s) is not a directory') % self.outdir) if self.srcdir == self.outdir: raise ApplicationError(__('Source directory and destination ' 'directory cannot be identical')) self.parallel = parallel if status is None: self._status: IO[str] = StringIO() self.quiet: bool = True else: self._status = status self.quiet = False if warning is None: self._warning: IO[str] = StringIO() else: self._warning = warning self._warncount = 0 self.keep_going = bool(warningiserror) # Unused self._fail_on_warnings = bool(warningiserror) self.pdb = pdb self._exception_on_warning = exception_on_warning logging.setup(self, self._status, self._warning) self.events = EventManager(self) # keep last few messages for traceback # This will be filled by sphinx.util.logging.LastMessagesWriter self.messagelog: deque[str] = deque(maxlen=10) # say hello to the world logger.info(bold(__('Running Sphinx v%s')), sphinx.__display_version__) # status code for command-line application self.statuscode = 0 # read config self.tags = Tags(tags) if confdir is None: # set confdir to srcdir if -C given (!= no confdir); a few pieces # of code expect a confdir to be set self.confdir = self.srcdir self.config = Config({}, confoverrides or {}) else: self.confdir = _StrPath(confdir).resolve() self.config = Config.read(self.confdir, confoverrides or {}, self.tags) # set up translation infrastructure self._init_i18n() # check the Sphinx version if requested if self.config.needs_sphinx and self.config.needs_sphinx > sphinx.__display_version__: raise VersionRequirementError( __('This project needs at least Sphinx v%s and therefore cannot ' 'be built with this version.') % self.config.needs_sphinx) # load all built-in extension modules, first-party extension modules, # and first-party themes for extension in builtin_extensions: self.setup_extension(extension) # load all user-given extension modules for extension in self.config.extensions: self.setup_extension(extension) # preload builder module (before init config values) self.preload_builder(buildername) if not path.isdir(outdir): with progress_message(__('making output directory')): ensuredir(outdir) # the config file itself can be an extension if self.config.setup: prefix = __('while setting up extension %s:') % "conf.py" with prefixed_warnings(prefix): if callable(self.config.setup): self.config.setup(self) else: raise ConfigError( __("'setup' as currently defined in conf.py isn't a Python callable. " "Please modify its definition to make it a callable function. " "This is needed for conf.py to behave as a Sphinx extension."), ) # Report any warnings for overrides. self.config._report_override_warnings() self.events.emit('config-inited', self.config) # create the project self.project = Project(self.srcdir, self.config.source_suffix) # set up the build environment self.env = self._init_env(freshenv) # create the builder self.builder = self.create_builder(buildername) # build environment post-initialisation, after creating the builder self._post_init_env() # set up the builder self._init_builder() @property def fresh_env_used(self) -> bool | None: """True/False as to whether a new environment was created for this build, or None if the environment has not been initialised yet. """ return self._fresh_env_used def _init_i18n(self) -> None: """Load translated strings from the configured localedirs if enabled in the configuration. """ logger.info(bold(__('loading translations [%s]... ')), self.config.language, nonl=True) # compile mo files if sphinx.po file in user locale directories are updated repo = CatalogRepository(self.srcdir, self.config.locale_dirs, self.config.language, self.config.source_encoding) for catalog in repo.catalogs: if catalog.domain == 'sphinx' and catalog.is_outdated(): catalog.write_mo(self.config.language, self.config.gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations) locale_dirs: list[str | None] = list(repo.locale_dirs) locale_dirs += [None] locale_dirs += [path.join(package_dir, 'locale')] self.translator, has_translation = locale.init(locale_dirs, self.config.language) if has_translation or self.config.language == 'en': logger.info(__('done')) else: logger.info(__('not available for built-in messages')) def _init_env(self, freshenv: bool) -> BuildEnvironment: filename = path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME) if freshenv or not os.path.exists(filename): return self._create_fresh_env() else: return self._load_existing_env(filename) def _create_fresh_env(self) -> BuildEnvironment: env = BuildEnvironment(self) self._fresh_env_used = True return env @progress_message(__('loading pickled environment')) def _load_existing_env(self, filename: str) -> BuildEnvironment: try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: env = pickle.load(f) env.setup(self) self._fresh_env_used = False except Exception as err: logger.info(__('failed: %s'), err) env = self._create_fresh_env() return env def _post_init_env(self) -> None: if self._fresh_env_used: self.env.find_files(self.config, self.builder) def preload_builder(self, name: str) -> None: self.registry.preload_builder(self, name) def create_builder(self, name: str) -> Builder: if name is None: logger.info(__('No builder selected, using default: html')) name = 'html' return self.registry.create_builder(self, name, self.env) def _init_builder(self) -> None: self.builder.init() self.events.emit('builder-inited') # ---- main "build" method ------------------------------------------------- def build(self, force_all: bool = False, filenames: list[str] | None = None) -> None: self.phase = BuildPhase.READING try: if force_all: self.builder.build_all() elif filenames: self.builder.build_specific(filenames) else: self.builder.build_update() self.events.emit('build-finished', None) except Exception as err: # delete the saved env to force a fresh build next time envfile = path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME) if path.isfile(envfile): os.unlink(envfile) self.events.emit('build-finished', err) raise if self._warncount == 0: if self.statuscode != 0: logger.info(bold(__('build finished with problems.'))) else: logger.info(bold(__('build succeeded.'))) elif self._warncount == 1: if self._fail_on_warnings: self.statuscode = 1 msg = __('build finished with problems, 1 warning ' '(with warnings treated as errors).') elif self.statuscode != 0: msg = __('build finished with problems, 1 warning.') else: msg = __('build succeeded, 1 warning.') logger.info(bold(msg)) else: if self._fail_on_warnings: self.statuscode = 1 msg = __('build finished with problems, %s warnings ' '(with warnings treated as errors).') elif self.statuscode != 0: msg = __('build finished with problems, %s warnings.') else: msg = __('build succeeded, %s warnings.') logger.info(bold(msg), self._warncount) if self.statuscode == 0 and self.builder.epilog: logger.info('') logger.info(self.builder.epilog, { 'outdir': relpath(self.outdir), 'project': self.config.project, }) self.builder.cleanup() # ---- general extensibility interface ------------------------------------- def setup_extension(self, extname: str) -> None: """Import and setup a Sphinx extension module. Load the extension given by the module *name*. Use this if your extension needs the features provided by another extension. No-op if called twice. """ logger.debug('[app] setting up extension: %r', extname) self.registry.load_extension(self, extname) @staticmethod def require_sphinx(version: tuple[int, int] | str) -> None: """Check the Sphinx version if requested. Compare *version* with the version of the running Sphinx, and abort the build when it is too old. :param version: The required version in the form of ``major.minor`` or ``(major, minor)``. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 7.1 Type of *version* now allows ``(major, minor)`` form. """ if isinstance(version, tuple): major, minor = version else: major, minor = map(int, version.split('.')[:2]) if (major, minor) > sphinx.version_info[:2]: req = f'{major}.{minor}' raise VersionRequirementError(req) # ---- Core events ------------------------------------------------------- @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['config-inited'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Config], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['builder-inited'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-get-outdated'], callback: Callable[ [Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, Set[str], Set[str], Set[str]], Sequence[str] ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-before-read-docs'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-purge-doc'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, str], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['source-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['include-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Path, str, list[str]], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['doctree-read'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, nodes.document], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-merge-info'], callback: Callable[ [Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, list[str], BuildEnvironment], None ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-updated'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], str], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-get-updated'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], Iterable[str]], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['env-check-consistency'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, BuildEnvironment], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['write-started'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Builder], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['doctree-resolved'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, nodes.document, str], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['missing-reference'], callback: Callable[ [Sphinx, BuildEnvironment, addnodes.pending_xref, nodes.TextElement], nodes.reference | None, ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['warn-missing-reference'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Domain, addnodes.pending_xref], bool | None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['build-finished'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Exception | None], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... # ---- Events from builtin builders -------------------------------------- @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['html-collect-pages'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx], Iterable[tuple[str, dict[str, Any], str]]], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['html-page-context'], callback: Callable[ [Sphinx, str, str, dict[str, Any], nodes.document], str | None ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['linkcheck-process-uri'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str], str | None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... # ---- Events from builtin extensions-- ---------------------------------- @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['object-description-transform'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, str, addnodes.desc_content], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... # ---- Events from first-party extensions -------------------------------- @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['autodoc-process-docstring'], callback: _AutodocProcessDocstringListener, priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['autodoc-before-process-signature'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, Any, bool], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['autodoc-process-signature'], callback: Callable[ [ Sphinx, Literal['module', 'class', 'exception', 'function', 'method', 'attribute'], str, Any, dict[str, bool], str | None, str | None, ], tuple[str | None, str | None] | None, ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['autodoc-process-bases'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, Any, dict[str, bool], list[str]], None], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['autodoc-skip-member'], callback: Callable[ [ Sphinx, Literal['module', 'class', 'exception', 'function', 'method', 'attribute'], str, Any, bool, dict[str, bool], ], bool, ], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['todo-defined'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, todo_node], None], priority: int = 500, ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['viewcode-find-source'], callback: Callable[ [Sphinx, str], tuple[str, dict[str, tuple[Literal['class', 'def', 'other'], int, int]]], ], priority: int = 500, ) -> int: ... @overload def connect( self, event: Literal['viewcode-follow-imported'], callback: Callable[[Sphinx, str, str], str | None], priority: int = 500, ) -> int: ... # ---- Catch-all --------------------------------------------------------- @overload def connect( self, event: str, callback: Callable[..., Any], priority: int = 500 ) -> int: ... # event interface def connect(self, event: str, callback: Callable, priority: int = 500) -> int: """Register *callback* to be called when *event* is emitted. For details on available core events and the arguments of callback functions, please see :ref:`events`. :param event: The name of target event :param callback: Callback function for the event :param priority: The priority of the callback. The callbacks will be invoked in order of *priority* (ascending). :return: A listener ID. It can be used for :meth:`disconnect`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Support *priority* """ listener_id = self.events.connect(event, callback, priority) logger.debug('[app] connecting event %r (%d): %r [id=%s]', event, priority, callback, listener_id) return listener_id def disconnect(self, listener_id: int) -> None: """Unregister callback by *listener_id*. :param listener_id: A listener_id that :meth:`connect` returns """ logger.debug('[app] disconnecting event: [id=%s]', listener_id) self.events.disconnect(listener_id) def emit(self, event: str, *args: Any, allowed_exceptions: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = ()) -> list: """Emit *event* and pass *arguments* to the callback functions. Return the return values of all callbacks as a list. Do not emit core Sphinx events in extensions! :param event: The name of event that will be emitted :param args: The arguments for the event :param allowed_exceptions: The list of exceptions that are allowed in the callbacks .. versionchanged:: 3.1 Added *allowed_exceptions* to specify path-through exceptions """ return self.events.emit(event, *args, allowed_exceptions=allowed_exceptions) def emit_firstresult(self, event: str, *args: Any, allowed_exceptions: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = ()) -> Any: """Emit *event* and pass *arguments* to the callback functions. Return the result of the first callback that doesn't return ``None``. :param event: The name of event that will be emitted :param args: The arguments for the event :param allowed_exceptions: The list of exceptions that are allowed in the callbacks .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. versionchanged:: 3.1 Added *allowed_exceptions* to specify path-through exceptions """ return self.events.emit_firstresult(event, *args, allowed_exceptions=allowed_exceptions) # registering addon parts def add_builder(self, builder: type[Builder], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a new builder. :param builder: A builder class :param override: If true, install the builder forcedly even if another builder is already installed as the same name .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_builder(builder, override=override) def add_config_value( self, name: str, default: Any, rebuild: _ConfigRebuild, types: type | Collection[type] | ENUM = (), description: str = '', ) -> None: """Register a configuration value. This is necessary for Sphinx to recognize new values and set default values accordingly. :param name: The name of the configuration value. It is recommended to be prefixed with the extension name (ex. ``html_logo``, ``epub_title``) :param default: The default value of the configuration. :param rebuild: The condition of rebuild. It must be one of those values: * ``'env'`` if a change in the setting only takes effect when a document is parsed -- this means that the whole environment must be rebuilt. * ``'html'`` if a change in the setting needs a full rebuild of HTML documents. * ``''`` if a change in the setting will not need any special rebuild. :param types: The type of configuration value. A list of types can be specified. For example, ``[str]`` is used to describe a configuration that takes string value. :param description: A short description of the configuration value. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 If the *default* value is a callable, it will be called with the config object as its argument in order to get the default value. This can be used to implement config values whose default depends on other values. .. versionchanged:: 0.6 Changed *rebuild* from a simple boolean (equivalent to ``''`` or ``'env'``) to a string. However, booleans are still accepted and converted internally. .. versionadded:: 7.4 The *description* parameter. """ logger.debug('[app] adding config value: %r', (name, default, rebuild, types)) self.config.add(name, default, rebuild, types, description) def add_event(self, name: str) -> None: """Register an event called *name*. This is needed to be able to emit it. :param name: The name of the event """ logger.debug('[app] adding event: %r', name) self.events.add(name) def set_translator(self, name: str, translator_class: type[nodes.NodeVisitor], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register or override a Docutils translator class. This is used to register a custom output translator or to replace a builtin translator. This allows extensions to use a custom translator and define custom nodes for the translator (see :meth:`add_node`). :param name: The name of the builder for the translator :param translator_class: A translator class :param override: If true, install the translator forcedly even if another translator is already installed as the same name .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_translator(name, translator_class, override=override) def add_node(self, node: type[Element], override: bool = False, **kwargs: tuple[Callable, Callable | None]) -> None: """Register a Docutils node class. This is necessary for Docutils internals. It may also be used in the future to validate nodes in the parsed documents. :param node: A node class :param kwargs: Visitor functions for each builder (see below) :param override: If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already installed as the same name Node visitor functions for the Sphinx HTML, LaTeX, text and manpage writers can be given as keyword arguments: the keyword should be one or more of ``'html'``, ``'latex'``, ``'text'``, ``'man'``, ``'texinfo'`` or any other supported translators, the value a 2-tuple of ``(visit, depart)`` methods. ``depart`` can be ``None`` if the ``visit`` function raises :exc:`docutils.nodes.SkipNode`. Example: .. code-block:: python class math(docutils.nodes.Element): pass def visit_math_html(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'math')) def depart_math_html(self, node): self.body.append('') app.add_node(math, html=(visit_math_html, depart_math_html)) Obviously, translators for which you don't specify visitor methods will choke on the node when encountered in a document to translate. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 Added the support for keyword arguments giving visit functions. """ logger.debug('[app] adding node: %r', (node, kwargs)) if not override and docutils.is_node_registered(node): logger.warning(__('node class %r is already registered, ' 'its visitors will be overridden'), node.__name__, type='app', subtype='add_node') docutils.register_node(node) self.registry.add_translation_handlers(node, **kwargs) def add_enumerable_node(self, node: type[Element], figtype: str, title_getter: TitleGetter | None = None, override: bool = False, **kwargs: tuple[Callable, Callable]) -> None: """Register a Docutils node class as a numfig target. Sphinx numbers the node automatically. And then the users can refer it using :rst:role:`numref`. :param node: A node class :param figtype: The type of enumerable nodes. Each figtype has individual numbering sequences. As system figtypes, ``figure``, ``table`` and ``code-block`` are defined. It is possible to add custom nodes to these default figtypes. It is also possible to define new custom figtype if a new figtype is given. :param title_getter: A getter function to obtain the title of node. It takes an instance of the enumerable node, and it must return its title as string. The title is used to the default title of references for :rst:role:`ref`. By default, Sphinx searches ``docutils.nodes.caption`` or ``docutils.nodes.title`` from the node as a title. :param kwargs: Visitor functions for each builder (same as :meth:`add_node`) :param override: If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already installed as the same name .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ self.registry.add_enumerable_node(node, figtype, title_getter, override=override) self.add_node(node, override=override, **kwargs) def add_directive(self, name: str, cls: type[Directive], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a Docutils directive. :param name: The name of the directive :param cls: A directive class :param override: If false, do not install it if another directive is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the directive. For example, a custom directive named ``my-directive`` would be added like this: .. code-block:: python from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives class MyDirective(Directive): has_content = True required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = { 'class': directives.class_option, 'name': directives.unchanged, } def run(self): ... def setup(app): app.add_directive('my-directive', MyDirective) For more details, see `the Docutils docs `__ . .. versionchanged:: 0.6 Docutils 0.5-style directive classes are now supported. .. deprecated:: 1.8 Docutils 0.4-style (function based) directives support is deprecated. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ logger.debug('[app] adding directive: %r', (name, cls)) if not override and docutils.is_directive_registered(name): logger.warning(__('directive %r is already registered, it will be overridden'), name, type='app', subtype='add_directive') docutils.register_directive(name, cls) def add_role(self, name: str, role: Any, override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a Docutils role. :param name: The name of role :param role: A role function :param override: If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role. For more details about role functions, see `the Docutils docs `__ . .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ logger.debug('[app] adding role: %r', (name, role)) if not override and docutils.is_role_registered(name): logger.warning(__('role %r is already registered, it will be overridden'), name, type='app', subtype='add_role') docutils.register_role(name, role) def add_generic_role( self, name: str, nodeclass: type[Node], override: bool = False ) -> None: """Register a generic Docutils role. Register a Docutils role that does nothing but wrap its contents in the node given by *nodeclass*. :param override: If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role. .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ # Don't use ``roles.register_generic_role`` because it uses # ``register_canonical_role``. logger.debug('[app] adding generic role: %r', (name, nodeclass)) if not override and docutils.is_role_registered(name): logger.warning(__('role %r is already registered, it will be overridden'), name, type='app', subtype='add_generic_role') role = roles.GenericRole(name, nodeclass) docutils.register_role(name, role) def add_domain(self, domain: type[Domain], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a domain. :param domain: A domain class :param override: If false, do not install it if another domain is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the domain. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_domain(domain, override=override) def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain: str, name: str, cls: type[Directive], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a Docutils directive in a domain. Like :meth:`add_directive`, but the directive is added to the domain named *domain*. :param domain: The name of target domain :param name: A name of directive :param cls: A directive class :param override: If false, do not install it if another directive is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the directive. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_directive_to_domain(domain, name, cls, override=override) def add_role_to_domain(self, domain: str, name: str, role: RoleFunction | XRefRole, override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a Docutils role in a domain. Like :meth:`add_role`, but the role is added to the domain named *domain*. :param domain: The name of the target domain :param name: The name of the role :param role: The role function :param override: If false, do not install it if another role is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the role. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_role_to_domain(domain, name, role, override=override) def add_index_to_domain(self, domain: str, index: type[Index], _override: bool = False, ) -> None: """Register a custom index for a domain. Add a custom *index* class to the domain named *domain*. :param domain: The name of the target domain :param index: The index class :param override: If false, do not install it if another index is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the index. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_index_to_domain(domain, index) def add_object_type(self, directivename: str, rolename: str, indextemplate: str = '', parse_node: Callable | None = None, ref_nodeclass: type[nodes.TextElement] | None = None, objname: str = '', doc_field_types: Sequence = (), override: bool = False, ) -> None: """Register a new object type. This method is a very convenient way to add a new :term:`object` type that can be cross-referenced. It will do this: - Create a new directive (called *directivename*) for documenting an object. It will automatically add index entries if *indextemplate* is nonempty; if given, it must contain exactly one instance of ``%s``. See the example below for how the template will be interpreted. - Create a new role (called *rolename*) to cross-reference to these object descriptions. - If you provide *parse_node*, it must be a function that takes a string and a docutils node, and it must populate the node with children parsed from the string. It must then return the name of the item to be used in cross-referencing and index entries. See the :file:`conf.py` file in the source for this documentation for an example. - The *objname* (if not given, will default to *directivename*) names the type of object. It is used when listing objects, e.g. in search results. For example, if you have this call in a custom Sphinx extension:: app.add_object_type('directive', 'dir', 'pair: %s; directive') you can use this markup in your documents:: .. rst:directive:: function Document a function. <...> See also the :rst:dir:`function` directive. For the directive, an index entry will be generated as if you had prepended :: .. index:: pair: function; directive The reference node will be of class ``literal`` (so it will be rendered in a proportional font, as appropriate for code) unless you give the *ref_nodeclass* argument, which must be a docutils node class. Most useful are ``docutils.nodes.emphasis`` or ``docutils.nodes.strong`` -- you can also use ``docutils.nodes.generated`` if you want no further text decoration. If the text should be treated as literal (e.g. no smart quote replacement), but not have typewriter styling, use ``sphinx.addnodes.literal_emphasis`` or ``sphinx.addnodes.literal_strong``. For the role content, you have the same syntactical possibilities as for standard Sphinx roles (see :ref:`xref-syntax`). If *override* is True, the given object_type is forcedly installed even if an object_type having the same name is already installed. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_object_type(directivename, rolename, indextemplate, parse_node, ref_nodeclass, objname, doc_field_types, override=override) def add_crossref_type( self, directivename: str, rolename: str, indextemplate: str = '', ref_nodeclass: type[nodes.TextElement] | None = None, objname: str = '', override: bool = False, ) -> None: """Register a new crossref object type. This method is very similar to :meth:`~Sphinx.add_object_type` except that the directive it generates must be empty, and will produce no output. That means that you can add semantic targets to your sources, and refer to them using custom roles instead of generic ones (like :rst:role:`ref`). Example call:: app.add_crossref_type('topic', 'topic', 'single: %s', docutils.nodes.emphasis) Example usage:: .. topic:: application API The application API ------------------- Some random text here. See also :topic:`this section `. (Of course, the element following the ``topic`` directive needn't be a section.) :param override: If false, do not install it if another cross-reference type is already installed as the same name If true, unconditionally install the cross-reference type. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_crossref_type(directivename, rolename, indextemplate, ref_nodeclass, objname, override=override) def add_transform(self, transform: type[Transform]) -> None: """Register a Docutils transform to be applied after parsing. Add the standard docutils :class:`~docutils.transforms.Transform` subclass *transform* to the list of transforms that are applied after Sphinx parses a reST document. :param transform: A transform class .. list-table:: priority range categories for Sphinx transforms :widths: 20,80 * - Priority - Main purpose in Sphinx * - 0-99 - Fix invalid nodes by docutils. Translate a doctree. * - 100-299 - Preparation * - 300-399 - early * - 400-699 - main * - 700-799 - Post processing. Deadline to modify text and referencing. * - 800-899 - Collect referencing and referenced nodes. Domain processing. * - 900-999 - Finalize and clean up. refs: `Transform Priority Range Categories`__ __ https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/transforms.html#transform-priority-range-categories """ # NoQA: E501,RUF100 # Flake8 thinks the URL is too long, Ruff special cases URLs. self.registry.add_transform(transform) def add_post_transform(self, transform: type[Transform]) -> None: """Register a Docutils transform to be applied before writing. Add the standard docutils :class:`~docutils.transforms.Transform` subclass *transform* to the list of transforms that are applied before Sphinx writes a document. :param transform: A transform class """ self.registry.add_post_transform(transform) def add_js_file(self, filename: str | None, priority: int = 500, loading_method: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Register a JavaScript file to include in the HTML output. :param filename: The name of a JavaScript file that the default HTML template will include. It must be relative to the HTML static path, or a full URI with scheme, or ``None`` . The ``None`` value is used to create an inline `` app.add_js_file('example.js', loading_method="async") # => app.add_js_file(None, body="var myVariable = 'foo';") # => .. list-table:: priority range for JavaScript files :widths: 20,80 * - Priority - Main purpose in Sphinx * - 200 - default priority for built-in JavaScript files * - 500 - default priority for extensions * - 800 - default priority for :confval:`html_js_files` A JavaScript file can be added to the specific HTML page when an extension calls this method on :event:`html-page-context` event. .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Renamed from ``app.add_javascript()``. And it allows keyword arguments as attributes of script tag. .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Take priority argument. Allow to add a JavaScript file to the specific page. .. versionchanged:: 4.4 Take loading_method argument. Allow to change the loading method of the JavaScript file. """ if loading_method == 'async': kwargs['async'] = 'async' elif loading_method == 'defer': kwargs['defer'] = 'defer' self.registry.add_js_file(filename, priority=priority, **kwargs) with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): self.builder.add_js_file( # type: ignore[attr-defined] filename, priority=priority, **kwargs, ) def add_css_file(self, filename: str, priority: int = 500, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Register a stylesheet to include in the HTML output. :param filename: The name of a CSS file that the default HTML template will include. It must be relative to the HTML static path, or a full URI with scheme. :param priority: Files are included in ascending order of priority. If multiple CSS files have the same priority, those files will be included in order of registration. See list of "priority range for CSS files" below. :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments are included as attributes of the ```` tag. Example:: app.add_css_file('custom.css') # => app.add_css_file('print.css', media='print') # => app.add_css_file('fancy.css', rel='alternate stylesheet', title='fancy') # => .. list-table:: priority range for CSS files :widths: 20,80 * - Priority - Main purpose in Sphinx * - 200 - default priority for built-in CSS files * - 500 - default priority for extensions * - 800 - default priority for :confval:`html_css_files` A CSS file can be added to the specific HTML page when an extension calls this method on :event:`html-page-context` event. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.6 Optional ``alternate`` and/or ``title`` attributes can be supplied with the arguments *alternate* (a Boolean) and *title* (a string). The default is no title and *alternate* = ``False``. For more information, refer to the `documentation `__. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Renamed from ``app.add_stylesheet()``. And it allows keyword arguments as attributes of link tag. .. versionchanged:: 3.5 Take priority argument. Allow to add a CSS file to the specific page. """ logger.debug('[app] adding stylesheet: %r', filename) self.registry.add_css_files(filename, priority=priority, **kwargs) with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): self.builder.add_css_file( # type: ignore[attr-defined] filename, priority=priority, **kwargs, ) def add_latex_package(self, packagename: str, options: str | None = None, after_hyperref: bool = False) -> None: r"""Register a package to include in the LaTeX source code. Add *packagename* to the list of packages that LaTeX source code will include. If you provide *options*, it will be taken to the `\usepackage` declaration. If you set *after_hyperref* truthy, the package will be loaded after ``hyperref`` package. .. code-block:: python app.add_latex_package('mypackage') # => \usepackage{mypackage} app.add_latex_package('mypackage', 'foo,bar') # => \usepackage[foo,bar]{mypackage} .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionadded:: 3.1 *after_hyperref* option. """ self.registry.add_latex_package(packagename, options, after_hyperref) def add_lexer(self, alias: str, lexer: type[Lexer]) -> None: """Register a new lexer for source code. Use *lexer* to highlight code blocks with the given language *alias*. .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. versionchanged:: 2.1 Take a lexer class as an argument. .. versionchanged:: 4.0 Removed support for lexer instances as an argument. """ logger.debug('[app] adding lexer: %r', (alias, lexer)) lexer_classes[alias] = lexer def add_autodocumenter(self, cls: type[Documenter], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a new documenter class for the autodoc extension. Add *cls* as a new documenter class for the :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` extension. It must be a subclass of :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter`. This allows auto-documenting new types of objects. See the source of the autodoc module for examples on how to subclass :class:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter`. If *override* is True, the given *cls* is forcedly installed even if a documenter having the same name is already installed. See :ref:`autodoc_ext_tutorial`. .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. versionchanged:: 2.2 Add *override* keyword. """ logger.debug('[app] adding autodocumenter: %r', cls) from sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive import AutodocDirective self.registry.add_documenter(cls.objtype, cls) self.add_directive('auto' + cls.objtype, AutodocDirective, override=override) def add_autodoc_attrgetter(self, typ: type, getter: Callable[[Any, str, Any], Any], ) -> None: """Register a new ``getattr``-like function for the autodoc extension. Add *getter*, which must be a function with an interface compatible to the :func:`getattr` builtin, as the autodoc attribute getter for objects that are instances of *typ*. All cases where autodoc needs to get an attribute of a type are then handled by this function instead of :func:`getattr`. .. versionadded:: 0.6 """ logger.debug('[app] adding autodoc attrgetter: %r', (typ, getter)) self.registry.add_autodoc_attrgetter(typ, getter) def add_search_language(self, cls: type[SearchLanguage]) -> None: """Register a new language for the HTML search index. Add *cls*, which must be a subclass of :class:`sphinx.search.SearchLanguage`, as a support language for building the HTML full-text search index. The class must have a *lang* attribute that indicates the language it should be used for. See :confval:`html_search_language`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 """ logger.debug('[app] adding search language: %r', cls) from sphinx.search import languages languages[cls.lang] = cls def add_source_suffix(self, suffix: str, filetype: str, override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a suffix of source files. Same as :confval:`source_suffix`. The users can override this using the config setting. :param override: If false, do not install it the same suffix is already installed. If true, unconditionally install the suffix. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ self.registry.add_source_suffix(suffix, filetype, override=override) def add_source_parser(self, parser: type[Parser], override: bool = False) -> None: """Register a parser class. :param override: If false, do not install it if another parser is already installed for the same suffix. If true, unconditionally install the parser. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 *suffix* argument is deprecated. It only accepts *parser* argument. Use :meth:`add_source_suffix` API to register suffix instead. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Add *override* keyword. """ self.registry.add_source_parser(parser, override=override) def add_env_collector(self, collector: type[EnvironmentCollector]) -> None: """Register an environment collector class. Refer to :ref:`collector-api`. .. versionadded:: 1.6 """ logger.debug('[app] adding environment collector: %r', collector) collector().enable(self) def add_html_theme(self, name: str, theme_path: str) -> None: """Register a HTML Theme. The *name* is a name of theme, and *theme_path* is a full path to the theme (refs: :ref:`distribute-your-theme`). .. versionadded:: 1.6 """ logger.debug('[app] adding HTML theme: %r, %r', name, theme_path) self.registry.add_html_theme(name, theme_path) def add_html_math_renderer( self, name: str, inline_renderers: tuple[Callable, Callable | None] | None = None, block_renderers: tuple[Callable, Callable | None] | None = None, ) -> None: """Register a math renderer for HTML. The *name* is a name of math renderer. Both *inline_renderers* and *block_renderers* are used as visitor functions for the HTML writer: the former for inline math node (``nodes.math``), the latter for block math node (``nodes.math_block``). Regarding visitor functions, see :meth:`add_node` for details. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ self.registry.add_html_math_renderer(name, inline_renderers, block_renderers) def add_message_catalog(self, catalog: str, locale_dir: str) -> None: """Register a message catalog. :param catalog: The name of the catalog :param locale_dir: The base path of the message catalog For more details, see :func:`sphinx.locale.get_translation()`. .. versionadded:: 1.8 """ locale.init([locale_dir], self.config.language, catalog) locale.init_console(locale_dir, catalog) # ---- other methods ------------------------------------------------- def is_parallel_allowed(self, typ: str) -> bool: """Check whether parallel processing is allowed or not. :param typ: A type of processing; ``'read'`` or ``'write'``. """ if typ == 'read': attrname = 'parallel_read_safe' message_not_declared = __("the %s extension does not declare if it " "is safe for parallel reading, assuming " "it isn't - please ask the extension author " "to check and make it explicit") message_not_safe = __("the %s extension is not safe for parallel reading") elif typ == 'write': attrname = 'parallel_write_safe' message_not_declared = __("the %s extension does not declare if it " "is safe for parallel writing, assuming " "it isn't - please ask the extension author " "to check and make it explicit") message_not_safe = __("the %s extension is not safe for parallel writing") else: raise ValueError('parallel type %s is not supported' % typ) for ext in self.extensions.values(): allowed = getattr(ext, attrname, None) if allowed is None: logger.warning(message_not_declared, ext.name) logger.warning(__('doing serial %s'), typ) return False elif not allowed: logger.warning(message_not_safe, ext.name) logger.warning(__('doing serial %s'), typ) return False return True def set_html_assets_policy(self, policy: Literal['always', 'per_page']) -> None: """Set the policy to include assets in HTML pages. - always: include the assets in all the pages - per_page: include the assets only in pages where they are used .. versionadded: 4.1 """ if policy not in ('always', 'per_page'): raise ValueError('policy %s is not supported' % policy) self.registry.html_assets_policy = policy class TemplateBridge: """ This class defines the interface for a "template bridge", that is, a class that renders templates given a template name and a context. """ def init( self, builder: Builder, theme: Theme | None = None, dirs: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Called by the builder to initialize the template system. *builder* is the builder object; you'll probably want to look at the value of ``builder.config.templates_path``. *theme* is a :class:`sphinx.theming.Theme` object or None; in the latter case, *dirs* can be list of fixed directories to look for templates. """ msg = 'must be implemented in subclasses' raise NotImplementedError(msg) def newest_template_mtime(self) -> float: """Called by the builder to determine if output files are outdated because of template changes. Return the mtime of the newest template file that was changed. The default implementation returns ``0``. """ return 0 def render(self, template: str, context: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Called by the builder to render a template given as a filename with a specified context (a Python dictionary). """ msg = 'must be implemented in subclasses' raise NotImplementedError(msg) def render_string(self, template: str, context: dict) -> str: """Called by the builder to render a template given as a string with a specified context (a Python dictionary). """ msg = 'must be implemented in subclasses' raise NotImplementedError(msg)