from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function """ M2Crypto utility routines. NOTHING IN THIS MODULE IS GUARANTEED TO BE STABLE, USED ONLY FOR INTERNAL PURPOSES OF M2CRYPTO. Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved. Portions created by Open Source Applications Foundation (OSAF) are Copyright (C) 2004 OSAF. All Rights Reserved. """ import binascii import logging import platform import struct import sys import struct import unittest from M2Crypto import m2 from typing import ( Any, Callable, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union, ) # see AddrType = Union[Tuple[str, int], str] # COMPATIBILITY: Literal is only Python 3.8+ # ModeStr = Literal['r', 'w', 'rw', 'rb', 'wb', 'rwb'] ModeStr = str log = logging.getLogger('util') class UtilError(Exception): pass m2.util_init(UtilError) def is_32bit() -> bool: # or alternatively (slightly slower) # (struct.calcsize("P") * 8) == 32 return not (sys.maxsize > 2**32) def expectedFailureIf(condition: bool) -> Callable: """The test is marked as an expectedFailure if the condition is satisfied.""" def wrapper(func): if condition: return unittest.expectedFailure(func) else: return func return wrapper def pkcs5_pad(data: str, blklen: int = 8) -> str: pad = 8 - (len(data) % 8) return data + chr(pad) * pad def pkcs7_pad(data: str, blklen: int) -> str: if blklen > 255: raise ValueError('illegal block size') pad = blklen - (len(data) % blklen) return data + chr(pad) * pad def bin_to_hex(b: bytes) -> str: return binascii.b2a_base64(b)[:-1].decode() def octx_to_num(x: bytes) -> int: return int(binascii.hexlify(x), 16) def genparam_callback( p: int, n: Any, out: TextIO = sys.stdout ) -> None: ch = ['.', '+', '*', '\n'] out.write(ch[p]) out.flush() def quiet_genparam_callback(p: Any, n: Any, out: Any) -> None: pass def passphrase_callback( v: bool, prompt1: str = 'Enter passphrase:', prompt2: str = 'Verify passphrase:', ) -> Optional[str]: from getpass import getpass while 1: try: p1 = getpass(prompt1) if v: p2 = getpass(prompt2) if p1 == p2: break else: break except KeyboardInterrupt: return None return p1 def no_passphrase_callback(*args) -> str: return ''