# Human friendly input/output in Python. # # Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com> # Last Change: March 2, 2020 # URL: https://humanfriendly.readthedocs.io """ Support for deprecation warnings when importing names from old locations. When software evolves, things tend to move around. This is usually detrimental to backwards compatibility (in Python this primarily manifests itself as :exc:`~exceptions.ImportError` exceptions). While backwards compatibility is very important, it should not get in the way of progress. It would be great to have the agility to move things around without breaking backwards compatibility. This is where the :mod:`humanfriendly.deprecation` module comes in: It enables the definition of backwards compatible aliases that emit a deprecation warning when they are accessed. The way it works is that it wraps the original module in an :class:`DeprecationProxy` object that defines a :func:`~DeprecationProxy.__getattr__()` special method to override attribute access of the module. """ # Standard library modules. import collections import functools import importlib import inspect import sys import types import warnings # Modules included in our package. from humanfriendly.text import format # Registry of known aliases (used by humanfriendly.sphinx). REGISTRY = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Public identifiers that require documentation. __all__ = ("DeprecationProxy", "define_aliases", "deprecated_args", "get_aliases", "is_method") def define_aliases(module_name, **aliases): """ Update a module with backwards compatible aliases. :param module_name: The ``__name__`` of the module (a string). :param aliases: Each keyword argument defines an alias. The values are expected to be "dotted paths" (strings). The behavior of this function depends on whether the Sphinx documentation generator is active, because the use of :class:`DeprecationProxy` to shadow the real module in :data:`sys.modules` has the unintended side effect of breaking autodoc support for ``:data:`` members (module variables). To avoid breaking Sphinx the proxy object is omitted and instead the aliased names are injected into the original module namespace, to make sure that imports can be satisfied when the documentation is being rendered. If you run into cyclic dependencies caused by :func:`define_aliases()` when running Sphinx, you can try moving the call to :func:`define_aliases()` to the bottom of the Python module you're working on. """ module = sys.modules[module_name] proxy = DeprecationProxy(module, aliases) # Populate the registry of aliases. for name, target in aliases.items(): REGISTRY[module.__name__][name] = target # Avoid confusing Sphinx. if "sphinx" in sys.modules: for name, target in aliases.items(): setattr(module, name, proxy.resolve(target)) else: # Install a proxy object to raise DeprecationWarning. sys.modules[module_name] = proxy def get_aliases(module_name): """ Get the aliases defined by a module. :param module_name: The ``__name__`` of the module (a string). :returns: A dictionary with string keys and values: 1. Each key gives the name of an alias created for backwards compatibility. 2. Each value gives the dotted path of the proper location of the identifier. An empty dictionary is returned for modules that don't define any backwards compatible aliases. """ return REGISTRY.get(module_name, {}) def deprecated_args(*names): """ Deprecate positional arguments without dropping backwards compatibility. :param names: The positional arguments to :func:`deprecated_args()` give the names of the positional arguments that the to-be-decorated function should warn about being deprecated and translate to keyword arguments. :returns: A decorator function specialized to `names`. The :func:`deprecated_args()` decorator function was created to make it easy to switch from positional arguments to keyword arguments [#]_ while preserving backwards compatibility [#]_ and informing call sites about the change. .. [#] Increased flexibility is the main reason why I find myself switching from positional arguments to (optional) keyword arguments as my code evolves to support more use cases. .. [#] In my experience positional argument order implicitly becomes part of API compatibility whether intended or not. While this makes sense for functions that over time adopt more and more optional arguments, at a certain point it becomes an inconvenience to code maintenance. Here's an example of how to use the decorator:: @deprecated_args('text') def report_choice(**options): print(options['text']) When the decorated function is called with positional arguments a deprecation warning is given:: >>> report_choice('this will give a deprecation warning') DeprecationWarning: report_choice has deprecated positional arguments, please switch to keyword arguments this will give a deprecation warning But when the function is called with keyword arguments no deprecation warning is emitted:: >>> report_choice(text='this will not give a deprecation warning') this will not give a deprecation warning """ def decorator(function): def translate(args, kw): # Raise TypeError when too many positional arguments are passed to the decorated function. if len(args) > len(names): raise TypeError( format( "{name} expected at most {limit} arguments, got {count}", name=function.__name__, limit=len(names), count=len(args), ) ) # Emit a deprecation warning when positional arguments are used. if args: warnings.warn( format( "{name} has deprecated positional arguments, please switch to keyword arguments", name=function.__name__, ), category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, ) # Translate positional arguments to keyword arguments. for name, value in zip(names, args): kw[name] = value if is_method(function): @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): """Wrapper for instance methods.""" args = list(args) self = args.pop(0) translate(args, kw) return function(self, **kw) else: @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kw): """Wrapper for module level functions.""" translate(args, kw) return function(**kw) return wrapper return decorator def is_method(function): """Check if the expected usage of the given function is as an instance method.""" try: # Python 3.3 and newer. signature = inspect.signature(function) return "self" in signature.parameters except AttributeError: # Python 3.2 and older. metadata = inspect.getargspec(function) return "self" in metadata.args class DeprecationProxy(types.ModuleType): """Emit deprecation warnings for imports that should be updated.""" def __init__(self, module, aliases): """ Initialize an :class:`DeprecationProxy` object. :param module: The original module object. :param aliases: A dictionary of aliases. """ # Initialize our superclass. super(DeprecationProxy, self).__init__(name=module.__name__) # Store initializer arguments. self.module = module self.aliases = aliases def __getattr__(self, name): """ Override module attribute lookup. :param name: The name to look up (a string). :returns: The attribute value. """ # Check if the given name is an alias. target = self.aliases.get(name) if target is not None: # Emit the deprecation warning. warnings.warn( format("%s.%s was moved to %s, please update your imports", self.module.__name__, name, target), category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Resolve the dotted path. return self.resolve(target) # Look up the name in the original module namespace. value = getattr(self.module, name, None) if value is not None: return value # Fall back to the default behavior. raise AttributeError(format("module '%s' has no attribute '%s'", self.module.__name__, name)) def resolve(self, target): """ Look up the target of an alias. :param target: The fully qualified dotted path (a string). :returns: The value of the given target. """ module_name, _, member = target.rpartition(".") module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, member)