""" This module defines a method to parse an ISO 8601:2004 date time string. For this job it uses the parse_date and parse_time methods defined in date and time module. """ from datetime import datetime from isodate.isodates import parse_date from isodate.isoerror import ISO8601Error from isodate.isostrf import DATE_EXT_COMPLETE, TIME_EXT_COMPLETE, TZ_EXT, strftime from isodate.isotime import parse_time def parse_datetime(datetimestring): """ Parses ISO 8601 date-times into datetime.datetime objects. This function uses parse_date and parse_time to do the job, so it allows more combinations of date and time representations, than the actual ISO 8601:2004 standard allows. """ try: datestring, timestring = datetimestring.split("T") except ValueError: raise ISO8601Error( "ISO 8601 time designator 'T' missing. Unable to" " parse datetime string %r" % datetimestring ) tmpdate = parse_date(datestring) tmptime = parse_time(timestring) return datetime.combine(tmpdate, tmptime) def datetime_isoformat( tdt, format=DATE_EXT_COMPLETE + "T" + TIME_EXT_COMPLETE + TZ_EXT ): """ Format datetime strings. This method is just a wrapper around isodate.isostrf.strftime and uses Extended-Complete as default format. """ return strftime(tdt, format)