The classes here provide support for using custom classes with
Matplotlib, e.g., those that do not expose the array interface but know
how to convert themselves to arrays.  It also supports classes with
units and units conversion.  Use cases include converters for custom
objects, e.g., a list of datetime objects, as well as for objects that
are unit aware.  We don't assume any particular units implementation;
rather a units implementation must register with the Registry converter
dictionary and provide a `ConversionInterface`.  For example,
here is a complete implementation which supports plotting with native
datetime objects::

    import matplotlib.units as units
    import matplotlib.dates as dates
    import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
    import datetime

    class DateConverter(units.ConversionInterface):

        def convert(value, unit, axis):
            "Convert a datetime value to a scalar or array."
            return dates.date2num(value)

        def axisinfo(unit, axis):
            "Return major and minor tick locators and formatters."
            if unit != 'date':
                return None
            majloc = dates.AutoDateLocator()
            majfmt = dates.AutoDateFormatter(majloc)
            return units.AxisInfo(majloc=majloc, majfmt=majfmt, label='date')

        def default_units(x, axis):
            "Return the default unit for x or None."
            return 'date'

    # Finally we register our object type with the Matplotlib units registry.
    units.registry[datetime.date] = DateConverter()

from decimal import Decimal
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
from numpy import ma

from matplotlib import cbook

class ConversionError(TypeError):

def _is_natively_supported(x):
    Return whether *x* is of a type that Matplotlib natively supports or an
    array of objects of such types.
    # Matplotlib natively supports all number types except Decimal.
    if np.iterable(x):
        # Assume lists are homogeneous as other functions in unit system.
        for thisx in x:
            if thisx is ma.masked:
            return isinstance(thisx, Number) and not isinstance(thisx, Decimal)
        return isinstance(x, Number) and not isinstance(x, Decimal)

class AxisInfo:
    Information to support default axis labeling, tick labeling, and limits.

    An instance of this class must be returned by
    def __init__(self, majloc=None, minloc=None,
                 majfmt=None, minfmt=None, label=None,
        majloc, minloc : Locator, optional
            Tick locators for the major and minor ticks.
        majfmt, minfmt : Formatter, optional
            Tick formatters for the major and minor ticks.
        label : str, optional
            The default axis label.
        default_limits : optional
            The default min and max limits of the axis if no data has
            been plotted.

        If any of the above are ``None``, the axis will simply use the
        default value.
        self.majloc = majloc
        self.minloc = minloc
        self.majfmt = majfmt
        self.minfmt = minfmt
        self.label = label
        self.default_limits = default_limits

class ConversionInterface:
    The minimal interface for a converter to take custom data types (or
    sequences) and convert them to values Matplotlib can use.

    def axisinfo(unit, axis):
        """Return an `.AxisInfo` for the axis with the specified units."""
        return None

    def default_units(x, axis):
        """Return the default unit for *x* or ``None`` for the given axis."""
        return None

    def convert(obj, unit, axis):
        Convert *obj* using *unit* for the specified *axis*.

        If *obj* is a sequence, return the converted sequence.  The output must
        be a sequence of scalars that can be used by the numpy array layer.
        return obj

class DecimalConverter(ConversionInterface):
    """Converter for decimal.Decimal data to float."""

    def convert(value, unit, axis):
        Convert Decimals to floats.

        The *unit* and *axis* arguments are not used.

        value : decimal.Decimal or iterable
            Decimal or list of Decimal need to be converted
        if isinstance(value, Decimal):
            return float(value)
        # value is Iterable[Decimal]
        elif isinstance(value, ma.MaskedArray):
            return ma.asarray(value, dtype=float)
            return np.asarray(value, dtype=float)

    # axisinfo and default_units can be inherited as Decimals are Numbers.

class Registry(dict):
    """Register types with conversion interface."""

    def get_converter(self, x):
        """Get the converter interface instance for *x*, or None."""
        # Unpack in case of e.g. Pandas or xarray object
        x = cbook._unpack_to_numpy(x)

        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            # In case x in a masked array, access the underlying data (only its
            # type matters).  If x is a regular ndarray, getdata() just returns
            # the array itself.
            x = np.ma.getdata(x).ravel()
            # If there are no elements in x, infer the units from its dtype
            if not x.size:
                return self.get_converter(np.array([0], dtype=x.dtype))
        for cls in type(x).__mro__:  # Look up in the cache.
                return self[cls]
            except KeyError:
        try:  # If cache lookup fails, look up based on first element...
            first = cbook._safe_first_finite(x)
        except (TypeError, StopIteration):
            # ... and avoid infinite recursion for pathological iterables for
            # which indexing returns instances of the same iterable class.
            if type(first) is not type(x):
                return self.get_converter(first)
        return None

registry = Registry()
registry[Decimal] = DecimalConverter()