require 'socket' require 'fcntl' require 'timeout' require 'thread' begin require 'securerandom' rescue LoadError end # Resolv is a thread-aware DNS resolver library written in Ruby. Resolv can # handle multiple DNS requests concurrently without blocking. The ruby # interpreter. # # See also resolv-replace.rb to replace the libc resolver with # Resolv. # # Resolv can look up various DNS resources using the DNS module directly. # # Examples: # # p Resolv.getaddress "" # p Resolv.getname "" # # do |dns| # ress = dns.getresources "", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A # p { |r| r.address } # ress = dns.getresources "", Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX # p { |r| [, r.preference] } # end # # # == Bugs # # * NIS is not supported. # * /etc/nsswitch.conf is not supported. class Resolv ## # Looks up the first IP address for +name+. def self.getaddress(name) DefaultResolver.getaddress(name) end ## # Looks up all IP address for +name+. def self.getaddresses(name) DefaultResolver.getaddresses(name) end ## # Iterates over all IP addresses for +name+. def self.each_address(name, &block) DefaultResolver.each_address(name, &block) end ## # Looks up the hostname of +address+. def self.getname(address) DefaultResolver.getname(address) end ## # Looks up all hostnames for +address+. def self.getnames(address) DefaultResolver.getnames(address) end ## # Iterates over all hostnames for +address+. def self.each_name(address, &proc) DefaultResolver.each_name(address, &proc) end ## # Creates a new Resolv using +resolvers+. def initialize(resolvers=[,]) @resolvers = resolvers end ## # Looks up the first IP address for +name+. def getaddress(name) each_address(name) {|address| return address} raise"no address for #{name}") end ## # Looks up all IP address for +name+. def getaddresses(name) ret = [] each_address(name) {|address| ret << address} return ret end ## # Iterates over all IP addresses for +name+. def each_address(name) if AddressRegex =~ name yield name return end yielded = false @resolvers.each {|r| r.each_address(name) {|address| yield address.to_s yielded = true } return if yielded } end ## # Looks up the hostname of +address+. def getname(address) each_name(address) {|name| return name} raise"no name for #{address}") end ## # Looks up all hostnames for +address+. def getnames(address) ret = [] each_name(address) {|name| ret << name} return ret end ## # Iterates over all hostnames for +address+. def each_name(address) yielded = false @resolvers.each {|r| r.each_name(address) {|name| yield name.to_s yielded = true } return if yielded } end ## # Indicates a failure to resolve a name or address. class ResolvError < StandardError; end ## # Indicates a timeout resolving a name or address. class ResolvTimeout < TimeoutError; end ## # DNS::Hosts is a hostname resolver that uses the system hosts file. class Hosts if /mswin32|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM require 'win32/resolv' DefaultFileName = Win32::Resolv.get_hosts_path else DefaultFileName = '/etc/hosts' end ## # Creates a new DNS::Hosts, using +filename+ for its data source. def initialize(filename = DefaultFileName) @filename = filename @mutex = @initialized = nil end def lazy_initialize # :nodoc: @mutex.synchronize { unless @initialized @name2addr = {} @addr2name = {} open(@filename) {|f| f.each {|line| line.sub!(/#.*/, '') addr, hostname, *aliases = line.split(/\s+/) next unless addr addr.untaint hostname.untaint @addr2name[addr] = [] unless @addr2name.include? addr @addr2name[addr] << hostname @addr2name[addr] += aliases @name2addr[hostname] = [] unless @name2addr.include? hostname @name2addr[hostname] << addr aliases.each {|n| n.untaint @name2addr[n] = [] unless @name2addr.include? n @name2addr[n] << addr } } } @name2addr.each {|name, arr| arr.reverse!} @initialized = true end } self end ## # Gets the IP address of +name+ from the hosts file. def getaddress(name) each_address(name) {|address| return address} raise"#{@filename} has no name: #{name}") end ## # Gets all IP addresses for +name+ from the hosts file. def getaddresses(name) ret = [] each_address(name) {|address| ret << address} return ret end ## # Iterates over all IP addresses for +name+ retrieved from the hosts file. def each_address(name, &proc) lazy_initialize if @name2addr.include?(name) @name2addr[name].each(&proc) end end ## # Gets the hostname of +address+ from the hosts file. def getname(address) each_name(address) {|name| return name} raise"#{@filename} has no address: #{address}") end ## # Gets all hostnames for +address+ from the hosts file. def getnames(address) ret = [] each_name(address) {|name| ret << name} return ret end ## # Iterates over all hostnames for +address+ retrieved from the hosts file. def each_name(address, &proc) lazy_initialize if @addr2name.include?(address) @addr2name[address].each(&proc) end end end ## # Resolv::DNS is a DNS stub resolver. # # Information taken from the following places: # # * STD0013 # * RFC 1035 # * # * etc. class DNS ## # Default DNS Port Port = 53 ## # Default DNS UDP packet size UDPSize = 512 ## # Group of DNS resolver threads (obsolete) DNSThreadGroup = ## # Creates a new DNS resolver. See for argument details. # # Yields the created DNS resolver to the block, if given, otherwise # returns it. def*args) dns = new(*args) return dns unless block_given? begin yield dns ensure dns.close end end ## # Creates a new DNS resolver. # # +config_info+ can be: # # nil:: Uses /etc/resolv.conf. # String:: Path to a file using /etc/resolv.conf's format. # Hash:: Must contain :nameserver, :search and :ndots keys. # # Example: # # => [''], # :search => [''], # :ndots => 1) def initialize(config_info=nil) @mutex = @config = @initialized = nil end def lazy_initialize # :nodoc: @mutex.synchronize { unless @initialized @config.lazy_initialize @initialized = true end } self end ## # Closes the DNS resolver. def close @mutex.synchronize { if @initialized @initialized = false end } end ## # Gets the IP address of +name+ from the DNS resolver. # # +name+ can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved address will # be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6 def getaddress(name) each_address(name) {|address| return address} raise"DNS result has no information for #{name}") end ## # Gets all IP addresses for +name+ from the DNS resolver. # # +name+ can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will # be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6 def getaddresses(name) ret = [] each_address(name) {|address| ret << address} return ret end ## # Iterates over all IP addresses for +name+ retrieved from the DNS # resolver. # # +name+ can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will # be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6 def each_address(name) each_resource(name, Resource::IN::A) {|resource| yield resource.address} each_resource(name, Resource::IN::AAAA) {|resource| yield resource.address} end ## # Gets the hostname for +address+ from the DNS resolver. # # +address+ must be a Resolv::IPv4, Resolv::IPv6 or a String. Retrieved # name will be a Resolv::DNS::Name. def getname(address) each_name(address) {|name| return name} raise"DNS result has no information for #{address}") end ## # Gets all hostnames for +address+ from the DNS resolver. # # +address+ must be a Resolv::IPv4, Resolv::IPv6 or a String. Retrieved # names will be Resolv::DNS::Name instances. def getnames(address) ret = [] each_name(address) {|name| ret << name} return ret end ## # Iterates over all hostnames for +address+ retrieved from the DNS # resolver. # # +address+ must be a Resolv::IPv4, Resolv::IPv6 or a String. Retrieved # names will be Resolv::DNS::Name instances. def each_name(address) case address when Name ptr = address when IPv4::Regex ptr = IPv4.create(address).to_name when IPv6::Regex ptr = IPv6.create(address).to_name else raise"cannot interpret as address: #{address}") end each_resource(ptr, Resource::IN::PTR) {|resource| yield} end ## # Look up the +typeclass+ DNS resource of +name+. # # +name+ must be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. # # +typeclass+ should be one of the following: # # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::ANY # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::CNAME # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::HINFO # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MINFO # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::NS # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::PTR # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SOA # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::TXT # * Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::WKS # # Returned resource is represented as a Resolv::DNS::Resource instance, # i.e. Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A. def getresource(name, typeclass) each_resource(name, typeclass) {|resource| return resource} raise"DNS result has no information for #{name}") end ## # Looks up all +typeclass+ DNS resources for +name+. See #getresource for # argument details. def getresources(name, typeclass) ret = [] each_resource(name, typeclass) {|resource| ret << resource} return ret end ## # Iterates over all +typeclass+ DNS resources for +name+. See # #getresource for argument details. def each_resource(name, typeclass, &proc) lazy_initialize requester = make_udp_requester senders = {} begin @config.resolv(name) {|candidate, tout, nameserver| msg = msg.rd = 1 msg.add_question(candidate, typeclass) unless sender = senders[[candidate, nameserver]] sender = senders[[candidate, nameserver]] = requester.sender(msg, candidate, nameserver) end reply, reply_name = requester.request(sender, tout) case reply.rcode when RCode::NoError if == 1 and not Requester::TCP === requester requester.close # Retry via TCP: requester = make_tcp_requester senders = {} # This will use TCP for all remaining candidates (assuming the # current candidate does not already respond successfully via # TCP). This makes sense because we already know the full # response will not fit in an untruncated UDP packet. redo else extract_resources(reply, reply_name, typeclass, &proc) end return when RCode::NXDomain raise else raise end } ensure requester.close end end def make_udp_requester # :nodoc: nameserver_port = @config.nameserver_port if nameserver_port.length == 1*nameserver_port[0]) else*nameserver_port) end end def make_tcp_requester # :nodoc: nameserver_port = @config.nameserver_port return*nameserver_port[0]) end def extract_resources(msg, name, typeclass) # :nodoc: if typeclass < Resource::ANY n0 = Name.create(name) msg.each_answer {|n, ttl, data| yield data if n0 == n } end yielded = false n0 = Name.create(name) msg.each_answer {|n, ttl, data| if n0 == n case data when typeclass yield data yielded = true when Resource::CNAME n0 = end end } return if yielded msg.each_answer {|n, ttl, data| if n0 == n case data when typeclass yield data end end } end if defined? SecureRandom def self.random(arg) # :nodoc: begin SecureRandom.random_number(arg) rescue NotImplementedError rand(arg) end end else def self.random(arg) # :nodoc: rand(arg) end end def self.rangerand(range) # :nodoc: base = range.begin len = range.end - range.begin if !range.exclude_end? len += 1 end base + random(len) end RequestID = {} RequestIDMutex = def self.allocate_request_id(host, port) # :nodoc: id = nil RequestIDMutex.synchronize { h = (RequestID[[host, port]] ||= {}) begin id = rangerand(0x0000..0xffff) end while h[id] h[id] = true } id end def self.free_request_id(host, port, id) # :nodoc: RequestIDMutex.synchronize { key = [host, port] if h = RequestID[key] h.delete id if h.empty? RequestID.delete key end end } end def self.bind_random_port(udpsock, bind_host="") # :nodoc: begin port = rangerand(1024..65535) udpsock.bind(bind_host, port) rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE retry end end class Requester # :nodoc: def initialize @senders = {} @socks = nil end def request(sender, tout) timelimit = + tout sender.send while true now = timeout = timelimit - now if timeout <= 0 raise ResolvTimeout end select_result =, nil, nil, timeout) if !select_result raise ResolvTimeout end reply, from = recv_reply(select_result[0]) begin msg = Message.decode(reply) rescue DecodeError next # broken DNS message ignored end if s = @senders[[from,]] break else # unexpected DNS message ignored end end return msg, end def close socks = @socks @socks = nil if socks socks.each {|sock| sock.close } end end class Sender # :nodoc: def initialize(msg, data, sock) @msg = msg @data = data @sock = sock end end class UnconnectedUDP < Requester # :nodoc: def initialize(*nameserver_port) super() @nameserver_port = nameserver_port @socks_hash = {} @socks = [] nameserver_port.each {|host, port| if host.index(':') bind_host = "::" af = Socket::AF_INET6 else bind_host = "" af = Socket::AF_INET end next if @socks_hash[bind_host] sock = sock.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::F_SETFD DNS.bind_random_port(sock, bind_host) @socks << sock @socks_hash[bind_host] = sock } end def recv_reply(readable_socks) reply, from = readable_socks[0].recvfrom(UDPSize) return reply, [from[3],from[1]] end def sender(msg, data, host, port=Port) service = [host, port] id = DNS.allocate_request_id(host, port) request = msg.encode request[0,2] = [id].pack('n') sock = @socks_hash[host.index(':') ? "::" : ""] return @senders[[service, id]] =, data, sock, host, port) end def close super @senders.each_key {|service, id| DNS.free_request_id(service[0], service[1], id) } end class Sender < Requester::Sender # :nodoc: def initialize(msg, data, sock, host, port) super(msg, data, sock) @host = host @port = port end attr_reader :data def send @sock.send(@msg, 0, @host, @port) end end end class ConnectedUDP < Requester # :nodoc: def initialize(host, port=Port) super() @host = host @port = port is_ipv6 = host.index(':') sock = ? Socket::AF_INET6 : Socket::AF_INET) @socks = [sock] sock.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::F_SETFD DNS.bind_random_port(sock, is_ipv6 ? "::" : "") sock.connect(host, port) end def recv_reply(readable_socks) reply = readable_socks[0].recv(UDPSize) return reply, nil end def sender(msg, data, host=@host, port=@port) unless host == @host && port == @port raise"host/port don't match: #{host}:#{port}") end id = DNS.allocate_request_id(@host, @port) request = msg.encode request[0,2] = [id].pack('n') return @senders[[nil,id]] =, data, @socks[0]) end def close super @senders.each_key {|from, id| DNS.free_request_id(@host, @port, id) } end class Sender < Requester::Sender # :nodoc: def send @sock.send(@msg, 0) end attr_reader :data end end class TCP < Requester # :nodoc: def initialize(host, port=Port) super() @host = host @port = port sock =, @port) @socks = [sock] sock.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::F_SETFD @senders = {} end def recv_reply(readable_socks) len = readable_socks[0].read(2).unpack('n')[0] reply = @socks[0].read(len) return reply, nil end def sender(msg, data, host=@host, port=@port) unless host == @host && port == @port raise"host/port don't match: #{host}:#{port}") end id = DNS.allocate_request_id(@host, @port) request = msg.encode request[0,2] = [request.length, id].pack('nn') return @senders[[nil,id]] =, data, @socks[0]) end class Sender < Requester::Sender # :nodoc: def send @sock.print(@msg) @sock.flush end attr_reader :data end def close super @senders.each_key {|from,id| DNS.free_request_id(@host, @port, id) } end end ## # Indicates a problem with the DNS request. class RequestError < StandardError end end class Config # :nodoc: def initialize(config_info=nil) @mutex = @config_info = config_info @initialized = nil end def Config.parse_resolv_conf(filename) nameserver = [] search = nil ndots = 1 open(filename) {|f| f.each {|line| line.sub!(/[#;].*/, '') keyword, *args = line.split(/\s+/) args.each { |arg| arg.untaint } next unless keyword case keyword when 'nameserver' nameserver += args when 'domain' next if args.empty? search = [args[0]] when 'search' next if args.empty? search = args when 'options' args.each {|arg| case arg when /\Andots:(\d+)\z/ ndots = $1.to_i end } end } } return { :nameserver => nameserver, :search => search, :ndots => ndots } end def Config.default_config_hash(filename="/etc/resolv.conf") if File.exist? filename config_hash = Config.parse_resolv_conf(filename) else if /mswin32|cygwin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM require 'win32/resolv' search, nameserver = Win32::Resolv.get_resolv_info config_hash = {} config_hash[:nameserver] = nameserver if nameserver config_hash[:search] = [search].flatten if search end end config_hash end def lazy_initialize @mutex.synchronize { unless @initialized @nameserver = [] @search = nil @ndots = 1 case @config_info when nil config_hash = Config.default_config_hash when String config_hash = Config.parse_resolv_conf(@config_info) when Hash config_hash = @config_info.dup if String === config_hash[:nameserver] config_hash[:nameserver] = [config_hash[:nameserver]] end if String === config_hash[:search] config_hash[:search] = [config_hash[:search]] end else raise"invalid resolv configuration: #{@config_info.inspect}") end @nameserver = config_hash[:nameserver] if config_hash.include? :nameserver @search = config_hash[:search] if config_hash.include? :search @ndots = config_hash[:ndots] if config_hash.include? :ndots @nameserver = [''] if @nameserver.empty? if @search @search = {|arg| Label.split(arg) } else hostname = Socket.gethostname if /\./ =~ hostname @search = [Label.split($')] else @search = [[]] end end if !@nameserver.kind_of?(Array) || !@nameserver.all? {|ns| String === ns } raise"invalid nameserver config: #{@nameserver.inspect}") end if !@search.kind_of?(Array) || !@search.all? {|ls| ls.all? {|l| Label::Str === l } } raise"invalid search config: #{@search.inspect}") end if !@ndots.kind_of?(Integer) raise"invalid ndots config: #{@ndots.inspect}") end @initialized = true end } self end def single? lazy_initialize if @nameserver.length == 1 return @nameserver[0] else return nil end end def nameserver_port lazy_initialize @nameserver_port ||= {|i| [i, Port] } @nameserver_port end def generate_candidates(name) candidates = nil name = Name.create(name) if name.absolute? candidates = [name] else if @ndots <= name.length - 1 candidates = [] else candidates = [] end candidates.concat( {|domain| + domain)}) fname = Name.create("#{name}.") if !candidates.include?(fname) candidates << fname end end return candidates end InitialTimeout = 5 def generate_timeouts ts = [InitialTimeout] ts << ts[-1] * 2 / @nameserver.length ts << ts[-1] * 2 ts << ts[-1] * 2 return ts end def resolv(name) candidates = generate_candidates(name) timeouts = generate_timeouts begin candidates.each {|candidate| begin timeouts.each {|tout| @nameserver.each {|nameserver| begin yield candidate, tout, nameserver rescue ResolvTimeout end } } raise"DNS resolv timeout: #{name}") rescue NXDomain end } rescue ResolvError end end ## # Indicates no such domain was found. class NXDomain < ResolvError end ## # Indicates some other unhandled resolver error was encountered. class OtherResolvError < ResolvError end end module OpCode # :nodoc: Query = 0 IQuery = 1 Status = 2 Notify = 4 Update = 5 end module RCode # :nodoc: NoError = 0 FormErr = 1 ServFail = 2 NXDomain = 3 NotImp = 4 Refused = 5 YXDomain = 6 YXRRSet = 7 NXRRSet = 8 NotAuth = 9 NotZone = 10 BADVERS = 16 BADSIG = 16 BADKEY = 17 BADTIME = 18 BADMODE = 19 BADNAME = 20 BADALG = 21 end ## # Indicates that the DNS response was unable to be decoded. class DecodeError < StandardError end ## # Indicates that the DNS request was unable to be encoded. class EncodeError < StandardError end module Label # :nodoc: def self.split(arg) labels = [] arg.scan(/[^\.]+/) {labels <<$&)} return labels end class Str # :nodoc: def initialize(string) @string = string @downcase = string.downcase end attr_reader :string, :downcase def to_s return @string end def inspect return "#<#{self.class} #{self.to_s}>" end def ==(other) return @downcase == other.downcase end def eql?(other) return self == other end def hash return @downcase.hash end end end ## # A representation of a DNS name. class Name ## # Creates a new DNS name from +arg+. +arg+ can be: # # Name:: returns +arg+. # String:: Creates a new Name. def self.create(arg) case arg when Name return arg when String return, /\.\z/ =~ arg ? true : false) else raise"cannot interpret as DNS name: #{arg.inspect}") end end def initialize(labels, absolute=true) # :nodoc: @labels = labels @absolute = absolute end def inspect # :nodoc: "#<#{self.class}: #{self.to_s}#{@absolute ? '.' : ''}>" end ## # True if this name is absolute. def absolute? return @absolute end def ==(other) # :nodoc: return false unless Name === other return @labels.join == other.to_a.join && @absolute == other.absolute? end alias eql? == # :nodoc: ## # Returns true if +other+ is a subdomain. # # Example: # # domain = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z") # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z.").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false # def subdomain_of?(other) raise ArgumentError, "not a domain name: #{other.inspect}" unless Name === other return false if @absolute != other.absolute? other_len = other.length return false if @labels.length <= other_len return @labels[-other_len, other_len] == other.to_a end def hash # :nodoc: return @labels.hash ^ @absolute.hash end def to_a # :nodoc: return @labels end def length # :nodoc: return @labels.length end def [](i) # :nodoc: return @labels[i] end ## # returns the domain name as a string. # # The domain name doesn't have a trailing dot even if the name object is # absolute. # # Example: # # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z.").to_s #=> "x.y.z" # p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z").to_s #=> "x.y.z" def to_s return @labels.join('.') end end class Message # :nodoc: @@identifier = -1 def initialize(id = (@@identifier += 1) & 0xffff) @id = id @qr = 0 @opcode = 0 @aa = 0 @tc = 0 @rd = 0 # recursion desired @ra = 0 # recursion available @rcode = 0 @question = [] @answer = [] @authority = [] @additional = [] end attr_accessor :id, :qr, :opcode, :aa, :tc, :rd, :ra, :rcode attr_reader :question, :answer, :authority, :additional def ==(other) return @id == && @qr == other.qr && @opcode == other.opcode && @aa == other.aa && @tc == && @rd == other.rd && @ra == other.ra && @rcode == other.rcode && @question == other.question && @answer == other.answer && @authority == other.authority && @additional == other.additional end def add_question(name, typeclass) @question << [Name.create(name), typeclass] end def each_question @question.each {|name, typeclass| yield name, typeclass } end def add_answer(name, ttl, data) @answer << [Name.create(name), ttl, data] end def each_answer @answer.each {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data } end def add_authority(name, ttl, data) @authority << [Name.create(name), ttl, data] end def each_authority @authority.each {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data } end def add_additional(name, ttl, data) @additional << [Name.create(name), ttl, data] end def each_additional @additional.each {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data } end def each_resource each_answer {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data} each_authority {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data} each_additional {|name, ttl, data| yield name, ttl, data} end def encode return {|msg| msg.put_pack('nnnnnn', @id, (@qr & 1) << 15 | (@opcode & 15) << 11 | (@aa & 1) << 10 | (@tc & 1) << 9 | (@rd & 1) << 8 | (@ra & 1) << 7 | (@rcode & 15), @question.length, @answer.length, @authority.length, @additional.length) @question.each {|q| name, typeclass = q msg.put_name(name) msg.put_pack('nn', typeclass::TypeValue, typeclass::ClassValue) } [@answer, @authority, @additional].each {|rr| rr.each {|r| name, ttl, data = r msg.put_name(name) msg.put_pack('nnN', data.class::TypeValue, data.class::ClassValue, ttl) msg.put_length16 {data.encode_rdata(msg)} } } }.to_s end class MessageEncoder # :nodoc: def initialize @data = '' @names = {} yield self end def to_s return @data end def put_bytes(d) @data << d end def put_pack(template, *d) @data << d.pack(template) end def put_length16 length_index = @data.length @data << "\0\0" data_start = @data.length yield data_end = @data.length @data[length_index, 2] = [data_end - data_start].pack("n") end def put_string(d) self.put_pack("C", d.length) @data << d end def put_string_list(ds) ds.each {|d| self.put_string(d) } end def put_name(d) put_labels(d.to_a) end def put_labels(d) d.each_index {|i| domain = d[i..-1] if idx = @names[domain] self.put_pack("n", 0xc000 | idx) return else @names[domain] = @data.length self.put_label(d[i]) end } @data << "\0" end def put_label(d) self.put_string(d.to_s) end end def Message.decode(m) o = {|msg| id, flag, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount = msg.get_unpack('nnnnnn') = id o.qr = (flag >> 15) & 1 o.opcode = (flag >> 11) & 15 o.aa = (flag >> 10) & 1 = (flag >> 9) & 1 o.rd = (flag >> 8) & 1 o.ra = (flag >> 7) & 1 o.rcode = flag & 15 (1..qdcount).each { name, typeclass = msg.get_question o.add_question(name, typeclass) } (1..ancount).each { name, ttl, data = msg.get_rr o.add_answer(name, ttl, data) } (1..nscount).each { name, ttl, data = msg.get_rr o.add_authority(name, ttl, data) } (1..arcount).each { name, ttl, data = msg.get_rr o.add_additional(name, ttl, data) } } return o end class MessageDecoder # :nodoc: def initialize(data) @data = data @index = 0 @limit = data.length yield self end def get_length16 len, = self.get_unpack('n') save_limit = @limit @limit = @index + len d = yield(len) if @index < @limit raise"junk exists") elsif @limit < @index raise"limit exceeded") end @limit = save_limit return d end def get_bytes(len = @limit - @index) d = @data[@index, len] @index += len return d end def get_unpack(template) len = 0 template.each_byte {|byte| case byte when ?c, ?C len += 1 when ?n len += 2 when ?N len += 4 else raise"unsupported template: '#{byte.chr}' in '#{template}'") end } raise"limit exceeded") if @limit < @index + len arr = @data.unpack("@#{@index}#{template}") @index += len return arr end def get_string len = @data[@index] raise"limit exceeded") if @limit < @index + 1 + len d = @data[@index + 1, len] @index += 1 + len return d end def get_string_list strings = [] while @index < @limit strings << self.get_string end strings end def get_name return end def get_labels(limit=nil) limit = @index if !limit || @index < limit d = [] while true case @data[@index] when 0 @index += 1 return d when 192..255 idx = self.get_unpack('n')[0] & 0x3fff if limit <= idx raise"non-backward name pointer") end save_index = @index @index = idx d += self.get_labels(limit) @index = save_index return d else d << self.get_label end end return d end def get_label return end def get_question name = self.get_name type, klass = self.get_unpack("nn") return name, Resource.get_class(type, klass) end def get_rr name = self.get_name type, klass, ttl = self.get_unpack('nnN') typeclass = Resource.get_class(type, klass) return name, ttl, self.get_length16 {typeclass.decode_rdata(self)} end end end ## # A DNS query abstract class. class Query def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: raise"#{self.class} is query.") end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: raise"#{self.class} is query.") end end ## # A DNS resource abstract class. class Resource < Query ## # Remaining Time To Live for this Resource. attr_reader :ttl ClassHash = {} # :nodoc: def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: raise end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: raise end def ==(other) # :nodoc: return self.class == other.class && self.instance_variables == other.instance_variables && self.instance_variables.collect {|name| self.instance_eval name} == other.instance_variables.collect {|name| other.instance_eval name} end def eql?(other) # :nodoc: return self == other end def hash # :nodoc: h = 0 self.instance_variables.each {|name| h ^= self.instance_eval("#{name}.hash") } return h end def self.get_class(type_value, class_value) # :nodoc: return ClassHash[[type_value, class_value]] || Generic.create(type_value, class_value) end ## # A generic resource abstract class. class Generic < Resource ## # Creates a new generic resource. def initialize(data) @data = data end ## # Data for this generic resource. attr_reader :data def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_bytes(data) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: return end def self.create(type_value, class_value) # :nodoc: c = c.const_set(:TypeValue, type_value) c.const_set(:ClassValue, class_value) Generic.const_set("Type#{type_value}_Class#{class_value}", c) ClassHash[[type_value, class_value]] = c return c end end ## # Domain Name resource abstract class. class DomainName < Resource ## # Creates a new DomainName from +name+. def initialize(name) @name = name end ## # The name of this DomainName. attr_reader :name def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_name(@name) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: return end end # Standard (class generic) RRs ClassValue = nil # :nodoc: ## # An authoritative name server. class NS < DomainName TypeValue = 2 # :nodoc: end ## # The canonical name for an alias. class CNAME < DomainName TypeValue = 5 # :nodoc: end ## # Start Of Authority resource. class SOA < Resource TypeValue = 6 # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new SOA record. See the attr documentation for the # details of each argument. def initialize(mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry_, expire, minimum) @mname = mname @rname = rname @serial = serial @refresh = refresh @retry = retry_ @expire = expire @minimum = minimum end ## # Name of the host where the master zone file for this zone resides. attr_reader :mname ## # The person responsible for this domain name. attr_reader :rname ## # The version number of the zone file. attr_reader :serial ## # How often, in seconds, a secondary name server is to check for # updates from the primary name server. attr_reader :refresh ## # How often, in seconds, a secondary name server is to retry after a # failure to check for a refresh. attr_reader :retry ## # Time in seconds that a secondary name server is to use the data # before refreshing from the primary name server. attr_reader :expire ## # The minimum number of seconds to be used for TTL values in RRs. attr_reader :minimum def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_name(@mname) msg.put_name(@rname) msg.put_pack('NNNNN', @serial, @refresh, @retry, @expire, @minimum) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: mname = msg.get_name rname = msg.get_name serial, refresh, retry_, expire, minimum = msg.get_unpack('NNNNN') return mname, rname, serial, refresh, retry_, expire, minimum) end end ## # A Pointer to another DNS name. class PTR < DomainName TypeValue = 12 # :nodoc: end ## # Host Information resource. class HINFO < Resource TypeValue = 13 # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new HINFO running +os+ on +cpu+. def initialize(cpu, os) @cpu = cpu @os = os end ## # CPU architecture for this resource. attr_reader :cpu ## # Operating system for this resource. attr_reader :os def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_string(@cpu) msg.put_string(@os) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: cpu = msg.get_string os = msg.get_string return, os) end end ## # Mailing list or mailbox information. class MINFO < Resource TypeValue = 14 # :nodoc: def initialize(rmailbx, emailbx) @rmailbx = rmailbx @emailbx = emailbx end ## # Domain name responsible for this mail list or mailbox. attr_reader :rmailbx ## # Mailbox to use for error messages related to the mail list or mailbox. attr_reader :emailbx def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_name(@rmailbx) msg.put_name(@emailbx) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: rmailbx = msg.get_string emailbx = msg.get_string return, emailbx) end end ## # Mail Exchanger resource. class MX < Resource TypeValue= 15 # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new MX record with +preference+, accepting mail at # +exchange+. def initialize(preference, exchange) @preference = preference @exchange = exchange end ## # The preference for this MX. attr_reader :preference ## # The host of this MX. attr_reader :exchange def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_pack('n', @preference) msg.put_name(@exchange) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: preference, = msg.get_unpack('n') exchange = msg.get_name return, exchange) end end ## # Unstructured text resource. class TXT < Resource TypeValue = 16 # :nodoc: def initialize(first_string, *rest_strings) @strings = [first_string, *rest_strings] end ## # Returns an Array of Strings for this TXT record. attr_reader :strings ## # Returns the first string from +strings+. def data @strings[0] end def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_string_list(@strings) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: strings = msg.get_string_list return*strings) end end ## # A Query type requesting any RR. class ANY < Query TypeValue = 255 # :nodoc: end ClassInsensitiveTypes = [ # :nodoc: NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, HINFO, MINFO, MX, TXT, ANY ] ## # module IN contains ARPA Internet specific RRs. module IN ClassValue = 1 # :nodoc: ClassInsensitiveTypes.each {|s| c = c.const_set(:TypeValue, s::TypeValue) c.const_set(:ClassValue, ClassValue) ClassHash[[s::TypeValue, ClassValue]] = c self.const_set(*::/, ''), c) } ## # IPv4 Address resource class A < Resource TypeValue = 1 ClassValue = IN::ClassValue ClassHash[[TypeValue, ClassValue]] = self # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new A for +address+. def initialize(address) @address = IPv4.create(address) end ## # The Resolv::IPv4 address for this A. attr_reader :address def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_bytes(@address.address) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: return end end ## # Well Known Service resource. class WKS < Resource TypeValue = 11 ClassValue = IN::ClassValue ClassHash[[TypeValue, ClassValue]] = self # :nodoc: def initialize(address, protocol, bitmap) @address = IPv4.create(address) @protocol = protocol @bitmap = bitmap end ## # The host these services run on. attr_reader :address ## # IP protocol number for these services. attr_reader :protocol ## # A bit map of enabled services on this host. # # If protocol is 6 (TCP) then the 26th bit corresponds to the SMTP # service (port 25). If this bit is set, then an SMTP server should # be listening on TCP port 25; if zero, SMTP service is not # supported. attr_reader :bitmap def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_bytes(@address.address) msg.put_pack("n", @protocol) msg.put_bytes(@bitmap) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: address = protocol, = msg.get_unpack("n") bitmap = msg.get_bytes return, protocol, bitmap) end end ## # An IPv6 address record. class AAAA < Resource TypeValue = 28 ClassValue = IN::ClassValue ClassHash[[TypeValue, ClassValue]] = self # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new AAAA for +address+. def initialize(address) @address = IPv6.create(address) end ## # The Resolv::IPv6 address for this AAAA. attr_reader :address def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_bytes(@address.address) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: return end end ## # SRV resource record defined in RFC 2782 # # These records identify the hostname and port that a service is # available at. class SRV < Resource TypeValue = 33 ClassValue = IN::ClassValue ClassHash[[TypeValue, ClassValue]] = self # :nodoc: # Create a SRV resource record. # # See the documentation for #priority, #weight, #port and #target # for +priority+, +weight+, +port and +target+ respectively. def initialize(priority, weight, port, target) @priority = priority.to_int @weight = weight.to_int @port = port.to_int @target = Name.create(target) end # The priority of this target host. # # A client MUST attempt to contact the target host with the # lowest-numbered priority it can reach; target hosts with the same # priority SHOULD be tried in an order defined by the weight field. # The range is 0-65535. Note that it is not widely implemented and # should be set to zero. attr_reader :priority # A server selection mechanism. # # The weight field specifies a relative weight for entries with the # same priority. Larger weights SHOULD be given a proportionately # higher probability of being selected. The range of this number is # 0-65535. Domain administrators SHOULD use Weight 0 when there # isn't any server selection to do, to make the RR easier to read # for humans (less noisy). Note that it is not widely implemented # and should be set to zero. attr_reader :weight # The port on this target host of this service. # # The range is 0-65535. attr_reader :port # The domain name of the target host. # # A target of "." means that the service is decidedly not available # at this domain. attr_reader :target def encode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: msg.put_pack("n", @priority) msg.put_pack("n", @weight) msg.put_pack("n", @port) msg.put_name(@target) end def self.decode_rdata(msg) # :nodoc: priority, = msg.get_unpack("n") weight, = msg.get_unpack("n") port, = msg.get_unpack("n") target = msg.get_name return, weight, port, target) end end end end end ## # A Resolv::DNS IPv4 address. class IPv4 ## # Regular expression IPv4 addresses must match. Regex256 = /0 |1(?:[0-9][0-9]?)? |2(?:[0-4][0-9]?|5[0-5]?|[6-9])? |[3-9][0-9]?/x Regex = /\A(#{Regex256})\.(#{Regex256})\.(#{Regex256})\.(#{Regex256})\z/ def self.create(arg) case arg when IPv4 return arg when Regex if (0..255) === (a = $1.to_i) && (0..255) === (b = $2.to_i) && (0..255) === (c = $3.to_i) && (0..255) === (d = $4.to_i) return[a, b, c, d].pack("CCCC")) else raise"IPv4 address with invalid value: " + arg) end else raise"cannot interpret as IPv4 address: #{arg.inspect}") end end def initialize(address) # :nodoc: unless address.kind_of?(String) && address.length == 4 raise'IPv4 address must be 4 bytes') end @address = address end ## # A String representation of this IPv4 address. ## # The raw IPv4 address as a String. attr_reader :address def to_s # :nodoc: return sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", *@address.unpack("CCCC")) end def inspect # :nodoc: return "#<#{self.class} #{self.to_s}>" end ## # Turns this IPv4 address into a Resolv::DNS::Name. def to_name return DNS::Name.create( '' % @address.unpack('CCCC').reverse) end def ==(other) # :nodoc: return @address == other.address end def eql?(other) # :nodoc: return self == other end def hash # :nodoc: return @address.hash end end ## # A Resolv::DNS IPv6 address. class IPv6 ## # IPv6 address format a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h Regex_8Hex = /\A (?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7} [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4} \z/x ## # Compressed IPv6 address format a::b Regex_CompressedHex = /\A ((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?) :: ((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?) \z/x ## # IPv4 mapped IPv6 address format a:b:c:d:e:f:w.x.y.z Regex_6Hex4Dec = /\A ((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6,6}) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) \z/x ## # Compressed IPv4 mapped IPv6 address format a::b:w.x.y.z Regex_CompressedHex4Dec = /\A ((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?) :: ((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)*) (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) \z/x ## # A composite IPv6 address Regexp. Regex = / (?:#{Regex_8Hex}) | (?:#{Regex_CompressedHex}) | (?:#{Regex_6Hex4Dec}) | (?:#{Regex_CompressedHex4Dec})/x ## # Creates a new IPv6 address from +arg+ which may be: # # IPv6:: returns +arg+. # String:: +arg+ must match one of the IPv6::Regex* constants def self.create(arg) case arg when IPv6 return arg when String address = '' if Regex_8Hex =~ arg arg.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| address << [hex.hex].pack('n')} elsif Regex_CompressedHex =~ arg prefix = $1 suffix = $2 a1 = '' a2 = '' prefix.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| a1 << [hex.hex].pack('n')} suffix.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| a2 << [hex.hex].pack('n')} omitlen = 16 - a1.length - a2.length address << a1 << "\0" * omitlen << a2 elsif Regex_6Hex4Dec =~ arg prefix, a, b, c, d = $1, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i if (0..255) === a && (0..255) === b && (0..255) === c && (0..255) === d prefix.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| address << [hex.hex].pack('n')} address << [a, b, c, d].pack('CCCC') else raise"not numeric IPv6 address: " + arg) end elsif Regex_CompressedHex4Dec =~ arg prefix, suffix, a, b, c, d = $1, $2, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_i if (0..255) === a && (0..255) === b && (0..255) === c && (0..255) === d a1 = '' a2 = '' prefix.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| a1 << [hex.hex].pack('n')} suffix.scan(/[0-9A-Fa-f]+/) {|hex| a2 << [hex.hex].pack('n')} omitlen = 12 - a1.length - a2.length address << a1 << "\0" * omitlen << a2 << [a, b, c, d].pack('CCCC') else raise"not numeric IPv6 address: " + arg) end else raise"not numeric IPv6 address: " + arg) end return else raise"cannot interpret as IPv6 address: #{arg.inspect}") end end def initialize(address) # :nodoc: unless address.kind_of?(String) && address.length == 16 raise'IPv6 address must be 16 bytes') end @address = address end ## # The raw IPv6 address as a String. attr_reader :address def to_s # :nodoc: address = sprintf("%X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X", *@address.unpack("nnnnnnnn")) unless address.sub!(/(^|:)0(:0)+(:|$)/, '::') address.sub!(/(^|:)0(:|$)/, '::') end return address end def inspect # :nodoc: return "#<#{self.class} #{self.to_s}>" end ## # Turns this IPv6 address into a Resolv::DNS::Name. #-- # should be searched too. [RFC3152] def to_name return @address.unpack("H32")[0].split(//).reverse + ['ip6', 'arpa']) end def ==(other) # :nodoc: return @address == other.address end def eql?(other) # :nodoc: return self == other end def hash # :nodoc: return @address.hash end end ## # Default resolver to use for Resolv class methods. DefaultResolver = ## # Address Regexp to use for matching IP addresses. AddressRegex = /(?:#{IPv4::Regex})|(?:#{IPv6::Regex})/ end