# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jurko Gospodnetić jurko.gospodnetic@pke.hr ) """ Suds web service operation invocation function argument parser. See the parse_args() function description for more detailed information. """ __all__ = ["parse_args"] def parse_args(method_name, param_defs, args, kwargs, external_param_processor, extra_parameter_errors): """ Parse arguments for suds web service operation invocation functions. Suds prepares Python function objects for invoking web service operations. This function implements generic binding agnostic part of processing the arguments passed when calling those function objects. Argument parsing rules: * Each input parameter element should be represented by single regular Python function argument. * At most one input parameter belonging to a single choice parameter structure may have its value specified as something other than None. * Positional arguments are mapped to choice group input parameters the same as is done for a simple all/sequence group - each in turn. Expects to be passed the web service operation's parameter definitions (parameter name, type & optional ancestry information) in order and, based on that, extracts the values for those parameter from the arguments provided in the web service operation invocation call. Ancestry information describes parameters constructed based on suds library's automatic input parameter structure unwrapping. It is expected to include the parameter's XSD schema 'ancestry' context, i.e. a list of all the parent XSD schema tags containing the parameter's tag. Such ancestry context provides detailed information about how the parameter's value is expected to be used, especially in relation to other input parameters, e.g. at most one parameter value may be specified for parameters directly belonging to the same choice input group. Rules on acceptable ancestry items: * Ancestry item's choice() method must return whether the item represents a XSD schema tag. * Passed ancestry items are used 'by address' internally and the same XSD schema tag is expected to be identified by the exact same ancestry item object during the whole argument processing. During processing, each parameter's definition and value, together with any additional pertinent information collected from the encountered parameter definition structure, is passed on to the provided external parameter processor function. There that information is expected to be used to construct the actual binding specific web service operation invocation request. Raises a TypeError exception in case any argument related errors are detected. The exceptions raised have been constructed to make them as similar as possible to their respective exceptions raised during regular Python function argument checking. Does not support multiple same-named input parameters. """ arg_parser = _ArgParser(method_name, param_defs, external_param_processor) return arg_parser(args, kwargs, extra_parameter_errors) class _ArgParser: """Internal argument parser implementation function object.""" def __init__(self, method_name, param_defs, external_param_processor): self.__method_name = method_name self.__param_defs = param_defs self.__external_param_processor = external_param_processor self.__stack = [] def __call__(self, args, kwargs, extra_parameter_errors): """ Runs the main argument parsing operation. Passed args & kwargs objects are not modified during parsing. Returns an informative 2-tuple containing the number of required & allowed arguments. """ assert not self.active(), "recursive argument parsing not allowed" self.__init_run(args, kwargs, extra_parameter_errors) try: self.__process_parameters() return self.__all_parameters_processed() finally: self.__cleanup_run() assert not self.active() def active(self): """ Return whether this object is currently running argument processing. Used to avoid recursively entering argument processing from within an external parameter processor. """ return bool(self.__stack) def __all_parameters_processed(self): """ Finish the argument processing. Should be called after all the web service operation's parameters have been successfully processed and, afterwards, no further parameter processing is allowed. Returns a 2-tuple containing the number of required & allowed arguments. See the _ArgParser class description for more detailed information. """ assert self.active() sentinel_frame = self.__stack[0] self.__pop_frames_above(sentinel_frame) assert len(self.__stack) == 1 self.__pop_top_frame() assert not self.active() args_required = sentinel_frame.args_required() args_allowed = sentinel_frame.args_allowed() self.__check_for_extra_arguments(args_required, args_allowed) return args_required, args_allowed def __check_for_extra_arguments(self, args_required, args_allowed): """ Report an error in case any extra arguments are detected. Does nothing if reporting extra arguments as exceptions has not been enabled. May only be called after the argument processing has been completed. """ assert not self.active() if not self.__extra_parameter_errors: return if self.__kwargs: param_name = self.__kwargs.keys()[0] if param_name in self.__params_with_arguments: msg = "got multiple values for parameter '%s'" else: msg = "got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" self.__error(msg % (param_name,)) if self.__args: def plural_suffix(count): if count == 1: return "" return "s" def plural_was_were(count): if count == 1: return "was" return "were" expected = args_required if args_required != args_allowed: expected = "%d to %d" % (args_required, args_allowed) given = self.__args_count msg_parts = ["takes %s positional argument" % (expected,), plural_suffix(expected), " but %d " % (given,), plural_was_were(given), " given"] self.__error("".join(msg_parts)) def __cleanup_run(self): """Cleans up after a completed argument parsing run.""" self.__stack = [] assert not self.active() def __error(self, message): """Report an argument processing error.""" raise TypeError("%s() %s" % (self.__method_name, message)) def __frame_factory(self, ancestry_item): """Construct a new frame representing the given ancestry item.""" frame_class = Frame if ancestry_item is not None and ancestry_item.choice(): frame_class = ChoiceFrame return frame_class(ancestry_item, self.__error, self.__extra_parameter_errors) def __get_param_value(self, name): """ Extract a parameter value from the remaining given arguments. Returns a 2-tuple consisting of the following: * Boolean indicating whether an argument has been specified for the requested input parameter. * Parameter value. """ if self.__args: return True, self.__args.pop(0) try: value = self.__kwargs.pop(name) except KeyError: return False, None return True, value def __in_choice_context(self): """ Whether we are currently processing a choice parameter group. This includes processing a parameter defined directly or indirectly within such a group. May only be called during parameter processing or the result will be calculated based on the context left behind by the previous parameter processing if any. """ for x in self.__stack: if x.__class__ is ChoiceFrame: return True return False def __init_run(self, args, kwargs, extra_parameter_errors): """Initializes data for a new argument parsing run.""" assert not self.active() self.__args = list(args) self.__kwargs = dict(kwargs) self.__extra_parameter_errors = extra_parameter_errors self.__args_count = len(args) + len(kwargs) self.__params_with_arguments = set() self.__stack = [] self.__push_frame(None) def __match_ancestry(self, ancestry): """ Find frames matching the given ancestry. Returns a tuple containing the following: * Topmost frame matching the given ancestry or the bottom-most sentry frame if no frame matches. * Unmatched ancestry part. """ stack = self.__stack if len(stack) == 1: return stack[0], ancestry previous = stack[0] for frame, n in zip(stack[1:], xrange(len(ancestry))): if frame.id() is not ancestry[n]: return previous, ancestry[n:] previous = frame return frame, ancestry[n + 1:] def __pop_frames_above(self, frame): """Pops all the frames above, but not including the given frame.""" while self.__stack[-1] is not frame: self.__pop_top_frame() assert self.__stack def __pop_top_frame(self): """Pops the top frame off the frame stack.""" popped = self.__stack.pop() if self.__stack: self.__stack[-1].process_subframe(popped) def __process_parameter(self, param_name, param_type, ancestry=None): """Collect values for a given web service operation input parameter.""" assert self.active() param_optional = param_type.optional() has_argument, value = self.__get_param_value(param_name) if has_argument: self.__params_with_arguments.add(param_name) self.__update_context(ancestry) self.__stack[-1].process_parameter(param_optional, value is not None) self.__external_param_processor(param_name, param_type, self.__in_choice_context(), value) def __process_parameters(self): """Collect values for given web service operation input parameters.""" for pdef in self.__param_defs: self.__process_parameter(*pdef) def __push_frame(self, ancestry_item): """Push a new frame on top of the frame stack.""" frame = self.__frame_factory(ancestry_item) self.__stack.append(frame) def __push_frames(self, ancestry): """ Push new frames representing given ancestry items. May only be given ancestry items other than None. Ancestry item None represents the internal sentinel item and should never appear in a given parameter's ancestry information. """ for x in ancestry: assert x is not None self.__push_frame(x) def __update_context(self, ancestry): if not ancestry: return match_result = self.__match_ancestry(ancestry) last_matching_frame, unmatched_ancestry = match_result self.__pop_frames_above(last_matching_frame) self.__push_frames(unmatched_ancestry) class Frame: """ Base _ArgParser context frame. When used directly, as opposed to using a derived class, may represent any input parameter context/ancestry item except a choice order indicator. """ def __init__(self, id, error, extra_parameter_errors): """ Construct a new Frame instance. Passed error function is used to report any argument checking errors. """ assert self.__class__ != Frame or not id or not id.choice() self.__id = id self._error = error self._extra_parameter_errors = extra_parameter_errors self._args_allowed = 0 self._args_required = 0 self._has_value = False def args_allowed(self): return self._args_allowed def args_required(self): return self._args_required def has_value(self): return self._has_value def id(self): return self.__id def process_parameter(self, optional, has_value): args_required = 1 if optional: args_required = 0 self._process_item(has_value, 1, args_required) def process_subframe(self, subframe): self._process_item( subframe.has_value(), subframe.args_allowed(), subframe.args_required()) def _process_item(self, has_value, args_allowed, args_required): self._args_allowed += args_allowed self._args_required += args_required if has_value: self._has_value = True class ChoiceFrame(Frame): """ _ArgParser context frame representing a choice order indicator. A choice requires as many input arguments as are needed to satisfy the least requiring of its items. For example, if we use I(n) to identify an item requiring n parameter, then a choice containing I(2), I(3) & I(7) requires 2 arguments while a choice containing I(5) & I(4) requires 4. Accepts an argument for each of its contained elements but allows at most one of its directly contained items to have a defined value. """ def __init__(self, id, error, extra_parameter_errors): assert id.choice() Frame.__init__(self, id, error, extra_parameter_errors) self.__has_item = False def _process_item(self, has_value, args_allowed, args_required): self._args_allowed += args_allowed self.__update_args_required_for_item(args_required) self.__update_has_value_for_item(has_value) def __update_args_required_for_item(self, item_args_required): if not self.__has_item: self.__has_item = True self._args_required = item_args_required return self._args_required = min(self.args_required(), item_args_required) def __update_has_value_for_item(self, item_has_value): if item_has_value: if self.has_value() and self._extra_parameter_errors: self._error("got multiple values for a single choice " "parameter") self._has_value = True