# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ The I{service definition} provides a textual representation of a service. """ from suds import * import suds.metrics as metrics from suds.sax import Namespace from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) class ServiceDefinition(UnicodeMixin): """ A service definition provides an object used to generate a textual description of a service. @ivar wsdl: A wsdl. @type wsdl: L{wsdl.Definitions} @ivar service: The service object. @type service: L{suds.wsdl.Service} @ivar ports: A list of port-tuple: (port, [(method-name, pdef)]) @type ports: [port-tuple,..] @ivar prefixes: A list of remapped prefixes. @type prefixes: [(prefix,uri),..] @ivar types: A list of type definitions @type types: [I{Type},..] """ def __init__(self, wsdl, service): """ @param wsdl: A WSDL object @type wsdl: L{Definitions} @param service: A service B{name}. @type service: str """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.service = service self.ports = [] self.params = [] self.types = [] self.prefixes = [] self.addports() self.paramtypes() self.publictypes() self.getprefixes() self.pushprefixes() def pushprefixes(self): """ Add our prefixes to the WSDL so that when users invoke methods and reference the prefixes, they will resolve properly. """ for ns in self.prefixes: self.wsdl.root.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1]) def addports(self): """ Look through the list of service ports and construct a list of tuples where each tuple is used to describe a port and its list of methods as: (port, [method]). Each method is a tuple: (name, [pdef,..]) where each pdef is a tuple: (param-name, type). """ timer = metrics.Timer() timer.start() for port in self.service.ports: p = self.findport(port) for op in port.binding.operations.values(): m = p[0].method(op.name) binding = m.binding.input method = (m.name, binding.param_defs(m)) p[1].append(method) metrics.log.debug("method '%s' created: %s", m.name, timer) p[1].sort() timer.stop() def findport(self, port): """ Find and return a port tuple for the specified port. Created and added when not found. @param port: A port. @type port: I{service.Port} @return: A port tuple. @rtype: (port, [method]) """ for p in self.ports: if p[0] == p: return p p = (port, []) self.ports.append(p) return p def getprefixes(self): """Add prefixes for each namespace referenced by parameter types.""" namespaces = [] for l in (self.params, self.types): for t,r in l: ns = r.namespace() if ns[1] is None: continue if ns[1] in namespaces: continue if Namespace.xs(ns) or Namespace.xsd(ns): continue namespaces.append(ns[1]) if t == r: continue ns = t.namespace() if ns[1] is None: continue if ns[1] in namespaces: continue namespaces.append(ns[1]) i = 0 namespaces.sort() for u in namespaces: p = self.nextprefix() ns = (p, u) self.prefixes.append(ns) def paramtypes(self): """Get all parameter types.""" for m in [p[1] for p in self.ports]: for p in [p[1] for p in m]: for pd in p: if pd[1] in self.params: continue item = (pd[1], pd[1].resolve()) self.params.append(item) def publictypes(self): """Get all public types.""" for t in self.wsdl.schema.types.values(): if t in self.params: continue if t in self.types: continue item = (t, t) self.types.append(item) self.types.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].name) def nextprefix(self): """ Get the next available prefix. This means a prefix starting with 'ns' with a number appended as (ns0, ns1, ..) that is not already defined in the WSDL document. """ used = [ns[0] for ns in self.prefixes] used += [ns[0] for ns in self.wsdl.root.nsprefixes.items()] for n in range(0,1024): p = 'ns%d'%n if p not in used: return p raise Exception('prefixes exhausted') def getprefix(self, u): """ Get the prefix for the specified namespace (URI) @param u: A namespace URI. @type u: str @return: The namspace. @rtype: (prefix, uri). """ for ns in Namespace.all: if u == ns[1]: return ns[0] for ns in self.prefixes: if u == ns[1]: return ns[0] raise Exception('ns (%s) not mapped' % u) def xlate(self, type): """ Get a (namespace) translated I{qualified} name for specified type. @param type: A schema type. @type type: I{suds.xsd.sxbasic.SchemaObject} @return: A translated I{qualified} name. @rtype: str """ resolved = type.resolve() name = resolved.name if type.multi_occurrence(): name += '[]' ns = resolved.namespace() if ns[1] == self.wsdl.tns[1]: return name prefix = self.getprefix(ns[1]) return ':'.join((prefix, name)) def description(self): """ Get a textual description of the service for which this object represents. @return: A textual description. @rtype: str """ s = [] indent = (lambda n : '\n%*s'%(n*3,' ')) s.append('Service ( %s ) tns="%s"' % (self.service.name, self.wsdl.tns[1])) s.append(indent(1)) s.append('Prefixes (%d)' % len(self.prefixes)) for p in self.prefixes: s.append(indent(2)) s.append('%s = "%s"' % p) s.append(indent(1)) s.append('Ports (%d):' % len(self.ports)) for p in self.ports: s.append(indent(2)) s.append('(%s)' % p[0].name) s.append(indent(3)) s.append('Methods (%d):' % len(p[1])) for m in p[1]: sig = [] s.append(indent(4)) sig.append(m[0]) sig.append('(') sig.append(', '.join("%s %s" % (self.xlate(p[1]), p[0]) for p in m[1])) sig.append(')') try: s.append(''.join(sig)) except: pass s.append(indent(3)) s.append('Types (%d):' % len(self.types)) for t in self.types: s.append(indent(4)) s.append(self.xlate(t[0])) s.append('\n\n') return ''.join(s) def __unicode__(self): try: return self.description() except Exception, e: log.exception(e) return tostr(e)