# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ The I{sudsobject} module provides a collection of suds objects that are primarily used for the highly dynamic interactions with wsdl/xsd defined types. """ from suds import * from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) def items(sobject): """ Extract the I{items} from a suds object much like the items() method works on I{dict}. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A list of items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: [(key, value),...] """ for item in sobject: yield item def asdict(sobject): """ Convert a sudsobject into a dictionary. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A python dictionary containing the items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: dict """ return dict(items(sobject)) def merge(a, b): """ Merge all attributes and metadata from I{a} to I{b}. @param a: A I{source} object @type a: L{Object} @param b: A I{destination} object @type b: L{Object} """ for item in a: setattr(b, item[0], item[1]) b.__metadata__ = b.__metadata__ return b def footprint(sobject): """ Get the I{virtual footprint} of the object. This is really a count of the attributes in the branch with a significant value. @param sobject: A suds object. @type sobject: L{Object} @return: The branch footprint. @rtype: int """ n = 0 for a in sobject.__keylist__: v = getattr(sobject, a) if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, Object): n += footprint(v) continue if hasattr(v, '__len__'): if len(v): n += 1 continue n +=1 return n class Factory: cache = {} @classmethod def subclass(cls, name, bases, dict={}): if not isinstance(bases, tuple): bases = (bases,) # name is type unicode in python 2 -> not accepted by the type() name = str(name) key = '.'.join((name, str(bases))) subclass = cls.cache.get(key) if subclass is None: subclass = type(name, bases, dict) cls.cache[key] = subclass return subclass @classmethod def object(cls, classname=None, dict={}): if classname is not None: subclass = cls.subclass(classname, Object) inst = subclass() else: inst = Object() for a in dict.items(): setattr(inst, a[0], a[1]) return inst @classmethod def metadata(cls): return Metadata() @classmethod def property(cls, name, value=None): subclass = cls.subclass(name, Property) return subclass(value) class Object(UnicodeMixin): def __init__(self): self.__keylist__ = [] self.__printer__ = Printer() self.__metadata__ = Metadata() def __setattr__(self, name, value): builtin = name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') if not builtin and \ name not in self.__keylist__: self.__keylist__.append(name) self.__dict__[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name): try: del self.__dict__[name] builtin = name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') if not builtin: self.__keylist__.remove(name) except: cls = self.__class__.__name__ raise AttributeError, "%s has no attribute '%s'" % (cls, name) def __getitem__(self, name): if isinstance(name, int): name = self.__keylist__[int(name)] return getattr(self, name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): setattr(self, name, value) def __iter__(self): return Iter(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.__keylist__) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.__keylist__ def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __unicode__(self): return self.__printer__.tostr(self) class Iter: def __init__(self, sobject): self.sobject = sobject self.keylist = self.__keylist(sobject) self.index = 0 def next(self): keylist = self.keylist nkeys = len(self.keylist) while self.index < nkeys: k = keylist[self.index] self.index += 1 if hasattr(self.sobject, k): v = getattr(self.sobject, k) return (k, v) raise StopIteration() def __keylist(self, sobject): keylist = sobject.__keylist__ try: keyset = set(keylist) ordering = sobject.__metadata__.ordering ordered = set(ordering) if not ordered.issuperset(keyset): log.debug( '%s must be superset of %s, ordering ignored', keylist, ordering) raise KeyError() return ordering except: return keylist def __iter__(self): return self class Metadata(Object): def __init__(self): self.__keylist__ = [] self.__printer__ = Printer() class Facade(Object): def __init__(self, name): Object.__init__(self) md = self.__metadata__ md.facade = name class Property(Object): def __init__(self, value): Object.__init__(self) self.value = value def items(self): for item in self: if item[0] != 'value': yield item def get(self): return self.value def set(self, value): self.value = value return self class Printer: """ Pretty printing of a Object object. """ @classmethod def indent(cls, n): return '%*s'%(n*3,' ') def tostr(self, object, indent=-2): """ get s string representation of object """ history = [] return self.process(object, history, indent) def process(self, object, h, n=0, nl=False): """ print object using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ if object is None: return 'None' if isinstance(object, Object): if len(object) == 0: return '' return self.print_object(object, h, n+2, nl) if isinstance(object, dict): if len(object) == 0: return '' return self.print_dictionary(object, h, n+2, nl) if isinstance(object, (list,tuple)): if len(object) == 0: return '' return self.print_collection(object, h, n+2) if isinstance(object, basestring): return '"%s"' % tostr(object) return '%s' % tostr(object) def print_object(self, d, h, n, nl=False): """ print complex using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ s = [] cls = d.__class__ if d in h: s.append('(') s.append(cls.__name__) s.append(')') s.append('...') return ''.join(s) h.append(d) if nl: s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) if cls != Object: s.append('(') if isinstance(d, Facade): s.append(d.__metadata__.facade) else: s.append(cls.__name__) s.append(')') s.append('{') for item in d: if self.exclude(d, item): continue item = self.unwrap(d, item) s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n+1)) if isinstance(item[1], (list,tuple)): s.append(item[0]) s.append('[]') else: s.append(item[0]) s.append(' = ') s.append(self.process(item[1], h, n, True)) s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append('}') h.pop() return ''.join(s) def print_dictionary(self, d, h, n, nl=False): """ print complex using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ if d in h: return '{}...' h.append(d) s = [] if nl: s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append('{') for item in d.items(): s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n+1)) if isinstance(item[1], (list,tuple)): s.append(tostr(item[0])) s.append('[]') else: s.append(tostr(item[0])) s.append(' = ') s.append(self.process(item[1], h, n, True)) s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append('}') h.pop() return ''.join(s) def print_collection(self, c, h, n): """ print collection using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ if c in h: return '[]...' h.append(c) s = [] for item in c: s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append(self.process(item, h, n-2)) s.append(',') h.pop() return ''.join(s) def unwrap(self, d, item): """ translate (unwrap) using an optional wrapper function """ nopt = lambda x: x try: md = d.__metadata__ pmd = getattr(md, '__print__', None) if pmd is None: return item wrappers = getattr(pmd, 'wrappers', {}) fn = wrappers.get(item[0], nopt) return (item[0], fn(item[1])) except: pass return item def exclude(self, d, item): """ check metadata for excluded items """ try: md = d.__metadata__ pmd = getattr(md, '__print__', None) if pmd is None: return False excludes = getattr(pmd, 'excludes', []) return ( item[0] in excludes ) except: pass return False