/* * XrdZipZIP64EOCD.hh * * Created on: 9 Nov 2020 * Author: simonm */ #ifndef SRC_XRDZIP_XRDZIPZIP64EOCD_HH_ #define SRC_XRDZIP_XRDZIPZIP64EOCD_HH_ #include "XrdZip/XrdZipUtils.hh" #include "XrdZip/XrdZipLFH.hh" #include "XrdZip/XrdZipCDFH.hh" #include #include namespace XrdZip { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! A data structure representing the ZIP64 extension to End of Central //! Directory record //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ZIP64_EOCD { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor from a buffer //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZIP64_EOCD( const char* buffer ): extensibleDataLength( 0 ) { zip64EocdSize = to(buffer + 4); zipVersion = to(buffer + 12); minZipVersion = to(buffer + 14); nbDisk = to(buffer + 16); nbDiskCd = to(buffer + 20); nbCdRecD = to(buffer + 24); nbCdRec = to(buffer + 32); cdSize = to(buffer + 40); cdOffset = to(buffer + 48); zip64EocdTotalSize = zip64EocdBaseSize + extensibleDataLength; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor from last LFH + CDFH //------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZIP64_EOCD( uint64_t cdoff, uint32_t cdcnt, uint32_t cdsize ) : zipVersion( ( 3 << 8 ) | 63 ), minZipVersion( 45 ), nbDisk( 0 ), nbDiskCd( 0 ), extensibleDataLength( 0 ) { nbCdRec = cdcnt; nbCdRecD = cdcnt; cdSize = cdsize; cdOffset = cdoff; zip64EocdSize = zip64EocdBaseSize + extensibleDataLength - 12; zip64EocdTotalSize = zip64EocdBaseSize + extensibleDataLength; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Serialize the object into a buffer //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Serialize( buffer_t &buffer ) { copy_bytes( zip64EocdSign, buffer ); copy_bytes( zip64EocdSize, buffer ); copy_bytes( zipVersion, buffer ); copy_bytes( minZipVersion, buffer ); copy_bytes( nbDisk, buffer ); copy_bytes( nbDiskCd, buffer ); copy_bytes( nbCdRecD, buffer ); copy_bytes( nbCdRec, buffer ); copy_bytes( cdSize, buffer ); copy_bytes( cdOffset, buffer ); std::copy( extensibleData.begin(), extensibleData.end(), std::back_inserter( buffer ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Convert the ZIP64EOCD into a string for logging purposes //------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string ToString() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{zip64EocdSize=" << zip64EocdSize; ss << ";zipVersion=" << zipVersion; ss << ";minZipVersion=" << minZipVersion; ss << ";nbDisk=" << nbDisk; ss << ";nbDiskCd=" << nbDiskCd; ss << ";nbCdRecD=" << nbCdRecD; ss << ";nbCdRec=" << nbCdRec; ss << ";cdSize=" << cdSize; ss << ";cdOffset=" << cdOffset; ss << ";extensibleData=" << extensibleData; ss << ";extensibleDataLength" << extensibleDataLength << "}"; return ss.str(); } uint64_t zip64EocdSize; //< size of zip64 end of central directory record uint16_t zipVersion; //< version made by uint16_t minZipVersion; //< version needed to extract uint32_t nbDisk; //< number of this disk uint32_t nbDiskCd; //< number of the disk with the start of the central directory uint64_t nbCdRecD; //< total number of entries in the central directory on this disk uint64_t nbCdRec; //< total number of entries in the central directory uint64_t cdSize; //< size of the central directory uint64_t cdOffset; //< offset of start of central directory std::string extensibleData; //< zip64 extensible data sector uint64_t extensibleDataLength; //< extensible data length uint64_t zip64EocdTotalSize; //< size of the record //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the End of Central Directory signature //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const uint32_t zip64EocdSign = 0x06064b50; static const uint16_t zip64EocdBaseSize = 56; }; } #endif /* SRC_XRDZIP_XRDZIPZIP64EOCD_HH_ */