# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library Lesser General Public License
# for more details at ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com )

Provides literal I{marshaller} classes.


from suds import *
from suds.mx import *
from suds.mx.core import Core
from suds.mx.typer import Typer
from suds.resolver import Frame, GraphResolver
from suds.sax.element import Element
from suds.sudsobject import Factory

from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)

# add typed extensions
Content.extensions.append("type")  # The expected xsd type
Content.extensions.append("real")  # The 'true' XSD type
Content.extensions.append("ancestry")  # The 'type' ancestry

class Typed(Core):
    A I{typed} marshaller.

    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both I{document/literal}
    and I{rpc/literal} SOAP message styles.

    @ivar schema: An XSD schema.
    @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
    @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver.
    @type resolver: L{GraphResolver}


    def __init__(self, schema, xstq=True):
        @param schema: A schema object
        @type schema: L{xsd.schema.Schema}
        @param xstq: The B{x}ml B{s}chema B{t}ype B{q}ualified flag indicates
            that the I{xsi:type} attribute values should be qualified by
        @type xstq: bool

        self.schema = schema
        self.xstq = xstq
        self.resolver = GraphResolver(self.schema)

    def reset(self):

    def start(self, content):
        Start marshalling the 'content' by ensuring that both the 'content'
        _and_ the resolver are primed with the XSD type information. The
        'content' value is both translated and sorted based on the XSD type.
        Only values that are objects have their attributes sorted.

        log.debug("starting content:\n%s", content)
        if content.type is None:
            name = content.tag
            if name.startswith("_"):
                name = "@" + name[1:]
            content.type = self.resolver.find(name, content.value)
            if content.type is None:
                raise TypeNotFound(content.tag)
            known = None
            if isinstance(content.value, Object):
                known = self.resolver.known(content.value)
                if known is None:
                    log.debug("object %s has no type information",
                    known = content.type
            frame = Frame(content.type, resolved=known)
        frame = self.resolver.top()
        content.real = frame.resolved
        content.ancestry = frame.ancestry
        if self.skip(content):
            log.debug("skipping (optional) content:\n%s", content)
            return False
        return True

    def suspend(self, content):
        Suspend to process list content.

        Primarily, this involves popping the 'list' content off the resolver's
        stack so its list items can be marshalled.


    def resume(self, content):
        Resume processing list content.

        To do this, we really need to simply push the 'list' content back onto
        the resolver stack.


    def end(self, parent, content):
        End processing the content.

        Make sure the content ending matches the top of the resolver stack
        since for list processing we play games with the resolver stack.

        log.debug("ending content:\n%s", content)
        current = self.resolver.top().type
        if current != content.type:
            raise Exception("content (end) mismatch: top=(%s) cont=(%s)" % (
                current, content))

    def node(self, content):
        Create an XML node.

        The XML node is namespace qualified as defined by the corresponding
        schema element.

        ns = content.type.namespace()
        if content.type.form_qualified:
            node = Element(content.tag, ns=ns)
            if ns[0]:
                node.addPrefix(ns[0], ns[1])
            node = Element(content.tag)
        self.encode(node, content)
        log.debug("created - node:\n%s", node)
        return node

    def setnil(self, node, content):
        Set the 'node' nil only if the XSD type specifies that it is permitted.

        if content.type.nillable:

    def setdefault(self, node, content):
        """Set the node to the default value specified by the XSD type."""
        default = content.type.default
        if default is not None:
        return default

    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False

    def encode(self, node, content):
        Add (SOAP) encoding information if needed.

        The encoding information is added only if the resolved type is derived
        by extension. Furthermore, the xsi:type value is qualified by namespace
        only if the content (tag) and referenced type are in different

        if content.type.any():
        if not content.real.extension():
        if content.type.resolve() == content.real:
        ns = None
        name = content.real.name
        if self.xstq:
            ns = content.real.namespace("ns1")
        Typer.manual(node, name, ns)

    def skip(self, content):
        Get whether to skip this I{content}.

        Should be skipped when the content is optional and value is either None
        or an empty list.

        @param content: Content to skip.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: True if content is to be skipped.
        @rtype: bool

        if self.optional(content):
            v = content.value
            if v is None:
                return True
            if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and not v:
                return True
        return False

    def optional(self, content):
        if content.type.optional():
            return True
        for a in content.ancestry:
            if a.optional():
                return True
        return False

    def translate(self, content):
        Translate using the XSD type information.

        Python I{dict} is translated to a suds object. Most importantly,
        primitive values are translated from python to XML types using the XSD

        @param content: Content to translate.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}

        v = content.value
        if v is None:
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            cls = content.real.name
            content.value = Factory.object(cls, v)
            md = content.value.__metadata__
            md.sxtype = content.type
        v = content.real.translate(v, False)
        content.value = v
        return self

    def sort(self, content):
        Sort suds object attributes.

        The attributes are sorted based on the ordering defined in the XSD type

        @param content: Content to sort.
        @type content: L{Object}
        @return: self
        @rtype: L{Typed}

        v = content.value
        if isinstance(v, Object):
            md = v.__metadata__
            md.ordering = self.ordering(content.real)
        return self

    def ordering(self, type):
        Attribute ordering defined in the specified XSD type information.

        @param type: XSD type object.
        @type type: L{SchemaObject}
        @return: An ordered list of attribute names.
        @rtype: list

        result = []
        for child, ancestry in type.resolve():
            name = child.name
            if child.name is None:
            if child.isattr():
                name = "_%s" % (child.name,)
        return result

class Literal(Typed):
    A I{literal} marshaller.

    This marshaller is semi-typed as needed to support both I{document/literal}
    and I{rpc/literal} soap message styles.
