!############################################################################## ! MSIS® (NRL-SOF-014-1) SOFTWARE ! ! MSIS® is a registered trademark of the Government of the United States of ! America, as represented by the Secretary of the Navy. Unauthorized use of ! the trademark is prohibited. ! ! The MSIS® Software (hereinafter Software) is property of the United States ! Government, as represented by the Secretary of the Navy. Methods performed ! by this software are covered by U.S. Patent Number 10,641,925. The Government ! of the United States of America, as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, ! herein grants a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to the Software for ! academic, non-commercial, purposes only. A user of the Software shall not: ! (i) use the Software for any non-academic, commercial purposes, (ii) make ! any modification or improvement to the Software, (iii) disseminate the ! 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(2) Do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ! completeness, or usefulness of the software, (3) Do not represent that use of ! the software would not infringe privately owned rights, (4) Do not warrant ! that the software will function uninterrupted, that is error-free or that any ! errors will be corrected. ! ! BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. !############################################################################## !!! =========================================================================== !!! NRLMSIS 2.0: !!! Neutral atmosphere empirical model from the surface to lower exosphere !!! John Emmert (john.emmert@nrl.navy.mil) !!! Doug Drob (douglas.drob@nrl.navy.mil) !!! =========================================================================== !!! !!! MSISCALC: New interface with re-ordered input arguments and output arrays. ! ! PREREQUISITES: ! Must first run MSISINIT to load parameters and set switches. The ! MSISCALC subroutine checks for initialization and does a default ! initialization if necessary. This self-initialization will be removed ! in future versions. ! ! CALLING SEQUENCE: ! CALL MSISCALC(DAY, UTSEC, Z, LAT, LON, SFLUXAVG, SFLUX, AP, TN, DN, [TEX]) ! ! INPUT VARIABLES: ! DAY Day of year (1.0 to 365.0 or 366.0) ! UTSEC Universal time (seconds) ! Z Geodetic altitude (km) (default) or Geopotential height (km) ! LAT Geodetic latitude (deg) ! LON Geodetic longitude (deg) ! SFLUXAVG 81 day average, centered on input time, of F10.7 solar ! activity index ! SFLUX Daily F10.7 for previous day ! AP Geomagnetic activity index array: ! (1) Daily Ap ! (2) 3 hr ap index for current time ! (3) 3 hr ap index for 3 hrs before current time ! (4) 3 hr ap index for 6 hrs before current time ! (5) 3 hr ap index for 9 hrs before current time ! (6) Average of eight 3 hr ap indices from 12 to 33 hrs ! prior to current time ! (7) Average of eight 3 hr ap indices from 36 to 57 hrs ! prior to current time ! AP(2:7) are only used when switch_legacy(9) = -1.0 in MSISINIT ! ! NOTES ON INPUT VARIABLES: ! - The day-of-year dependence of the model only uses the DAY argument. If ! a continuous day-of-year dependence is desired, this argument should ! include the fractional day (e.g., DAY = + UTSEC/86400.0 ! - If lzalt_type = .true. (default) in the MSISINIT call, then Z is ! treated as geodetic altitude. ! If lzalt_type = .false., then Z is treated as geopotential height. ! - F107 and F107A values are the 10.7 cm radio flux at the Sun-Earth ! distance, not the radio flux at 1 AU. ! ! OUTPUT VARIABLES: ! TN Temperature at altitude (K) ! DN(1) Total mass density (kg/m3) ! DN(2) N2 number density (m-3) ! DN(3) O2 number density (m-3) ! DN(4) O number density (m-3) ! DN(5) He number density (m-3) ! DN(6) H number density (m-3) ! DN(7) Ar number density (m-3) ! DN(8) N number density (m-3) ! DN(9) Anomalous oxygen number density (m-3) ! DN(10) Not used in NRLMSIS 2.0 (will contain NO in future release) ! TEX Exospheric temperature (K) (optional argument) ! ! NOTES ON OUTPUT VARIABLES: ! - Missing density values are returned as 9.999e-38 ! - Species included in mass density calculation are set in MSISINIT ! !!! ========================================================================= !************************************************************************************************** ! MSIS_CALC Module: Contains main MSIS entry point !************************************************************************************************** module msis_calc contains !================================================================================================== ! MSISCALC: The main MSIS subroutine entry point !================================================================================================== subroutine msiscalc(day,utsec,z,lat,lon,sfluxavg,sflux,ap,tn,dn,tex) use msis_constants, only : rp, dmissing, lnp0, Mbarg0divkB, kB, nspec, nodesTN, nd, zetaF, zetaB, & Hgamma, zetagamma, maxnbf use msis_init, only : msisinit, initflag, zaltflag, specflag, massflag, masswgt, etaTN use msis_gfn, only : globe use msis_tfn, only : tnparm, tfnparm, tfnx use msis_dfn, only : dnparm, dfnparm, dfnx implicit none real(8), external :: alt2gph real(kind=rp), external :: dilog real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: day real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: utsec real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: z real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lat real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lon real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: sfluxavg,sflux,ap(1:7) real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: tn, dn(1:10) real(kind=rp), intent(out), optional :: tex real(kind=rp), save :: lastday = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastutsec = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastlat = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastlon = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastz = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastsflux = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastsfluxavg = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: lastap(1:7) = -9999.0 real(kind=rp), save :: gf(0:maxnbf-1) real(kind=rp), save :: Sz(-5:0,2:6) integer, save :: iz type(tnparm), save :: tpro type(dnparm), save :: dpro(1:nspec-1) real(8) :: zaltd, latd real(kind=rp) :: zeta, lndtotz, Vz, Wz, HRfact, lnPz, delz integer :: i, j, kmax, ispec ! Check if model has been initialized; if not, perform default initialization if (.not. initflag) call msisinit() ! Calculate geopotential height, if necessary if(zaltflag) then zaltd = dble(z) latd = dble(lat) zeta = alt2gph(latd,zaltd) else zeta = z endif ! If only altitude changes then update the local spline weights if (zeta .lt. zetaB) then if (zeta .ne. lastz) then if (zeta .lt. zetaF) then kmax = 5 else kmax = 6 endif call bspline(zeta,nodesTN,nd+2,kmax,etaTN,Sz,iz) lastz = zeta endif endif ! If location, time, or solar/geomagnetic conditions change then recompute the profile parameters if ((day .ne. lastday) .or. (utsec .ne. lastutsec) .or. & (lat .ne. lastlat) .or. (lon .ne. lastlon) .or. & (sflux .ne. lastsflux) .or. (sfluxavg .ne. lastsfluxavg) .or. & any(ap .ne. lastap)) then call globe(day,utsec,lat,lon,sfluxavg,sflux,ap,gf) call tfnparm(gf,tpro) do ispec = 2, nspec-1 if (specflag(ispec)) call dfnparm(ispec,gf,tpro,dpro(ispec)) enddo lastday = day lastutsec = utsec lastlat = lat lastlon = lon lastsflux = sflux lastsfluxavg = sfluxavg lastap = ap endif ! Exospheric temperature if (present(tex)) then tex = tpro%tex endif ! Temperature at altitude tn = tfnx(zeta,iz,Sz(-3:0,4),tpro) ! Temperature integration terms at altitude, total number density delz = zeta - zetaB if (zeta .lt. zetaF) then i = max(iz-4,0) if (iz .lt. 4) then j = -iz else j = -4 endif Vz = dot_product(tpro%beta(i:iz),Sz(j:0,5)) + tpro%cVS Wz = 0.0_rp lnPz = lnP0 - Mbarg0divkB*(Vz - tpro%Vzeta0) lndtotz = lnPz - log(kB*tn) else if (zeta .lt. zetaB) then Vz = dot_product(tpro%beta(iz-4:iz),Sz(-4:0,5)) + tpro%cVS Wz = dot_product(tpro%gamma(iz-5:iz),Sz(-5:0,6)) + tpro%cVS*delz + tpro%cWS else Vz = (delz + log(tn/tpro%tex)/tpro%sigma)/tpro%tex + tpro%cVB Wz = (0.5_rp*delz*delz + dilog(tpro%b*exp(-tpro%sigma*delz))/tpro%sigmasq)/tpro%tex & + tpro%cVB*delz + tpro%cWB endif endif ! Species number densities at altitude HRfact = 0.5_rp * (1.0_rp + tanh(Hgamma*(zeta - zetagamma))) !Reduction factor for chemical/dynamical correction scale height below zetagamma do ispec = 2, nspec-1 if (specflag(ispec)) then dn(ispec) = dfnx(zeta,tn,lndtotz,Vz,Wz,HRfact,tpro,dpro(ispec)) else dn(ispec) = dmissing endif enddo ! Mass density if (specflag(1)) then dn(1) = dot_product(dn,masswgt) else dn(1) = dmissing endif return end subroutine msiscalc end module msis_calc !================================================================================================== ! BSPLINE: Returns array of nonzero b-spline values, for all orders up to specified order (max 6) !================================================================================================== subroutine bspline(x,nodes,nd,kmax,eta,S,i) use msis_constants, only: rp implicit none ! Input variables real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: x !Location at which splines are to be evaluated real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: nodes(0:30) !Spline node locations integer, intent(in) :: nd !Number of spline nodes minus one (0:nd) integer, intent(in) :: kmax !Maximum order (up to 6 allowed) of evaluated splines real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: eta(0:30,2:6) !Array of precomputed weights for recursion (reciprocals of node differences) ! Ouput variables real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: S(-5:0,2:6) !Array of b-spline values (spline index relative to i (-5:0), spline order (2:6)) integer, intent(out) :: i !Index of last nonzero b-spline ! Working variables integer :: j, k, l integer :: low, high real(kind=rp) :: w(-4:0) !Weights for recursion relation ! Initialize to zero S(:,:) = 0.0_rp ! Find index of last (rightmost) nonzero spline if (x .ge. nodes(nd)) then i = nd return endif if (x .le. nodes(0)) then i = -1 return endif low = 0 high = nd i = (low + high)/2 do while (x .lt. nodes(i) .or. x .ge. nodes(i + 1)) if (x .lt. nodes(i)) then high = i else low = i endif i = (low + high)/2 end do ! Initialize with linear splines S(0,2) = (x - nodes(i)) * eta(i,2) if (i .gt. 0) S(-1,2) = 1 - S(0,2) if (i .ge. nd-1) S(0,2) = 0.0_rp !Reset out-of-bounds spline to zero ! k = 3 (quadratic splines) w(:) = 0.0_rp w(0) = (x - nodes(i)) * eta(i,3) if (i .ne. 0) w(-1) = (x - nodes(i-1)) * eta(i-1,3) if (i .lt. (nd-2)) S(0,3) = w(0)*S(0,2) if ( ((i-1) .ge. 0) .and. ((i-1) .lt. (nd-2)) ) & S(-1,3) = w(-1) * S(-1,2) + (1.0_rp - w(0))*S(0,2) if ((i-2) .ge. 0) S(-2,3) = (1.0_rp - w(-1))*S(-1,2) ! k = 4 (cubic splines) do l = 0, -2, -1 j = i + l if (j .lt. 0) exit !Skip out-of-bounds splines w(l) = (x - nodes(j)) * eta(j,4) enddo if (i .lt. (nd-3)) S(0,4) = w(0)*S(0,3) do l = -1, -2, -1 if ( ((i+l) .ge. 0) .and. ((i+l) .lt. (nd-3)) ) & S(l,4) = w(l)*S(l,3) + (1.0_rp - w(l+1))*S(l+1,3) enddo if ((i-3) .ge. 0) S(-3,4) = (1.0_rp - w(-2))*S(-2,3) ! k = 5 do l = 0, -3, -1 j = i + l if (j .lt. 0) exit !Skip out-of-bounds splines w(l) = (x - nodes(j)) * eta(j,5) enddo if (i .lt. (nd-4)) S(0,5) = w(0)*S(0,4) do l = -1, -3, -1 if ( ((i+l) .ge. 0) .and. ((i+l) .lt. (nd-4)) ) & S(l,5) = w(l)*S(l,4) + (1.0_rp - w(l+1))*S(l+1,4) enddo if ((i-4) .ge. 0) S(-4,5) = (1.0_rp - w(-3))*S(-3,4) if (kmax .eq. 5) return !Exit if only 5th order spline is needed ! k = 6 do l = 0, -4, -1 j = i + l if (j .lt. 0) exit !Skip out-of-bounds splines w(l) = (x - nodes(j)) * eta(j,6) enddo if (i .lt. (nd-5)) S(0,6) = w(0)*S(0,5) do l = -1, -4, -1 if ( ((i+l) .ge. 0) .and. ((i+l) .lt. (nd-5)) ) & S(l,6) = w(l)*S(l,5) + (1.0_rp - w(l+1))*S(l+1,5) enddo if ((i-5) .ge. 0) S(-5,6) = (1.0_rp - w(-4))*S(-4,5) return end subroutine bspline !================================================================================================== ! DILOG: Calculate dilogarithm in the domain [0,1) ! Retains terms up to order 3 in the expansion, which results in relative errors less than 1E-5. ! Reference: ! Ginsberg, E. S., and D. Zaborowski (1975), The Dilogarithm function of a real argument, ! Commun. ACM, 18, 200–202. !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function dilog(x0) use msis_constants, only : rp, pi implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: x0 real(kind=rp), parameter :: pi2_6 = pi*pi / 6.0_rp real(kind=rp) :: x, xx, x4, lnx x = x0 if (x .gt. 0.5_rp) then lnx = log(x) x = 1.0_rp - x !Reflect argument into [0,0.5] range xx = x*x x4 = 4.0_rp*x dilog = pi2_6 - lnx*log(x) & - (4.0_rp*xx*(23.0_rp/16.0_rp + x/36.0_rp + xx/576.0_rp + xx*x/3600.0_rp) & + x4 + 3.0_rp*(1.0_rp - xx)*lnx) / (1.0_rp + x4 + xx) else xx = x*x x4 = 4.0_rp*x dilog = (4.0_rp*xx*(23.0_rp/16.0_rp + x/36.0_rp + xx/576.0_rp + xx*x/3600.0_rp) & + x4 + 3.0_rp*(1.0_rp - xx)*log(1.0_rp - x)) / (1.0_rp + x4 + xx) endif return end function dilog