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MSIS_DFN Module: Contains vertical species density profile parameters and subroutines !************************************************************************************************** module msis_dfn use msis_constants, only : rp, nl, nsplO1, nsplNO type dnparm sequence real(kind=rp) :: lnPhiF ! (Except O, H) Natural log of mixing ratio at zetaF (70 km), before chemical and dynamical corrections are applied (ln m^-3) (global term only) real(kind=rp) :: lndref ! Natural log of number density at reference height real(kind=rp) :: zetaM ! "Turbopause Height": Height of midpoint of effective mass transition (km) real(kind=rp) :: HML ! Scale height of lower portion of effective mass profile (km) real(kind=rp) :: HMU ! Scale height of upper portion of effective mass profile (km) real(kind=rp) :: C ! Chapman term coefficient real(kind=rp) :: zetaC ! Chapman term reference height (km) real(kind=rp) :: HC ! Chapman term scale height (km) real(kind=rp) :: R ! Chemical/dynamical term coefficient real(kind=rp) :: zetaR ! Chemical/dynamical term reference height (km) real(kind=rp) :: HR ! Chemical/dynamical term scale height (km) real(kind=rp) :: cf(0:nsplO1+1) ! Merged spline coefficients (for chemistry-dominated region of O1, NO, and (eventually), H, N) real(kind=rp) :: zref ! Reference height for hydrostatic integral and ideal gas terms real(kind=rp) :: Mi(0:4) ! Effective mass at nodes of piecewise mass profile (derived from zetaM, HML, HMU) real(kind=rp) :: zetaMi(0:4) ! Height of nodes of piecewise mass profile (derived from zetaM, HML, HMU) real(kind=rp) :: aMi(0:4) = 0.0_rp ! Slopes of piecewise mass profile segments (derived from zetaM, HML, HMU) real(kind=rp) :: WMi(0:4) = 0.0_rp ! 2nd indefinite integral of 1/T at mass profile nodes real(kind=rp) :: XMi(0:4) = 0.0_rp ! Cumulative adjustment to M/T integral due to changing effective mass real(kind=rp) :: Izref ! Indefinite hydrostatic integral at reference height real(kind=rp) :: Tref ! Temperature at reference height (for ideal gas law term) real(kind=rp) :: zmin ! Minimum height of profile (missing values below) real(kind=rp) :: zhyd ! Hydrostatic terms needed above this height integer(kind=rp) :: ispec ! Species index end type dnparm contains !================================================================================================== ! DFNPARM: Compute the species density profile parameters !================================================================================================== subroutine dfnparm(ispec,gf,tpro,dpro) use msis_constants, only : tanh1, specmass, lnvmr, Mbar, g0divkB, & nd, zetaF, zetaB, zetaA, nodesTN, & nodesO1, zetarefO1, c1o1, c1o1adj, & nodesNO, zetarefNO, c1NO, c1NOadj, & zetarefOA, & maxnbf, mbf, nmag, nut, cmag, cut use msis_init, only : etaTN, TN,PR,N2,O2,O1,HE,H1,AR,N1,OA,NO, N2Rflag, & HRfactO1ref, dHRfactO1ref, HRfactNOref, dHRfactNOref use msis_gfn, only : sfluxmod, geomag, utdep use msis_tfn, only : tnparm implicit none real(kind=rp), external :: dilog integer, intent(in) :: ispec ! Species index real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: gf(0:maxnbf-1) ! Array of horizontal and temporal basis function terms type(tnparm), intent(in) :: tpro ! Structure containing temperature vertical profile parameters type(dnparm), intent(out) :: dpro ! Output structure containing density vertical profile parameters integer :: izf, i, i1, iz real(kind=rp) :: Cterm, Rterm0, Rterm real(kind=rp) :: bc(2) real(kind=rp) :: hbetaL,hbetaU real(kind=rp) :: delM, delz real(kind=rp) :: Wi ! 2nd indefinite integral at a piecewise mass profile node real(kind=rp) :: Si(-5:0,2:6) ! Array of b-spline values at a mass profile node real(kind=rp) :: Mzref ! Effective mass at reference altitude dpro%ispec = ispec select case(ispec) ! Molecular Nitrogen ---------------------- case(2) ! Mixing ratio and reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = lnvmr(ispec) dpro%lndref = tpro%lndtotF + dpro%lnPhiF dpro%zref = zetaF dpro%zmin = -1.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = dot_product(N2%beta(0:mbf,1),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HML = N2%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = N2%beta(0,3) ! Photochemical correction dpro%R = 0.0_rp if (N2Rflag) dpro%R = dot_product(N2%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaR = N2%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = N2%beta(0,9) ! Molecular Oxygen ------------------------ case(3) ! Mixing ratio and reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = lnvmr(ispec) dpro%lndref = tpro%lndtotF + dpro%lnPhiF dpro%zref = zetaF dpro%zmin = -1.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = O2%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = O2%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = O2%beta(0,3) ! Photochemical correction dpro%R = dot_product(O2%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%R = dpro%R + geomag(O2%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,7),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%zetaR = O2%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = O2%beta(0,9) ! Atomic Oxygen -------------------------- case(4) ! Reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = 0.0_rp dpro%lndref = dot_product(O1%beta(0:mbf,0),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zref = zetarefO1 dpro%zmin = nodesO1(3) dpro%zhyd = zetarefO1 ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = O1%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = O1%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = O1%beta(0,3) ! Chapman correction dpro%C = dot_product(O1%beta(0:mbf,4),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaC = O1%beta(0,5) dpro%HC = O1%beta(0,6) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(O1%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%R = dpro%R + sfluxmod(7,gf,O1,0.0_rp) dpro%R = dpro%R + geomag(O1%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,7),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%R = dpro%R + utdep(O1%beta(cut:cut+nut-1,7),gf(cut:cut+8)) dpro%zetaR = O1%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = O1%beta(0,9) ! Unconstrained splines do izf = 0, nsplO1-1 dpro%cf(izf) = dot_product(O1%beta(0:mbf,izf+10),gf(0:mbf)) enddo ! Constrained splines calculated after case statement ! Helium ---------------------- case(5) ! Mixing ratio and reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = lnvmr(ispec) dpro%lndref = tpro%lndtotF + dpro%lnPhiF dpro%zref = zetaF dpro%zmin = -1.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = HE%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = HE%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = HE%beta(0,3) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(HE%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%R = dpro%R + sfluxmod(7,gf,HE,1.0_rp) dpro%R = dpro%R + geomag(HE%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,7),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%R = dpro%R + utdep(HE%beta(cut:cut+nut-1,7),gf(cut:cut+8)) dpro%zetaR = HE%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = HE%beta(0,9) ! Atomic Hydrogen ---------------------- case(6) ! Reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = 0.0_rp dpro%lndref = dot_product(H1%beta(0:mbf,0),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zref = zetaA dpro%zmin = 75.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = H1%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = H1%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = H1%beta(0,3) ! Chapman correction dpro%C = dot_product(H1%beta(0:mbf,4),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaC = dot_product(H1%beta(0:mbf,5),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HC = H1%beta(0,6) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(H1%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%R = dpro%R + sfluxmod(7,gf,H1,0.0_rp) dpro%R = dpro%R + geomag(H1%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,7),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%R = dpro%R + utdep(H1%beta(cut:cut+nut-1,7),gf(cut:cut+8)) dpro%zetaR = H1%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = H1%beta(0,9) ! Argon ---------------------- case(7) ! Mixing ratio and reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = lnvmr(ispec) dpro%lndref = tpro%lndtotF + dpro%lnPhiF dpro%zref = zetaF dpro%zmin = -1.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = AR%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = AR%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = AR%beta(0,3) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(AR%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%R = dpro%R + geomag(AR%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,7),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%R = dpro%R + utdep(AR%beta(cut:cut+nut-1,7),gf(cut:cut+8)) dpro%zetaR = AR%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = AR%beta(0,9) ! Atomic Nitrogen ---------------------- case(8) ! Reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = 0.0_rp dpro%lndref = dot_product(N1%beta(0:mbf,0),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%lndref = dpro%lndref + sfluxmod(0,gf,N1,0.0_rp) dpro%lndref = dpro%lndref + geomag(N1%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,0),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%lndref = dpro%lndref + utdep(N1%beta(cut:cut+nut-1,0),gf(cut:cut+8)) dpro%zref = zetaB dpro%zmin = 90.0_rp dpro%zhyd = zetaF ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = N1%beta(0,1) dpro%HML = N1%beta(0,2) dpro%HMU = N1%beta(0,3) ! Chapman correction dpro%C = N1%beta(0,4) dpro%zetaC = N1%beta(0,5) dpro%HC = N1%beta(0,6) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(N1%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaR = N1%beta(0,8) dpro%HR = N1%beta(0,9) ! Anomalous Oxygen ---------------------- case(9) dpro%lndref = dot_product(OA%beta(0:mbf,0),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%lndref = dpro%lndref + geomag(OA%beta(cmag:cmag+nmag-1,0),gf(cmag:cmag+12),gf(cmag+13:cmag+26)) dpro%zref = zetarefOA dpro%zmin = 120.0_rp dpro%zhyd = 0.0_rp dpro%C = OA%beta(0,4) dpro%zetaC = OA%beta(0,5) dpro%HC = OA%beta(0,6) return !No further parameters needed for legacy anomalous oxygen profile ! Nitic Oxide ---------------------- case(10) ! Skip if parameters are not defined if (NO%beta(0,0) .eq. 0.0_rp) then dpro%lndref = 0.0_rp return endif ! Reference number density dpro%lnPhiF = 0.0_rp dpro%lndref = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,0),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zref = zetarefNO dpro%zmin = nodesNO(3) dpro%zhyd = zetarefNO ! Effective mass dpro%zetaM = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,1),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HML = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,2),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HMU = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,3),gf(0:mbf)) ! Chapman correction dpro%C = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,4),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaC = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,5),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HC = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,6),gf(0:mbf)) ! Dynamical correction dpro%R = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,7),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%zetaR = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,8),gf(0:mbf)) dpro%HR = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,9),gf(0:mbf)) ! Unconstrained splines do izf = 0,nsplNO-1 dpro%cf(izf) = dot_product(NO%beta(0:mbf,izf+10),gf(0:mbf)) enddo ! Constrained splines calculated after case statement ! Failsafe ----- --------------------------- case default stop 'Species not yet implemented' endselect ! Compute piecewise mass profile values and integration terms dpro%zetaMi(0) = dpro%zetaM - 2.0_rp*dpro%HML dpro%zetaMi(1) = dpro%zetaM - dpro%HML dpro%zetaMi(2) = dpro%zetaM dpro%zetaMi(3) = dpro%zetaM + dpro%HMU dpro%zetaMi(4) = dpro%zetaM + 2.0_rp*dpro%HMU dpro%Mi(0) = Mbar dpro%Mi(4) = specmass(ispec) dpro%Mi(2) = (dpro%Mi(0) + dpro%Mi(4)) / 2.0_rp delM = tanh1 * (dpro%Mi(4) - dpro%Mi(0)) / 2.0_rp dpro%Mi(1) = dpro%Mi(2) - delM dpro%Mi(3) = dpro%Mi(2) + delM !do i = 0, 4 ! i1 = i + 1 ! if (i .lt. 4) dpro%aMi(i) = (dpro%Mi(i1) - dpro%Mi(i)) / (dpro%zetaMi(i1) - dpro%zetaMi(i)) ! delz = dpro%zetaMi(i) - zetaB ! if (dpro%zetaMi(i) .lt. zetaB) then ! call bspline(dpro%zetaMi(i),nodesTN,nd+2,6,etaTN,Si,iz) ! dpro%WMi(i) = dot_product(tpro%gamma(iz-5:iz),Si(:,6)) + tpro%cVS*delz + tpro%cWS ! else ! dpro%WMi(i) = (0.5_rp*delz*delz + dilog(tpro%b*exp(-tpro%sigma*delz))/tpro%sigmasq)/tpro%tex & ! + tpro%cVB*delz + tpro%cWB ! endif !end do do i = 0, 3 dpro%aMi(i) = (dpro%Mi(i+1) - dpro%Mi(i)) / (dpro%zetaMi(i+1) - dpro%zetaMi(i)) enddo do i = 0, 4 delz = dpro%zetaMi(i) - zetaB if (dpro%zetaMi(i) .lt. zetaB) then call bspline(dpro%zetaMi(i),nodesTN,nd+2,6,etaTN,Si,iz) dpro%WMi(i) = dot_product(tpro%gamma(iz-5:iz),Si(:,6)) + tpro%cVS*delz + tpro%cWS else dpro%WMi(i) = (0.5_rp*delz*delz + dilog(tpro%b*exp(-tpro%sigma*delz))/tpro%sigmasq)/tpro%tex & + tpro%cVB*delz + tpro%cWB endif end do dpro%XMi(0) = -dpro%aMi(0) * dpro%WMi(0) do i = 1, 3 dpro%XMi(i) = dpro%XMi(i-1) - dpro%WMi(i) * (dpro%aMi(i) - dpro%aMi(i-1)) end do dpro%XMi(4) = dpro%XMi(3) + dpro%WMi(4) * dpro%aMi(3) ! Calculate hydrostatic integral at reference height, and copy temperature if (dpro%zref .eq. zetaF) then Mzref = Mbar dpro%Tref = tpro%TzetaF dpro%Izref = Mbar * tpro%VzetaF else if (dpro%zref .eq. zetaB) then Mzref = pwmp(dpro%zref,dpro%zetaMi,dpro%Mi,dpro%aMi) dpro%Tref = tpro%Tb0 dpro%Izref = 0.0_rp if ((zetaB .gt. dpro%zetaMi(0)) .and. (zetaB .lt. dpro%zetaMi(4))) then i = 0 do i1 = 1, 3 if (zetaB .lt. dpro%zetaMi(i1)) then exit else i = i1 endif enddo dpro%Izref = dpro%Izref - dpro%XMi(i) else dpro%Izref = dpro%Izref - dpro%XMi(4) endif else if (dpro%zref .eq. zetaA) then Mzref = pwmp(dpro%zref,dpro%zetaMi,dpro%Mi,dpro%aMi) dpro%Tref = tpro%TzetaA dpro%Izref = Mzref * tpro%VzetaA if ((zetaA .gt. dpro%zetaMi(0)) .and. (zetaA .lt. dpro%zetaMi(4))) then i = 0 do i1 = 1, 3 if (zetaA .lt. dpro%zetaMi(i1)) then exit else i = i1 endif enddo dpro%Izref = dpro%Izref - (dpro%aMi(i)*tpro%WzetaA + dpro%XMi(i)) else dpro%Izref = dpro%Izref - dpro%XMi(4) endif else stop 'Integrals at reference height not available' endif ! C1 constraint for O1 at 85 km if (ispec .eq. 4) then Cterm = dpro%C*exp(-(dpro%zref-dpro%zetaC)/dpro%HC) Rterm0 = tanh((dpro%zref-dpro%zetaR)/(HRfactO1ref*dpro%HR)) Rterm = dpro%R*(1+Rterm0) bc(1) = dpro%lndref - Cterm + Rterm - dpro%cf(7)*c1o1adj(1) !Reference density, Chapman term, logistic term, and subtraction of last unconstrained spline(7) bc(2) = -Mzref*g0divkB/tpro%tzetaA & !Gradient of hydrostatic term -tpro%dlntdzA & !Gradient of ideal gas law term +Cterm/dpro%HC & !Gradient of Chapman term +Rterm*(1-Rterm0)/dpro%HR*dHrfactO1ref & !Gradient of tapered logistic term -dpro%cf(7)*c1o1adj(2) !Subtraction of gradient of last unconstrained spline(7) ! Compute coefficients for constrained splines dpro%cf(8:9) = matmul(bc,c1o1) endif ! C1 constraint for NO at 122.5 km if (ispec .eq. 10) then Cterm = dpro%C*exp(-(dpro%zref - dpro%zetaC)/dpro%HC) Rterm0 = tanh((dpro%zref-dpro%zetaR)/(HRfactNOref*dpro%HR)) Rterm = dpro%R*(1+Rterm0) bc(1) = dpro%lndref - Cterm + Rterm - dpro%cf(7)*c1noadj(1) !Reference density, Chapman term, logistic term, and subtraction of last unconstrained spline(7) bc(2) = -Mzref*g0divkB/tpro%tb0 & !Gradient of hydrostatic term -tpro%tgb0/tpro%tb0 & !Gradient of ideal gas law term +Cterm/dpro%HC & !Gradient of Chapman term +Rterm*(1-Rterm0)/dpro%HR*dHrfactNOref & !Gradient of tapered logistic term -dpro%cf(7)*c1noadj(2) !Subtraction of gradient of last unconstrained spline(7) ! Compute coefficients for constrained splines dpro%cf(8:9) = matmul(bc,c1no) endif return end subroutine dfnparm !================================================================================================== ! DFNX: Compute a species density at specified geopotential height !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function dfnx(z,tnz,lndtotz,Vz,Wz,HRfact,tpro,dpro) use msis_constants, only : dmissing, g0divkB, ndO1, nodesO1, ndNO, nodesNO, HOA use msis_init, only : etaO1, etaNO use msis_tfn, only : tnparm implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: z ! Geopotential height real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: tnz, lndtotz ! Temperature, total number density at input z real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: Vz, Wz ! First and second indefinite integrals of 1/T at z real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: HRfact ! Reduction factor for chemical/dynamical correction scale height below zetaF type(tnparm), intent(in) :: tpro ! Structure containing temperature vertical profile parameters type(dnparm), intent(in) :: dpro ! Structure containing density vertical profile parameters integer(4) :: i, i1, iz real(kind=rp) :: Mz real(kind=rp) :: Sz(-5:0,2:6) real(kind=rp) :: Ihyd ! Hydrostatic definite integral real(kind=rp) :: ccor ! Chapman and logistical corrections ! Below minimum height of profile if (z .lt. dpro%zmin) then dfnx = dmissing return endif ! Anomalous Oxygen (legacy MSISE-00 formulation) if (dpro%ispec .eq. 9) then dfnx = dpro%lndref - (z - dpro%zref)/HOA - dpro%C*exp(-(z-dpro%zetaC)/dpro%HC) dfnx = exp(dfnx) return !No further calculation needed for anomalous oxygen endif ! Nitric Oxide: Skip if parameters are not defined if (dpro%ispec .eq. 10) then if (dpro%lndref .eq. 0.0_rp) then dfnx = dmissing return endif endif ! Chapman and logistic corrections select case(dpro%ispec) case(2,3,5,7) !For N2, O2, He, and Ar: logistic correction only ccor = dpro%R*(1+tanh((z-dpro%zetaR)/(HRfact*dpro%HR))) case(4,6,8,10) !For O, H, N, and NO: Chapman and logistic corrections ccor = - dpro%C*exp(-(z-dpro%zetaC)/dpro%HC) & + dpro%R*(1+tanh((z-dpro%zetaR)/(HRfact*dpro%HR))) endselect ! Below height where hydrostatic terms are needed if (z .lt. dpro%zhyd) then select case(dpro%ispec) case(2,3,5,7) !For N2, O2, He, and Ar, apply mixing ratios and exit dfnx = exp(lndtotz + dpro%lnPhiF + ccor) return case(4) !For O, evaluate splines call bspline(z,nodesO1,ndO1,4,etaO1,Sz,iz) dfnx = exp(dot_product(dpro%cf(iz-3:iz),Sz(-3:0,4))) return case(10) !For NO, evaluate splines call bspline(z,nodesNO,ndNO,4,etaNO,Sz,iz) dfnx = exp(dot_product(dpro%cf(iz-3:iz),Sz(-3:0,4))) return endselect endif ! Calculate hydrostatic term and apply to reference density Mz = pwmp(z,dpro%zetaMi,dpro%Mi,dpro%aMi) Ihyd = Mz * Vz - dpro%Izref if ((z .gt. dpro%zetaMi(0)) .and. (z .lt. dpro%zetaMi(4))) then i = 0 do i1 = 1, 3 if (z .lt. dpro%zetaMi(i1)) then exit else i = i1 endif enddo Ihyd = Ihyd - (dpro%aMi(i)*Wz + dpro%XMi(i)) else if (z .ge. dpro%zetaMi(4)) then Ihyd = Ihyd - dpro%XMi(4) endif dfnx = dpro%lndref - Ihyd * g0divkB + ccor ! Apply ideal gas law dfnx = exp(dfnx) * dpro%Tref/tnz return end function dfnx !================================================================================================== ! PWMP: Piecewise effective mass profile interpolation !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function pwmp(z,zm,m,dmdz) use msis_constants, only : rp real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: z real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: zm(0:4) real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: m(0:4) real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: dmdz(0:3) integer :: irng !Index of piecwise interval integer :: inode ! Most probable case if (z .ge. zm(4)) then pwmp = m(4) return endif ! Second most probable case if (z .le. zm(0)) then pwmp = m(0) return endif ! None of the above do inode = 0,3 if (z .lt. zm(inode+1)) then pwmp = m(inode) + dmdz(inode)*(z - zm(inode)) return endif enddo ! If we are here this is a problem stop 'Error in pwmp' end function pwmp end module msis_dfn