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MSIS_GFN Module: Contains subroutines to calculate global (horizontal and time-dependent) model ! basis functions !************************************************************************************************** module msis_gfn use msis_constants, only : rp, maxn use msis_init, only : TN,PR,N2,O2,O1,HE,H1,AR,N1,OA,NO, swg implicit none real(kind=rp) :: plg(0:maxn,0:maxn) real(kind=rp) :: cdoy(2), sdoy(2) real(kind=rp) :: clst(3), slst(3) real(kind=rp) :: clon(2), slon(2) real(kind=rp) :: sfluxavgref = 150.0 ! Reference F10.7 value (=150 in NRLMSISE-00) real(kind=rp) :: lastlat = -999.9 real(kind=rp) :: lastdoy = -999.9 real(kind=rp) :: lastlst = -999.9 real(kind=rp) :: lastlon = -999.9 contains !================================================================================================== ! GLOBE: Calculate horizontal and time-dependent basis functions ! (Same purpose as NRLMSISE-00 "GLOBE7" subroutine) !================================================================================================== subroutine globe(doy,utsec,lat,lon,sfluxavg,sflux,ap,bf) use msis_constants, only : deg2rad, doy2rad, lst2rad, & maxnbf, mbf, maxn, amaxn, amaxs, tmaxl, tmaxn, tmaxs, pmaxm, pmaxn, pmaxs, & nsfx, nsfxmod, ctimeind, cintann, ctide, cspw, csfx, cextra, cnonlin, csfxmod, cmag, cut implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: doy ! Day of year real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: utsec ! Universal time in seconds real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lat ! Latitude real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lon ! Longitdue real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: sfluxavg ! 81-day average F10.7 real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: sflux ! Daily F10.7 real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: ap(1:7) ! Ap geomagnetic activity index history array real(kind=rp), intent(out) :: bf(0:maxnbf-1) ! Output array of basis function terms real(kind=rp) :: lst real(kind=rp) :: slat, clat, clat2, clat4, slat2 real(kind=rp) :: cosdoy, sindoy real(kind=rp) :: coslon, sinlon real(kind=rp) :: pl real(kind=rp) :: coslst, sinlst real(kind=rp) :: dfa, df real(kind=rp) :: theta real(kind=rp) :: sza integer :: n, m, l, s, c ! Associated Legendre polynomials if (lat .ne. lastlat) then clat = sin(lat*deg2rad) ! clat <=> sin, Legendre polyomial defined in colat slat = cos(lat*deg2rad) ! slat <=> cos, Legendre polyomial defined in colat clat2 = clat*clat clat4 = clat2*clat2 slat2 = slat*slat plg(0,0) = 1.0_rp plg(1,0) = clat plg(2,0) = 0.5_rp * (3.0_rp * clat2 - 1.0_rp) plg(3,0) = 0.5_rp * (5.0_rp * clat * clat2 - 3.0_rp * clat) plg(4,0) = (35.0_rp * clat4 - 30.0_rp * clat2 + 3.0_rp)/8.0_rp plg(5,0) = (63.0_rp * clat2 * clat2 * clat - 70.0_rp * clat2 * clat + 15.0_rp * clat)/8.0_rp plg(6,0) = (11.0_rp * clat * plg(5, 0) - 5.0_rp * plg(4, 0))/6.0_rp plg(1,1) = slat plg(2,1) = 3.0_rp * clat * slat plg(3,1) = 1.5_rp * (5.0_rp * clat2 - 1.0_rp) * slat plg(4,1) = 2.5_rp * (7.0_rp * clat2 * clat - 3.0_rp * clat) * slat plg(5,1) = 1.875_rp * (21.0_rp * clat4 - 14.0_rp * clat2 + 1.0_rp) * slat plg(6,1) = (11.0_rp * clat * plg(5, 1) - 6.0_rp * plg(4, 1))/5.0_rp plg(2,2) = 3.0_rp * slat2 plg(3,2) = 15.0_rp * slat2 * clat plg(4,2) = 7.5_rp * (7.0_rp * clat2 - 1.0_rp) * slat2 plg(5,2) = 3.0_rp * clat * plg(4, 2) - 2.0_rp * plg(3, 2) plg(6,2) = (11.0_rp * clat * plg(5, 2) - 7.0_rp * plg(4, 2))/4.0_rp plg(3,3) = 15.0_rp * slat2 * slat plg(4,3) = 105.0_rp * slat2 * slat * clat plg(5,3) = (9.0_rp * clat * plg(4, 3) - 7.0_rp * plg(3, 3))/2.0_rp plg(6,3) = (11.0_rp * clat * plg(5, 3) - 8.0_rp * plg(4, 3))/3.0_rp lastlat = lat endif ! Fourier harmonics of day of year if (doy .ne. lastdoy) then cdoy(1) = cos(doy2rad*doy) sdoy(1) = sin(doy2rad*doy) cdoy(2) = cos(doy2rad*doy*2.0_rp) sdoy(2) = sin(doy2rad*doy*2.0_rp) lastdoy = doy endif ! Fourier harmonics of local time lst = mod(utsec/3600.0_rp + lon/15.0_rp + 24.0_rp, 24.0_rp) if (lst .ne. lastlst) then clst(1) = cos(lst2rad*lst) slst(1) = sin(lst2rad*lst) clst(2) = cos(lst2rad*lst*2.0_rp) slst(2) = sin(lst2rad*lst*2.0_rp) clst(3) = cos(lst2rad*lst*3.0_rp) slst(3) = sin(lst2rad*lst*3.0_rp) lastlst = lst endif ! Fourier harmonics of longitude if (lon .ne. lastlon) then clon(1) = cos(deg2rad*lon) slon(1) = sin(deg2rad*lon) clon(2) = cos(deg2rad*lon*2.0_rp) slon(2) = sin(deg2rad*lon*2.0_rp) lastlon = lon endif !--------------------------------------------- ! Coupled Linear Terms !--------------------------------------------- ! Reset basis functions bf(:) = 0.0_rp ! Time-independent (pure latitude dependence) c = ctimeind do n = 0, amaxn bf(c) = plg(n,0) c = c + 1 enddo ! Intra-annual (annual and semiannual) if (c .ne. cintann) stop 'problem with basis definitions' do s = 1, amaxs cosdoy = cdoy(s) sindoy = sdoy(s) do n = 0, amaxn pl = plg(n,0) bf(c) = pl*cosdoy bf(c+1) = pl*sindoy c = c + 2 enddo enddo ! Migrating Tides (local time dependence) if (c .ne. ctide) stop 'problem with basis definitions' do l = 1, tmaxl coslst = clst(l) sinlst = slst(l) do n = l, tmaxn pl = plg(n,l) bf(c) = pl*coslst bf(c+1) = pl*sinlst c = c + 2 enddo ! Intra-annual modulation of tides do s = 1, tmaxs cosdoy = cdoy(s) sindoy = sdoy(s) do n = l, tmaxn pl = plg(n,l) bf(c) = pl*coslst*cosdoy bf(c+1) = pl*sinlst*cosdoy bf(c+2) = pl*coslst*sindoy bf(c+3) = pl*sinlst*sindoy c = c + 4 enddo enddo enddo ! Stationary Planetary Waves (longitude dependence) if (c .ne. cspw) stop 'problem with basis definitions' do m = 1, pmaxm coslon = clon(m) sinlon = slon(m) do n = m, pmaxn pl = plg(n,m) bf(c) = pl*coslon bf(c+1) = pl*sinlon c = c + 2 enddo ! Intra-annual modulation of SPWs do s = 1, pmaxs cosdoy = cdoy(s) sindoy = sdoy(s) do n = m, pmaxn pl = plg(n,m) bf(c) = pl*coslon*cosdoy bf(c+1) = pl*sinlon*cosdoy bf(c+2) = pl*coslon*sindoy bf(c+3) = pl*sinlon*sindoy c = c + 4 enddo enddo enddo ! Linear solar flux terms if (c .ne. csfx) stop 'problem with basis definitions' dfa = sfluxavg - sfluxavgref df = sflux - sfluxavg bf(c) = dfa bf(c+1) = dfa*dfa bf(c+2) = df bf(c+3) = df*df bf(c+4) = df*dfa c = c + nsfx ! Additional linear terms if (c .ne. cextra) stop 'problem with basis definitions' sza = solzen(doy,lst,lat,lon) bf(c) = -0.5_rp*tanh((sza-98.0_rp)/6.0_rp) !Solar zenith angle logistic function for O, H (transition width 3 deg, transition sza for horizon at ~65 km altitude) bf(c+1) = -0.5_rp*tanh((sza-101.5_rp)/20.0_rp) !Solar zenith angle logistic function for NO (transition width 10 deg, transition sza for horizon at ~130 km altitude) bf(c+2) = dfa*bf(c) !Solar flux modulation of logistic sza term bf(c+3) = dfa*bf(c+1) !Solar flux modulation of logistic sza term bf(c+4) = dfa*plg(2,0) !Solar flux modulation of P(2,0) term bf(c+5) = dfa*plg(4,0) !Solar flux modulation of P(4,0) term bf(c+6) = dfa*plg(0,0)*cdoy(1) !Solar flux modulation of global AO bf(c+7) = dfa*plg(0,0)*sdoy(1) !Solar flux modulation of global AO bf(c+8) = dfa*plg(0,0)*cdoy(2) !Solar flux modulation of global SAO bf(c+9) = dfa*plg(0,0)*sdoy(2) !Solar flux modulation of global SAO !--------------------------------------------- ! Nonlinear Terms !--------------------------------------------- c = cnonlin ! Solar flux modulation terms if (c .ne. csfxmod) stop 'problem with basis definitions' bf(c) = dfa bf(c+1) = dfa*dfa bf(c+2) = df bf(c+3) = df*df bf(c+4) = df*dfa c = c + nsfxmod ! Terms needed for legacy geomagnetic activity dependence if (c .ne. cmag) stop 'problem with basis set' bf(c:c+6) = ap - 4.0 bf(c+8) = doy2rad*doy bf(c+9) = lst2rad*lst bf(c+10) = deg2rad*lon bf(c+11) = lst2rad*utsec/3600.0 bf(c+12) = abs(lat) c = c + 13 do m = 0,1 do n = 0,amaxn bf(c) = plg(n,m) c = c + 1 enddo enddo ! Terms needed for legacy UT dependence c = cut bf(c) = lst2rad*utsec/3600.0 bf(c+1) = doy2rad*doy bf(c+2) = dfa bf(c+3) = deg2rad*lon bf(c+4) = plg(1,0) bf(c+5) = plg(3,0) bf(c+6) = plg(5,0) bf(c+7) = plg(3,2) bf(c+8) = plg(5,2) !--------------------------------------------- ! Apply Switches !--------------------------------------------- where(.not. swg(0:mbf)) bf(0:mbf) = 0.0_rp return end subroutine globe !================================================================================================== ! SOLZEN: Calculate solar zenith angle (adapted from IRI subroutine) !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function solzen(ddd,lst,lat,lon) use msis_constants, only : pi, deg2rad implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: ddd real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lst real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lat real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: lon real(kind=rp) :: wlon,dec real(kind=rp) :: teqnx,tf,teqt real(kind=rp) :: rlat,phi,cosx real(kind=rp), parameter :: humr = pi/12.0_rp real(kind=rp), parameter :: dumr = pi/182.5_rp real(kind=rp), parameter :: p(5) = (/0.017203534,0.034407068,0.051610602,0.068814136,0.103221204/) wlon = 360.0 - lon teqnx = ddd + (lst + wlon / 15.0_rp) / 24.0_rp + 0.9369_rp teqnx = ddd + 0.9369_rp ! Solar declination dec = 23.256_rp * sin(p(1) * (teqnx - 82.242_rp)) + 0.381_rp * sin(p(2)*(teqnx - 44.855_rp)) & + 0.167_rp * sin(p(3) * (teqnx - 23.355_rp)) - 0.013_rp * sin(p(4)*(teqnx + 11.97_rp)) & + 0.011_rp * sin(p(5) * (teqnx - 10.410_rp)) + 0.339137_rp dec = dec * deg2rad ! Equation of time tf = teqnx - 0.5_rp teqt = -7.38_rp * sin(p(1) * (tf - 4.0_rp)) - 9.87_rp * sin(p(2) * (tf + 9.0_rp)) & + 0.27_rp * sin(p(3) * (tf - 53.0_rp)) - 0.2_rp * cos(p(4) * (tf - 17.0_rp)) phi = humr * (lst - 12.0_rp) + teqt * deg2rad / 4.0_rp rlat = lat * deg2rad ! Cosine of solar zenith angle cosx = sin(rlat) * sin(dec) + cos(rlat) * cos(dec) * cos(phi) if (abs(cosx) .gt. 1.0_rp) cosx = sign(1.0_rp,cosx) solzen = acos(cosx) / deg2rad return end function solzen !================================================================================================== ! SFLUXMOD: Legacy nonlinear modulation of intra-annual, tide, and SPW terms !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function sfluxmod(iz,gf,parmset,dffact) use msis_constants, only : maxnbf, mbf, csfx, csfxmod use msis_init, only : basissubset, zsfx, tsfx, psfx implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iz real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: gf(0:maxnbf-1) type(basissubset), intent(in) :: parmset real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: dffact !Turns on or adjusts the delta-F terms added to F1 and F2 (eqns. A22b and A22c in Hedin (1987)). real(kind=rp) :: f1, f2, f3, sum integer :: j ! Intra-annual modulation factor if (swg(csfxmod)) then f1 = parmset%beta(csfxmod,iz) * gf(csfxmod) & + (parmset%beta(csfx+2,iz) * gf(csfxmod+2) + parmset%beta(csfx+3,iz) * gf(csfxmod+3) ) * dffact else f1 = 0.0_rp endif ! Migrating tide (local time) modulation factor if (swg(csfxmod+1)) then f2 = parmset%beta(csfxmod+1,iz) * gf(csfxmod) & + (parmset%beta(csfx+2,iz) * gf(csfxmod+2) + parmset%beta(csfx+3,iz) * gf(csfxmod+3) ) * dffact else f2 = 0.0_rp endif ! SPW (longitude) modulation factor if (swg(csfxmod+2)) then f3 = parmset%beta(csfxmod+2,iz) * gf(csfxmod) else f3 = 0.0_rp endif sum = 0.0 do j = 0, mbf ! Apply intra-annual modulation if (zsfx(j)) then sum = sum + parmset%beta(j,iz)*gf(j)*f1 cycle endif ! Apply migrating tide modulation if (tsfx(j)) then sum = sum + parmset%beta(j,iz)*gf(j)*f2 cycle endif ! Apply SPW modulation if (psfx(j)) then sum = sum + parmset%beta(j,iz)*gf(j)*f3 cycle endif enddo sfluxmod = sum return end function sfluxmod !================================================================================================== ! GEOMAG: Legacy nonlinear ap dependence (daily ap mode and ap history mode), including mixed ! ap/UT/Longitude terms. ! Master switch control is as follows: ! swg(cmag) .nor. swg(cmag+1) Do nothing: Return zero ! swg(cmag) .and. swg(cmag+1) Daily Ap mode ! swg(cmag) .neqv. swg(cmag+1) 3-hour ap history mode !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function geomag(p0,bf,plg) use msis_constants, only : nmag, cmag implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: p0(0:nmag-1) real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: bf(0:12) real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: plg(0:6,0:1) logical :: swg1(0:nmag-1) !Copy of switches real(kind=rp) :: p(0:nmag-1) !Copy of parameters used to apply switches real(kind=rp) :: delA, gbeta, ex, sumex, G(1:6) integer(4) :: i ! Return zero if both master switches are off if (.not. (swg(cmag) .or. swg(cmag+1))) then geomag = 0.0_rp return endif ! Copy parameters p = p0 swg1 = swg(cmag:cmag+nmag-1) ! Calculate function if (swg1(0) .eqv. swg1(1)) then ! Daily Ap mode if (p(1) .eq. 0) then !If k00s is zero, then cannot compute function geomag = 0.0_rp return endif where(.not. swg1(2:25)) p(2:25) = 0.0_rp !Apply switches p(8) = p0(8) !Need doy phase term delA = G0fn(bf(0),p(0),p(1)) geomag = ( p(2)*plg(0,0) + p(3)*plg(2,0) + p(4)*plg(4,0) & ! time independent + (p(5)*plg(1,0) + p(6)*plg(3,0) + p(7)*plg(5,0)) * cos(bf(8) - p(8)) & ! doy modulation + (p(9)*plg(1,1) + p(10)*plg(3,1) + p(11)*plg(5,1)) * cos(bf(9) - p(12)) & ! local time modulation + (1.0_rp + p(13)*plg(1,0)) * & (p(14)*plg(2,1) + p(15)*plg(4,1) + p(16)*plg(6,1)) * cos(bf(10) - p(17)) & ! longitude effect + (p(18)*plg(1,1) + p(19)*plg(3,1) + p(20)*plg(5,1)) * cos(bf(10) - p(21)) * & cos(bf(8) - p(8)) & ! longitude with doy modulaiton + (p(22)*plg(1,0) + p(23)*plg(3,0) + p(24)*plg(5,0)) * cos(bf(11) - p(25)) ) & ! universal time *delA else ! 3-hour ap history mode if (p(28) .eq. 0) then !If beta00 is zero, then cannot compute function geomag = 0.0 return endif where(.not. swg1(30:)) p(30:) = 0.0 !Apply switches p(36) = p0(36) !Need doy phase term gbeta = p(28)/(1 + p(29)*(45.0_rp - bf(12))) ex = exp(-10800.0_rp*gbeta) sumex = 1 + (1 - ex**19.0_rp) * ex**(0.5_rp) / (1 - ex) do i = 1, 6 G(i) = G0fn(bf(i),p(26),p(27)) enddo delA = ( G(1) & + ( G(2)*ex + G(3)*ex*ex + G(4)*ex**3.0_rp & +(G(5)*ex**4.0_rp + G(6)*ex**12.0_rp)*(1-ex**8.0_rp)/(1-ex) ) ) / sumex geomag = ( p(30)*plg(0,0) + p(31)*plg(2,0) + p(32)*plg(4,0) & ! time independent + (p(33)*plg(1,0) + p(34)*plg(3,0) + p(35)*plg(5,0)) * cos(bf(8) - p(36)) & ! doy modulation + (p(37)*plg(1,1) + p(38)*plg(3,1) + p(39)*plg(5,1)) * cos(bf(9) - p(40)) & ! local time modulation + (1.0_rp + p(41)*plg(1,0)) * & (p(42)*plg(2,1) + p(43)*plg(4,1) + p(44)*plg(6,1)) * cos(bf(10) - p(45)) & ! longitude effect + (p(46)*plg(1,1) + p(47)*plg(3,1) + p(48)*plg(5,1)) * cos(bf(10) - p(49)) * & cos(bf(8) - p(36)) & ! longitude with doy modulaiton + (p(50)*plg(1,0) + p(51)*plg(3,0) + p(52)*plg(5,0)) * cos(bf(11) - p(53)) ) & ! universal time *delA endif return contains real(kind=rp) function G0fn(a,k00r,k00s) real(kind=rp),intent(in) :: a, k00r, k00s G0fn = a + (k00r - 1.0_rp) * (a + (exp(-a*k00s) - 1.0_rp)/k00s) return end function G0fn end function geomag !================================================================================================== ! UTDEP: Legacy nonlinear UT dependence !================================================================================================== real(kind=rp) function utdep(p0,bf) use msis_constants, only : nut, cut implicit none real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: p0(0:nut-1) real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: bf(0:8) real(kind=rp) :: p(0:nut-1) !Copy of parameters used to apply switches logical :: swg1(0:nut-1) !Copy of switches !Copy parameters p = p0 swg1 = swg(cut:cut+nut-1) where(.not. swg1(3:nut-1)) p(3:nut-1) = 0.0 !Apply switches ! Calculate function utdep = cos(bf(0)-p(0)) * & (1 + p(3)*bf(4)*cos(bf(1)-p(1))) * & (1 + p(4)*bf(2)) * (1 + p(5)*bf(4)) * & (p(6)*bf(4) + p(7)*bf(5) + p(8)*bf(6)) + & cos(bf(0)-p(2)+2*bf(3)) * (p(9)*bf(7) + p(10)*bf(8)) * (1 + p(11)*bf(2)) return end function utdep end module msis_gfn